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Posts posted by ghostrider

  1. If your looking for a really easy linux distro to you I would try KNOPPIX. I use it in place of windows. Its really nice because of the fact that it runs on a CD, so you can bring it anywhere with you. I've also seen distros of KNOPPIX that run on flash drives, for even more portability. KNOPPIX is very much like windows, it has a task bar, and a menu with programs. However the way folders are organized with Linux is different then the way in Windows. There are no drives per say on Linux, on knoppix they are accessible throught /media. Your root, or place with all the folders is in the directory /. Instead of backward slashes like Windows, Linux uses forward slashes (/) to seperate directories. That was the biggest problem I had to overcome when switching to Linux. KNOPPIX also has the ability to be installed on the hard drive. This however is harder to do, it took me all of lunch time with my friend David to figure it out, but if that is what you need you can PM me and I can lead you thorught the proper steps to do so. I hope this helps.

  2. I don't know much about partitioning in Windows, but here is what I would do. Create three partitions, one for Windows XP, one for Windows Vista, and then a BIG one that you can share files on between the operating systems. I don't think you'll notice a difference between XP and Vista with the same processor and the same amount of RAM. 64-bit technology is still new, and its not going to make much of a difference now anyway. Just because an operating system can support 64-bit technology doesn't mean that applications it run can.Try PartitonMagic, although you need to by it. As for a boot loader, if you don't have one, use GRUB. Hope this helps.

  3. Most of the older applications only optimize the single processing unit. The technology in the applications is poor and it will only pick up the single one, thus making the computer slower.

    That doesn't sound right to me. I know Assembly Language and I've read the Intel documents on dual core technology, the Operating System always controls which processor does what. It will not matter whether the application runs on one processor or two. HOWEVER, programs that are not optimized for 64-bit technology, which is different than dual core, will run slower 32-bit code on 64-bit intel processors is emulated. This essentially makes all programs that don't use 64-bit technology slower on a 64-bit chip than on a 32-bit chip.

    Dual core is still a new technology. I see Intel now has a quad core chip. Personally, I'm going to wait a couple years for a new computer, so I can see what else Intel will come out with.

  4. theres a bug somewhere in this query and i can't seem to find it. does anyone else see it?

    $query = "insert into templates (tuid,tname,tdescription,template,archivedefault) values (1,'Sample Archive Template','A sample archive template that only shows the name of the article with a link to the default article viewer.','<a href='viewarticle1.php?aid=[id]'>[articletitle]</a>',FALSE)";

  5. Is there any one way that I can protect something that I have written? 2 weeks ago I was contracted to write a script for a friend in California for $300. I have known him for a while, and I know he will respect my work, but if I sell this to other people how can I make sure they do the same? I would like to sell this script to others. I have thought of a couple possible ways to protect my code but I don't really like any of them. My question to you is whether I should use one of these ideas, or if there is a simpler way to protect my work.

    My first idea would be running the script off my own server and giving any customer that buys it access to it. However this wastes bandwidth and includes more programming for me, and even more modification of my script. It would also require me to step up more mysql tables which in turn takes up my space.

    My second option would to be to use an include statement. Without function.php, my script is uesless. I could write a small PHP file that is included in the script, a PHP file that I could change to either allow or deny the transfer of function.php. It would work something like this.

    // This is the code on the user's serverinclude('http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;;

    // This is check.php// This PHP file would be transfered from the user's server.// $allowed would either be true or false, which would allow me to control whether or not the user gets the code.<?PHP$allowed = TRUE;if ($allowed == TRUE) {include('http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ {die();}

    The above script presents two problems however. If my server is done, that means his script is done, which looks horrible on my part. Also if I ever change domain names or hosts then all the scripts need to be uploaded to reflect that.

    These are my two ideas? Does anyone have any other ideas, or a way I can improve on these?
    Thank you.

  6. My friend just called me, asking for a place to get drivers for Linux. I know a little about Linux, but not enough to help him out. He's using the distro ubuntu, and he needs a driver for a wireless card. The card he is using is a Dell Wireless 1350 802.11 B-GPC. I know nothing about Linux drivers, I use knoppix and everything I need is already on the CD. Can someone help me?

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