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Everything posted by Galahad

  1. Planet Source Code is not only the best Visual Basic code site, it has 11 programming languages, with millions of lines of code... Not all of it is top code, but all of it is usefull, for total beginners, and for experts... It is the ultimate source code site n the net, in my opinion...
  2. Hi, I would recommend going for Ubuntu 6.10, or maybe 6.01 LTS for your choice of Linux... Especialy if you are not very experienced with Linux systems... You coudl probably find an instalation of CoD2 in one of many Ubuntu repositories, and then use Synaptic (Synaptic is something like Add/Remove Programs in Window$) to install it, or maybe apt-get...Ubuntu is based on Debian, so probably packages made for Debian, will work on Ubuntu (don't know though, I'm also a big beginner for Linux)
  3. Other major flaw, aside the fact that it requires 3000? machine to run it is, and I rant about it all the time (I know I'm boring, but it realy gets to me) is the all Trusted Computing "technology"... With TCPA, every time you upgrade a computer, you need to contact Micro$oft, and tell them "Hello Mr. Micro$oft, I just bought new memory module, and installed it, can you please activate my Windows?", and good Mr. Micro$oft activates your Windows... I supose in the future, when majority of population switches to Vista, they can start charging for new activation... Even 20? would keep them satisfied... And you won't be able to do a thing.. Second, you won't be able to install hardware, that isn't TCPA compliant... That means that if you buy a memory module, from TwinMOS or some other company that isn't in the TCPA, you won't be able to use it! So, you'd have to buy much more expensive module, from say,IBM! I also read about plans, that even Internet access would be restricted based on TCPA... Something about servers rejecting requests that don't contain valid TCPA code or something...That is the single, biggest con I have to using Vista... Ever... I'm already in process of switching to Linux...By the way, I saw a video on youtube, displaying Ubuntu 6.10 with XGL and Beryl... I started drooling, literaly... Does anyone know what the specs for that computrer were? One thing is for sure... Windows will NEVER be able to do that... Unles you have 4 quad-core CPU's, with each core running on 5GHz, and liquid nitrogen cooled
  4. Hey, I too got myself a Windows Vista No-computer - $0 ($0 to upgrade)... And it will remain that way...I don't know why people are so obsessed with Vista, since it is a major resource hog, and requires a beast to run it... And i's not even stable yet! On the Vista presentations, it tends to lock up or restart on it's own! 1 GB RAM? For just an operating system? And what about other software? Besides, it's not even visualy apealing to me, and it's a pale copy of Tiger OS... Don't evem get me started on that TCPA thing... They want ME to pay THEM so THEY can spy on ME... Only Micro$oft can think of such a nonsense...So, I said this, and I'll stick by it... The moment everything switches to Vista, stable or not stable, with or without service packs, I'm switching fulltime to Ubuntu, or I'm selling my computer, and buying the calculator... And I always keep my word... So, if one day I stop posting, you'll know I don't have internet access on my calculator :POh... I forgot about pices... For my taste, too much for such a software...
  5. First off, to all the females on Trap 17, Happy Women's Day March 8th is the global celebration day, and celebrates social, economic, and political achievements of women, arround the world... Initially, this was a political event, but in most countries, it has integrated, and became part of the culture... Most notably, in former communist countries, like Russia, or my own country, formerly governed by communist party, it has become, as it says on Wikipedia, "a mix of Western Mother's Day, and St. Valentine's Day"... I think people should remember the true mening of this celebration, and that it was not something that was given to women, they actually fought for that, and in the end, they were victorious... This article here, on Wikipedia tells this story, behind the International Women's Day... Again, to all the girls here, happy Women's Day!
  6. Back in my modem days (which were not so long ago, maybe 7 months ago), I used GetRight for my downloads... Most of the time, files I downloaded were small, not exceeding 1MB, and as I was connected at speeds of 50.6 or 52.0 kbps, so I usualy got around 5 kBps download speed... Only when I wanted to download a bunch of files, I would use GetRight, to que my downloads, or if I downloaded some software or oher big things... Now that I'm on ADSL (256/64 kbps), I don't even have any donwload managers installed, just the one that's built-in into Firefox Depending on the server, I can get speds up to full 32kB/s, which is enough for me, as I don't need anything big downloaded in 2 minutes Besides, my computer has been up for almost 40 days (you can check this on my "Online Status" page), without restart, as well as my internet connection, so... Yeah, I'm a geek,i know Anyways, I suppose there will be still some use for download managers, for some people, but as fas as I see, most of the people are abandoning the whole download manager stuff...
  7. Well, I can say one thing for sure: I ain't installing Vista on my computer, ever! Why, you might ask... The number one reason is their "trusted computing" thingy... The only thing Vista is secure about, is that they will know every single thing you do with your computer, and probably have insight into your data... And that is one thing I'm not going to allow... I will sooner sell my computer, and start working on a calculator, than install Vista... Be it my computer, or any other computer on my workplace... Sadly, employees at my company are computer illiterates, and I'm forced to stick with Window$, but I'm preparing a short course in Linux, and will switch every single computer to Linux, and get rid of Windows... Windows is a big project, with millions of lines of code, and no body expects it to be flawless... But Micro$oft doesn't care about customer feedback, and have turned the deaf ear to us... All they care is dollars, dollars, and more dollars... And that way, their software ain't getting any better... My advice, don't use Vista, ever... Stick with XP... You can find a lot about TCPA on the internet, it's causing quite the stirr You can sign the Anti-TCPA petition online here
  8. Heck, I would try it, if I had to...The way it works, in my understanding of electronics, and physics is: electrical resistance of a material lowers, the cooler that material is... That's due to a fact, that atoms move erradicly around, and the lower the temperature is, they are slowing down... When they are still (or close to a halt), that allows for more electrical current to pass trough, and the drop in voltage or power is lower... I'm sure I made an error somewhere in this text, but the principle is that...That's why this freezer trick won't work on mechanical problems... It may help bypass blown capacitor, or bridge some broken connection, but it can't fix any mechanical problem... In fact, it may even worsen it...But, since the drive is dead anyways, and I'm sure you don't have big bucks to take that hard drive to a company that rescues your data for a living, you have nothing to lose by trying this... Take some pictures, and make some proof of whether this works, or is just a myth... Maybe we should have Myth Busters try this?
  9. Galahad


    Sorry for the late reply, but I just saw this topic, and I felt I needed to add my 2 cents here... First of all, this statement is a bit puzzling to me: and how is it that Visual Basic doesn't work? That statement is completely false, since Visual Basic works too... I've made countless VB applications that work... The only advantage I see with REALbasic is its' cross platform ability... Stand-alone part doesn't hold water, due to the size of the executable, so if you had to download 2 (empty) applications, it would be like 4 megs to download, whereas, it would be arround 20-30K of Visual Basic applications... Because, Visual Basic run-times come pre-installed on all Windows systems, starting with Windows 98 Second Edition... And If you had to download VB run-time dll, it would be 1.6M - once! I don't doubt it's a great development tool, but let's face it - BASIC based languages are interpreted, not compiled, and therefore, they always need some sort of run-time libraries.. I just had to defend "my" Visual Basic
  10. Such dynamic scripts are very useful... I had a similar script, that took page variable, and based on it's number, showed certain file, defined in $pages array...I made that script way back, when I was new to PHP... Today, I'm still no expert, but new version of script will use MySQL, to display text that would appear when certain page is expected... Main advantage of using MySQL for content, is that you can have some sort of a back office, to update your site, from anywhere in the world, you save disk space, and you can have one unique template for all pages... Or you can even put entire templates inside MySQL... Possibilities are endless
  11. I'm not sure about Vb.Net, I haven't touched it in couple of years, but I can give you code, how it would look in VB6, and you can go from there: Dim i As LongOpen "Names.txt" For Output As #1 For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1 Print #1, List1.List(i) Next iClose #1 And that's it... I believe it should be fairly simple in Vb.Net too... Probably very similar...
  12. Well, cervical cancer is real, and sadly, in my country, not uncommon... It's not contageous, so, I guess passing such executive order, and attempts to make it a law, is not a smart move, I would even call it fascist, and I see it as a great way for that particular company to earn some great money, and some great percent awaits that governor of Texas... But then again, it's just my opinnion...And one thing more... Vaccine against cancer? How come we never heard of that one? I do believe some pharmaceutical companies would love to make some sort of a virus, that only they have a cure fur, and maybe they already did that... But... I dunno...As more and more medications pop out, human race in general, will become less and less resistent to natural illnesses, and much more dependent on pharmaceutical companies and medications, so, I guess companies are getting what they want... In the long run...
  13. Everyone knows this, but I thought I would repeat it, and offer my solution , no, not solution, a workaround, for this problem...As most of you know, VB6 is built internaly with unicode support, but all it's custom controls, are only ANSI compliant, meaning you will get a series of ???'s when inserting unicode characters, from, say, MySQL database...There are tons of solutions for this, from using API to create a textBox that supports unicode, to using MS Forms 2.0, buying custom ActiveX that has support for unicode, and ofcorse, migrating to .Net...Well, all of these are nice, but sometimes, they don't work... First, using API to create a unicode capable textbox is too much pain and suffering, for the effect - just not worth it... MS Forms, not redistributable, and besides, doesn't always work (didn't work for me)... Buyin some third party ActiveX, may be cost ineffective, specialy, if you're doing somethiong for a school project, or just for yourself... I for one thing wouldn'tpay $300+, to have a third party ActiveX, for my control center programm, that is only for my personal use... Migrating to .Net is not a solution..This is what I did, to be able do display charactes that I needed, from latin writing of my language... These characters are "?ĐČĆ?" both in upper, and lower case... Bunch of ?'s, if VB's controls are concerned...Unicode rules are too extensive to cover here now, but I'm sure you will find plentu of information on the internet... What I did, is created a substitution table, for my characters, and whenever I find a sequence of bytes that equal unicode character value of characters in question, I replace them with ANSI equivalents... Now, you might wonder how I do this... Well, every Windows, when installed, offers multiple inpukeyboard languages... That, combined with .Charset property of textbox, set to the correct codepage, you can get your national characters in ANSI... I'm not sure how this works for Chinese, Japanese, and other languages that have hundreds of different characters, so I'm not going into that now... As I sadi, this is ONLY a WORKAROUND, not a way to make VB6 controls recognize unicode...Anyways, enough itroduction, let's get to the code part... Oh, I should just mention one thing more, that this will only work for strings, or possibli text files (haven't tried it with files)... I made these functions, to successfully get the data from the database (hosted at Xisto ), then display it correctly in my textbox, and after editing the text, upload it back to the database, again, as UTF8, for correct displaying on the webpage (I hate that Windows-1250 codepage) Option ExplicitOption Base 0Private Conversion As New CollectionPublic Function ANSIToUTF8(ByVal ANSI As String) As StringDim i As LongDim aW As LongDim aB As ByteDim s As Strings = ""For i = 1 To Len(ANSI) aW = Asc(Mid(ANSI, i, 1)) aB = AscB(Mid(ANSI, i, 1)) If aW >= 0 And aW <= 126 Then s = s & StrConv(ChrB(aB), vbUnicode) Else s = s & StrConv(ChrW(Conversion.Item(Trim(CStr(aW)))), vbUnicode) End IfNext iANSIToUTF8 = sEnd FunctionPublic Function UTF8ToANSI(ByVal UTF As String) As StringDim i As LongDim l1 As LongDim l2 As LongDim J As LongDim l() As LongDim s As StringReDim b(0 To Len(UTF) - 1)For i = 0 To Len(UTF) - 1 b(i) = Asc(Mid(UTF, i + 1, 1))Next iFor i = LBound( To UBound( ReDim Preserve l(J) If b(i) >= 0 And b(i) <= 126 Then l(J) = b(i) Else l1 = b(i + 1) l1 = l1 * 256 l2 = b(i) + (b(i + 1) \ 256) l(J) = l1 + l2 i = i + 1 End If J = J + 1Next iFor i = LBound(l) To UBound(l) l1 = l(i) If l1 >= 0 And l1 <= 126 Then s = s & Chr(l1) Else s = s & Chr(Conversion.Item(Trim(Hex(l1)))) End IfNext iUTF8ToANSI = sEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Class_Initialize()' ANSI -> UTF8 (uppercase)' ANSI charcode is used as a key to access the item in Conversion collection' actual value for Conversion.Item("138") = &HA0C5Conversion.Add &HA0C5, "138"Conversion.Add &H90C4, "208"Conversion.Add &H8CC4, "200"Conversion.Add &H86C4, "198"Conversion.Add &HBDC5, "142"' ANSI -> UTF8 (lowercase)Conversion.Add &HA1C5, "154"Conversion.Add &H91C4, "240"Conversion.Add &H8DC4, "232"Conversion.Add &H87C4, "230"Conversion.Add &HBEC5, "158"' UTF8 -> ANSI (uppercase)' UTF charcode (in hex) is used as a key to access the item in Conversion collection' actual value for Conversion.Item("A0C5") = 138Conversion.Add 138, "A0C5"Conversion.Add 208, "90C4"Conversion.Add 200, "8CC4"Conversion.Add 198, "86C4"Conversion.Add 142, "BDC5"' UTF8 -> ANSI (lowercase)Conversion.Add 154, "A1C5"Conversion.Add 240, "91C4"Conversion.Add 232, "8DC4"Conversion.Add 230, "87C4"Conversion.Add 158, "BEC5"End SubPrivate Sub Class_Terminate()Set Conversion = NothingEnd Sub Just paste that entire code inside a Class module, and off you go... You get instant Serbain unicode support in VB6...Change the values in Conversion collection, to add your own characters to this class, and make it work... Perhaps, if someone here from China or Japan tries this, and it works, they could send me the charodes... If it works with all characters and all languages, I guess I could make some sort of a project... Actualy, this is goind to be a project, I'll publish it on my website... Opensource, of course ;)Hope someone found this useful...EDIT:It appears that previous version of this code worked in some cases, and still provided bunch of ???'s in others... Now, I have added StrConv() function inside ANSIToUTF8() function, and as far as I tested this iteration, it appears that this function is now functioning... Also, changed ChrW() to Chr() inside UTF8ToANSI() function, in the area relating to conventional alphanumerical characters... Sorry 'bout this error ...
  14. ASP is written in a language that has BASIC as it's foundation... Traditionaly, Microsoft IIS web server, was used to host ASP pages, and Apache was used to host PHP pages... There is a plugin (or module) for IIS and PWS that allows processing of PHP, but it's not that good, and it is very limiting in power, i believe PHP works only in CGI mode... Anyways, not to stray from the topic... There are few ways to connect VB with PHP scripts... Least efficient is through file, as ghostrider said... It's inefficient, since it consumes much CPU time, and thus we'll forget about it (I tried similar approach once, for connecting VB program, with QB program... Not good) Second method is by using MySQL for exchange of information... Connect VB to MySQL server, connect PHP script to MySQL server, and voila... Easy setup of information... This could be a good method, I'm using it for displaying some info on my site... May be non-efficient though, if too frequent queries should occur... Third method, again mentioned by ghostrider, involves using socket functions of PHP, to connect it directly to your VB application... A good method, probably the best option... The second part of it, transmitting data to PHP script, I would use POST method, not GET... First, GET metod has a limitation to its length (2K I believe), and POST is used to transfer large quantities of data... Here, I'm including code used to send data via POST methid, using Microsoft Internet Controls OCX... Just add it to your project, and use the following code: Public Sub SendData(ByRef wb As WebBrowser, ByVal Params As String)Dim vPost As VariantDim vFlags As VariantDim vTarget As VariantDim vHeaders As VariantDim aByte() As ByteDim i As Long' Params are in the following format <param-name>=<param-value>[&<param-name>=<param-value>[&...]]PackBytes aByte(), ParamsvPost = aBytevFlags = &H2 Or &H4 Or &H8 Or &H10vHeaders = "(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:)) application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLfwb.Navigate "http://your-server/php-script.php", vFlags, vTarget, vPost, vHeadersEnd SubPrivate Sub PackBytes(ByRef ByteArray() As Byte, ByVal PostData As String)Dim i As LongDim j As LongDim c As Stringj = Len(PostData) - 1If j < 0 Then Exit SubEnd IfReDim ByteArray(j)For i = 0 To j c = Mid(PostData, i + 1, 1) If c = Space(1) Then c = "+" End If ByteArray(i) = Asc(c)NextEnd Sub This code is sure to send data to your script, via POST methid. You can ofcourse parse resulting webpage, and control your VB application taht way too... If you want, I can send you a DLL that you can use to connect with MySQL server, and read and write do MySQL databases, just PM me... Hope this helped a bit... Oh yeah, just remembered... Since Apache works (mostly, and preferably) on Linux, and VB applications can't do that (sadly ), and I'm sure you won't be setting up PHP support on IIS or PWS, your applicayion would have to run on a separate server, running Windows, probably the best method would be to use combination of socket functions in PHP, and, depending on update rate you need, MySQL, or POST method of returning data to your script... Cheers
  15. I'm not sure Sony has the best DVD burners, just because they first made DualLayer burner... As a matter of fact, Sony has proven to have less than reliable CD drives, and DVD drives (except for those that are quite expensive)... I'm using NEC ND-3540A burner, and the little thing is working perfectly... It has burned several hundred DVD's, and CD's, and still has no trouble reading even some damaged CD's or DVD's... And it was quite cheap at that... Around 50 euros back when I bought it, where Pioneer and LG sold their burnest starting at 70 euros, and had less quality than NEC... Before you buy any burner, try to find people who have actualy used the one you want to buy, to hear first hand experiences... Asking the salesman for info, also might help (but not neccessarily)... And LightScribe is the way of burning labels DIRECTLY on your CD's and DVD's... No need to buy separate labels and stick them on CD's or DVD's... You can visit the LightScribe homepage for more detailed info on that technology... Hope this was helpfull...
  16. I am using WRQ AtGuard firewall (it's quite old actually, made in '99 I think)... It's soo good, that Symantec bought it, and renamed it into Norton Friewall, without even changing file names!It's not fancy looking ot anything, but it has one thing I need - functionality... It doesn't try to guess whether I want to allow certain communications to occur, or to block them, but instead, relies on it's rule list, wehre you specify in detail, what application can access the internet, what can access your computer from the internet, and ofcourse, add a rule to block everything else, that doesn't macth the rules...Also, it has pretty good ad-blocker, and you can add new addresses from which to block images, and it will block them... There is a cookie assistant too, and that's about it... It's around 1.5M in size, and I do believe that version 3.2 is now available free of charge, but I'm not sure...But it is definitely THE best firewall option I can suggest (I tried many, and they all suck big time)... Software firewall that is, aside from using a Linux machine as a router
  17. In my oppinion, Vista is nothing more, than a make-up for bad OS... They put up a lot of effort in graphical design, but where is it's functionality? Where is it better than XP? Except that it's optimised fo 64bit processors? All I see, is that when you install Vista, you need to add more and more new hardware... Thanks, but no thanks...And another thing, i will NEVER EVER install Vista on my computer... TCPA... No one is going to mess around in my computer, and spy on me... I will rather sell my computer, and never use it again, than agree on that damned TCPA... Trusted computing... Yeah right... Trusted for them :PThe only reason I'm still using Windows is that I chose my path badly, when I learned programming... But I'm changing that slowly, and soon, it will be bye bye Windows, and hello Linux
  18. I'm sorry I haven't seen this topic earlier, as I had problems with DirectX 9.0b, with practicaly every game...Fortunately, I had by XP installation disk, so I could remove that wretched DX9b... I am happy to say, that my GeForce4 MX440 runs every game I try (not that I try these new games )...Though, there is another matter I have noticed, when it comes to games... SP2 kills the performance, so you need to buy more powerfull hardware... Now, I have this tested on several computers (not mine personaly, as I will NEVER put SP2 on my computer) of my friends, and every time they upgraded to SP2 (and I kept downgrading to SP1), they're game performance with SP2 would be lower than performance on SP1...Coincidence? I don't think so :PAnyways, don't know why I said all this, but it might come in handy :PDirectX 9.0b should be avoided at all costs, and if you can, avoid Service Pack 2 also
  19. Ok, here is my pesonal record, set a few hours ago... System uptime: 912h 11m 23s (~38.0 days)... It would have been longer, I'm sure, but we had power outage, so, my comp kind of reset itself Anyways, there's nothing wrong with leaving your computer on... It's turning it on and off, that damages mechanical parts in it, like fans, hard drives, etc... Ofcourse, they do have they're operating hours, but that's measured in thousands od hours... I'm gonna try, and go for 1K hours uptime
  20. I totaly agree... I myself hate that stereotyping, and stereotype for Muslims says something like "they're just a bunch of terrorists..."... Well, that's bad...Sadly, I'm faced with that every day... I live in Serbia, that's mostly Orthodox Christian community, but there are others... We have a problem in Kosovo (which I must say, I'm gettig really sick of, but that's for another topic)... Who was the first to start the problem, I don't know... About 2 million Albanians want to separate Kosovo, and (probably) join the with Albaina, and them being Muslim, are being marked as a terrorist country..I myself am not a religious person, but I do respect all other religions, and other peoples beliefs, including the Muslims...What makes me want to beat someone to deathm is hearing speaking of all the Muslims as being terroists, and wanting to destroy Christianity, just because of a few people... I mean, use your brain! No one can affect ones oppinion, and we can't constantly watch over each others shoulders, and controll those few that are exceptions...I know how it looks being on the other side of that, being a Serb, and being labeled by the world, as a savage, fascist, schovinist, and god knows what else... Just because of a handfull of people, who were in power, and we couldn't do anything to remove them...That sucks... Each of us is an individual, and each of us is responsible for our own actions... No one, but us... And people shouldn't condemn an entire nation, or entire religion, based on one mans actions... That's just wrong, and plain stupid...
  21. It is quite a long article, and I promise to read whole of it later, I just ran trough it, to get the general idea on the subject...Being a software developer for more than 10 years myself, I am well aware of many problems concerning software development... In most cases, that problem is a missed schedule, then blown budget... Flawed products also happen, but more rarely...Missed schedule happed due to a fact, that software developers, can get kind of "writters block", meaning, they know what needs to be done, they just can't get to it... Happened to me hundreds of times... This is something that will never change, since we can't (yet) change the way human brain works... One solution would be some sort of AI help system, that would forec the idea back into the developers head, but then... Someone would just create AI pdevelopment system, and then what? All the software developers would become a surplus, an unneded bunch of people, with no more work to do... And all that software would become, well... Artificial... It would lack idea, improvements, breakthroughs... I don't see some form of radical solution, but there may be ome improvements underway... What they will be... Only time will tell...This is a very interesting topic, and I too would really like to see what others see as a solution, mainly software developers themselves, since they know exactly the problems we're facing when we sit at the keyboard, and start typing, or developing...
  22. Being two days late, hope everyone spent their Christmas as they planned, and that everyone had great time... Also, happy New Year, that is just around the corner... This 2006 came to an end in a blink of an eye...As for plans, as always, I plan to become a millionaire hopefully, in 2007, I'll come one step closer to that plan Which I wish for everyone, if not completely fullfill your dreams, at lease, be one step closer to them
  23. You need to open computer case, CPU is just a small chip inside... Yes, you insert a card in PCI slot, and after you mount it, you have a small access panel on the back of your PC case, with apporopriate sockets... One is for Antenna/Signal input, one is for Audio Out, that one goes into Line In socket on your sound card, and probably you would have S-Video, or similar sockets, and one for remote control IR sensor... But, you will get a full instalation manual, with the card, so it won't be hard for you to install it...
  24. I just read all the posts, and my opinnion is that most of you here are very young, with exception of mama_soap (your post was well worth reading, as you bring out good points)... Now, what do I say I believe many of you are young... This may sound like a generalisation, but it;s in my experience that with age, a person starts thinking differently... I'm not saying that I'm old, I'm 25, that's not too much, but I like to think of myself as a grown person, with his own opinnion... So.. Arguements, that all women are the same, complicated, sex-objects, big talkers, or any other, are just plain... ignorant... Mama_soap already explained everything about generalisation, si I don't have to repeat that... In my shrot meddelings with women, I have met many different women... Some can fit in all stereotypes, some can fit in some of the stereotypes, and some can't feet into any of the stereotypes... I actualy have high opinnion of women, having my fathers suster as an example of a successfull business woman, who did everything on her own... Smart, educated, and she lives a full life... That's my auntie My ex-girlfriend, of whom I also had a very good opinnion, showed me, how women can be very bad persons... She said some things to me, and completely other to someone else... She lied to me extensively, and when I confronted her with it, she didn't admit, but continued lying and making a fool out of me... I gave her all the love I had, and she returned it by cheating on me, and making an idiot of me... Now, she goes around claiming I'm the bad guy, and I made all the mistakes, and she keeps making stupid mistakes, over and over again... But let her be... I don't care... Based on this situation, I have every right to claim that all women are the same... But they're not... There are quite a few very decent women, smart, loving, caring... Right after my breakup, a friend of mine told me she was in love with me... She actually was so in love with me, that she gave me advices on what to do with my, now ex-girlfirend, and she stayed by my side... She proved to me, that not all women are the same... She showed to me that a woman can be as witty, and as smart as any other woman or any other man, and she can be a great interlocutor, in any conversation... And we had some very interesting debates, where she showed that she can even be very supperior to me, a guy... And she often is supperior in other conversations she leads with friends... In conclusion, women are just the same as men... Living breathing beings, made of flesh and blood... Some are good, some are bad... There is no rule... Just the same sa we have those little jokes about women, the same thing happens to us... Women have those little jokes about men... And it may be the normal way of bridgind the gap between the "two worlds" that are a man and a woman... So, to all you youngsters... Women are not toys, not objects, and not dumb... They are bright, inteligent, pretty beings, with the same right to co-exist with os on this Earth... Women are a decoration to the world, and without them, this world would be a far worse place than it is... Respect her... And she will be your best friend in the whole world... Depreciate her, make stupid sexist remarks... And you have the enemy for life...
  25. If you decide to buy the TV tuner card, you insert it in any free PCI slot you have in your PC... You don't actually do anything with your CPU... CPU is your Central Processing Unit, a small chip, burried beneath a big cooler I think you meant to say PC Case... That's what you need to open...Anyways, whe you connect the card, and install it's drivers, you connect the cable you would connect to your TV, in the appropriate socket on the back of the card... In essence, same cable that goes into your TV, goes into your TV tuner card... Simple as that... TV tuner card works exactly like a tuner component inside a TV... It decodes the signal it gets from the cable/antenna, and feeds it to the computer, where you can watch the program...Also, do you have digital, or analogue cable signal? If it's digital, you may need to have some sort of device, that will decode the signal, then re-transmit it as analogue, and that signal, you plug into your TV tuner card...I hope this wasn't too confusing...I actualy don't have a TV, I use TV tuner card, and watch all TV program on it... Plus, it hase a FM tuner, so I can listen to radio as well...
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