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Everything posted by Csshih

  1. Good going!I would have never have figured that out o_Ojust wondering, do you have a backup server?
  2. I wish that water was purely odorless and tasteless.It would be like something to cool your throat.That would be nice, water nowadays from my tap tastes metallic X(
  3. I do not think that keeping your computer on for extended periods of time is a good thing. One time, I kept my computer one for about 1.5 days and the fan went haywire, and stopped working for a few days. However, it also depends on the quality of your fan. If the CPU fan burns out when you are not there, you could overheat the CPU causing serious problems.
  4. By the way, the zen hard drive is not a notebook hard drive, and the ipod hard drive is not one too. The 30gb ipod hard drive is a Toshiba (http://toshiba.semicon-storage.com/us/product/storage-products.html) And the 60gb is also Toshiba (http://toshiba.semicon-storage.com/eu/product/storage-products.html)Suprisingly, I found out the the Zen touch uses the same type of hard drive as the iPod
  5. Csshih

    Google Drive

    Has anyone ever used gmaildrive? it is a very useful program The only problem with it is that it does not refresh very well and it is rather slow. Details below: Notice from serverph: please use the QUOTE tags when lifting content from another site. copied from http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm quote tags added. kindly use the SEARCH function before making a new topic thread to avoid redundancy. please review Xisto forum rules & TOS.
  6. This google web accelerator would only be good if the website you are visiting limits your download speeds of the webpage, using separate proxies so that you can bypass the ?limit?
  7. Google searches are based on the amount of visits to the sites and relevance. It does not search by servers. If you had 2 websites with similar content and you submitted it to google, People who searched, probably saw either one of the sites first, and clicked on it. This sent information to google that that site was more popular, and the site moved up the list. More people would click on the site because It is higher up the list and not click on the other site. Then the website would move even higher up the list until it was almost somewhere on the first page. The other site, would be closer to the bottom of your search results bacuse no one visits it.
  8. Has anyone here tried Avant browser, it is just like internet explorer with tabbed windows. These are the feature taken from avantbrowser.com
  9. Another is that your disk could be partitioned, to check, go to administrative tools, computer management, and then to storage. the second disk should be completely "blue" if it is not and says unallocated, then the hard drive is partitioned. If it is partitioned, backup the data on your second hard drive, then delete the partition in the computermanagement -disk tool and create one to fill up the 100GB hard drive.
  10. When you are in MScofig, you can also remove the ones in the startup section that say System, there usually should be nothing in it if you have a new PC. Also, to make the programs in the startup list disapear, go to Run, regedit, Hkey_local_MachineSOFTWARE/Windwos/currentversion/Run and remove the registry keys that you dont need.
  11. This program dosent usually speed up those online games, you usually get kicked for too low ping on the flash games. But, you can slow down flash games and get high scores .
  12. The games are not really opened by the Apple OS software, you have to install Rockbox, a freeware found at rockbox.org. , in my opinion, for rockbox and ipodlinux, install Ipl 2.2 and get both on it. This does not require much knowledge of computers, just a CD burner. Go to ipodlinux.org/forums for more details.
  13. Also, whats the use of 512 MB? there isnt much you cann store on it. Being so small, it is very easy for you to lose the mp3 player, of drop it in the toilet like one of my friends did.
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