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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. I don't like IE. It clutters my taskbar because of no tab support, and the MSN toolbar that adds that functionality is bloated. IE is not HTML standards compliant as opera nor firefox, and its getting even more farther away as time progresses and better things come out. It is highly expliotable and you can end up getting a lot more spyware than Opera or FireFox will ever give you because its integrated into the Operating System.Opera 9 has got to be my favorite browser because it integrates everything I will ever need and is HTML standards compliant. My only gripe is that it can load a YTMND right.
  2. The USA is not a Democracy, and never was. The USA is a republic like Rome. A true democracy is like one in ancient greece - everyone votes for the laws - not some representatives. I personally believe that actual democacy would be better than having a republic.In the USA, we don't have a true Democracy. A true democracy is where all people vote on laws and not just a parliment or congress. That is called a republic. I don't really like the system of the republic, and I believe that we should have more of a real democracy.
  3. It's been tried before, and the country that tried it collapsed in 1991.A fundamentalist government based around athiesm just wouldn't work in this day and age unless you use an underdeveloped country because like I said in a previous post - the modernn world is too spoiled for such an expiriment to go through.
  4. That's strange... I was wondering why a post I didn't make was on the second page...
  5. It's all about self control and management. If people weren't so spoiled by technology like the automobile or eating so many calories and doing jack about them, there would be less obiesity in the world. I'll bet many of you don't even know it's ride your bike to work day!
  6. For those who haven't played it, please read the following section. For those who have, feel free to skip to the last section.Gunz is an alternative shooting game. It is an MMOTPS combining RPG elements with elements of Wire-Fu movies and FPSes like Quake. It may be obtained at Gunzonline.com, and has a better summary than I could ever do condensed into this post. Has anyone ever heard of the game or played it? I play it once in a while, it's pretty cool, but playing it for longer periods of time gets repetitive. My real gripe about it is the Torrent Client built into the launcher. Azereus detects the peers much better.
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