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Everything posted by husker

  1. I agree, the mods do a pretty good job here. There is almost always one on, and it is evry easy to ask them for support
  2. I HATE free forum creators such as this one. Why not use this free hosting they supply here and get a real forum? With that, you cannot edit anything, but if you just get it here, then you can edit anything you want. I dont see the point in these...But I suppose this is ok for beginners
  3. I wouldn't probably pay for any search emgine, because uf the internet(or most of it) is free, then why should I pay to search it? I mean, it's possible to find those sites free without a search engine, it's just a little harder. Just having something do a little searching for you shouldnt cost money. And note that much even if it did.
  4. Hello, I am looking for a new sig because mine is getting old, and you guys all looks very good at what you do. Size: 430x125 Theme: Abstract Render: Yes Render Theme: Husker sports Color: Red Text: Yes. husker Restore the Order Other effects: just anyhting that looks cool. lol Here's some possible renders:(probably just players) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Excellent tutuorial. Of course, this isnt the only way to do it. There is also other things like WindowsBlinds, etc. But i is great! I'll probably have to try this one! Thanks!
  6. I love basketball, I just played for my Middle School team and hopefully my High School team next year. I like the Denver Nuggets beacuse I live in Colorado.
  7. Thanks everyone for all your reviews,I hope to be getting more mmebers soon,a dn I will probably add more stuff.No, I didnt make the banner, lol.
  8. I just got my forum up, can you tell me what you guys think? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. I read bout this too, but I heard that it was not to come out until late 2007. I think Microsoft really needs a handheld, becasue handhelds bring in a lot of profit. Nintendo and Sony have handhelds, but thats what Microsoft lacks
  10. I was thinking, and what if I see yellow as your blue? It's a weird thought, but what if we each see our colors like red, blue, etc, as different colors then everyone else.Like I see blue as blue, but what if your blue is my green?I know this sounds really weird, but think about it.
  11. I usually promote my site on other forums. Post it iny uor signature, because a lot of people look at signatures. Also post it in a showoff or web showcase forum. The, use addme.com for free search engine submission to fourteen search engines. Thats what I did and it usually works.Good luck on getting mor members,husker
  12. husker


    If you're going to be a goth, but still be a kind decent person (I nknow someone personally like this), then why dint you dress like a normal person? Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against goths, it's just I dont get why anyone would want to dress like that.
  13. Yeah, I owuld really like this problem fized but it isn't that big of a deal.Is there another link to get to the forum index? I have to go to my address bar and erase some of the stuff after / to get back to main forum because I couldn't find another link.
  14. Hello,I guess this would be a suggestion, I odnt really know. Well, on your forums when I click your Trap 17 logo, it send me no where. I think it just refreshed the page. I thoguth it was just a little script glitch. Then I tried it in Internet Explorer and the logo sent me back to the main forum index. Is it possible to make it like that in Firefox?This is weird how it doesnt work, it should.Thanks,huskerP.S it might just be my computer. Are other Firefox users encountering this same error?
  15. Google probably just sets up for those domains to redirect to google because they are, umm, "popular" numbers. I dont really know how to say it.This got me thinking, do you think Google with 5 letters is copyrighted?
  16. I personaly cant wait for the ps3. It will be the best video gaming system ever made. The official release date is November 17, 2006. Fore more information visit: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ To compare to XBOX 360 side-by-side visit: http://www.ign.com/articles/2005/05/17/e3-2005-ps3-vs-xbox-360
  17. Hello,Thank you all for your warm welcomes. Slay: Colorado is great, you should come back some time and look at the mountains.I hope to see you all around the forum.Husker
  18. I seriously doubt that Microsoft and Yahoo will not team up, they are two very independent successfl companies and I dont hink they want to go through the trouble to share that success.But it is a possiblility. I personally would like to see them team up.
  19. It would be easier to setup a forum by using a pre-installed script such as Fantastico or another script. Those should work. What did you use to create this script with? Their site/link should have what the script should look like, and you can compare it to yours.
  20. the topic title first said "Hell Everyone"so Albus Dumbledore replied with Hell also. lol
  21. Did you hear that google now as a free website page generator? Its really easy and free to create a web page using Google's new system. Yet, it is still better to make your own. lol. Check it out: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogitmpl=yessignups Notice from mayank: This has been already discussed over here :http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please search the forum before making any topics like this.
  22. I have a Verizon LG Camera Phone. It's pretty cool, and it didnt cost much. lol. It hasnt failed me yet...
  23. that is weird. What kind of guy hacks into a government file and tries to find aliens or UFO's? This guy is weird, and he should be in jail.This still made me laugh though. lol
  24. I like dell, but I prefer HP.Hp's are fast and they dont cost that much, they've never let me down.But for a cheaper machine, stick with a dell. They're reliable and will save you a penny
  25. lol, whoops. I didnt realize that I typed that. clumsy me.Thanks for your kind welcome, I hope to see you around. lol
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