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Everything posted by randomdood

  1. apparently their not gonna make the movies, the one was a one off to promote the books or something. i'm prob get that 13th book tomoz, i have all of them and now 1 more
  2. welcome, maybe not all the features bhavesh but most of them you'll ever need. i hope you enjoy your time here and enjoy the hosting.
  3. i guess what jlhaslip said is good advice but sometimes it's really not that easy, i think try to get to know them better, the more you know them the easier you can talk to them hence the easier it is to say
  4. when you d/l a file straight from IE or FF they can get corrupt like yacoby said but also the speed increases a lot. also like yacoby said you can continue downloads. it increases speed by making multiple connections to the server it downlaods from, so it starts from various point in the download while IE or firefox start from the start which would take longer. if you want download flashget (http://www.flashget.com/) and when your downloading somehting then look at the graph/log, and look at one of the jets, you can see it's downloading from multiple points.
  5. i love photography maybe thats why i do spend quite a bit of time in PS, i don't think we're weird we just like Graphics like a salesperson would be looking at the prices of everything and how it would compare to theirs i look at my graphics and others and tall myself "they suck" or "wow i could do that", i guess you could call it passionate or an obsessoin, but at the end of the day it's just a load of fun!
  6. great story, i mean you came from so far, i guess everyone has to start somewhere but you have come a big way since then. good thing your company took off and i hope for a prosporous future.
  7. well, the site is actually php but the coding that i think is messing it up is in html, if that makes sense. but that code you gave me screws it up....maybe cuz it's a php doc (yes i know this is html section but the problem i'm having is with the html not the php)edit: it doesn't really screw it up but it makes the page load take about 2mins which isn't right.)
  8. my webpage http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has something wrong with it, as soon as you load the page the menu appears on the right then goes to it's spot on the left, any help? As Soon As Poosible would be nice but there is no rush really.... (only hosting it there for now, when i finish the website it will be moved to trap) Notice from saint-michael: Title needs to be more discriptive then just help, so as to get a better answer from the members.
  9. lol, i live in australia too, i think it's hilarious.i just like to add that this was writen before Isreal attacked lebonan (whatever the spelling is) and that this was also before we KNEW that NK had nukes.
  10. welcome, i have no idea how to make rocks and things like that, i do know how to make planets though. if your interested just say so and i'll PM you the tutorial. the paper looks too blurred at the edges, also try going for a different bg color.
  11. thankyou, i've been looking for a site like this for a while and now you've given me my answer, thankyou so much! Notice from Avalon: Removed duplicate posts
  12. if you want to block a IP adress just use a .htaccess file. to make one just go to this site. http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess.shtml
  13. there all pretty simple but very usefull to some people, thankyou for sharing, your very kind.
  14. not to be rude in bumping or anything but any word about more votes?
  15. couldn't find this topic so i think it hasn't been made yet.......
  16. hmm, the arm/head/gun doesn't look to good. don't know if it started out like that or you applied a filter or something, it just doesn't look right./...the blue in the background is way too blurred, actually the whole background is.the text needs a little work too. i think you should try to use a better render, a sharper bg (not too sharp though) and you will end up with a much better sig in the end.
  17. i wonder where i got batang from.......... i don't remember installing it, i'll try to have a look around, i've seen some really good sig peoploe use a font and i thought i'll look for it then i came acroess batang in PS. i'll see what i can do. hope to see you new sig soon!EDIT: i just found out it comes with office,
  18. i'll see if i get time one day, those shows are quite interesting :)o only double episode anyway , lol, it oldish topic too.i haven't watched for a while actually used to be really in to it. anyway thanks for reminding me to watch i sometime albus
  19. i think i do need to lower the opacity of the text, i didn't use 1 brush in the entire sig! also with this sig i think it could use a border, but i think a lot of my other sigs don't really need them, maybe this one andmy current one. i think i know what the smear on his face is and i can easily get rid of that.
  20. why yes it does suk! some companies in australia probally would like come graphics designers but as i've said no one here wants to pay for anything, i guess thats why most of the graphics designers are in america, i'll have a look around and see how much they are paying but i can tell you it won't be much at all.
  21. man if a compny would to make cutom mp3 players for peple they would be raking in the cash! ^^^ that is a really good idea since there isn't much choice, i mean you got your 512's (couple of good ones but not a lot of space) then you got you 5/6 gigs (apple and iriver mainly, iriver probally better) then your 20/40/60 gig ones that should have a lot more features but cost a lot. like if i wanted a mp3 player that plays mpeg's aswell and has space i would probally go for the iriver h340 cuz it has more space than the h320 and ipod videos work of there own format (mp4 crap)
  22. i did this for a comp, the rules were ithad to be a pop 70's sig.
  23. thats fine, i would just like you to do them some time as they could help, but if your bsy i'm not gonna make you
  24. show us a version without that top layer on there, also maybe try to add a warming filter,it could help to add some depth to the image. also maybe try to have some more color in it.
  25. try making the border a bit smaller, never thought of that :)anyway did you get the tutorials i sent you? try following one of them if you did, they can be very helpfull.
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