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Everything posted by snitch

  1. I dont have a job yet, Im 17 though, :-(. But this summer and next year I will be pursuing getting a part time job and making some $$ heh...
  2. Many of you may or may not have heard of Parkour. Parkour is the art of movement using your surroundings to manuever up, and over, and through obstacles. Simply put, its freestyle running. The Matrix has many instances of this sport, however it is glamour'fied with Hollywood effects. Stunts like wall running, jumping over bars (like hurdles but metal bars), front flips, rooftop chases, its all a developed sport, and its called Parkour. I start PK'ng about a month ago, and it has rapidly changed the way I view my environments. Rather than how I used to think, one tracked, example: ill go around the fence through the access gate, why not run jump over the gate, or tap a foot off a wall at a running angle and jump over the fence? Its becoming a way of life for me, if anyone is interested check out this fun sites. /urbanfreeflow?_fb_noscript=1 http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=screwgravity&e=com http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. As my junior year of highschool winds down, I feel anxiety and mayhem. Those last few projects i turn in, my huge essays, and the dreaded finals. My grades are the best they have ever been, and for me, a 3.0 is what I will end up with, and thats grand for me. Im just barely going to graduate, with 1.5 credits under the maximum amount. (26max i will have 24.5...heh) Anyways, I've worked the hardest i ever have, and im proud of myself, its been a great year, and i have one left. w00t.
  4. Basically,My stepdad is a loser who treats my mom horribly, he is a controlling person, and she really deserves better than that. But it doesn't matter because she never acknowledges me anyways, im 17 years old and in the summer im going to have a 8' o clock curfew. At least I have my girlfriend she understands it all, but we wont be around each other for the same amounts of time we are now, she is graduating HS and i have 1 more year. Then its WORK WORK WORk next year and this summer, to move out, and then to live in an apartment with her, and attend college. Which I jsut cant figure out how that will work because it's going to cost so much. And school, I dont know what I want to do with my life, I used to know, but now i dont. Yea im a kid, with a year or so to decide but, I'm a cronic planner, i plan literally everything, its a bad habit but I just cant get over it, which is why im so anxious all the time, biting my nails, wondering whats going to happen the next few minutes.I have a lot more, but i'll save it for another time, thanks for listening, if anyone does .
  5. World of Warcraft would definately be the best MMOrpg, in terms of popularity. Guild Wars is also great, especially with the new expansion of Factions. Has anyone tried FFXI? I really want to play that for the 360.But most likely World of Warcraft or Diablo 2 would be the best MMOrpgs.
  6. I used to play this killer game on the Xbox, but my Xbox died about a year ago, so I didnt have any chances to play it. Recently I was searching ebay and came across the PC version for 11.95 (after shipping). This is a really fun first person shooter with many RPG aspects implemented into the gameplay. I personally recomend this game to anyone looking for a new simple game to play. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (where i purchased it)
  7. Last summer I began my adventures in the MMOrpg arena searching, testing and playing for countless hours, one of the coolest genres of video games invented.I've played everything from Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Knight Online, Rose Online, Gunbound, GunZ and recently I started playing Fly for Fun.Free (out of the US developed) MMOrpgs have been a growing fad, and I've played a lot of them, all of which claim they are free but end up being p2p in the end. But FlyFF is different, FlyFF is free to play, but there is a cash shop system integrated. Do any of you other users play free MMOrpgs?
  8. For the past, what, five or six years Google has become HUGE. I remember when everyone started using google, and where the infamous "google it" phrase began. Today, Google has so much more to offer.Google has a toolbar that has rapidly became popular and integrates into most web browsers, and also is packaged with a lot of software these days.Google has a global map system, called Google Earth. Most of you by now have probably tried it, but you can type in any address on the planet, and you can literally connect to satellite images and view your destination.Google also has started a video sharing system, Google video, where users upload their personal videos to share to the world.And finally Google has offered ways to make money via advertisements, Google AdSense. A nifty little way to make some $$ for those desired *clicks*.Google is rapidly expanding across the net, any ideas where it could head next?
  9. My girlfriend actually uses this as well. She makes probably 30$ a month just from doing the offers. And she told me they get approved incredibly fast. She used to use Treasure Trooper, but the offers took too long to be approved.
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