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Posts posted by pixieloo

  1. I also think homosexuality is wrong, but there's no need to discriminate against homosexuals. Homosexuality is a sin just like any other. That doesn't mean it gets special treatment. It says in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong, but lying is also wrong. But someone who lies can still get into heaven. They should be trying not to lie, but they can still go to heaven if they believe that Jesus died for them. What we do doesn't determine our final destination. Believing in Jesus does. If a homosexual is striving not to be a homosexual (yes, it is possible), and believes in Jesus, then I think God will accept that.

  2. The Bible is never wrong because God wrote it. Plus, I don't think the Bible says that Earth is the center of the universe.Belief affects everything. How and what you think are going to affect how you live your life. But, just because you believe something does not mean it is necessarily true.

  3. I love The Five People You Meet In Heaven, by Mitch Albom. It's about this man who has died, and has moved on to the afterlife. He meets five people there, each of them significant in some way in his life. They are either people he know, or people he doesn't know, but all of them have affected him in some way. It's a really interesting book, and it's wonderfully written.

  4. I don't think Harry Potter is evil, but there are a lot of killings, and they all have something to do with him. If he hadn't lived when Voldemort tried to kill him, then we wouldn't be reading about it, and that would be no fun.But a lot of the bad things that happen are Harry's fault, in a way.I'd also like to see Sirius back. And I wish J.K. Rowling hadn't killed off so many people.

  5. I watched that movie! A lot of it almost made me cry, but when that kid whoses brother got killed started crying, I started to cry too =[ It made me realize just how lucky we are to even live in a somewhat sife environment. Plus, it's amazing that they're stilling praising God even in their situation. I don't think I'd be able to go through that.You can also buy t-shirts from the website. I want to buy a bracelet, so that I can remind myself that each day is gift, not to be taken for granted.

  6. None of the other planets (atleast in our solar system) have any sign of life, because they do not hold the requirements to store life. We need water for hydration, we need oxygen to breathe (we put out carbon dioxide, for plants, while they put out oxygen for us) . We need the sun for warmth. Life began, because of energy from the sun, and lightening, mixing with the hot water/lava on our earth, it created tiny simple organisms that later and eventually progressed into more complex organisms. Not because some god created it. The whole world doesn't revolve around humans, even though most people think it does. None of the stuff on earth was made for US, they just happen to be the only things that can handle us. If god exists, than why aren't people perfect, and why have we gone (not just humans) through so many changes. Wouldn't god create the 'perfect' beings if he supposedly has such a power?

    Maybe none of the planets have any sign of life because humans ARE the main focus of God's creation. What are the chances that there is just enough oxygen to meet our needs, that there even is water, and the the sun is just close enough for there to be living creatures? And I do believe that everything on this planet was made for us, or to reveal God's glory.

    God did, in fact, create perfect humans in the beginning. But he also gave us free will. And the first humans chose to use that free will for the worse. And there we have it - impefect humans.

  7. Christians are ridiculed for believing in God too. We're ridiculed most by the scientific community, which is easy to believe.Well, nobody said you were a Christian. You can't stop a Christian from praying for you, or God from blessing you. I'm sorry that Christians seem pushy, but many Christians simply want their friends and family to spend eternity with them in heaven, whether you believe in it or not.God answers all prayers, according to his will. He can answer no if he wants to. Just because we pray about something doesn't mean it will be done.As for your statement, "I cannot go to any place I do not believe in," I don't believe this is true. Perhaps because I'm a Christian, but I believe that there is absolute truth. That is, there may be a million wrong things in the world, but there is one right. If someone lies to you, and you believe it, you're going to live off that lie, and believe it true. But that doesn't mean the consequences of that lie won't affect you.People believe different things, and that doesn't mean we should be discriminating each other. I know that Jesus died for me, and that is my truth. Whether or not you believe it is up to you. You say what if other religions are right? Well, what if Christianity is right?

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