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Everything posted by sasuki

  1. my biggest life changing experience was to say the truth when i broke up with the biggest love of my life. Not much because of her, but because i felt really alone and that made me think about a subject that was in my mind for a year. it really changed my perspective around...it made me think about life itself and my view of it... it really changed me... and i have to say it was pretty scary. i thought i would die in the process but i didn't (but it was close) it was like a life battle against your greatest fear and challenge... and i won :)After that i passed many changes, many interesting experiences and i changed to a degree but never i transform as much as in that experience...it's not very clear my account if it... but it's as should be because every life experience is personal above all and what is personal it's very hard to make others understand isn't it?cheers
  2. i agree in part... but i think it's just sad to see out values being put aside by violence... that makes me think that reason has no strenght against violence, that the only way to fight violence, in some degree, is violence itself, because otherwise you'll always be the victim.And laws in great degree protect the outlaw. i don't think that they should be impartial because no one is impartial to the victim. sorry for not adding much to the resolve of the subject... i had to say this
  3. that issue is complicated...i for one think that sometimes they're too overprotective. I will not be like that. But in much things i agree with them... and respect them for it :)but what i'm gonna do when i'm a father (if i will be one anyway...) that's pretty complicated. But i think i'm gonna be crystal clear with them... they'll always know with what them count on that's for sure :)cheers
  4. we all do that man... :)it's good to in some sense since next time you'll try to act diferent... and it will probably be a a little bit better cheers
  5. sasuki


    i'm not personally a goth, but one of my best friends is goth and i like him a lot.Being a goth it's really a state of mind. And if you like it be it... don't care with what other persons think about it. be yourself. that's what i think :)I have many particullar stereotypes associated lol some may say i'm a geek, others that i'm goth (because i love black ), other's that i'm a spoil brat, others a metrossexual, others a tecnossexual... i am what i am, not a style or a line of thought, but multiple so i simply don't care :Dso if you like being a goth, be that way. don't care with other people say or think. at least that made your stronger and brighter didn't it? :Dcheers
  6. lol i don't believe actually in ghosts but i believe in presences.i'll make it clear... :)i don't believe even in souls, much because every being of earth and the universe should have one and, due to the fact that human population is growing so fast, where is all the stock of souls to all of these bunch? but i do believe that we can alter an enviroment by our presence and that if we do that , it can leave an imprint of yourselves there. so in some sense we continue there i'll research more about it :Dcheers
  7. computers it's pretty much a boys' playground... so you're always at disavantage. but look at the bright side, there will never have any unanswered prayers :)i confess... i'm a guy over 18 years lol (like you didn't noticed... )
  8. i don't think they acted pretty well on the matter too... psicology and pedagogy exist for something :)making a tantrum is common to children, if they would be all arrested by that in no time we would have a lot baby-prisions... and baby-convicts. LOL that's a scary thought.geez this day and age people are just geeting completely freaked out :|
  9. it's complicated arnz... :)especially in programming because it is made pretty much of the moment. lol Sometimes you have periods filled with great thoughts, other times you haven't good a single meaningfull idea. so... sleep much of the times gets the backseat in my life lol
  10. 21 isn't old at all... for me it's not how long you live but how you face it that's what makes you old or not. :)at 21 there are people that act like they have 80 years, others that act like 40 and other that like like 12 lol it's pretty much what you make of it... :)about responsabilities it's life... you have to get the hold of the all of your life. that means being responsable, or else it's gonna be rought. But that child never disappears. it's always there when you open the door to that childdish feeling you have inside of you...don't worry... be happy
  11. LOL it must be shocking... i'll try to see but relatively to you're being selfish... you're just thinking about yourself. you shouldn't be mean to others not because of yourself, but because of them... we're here to try to be happy or achieve a porpuse or a goal in life, and not to make everyone miserable isn't it so? i'll see the movie too cheers
  12. I founded it too in a Web hosts review site :)it was when i was losing all hope of finding a good host... that i found this cool place to hang and to host a site i think
  13. i like to help so if anyone needs my help i'm here... :)just a question... is there any section for posting your doubts in hmtl, xml or other technology? i don't seem to find it... :\
  14. i don't agree in death penalty, i prefer life in prision.What good will do if you just kill the person for their violent behaviors and crimes, isn't it better to let them repend for their sins with all their lifes?Killing is non-sense even because if you kill a person, probably he/she will never nothing ever again (i don't believe in life after death as it is thought... ) so you're giving peace to someone who doesn't deserve it... is there any real good in it?i think not... i would prefer to let them repend with all their lifes... but that's just me :)cheers
  15. i'm europen and i think the same as moh...i don't think usa will move to war for now of at all, even because of the popularity of the president... he knows aswell as his advisors that if he advances to iran without a good reason he will lose the the little support he still has. so i don't believe in it thankfully... :)about the regime in iran, i think that every comunity is responsible of itself, and if a change is to occur it should be from the inside. so i'm totally against the possible war. cheers
  16. sorry i don't have any real answer to your problem other than moving... and that makes me sad. we are so proud of our society, but violence continues to have the upper hand against reason... it really sickens me... if i were you i'd really batter him up a good deal... perhaps masked so he would slow down a great bit :)it's not a good a solution... it's just a solution :\
  17. I for one think that thinking it's not bad...why doubting ourselfs is that bad? it's better that thinking about little things that doesn't matter at all :DI have doubted myself and others... and i found my answers in my doubts. I think that this path is just bad for the ones that doesn't go to the end of the line. If you go you'll find your answers... :)There aren't things that shouldn't be thought... that's prisioning your mind inside a golden cage. your thoughts determine in much degree the life you take and the destiny you'll have. so think what you want and you'll have your own life. Thought is a structure that considers possibilities but doesn't has a will or defined way... you have to use it with your will so you don't lose yourself inside of it... but think what you want... there isn't good and bad thoughts, because that's our mere classification of them, there is only thoughts :)The most you'll achieve with thinking a lot is the recognition of your limitations.. so don't fear thinking that much... :DAt other point i try not to follow an optimistic nor negative perspective of life, mainly because it's an ilusion of the mind. I try to see the reality of it... even though i some times give it a little bit of optimism :DI think that everyone should take their path in life and if that means thinking a lot so be it... if it's in your nature it's not something you can change with a quick word of try so... it's better to be a good original than a bad copy
  18. Cody hag in there man... the only advice i can give you is... hope :)have hope that things will get better, that's the only thing that will get you thru. About life... most of the time it's really *BLEEP*... like you said... questionable friends, girlfriends, options... all of that make it very troublesome... I think too that life is getting more and more complicated. Even because many values are being lost, making very tricky to live. But it's as life is... at least now lolgood luck man on your life, i really mean that
  19. i don't have fixed sleeping schedules... lol even because i'm in programming so i work the most i can and sleep the least i can... sometimes i even sleep in the afternoons loli try to sleep 8 hours night roughly... when i have exams or works to present most of the times i don't even sleep. so it depends much of the schedule
  20. i don't believe that, though i'm a religious person... :)I don't believe in the anticrist even because we have many persons that resemble that and even they know that if they destroy the world they destroy themselves and for now they are pretty quiet in there own little worlds... and i hope they stay that way :)cheers
  21. I have a hp laptop and i'm pretty satisfied with it... though dell has too a good reputation, but i have to follow and choose accordingly to what i experience so... HP all tha way
  22. I have to be :)i'm still studying computer science and the money still doesn't flow in great waves... so it's hard :DBut i think that today we pay too much anyway... sniffff we pay for everything from house taxes to internet... in the software area, for example, it's absolute madness having to pay for some software, that, in my country, it's at the level of a wage or higher.I'm in favour of free services like what i'm trying to provide I'm trying to provide a writers' site...so mainly... i'm a very cheep guy
  23. Hello guys!!!! i'm from portugal and my name is Miguel :)I have learned to code in html 4.01, css and javascript... and so i'm trying to create some good sites with my little skills and i wish i can do that here perhaps... I also know c, c++ and java, so if anyone needs a bit of help... don't hesitate :)cheers guys
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