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Everything posted by nonon

  1. Hi, i normally use soulseek as my p2p software and i was quite happy with it until i was forced to move to the new 156 version. Now i can't do nothing no more It starts working fine but in less than a minute, i have my CPU up to 100% and my memory requests are shooting high, if i wait for near 15 minutes i got a "can't log on, server might be temporarily down"... :)I've went to their site, and quite a lot o people are experiencing the same, but without any reply anwser from the soulseek team....does anyone has the same problem and has worked out a solution ?
  2. Well i just use winamp 2!!It has all features i need, it's quite lighter and faster than windows media player and reads out the informations tags in the files so i easily know what i'm listening to...I can also see movies in it...
  3. Well i would say that China should apologize, but they are hungry at Japanese...well hope they solve this the good diplomatic way...As far as the history books, well the chinese can't say a word since they have done the same, or even worse (i never saw japanese burning out books), did you know that the Palestinians do the same, in their school maps it's impossible to find Israel :lol:I don't share alperuzi's opinion on the chinese army, chinese have always been too many, but in their history, they where defeated by smaller countrys with better militar technology, the Mongols, the English (the Opium war, that seized over Hong-Kong and only now released it), the Japanese who kicked their *bottom* badly until the Americans came in...Nowdays, China is buying weapons in order to upgrade their army to Taiwan's (yes that very small island) levels...hope it doesn't start a war over this...
  4. Well i was hoping for a poor-country Pope, African for instance, but according to the press, the catholics aren't ready yet for a black pope (?!)The media said the entire week, that Ratzinger was the favourite, a ultra-conservative man, and a man of the vatican-machine, powerful enough to overtrone the ever lasting saying that affirms that the one who enters "papable" comes out cardinal as entered...I'm not catholic aldo had some catholic education (my parent's never did understood that i prefered futeboll instead ), i'm not a christian, or belong to any kind of religion, help the next man is enough for me, i love the filosophy of Christ, i believe in God, and i do wish the Pope turns out to be a great one, a man of peace, may it finally come to all the humanity...and bring some love along
  5. Thanks OpaQue, request posted only to good members? ? What can i say ? I intent to be around for quite a while, i've participated at the banner contest for Xisto - Web Hosting, and i'm voting for you guys right now :(Not the excepcional user as don't have much daily net time, but... if online, i'm around here :DWell, darvtech, hope you have cleared out your doubts, i did, now i keep my fingers crossed for some nice Admin hospitality
  6. I'm having the same doubts...:oWhy doesn't anyone reply's to this post?Maybe the wrong forum ? Have you already come to an answer or a conclusion?If so please contact me, i will do the same if i find a way out of this.RegardsNuno
  7. nonon

    Learning Java

    Hi, i'm also learning Java (Server Pages - JSP) i must recommend the obvious: Sun's Java Official Web Site which is always up-to-date and has tousands of links to good free tutorials so you can save your book money for something different (a Xisto - Web Hosting paid account?)... Regards Nuno
  8. I'm now starting to make my own sites. The first one, is extremely simple, for a non-profit organization, Food for Life Global, but our Porto Delegation, where i'm volunteer since 2002. The site is in Portuguese, but is so simple anyone can easly guess what it what The other one, Veda, is a college project for an example of a online shop, is still under construction and planning... In future will have to improve the simple F4L, and to make my own homepage, as i'm ashamed of myself for still not having one Do good, help the next fellow Regards Nuno
  9. Well i use most of the previous mentioned sites, but there's one more, a very neat one, not only to javascript, with sources and all, the codelifter, be free to try out: http://www.codelifter.com/main/javascript/ PS:Congratulations fsastraps, Hotscripts is a very cool site
  10. Well i would be very interested in such method...can someone post-it out? please Nowdays i test the site in Firefox, but i've got to do the same test on IE, i try to make something that works out well for both,i always achieve...but they do look very different as in Firefox the forms are smaller,etc,etc...Good LuckCheersNuno
  11. Well i use Adobe Photoshop!! I've seen this tutorial - How to create a favoicon to web sites, quite a while and it's really cool!! The only thing you need is to install a very small plugin, donationware, without any spyware (at least i didn't detected anything),and you will be able to save any file into the icon format. The plugin ? ya, right over here Hope it helps out, at least some of you, the lucky ones like me, that use Adobe Photoshop
  12. Thanks m8 It works out fine, i've tested against a friend's non-tweaked firefox, side by side, sharing the same broadband connection, i was faster Aldo I did a little mess, in the first time i've tryied to change my default pipelining from 4 to 30 i've acidentally introduced a command with the name "30" with 30 as is integer value. I've tryied to delete it but i couldn't figure out how Can anyone help me out ?
  13. I believe in God, but in no religion, yet i did liked very much John Paul 2, spite our differences of opinion, in various matters suchs as the use of condoms, the right to legal abortion, etc, etc,He will rest in peace...
  14. I don't really have favorites, all i have are very good movies Ok ok here's some of them Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels Se7en Trainspotting Ice Age ....
  15. I use a Logitech Traveller (optical), it's very good looking, fast, reliable and comes with both usb & ps2 ports, normally i use the ps2 since it's the only usefull purpose for it, and i free up 1USB, i brought-it in a special promotion, sometimes i also use a touch pad but i prefer the mouse all the times...I also have a real mouse ...how shoulded i voted for the poll?The one i use the most?
  16. I have much more, but only because i do regular backups to cdr, otherwise it would be impossible, i try not to waste much time in all this process so i don't became a mp3-slave, but what can i do? i love music, i love to listen to new songs.Well who doesn't ? Nuno
  17. I've lived in Paris but i didn't know of this Nowdays, back in Portugal, i must say that in here we have problems, as least officialy, not unofficially we don't except if we start selling the hot stuff. I've seen several police interviews and they are only looking for big sharks that do large scaling piracy, common people (like us? ) that only does P2P for personnal use doesn't gets molested or investigated by no one Still we shouldn't agree with piracy and neither the less with the excessive high prices of music, software and movies. Lay down the prices and people will start buying more...i guess
  18. Awesome site, lots cool free stuff, liked the templates and the photoshop tutorials Here's another cool site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Have nice templates
  19. Can you explain me how in the hell we get a virus just by adding a guy in our list? Is messenger that dangerous? I thought that only danger was when you accepted applications .exe .com etc
  20. Hi :)I've voted for JSP / ServletsIt's true it's more complicated to work with these technologies but it's the future of web programming, ok ok , php is also a very good choice for small sites, but if you want things real neat and functional you've got to make at least three layers, from top to bottom: Presentation Layer (html)<->Business-Logic Layer (jsp,asp,etc...)<->Data Layer (DB)Note that each layer only communicates with the adjacents, it should be possible to the Presentation Layer to acess the Data Layer directly, instead it should communicate with the Business-Logic Layer in order to get the Data.This is the best way to produce good aplicattions that are more flexivel, easily scalable, reliable, and powerfullHave a good programming :)Nuno Rodrigues
  21. Hi, i'm looking for free(or with ads ) daily cartoons, jokes by javascript or rss feed. If you know some, please post the address. Any tips?ThanksNuno Rodrigues
  22. Hi I also use Dreamweaver but you can also find some interesting editors in here: http://www.php-editors.com/ http://devphp.sourceforge.net/ http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/phpide.html Hope you find what you're looking for
  23. :)Well i must say i'm a lazy one I use Dreamweaver (doesn't takes that long to load) for all
  24. Well, i've checked out your site and i must say it looks quite good. There are some errors, some of the msn images don't appear yet, nothing serious i guess.I know a site with free interfaces also real cool, and with plenty of links that you may find interesting: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Good luck and keep up the good work
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