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Everything posted by nonon

  1. yeah m8, that would get into my nerves as well...Why don't you start looking for another job elsewhere(yes i'm aware of the economical crisis your country faces), maybe go with your m8...I don't really know what to say to help you out... ...but if i were you, at least i would make some porno photo manipulation with your boss's face in photoshop (like being spanked by an old woman, or worse but it would be censored ) and discretly spread it around the company ...did i say that ? ...of course i wouldn't do such a lousy thing ...so i would never be caught i guess i would share it with someone else as well, as you already did
  2. I've read the book, "Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown, a fiction novel, yes it's about the holy grail, it's a popcorn kind of book, it's so easy and compelling (i read a lot,all kinds of books)that only took me 4 days to finish it out...The real Da Vinci code it's another matter. Leonard was one of the first crypthophy inventor/user in history, all his writings are in a personal code, more or less decodified but still with lots of curious things, allmost all of his (few) paintings are subject of theories and scpeculations behind them. The Last Supper, was recently imitated in "The Sopranos", an american mob tv-serie i happen to like. There's also a book about this, but in the historical documentary type of view...
  3. Sorry m8 i'm out of time to do this for you, at least for the next three weeks in a row But my friend it isn't a difficult task to do, just a time burning one, i suggest you download some Gif animation software and do it yourself, since it's quite easy once you already have the main image... Here a link to start A beginner's look at animated Gif's...but of course, google (as you already know) will help you out Good luck Regards Nuno PS:almost forgot, i've taken a look at your site, it's awesome m8, congratulations!
  4. nonon

    Google Hacked?

    Google hacked ?!! Well i don't think so, aldo i believe that it can be done ( by some really professional hackers ) ...microsoft and yahoo got hacked ( at least once ), my guess is you got something messed up in your connection ...happy to see that everything is ok now
  5. Cool!!! I've tried it...now hoping for no side-effects Thanks m8
  6. I use soulseek but it isn't free of spyware...i'm now running microsoft anti-spyware utility...I'll try shareazaa, hope it's as good for mp3 as soulseek...
  7. I've voted for Macromedia Dreamweaver, it's the best but not for free...at least for most(?) people As a free editor i did enjoyed Editplus
  8. You should check out Yahoo Games Lot's of puzzles and free stuff...of course you can always try google Hope it helps out Regards Nuno
  9. Better yet: use Java Server Pages :(But it's hard to find a host for it...Trap17 is one ;PRegardsNuno
  10. Hi, i've just installed msn messenger 7 and i'm not quite happy with it...Everytime i start to talk to someone, it opens the window with the configuration options!!!!I then click ok, or make some little change and save it, but it keeps poping up every time... Can you help me ? Plz...
  11. Will that javascript code work cross-browser? i mean with internet explorer, netscape navigator, modzilla firefox, opera, etc, etc, etc
  12. nonon

    Pentium Vs Amd

    Yeah m8 go for AMDcheaper,faster and reliablegood luck
  13. I would go for the notebook.I've got to make that decision years ago and i've chosen desktop since they where cheaper and easy upgradable, but i only knew the spectacular advantages of having your computer with you all the times when i won a laptop in a contest -_-Now i prefer my notebook over my desktop even if the desktop is faster...
  14. Thanks whyme I've seen you post, i do have a small question, do you have the list of payed keywords ?
  15. Well Se7en his the best movie ever :lol:Aldo there's plenty good movies out there
  16. Hi, jordanliuhao is right, Javascript is client-side, so you won't need a thing from Xisto but you must be sure that your client (e.g. the person who watches your page) has Javascript Enabled on the browser, not all have... As far a Java Server Pages, it's hard to find any info on this, and i also looked for that specifique list but without sucess, i've PMed Admin but i'm having the same lack of answer as rovertos, someone told me that OpaQue is kind of busy right now so...still waiting...and trying to as active as i can... Wish you luck, regards Nuno
  17. Hi, i'm starting to learn PostGRE and i'm kind of new to SQLDo you know any good tutorials on this ?I'm using Eclipse with Azzuri plugin for databases, i'm going to need to use JavaBeans with Xisto PostGRE db's, if you know any more specific tutorials on this, please let me know...ThanksNuno
  18. spiderink is right, i have the same problem as i want to use the jsp features of Xisto, i've pm'ed OpaQue but i'm still waiting for those permissions since he is kind of very busy lately...OpaQue told me that anyone who wants JSP need to post that in "Misc Requests" so go for it Long Live JAVA
  19. :lol:Well this site isn't up no more...:)Anyone more?
  20. Well i've downloaded DC++ but i can't work with it since my college firewall doesn't allows it:( I've asked about this software to some m8's of mine and they were unanimous in saying that's indeed the best p2p software to use, aldo i can't use it here, i do thank you for your good advice Meanwhile i've solved my problem by full uninstalling Soulseek and a clean install that is now working fine...Once again thanks for the tip m8 I think we can now close this topic
  21. DC++? Where's the website ? (ok ok i'll try google )Ok i will give it a try...but i must say that Soulseek was great while it worked, especcially the "whishlist" feature, very good for finding particular hard-to-get files.Thanks m8Nuno
  22. Hi, i must say that i already used the pipelining tweak, a trick that i've learned here, somewhere...can't quite recall...but with no problems.I'm not sure that we are talking about the same thing since i couldn't open up your page
  23. Hi, that's what i call a HUGE post Well i'm know learning Web Services that i will have to use with Servlets/JSP/XML in my college project, i've read your post, i must say it's a good intro to the subject. Now i need some practicle examples in order to get my first one's :lol:Besides W3C do you know any good sites on this matter ? Regards
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