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Everything posted by Alissa
I think you should just go for it, and tell her how you feel. Life's too short not to take risks, and if you don't do it you'll be forced to wonder forever, "what if?" If she doesn't like you the way you like her then she'll tell you and it'll answer your question in a snap.I have a friend who works with a girl that he developed a crush on in about a month. He's only known her for a month but he really likes her so he told her how he felt and they're still friends; it didn't ruin anything between them. So if she's mature, she won't shun you or anything if you tell her how you feel. At least it'll get it out there, and with time, who knows? Maybe she'll develop a crush on you too if she hasn't already. Just go for it, what have you got to lose?
I agree with the first few posts. I think the best thing you can do right now is just respect her wishes and back off a little bit. When she's ready to pursue a relationship with you, she will. From the way it sounds, it seems like she's interested in you. But like I said, just give her some time to get over what happened with her and her ex. It's common for people to not want to get involved in a relationship right after they break up with someone else, especially if the pain is still there. If you give her space and time for a while, I can guarantee she'll appreciate it.
Hm, my boyfriend's is pretty accurate, surprisingly, and there are parts of mine that describe me but other parts that are a bit off. But obviously that's to be expected. I don't expect much from these things. They are fun though.
I can understand what you're going through. I suffer from jealousy too, and I think a big part of it is because I have a poor outlook on myself, low self esteem, so it makes me worry that since I see so many problems with myself, maybe my boyfriend sees them in me too, so I get paranoid thinking that he's gonna fall for someone else or something because he finds them better than me. He tells me all the time, though, that I'm the only one he wants and that he thinks I'm perfect, and I trust him. There have been cases where the jealousy has gotten so bad it's led to big fights between us and that definitely is not fun. So, I have been making an effort to try not to let other girls bother me and not get paranoid that he's going to fall for someone else. Have there been any instances in your relationship that your girlfriend gave you a reason to think you couldn't trust her? If not, then you really need to learn to be able to trust your partner because trust is a huge thing in a relationship, and if one of you feels like the other doesn't trust them, it could cause problems between you. Also, you need to remember that out of millions of guys, the girl you're with chose YOU to be her boyfriend. Why? Because she likes YOU and thinks YOU'RE special. Not anyone else. Think of that any time you start feeling a little jealous. You could even talk to her about it and just ask her to reassure you of things that bother you. Communication is another important thing in a relationship, and it's saved mine several times. Just work on what I mentioned above and your girlfriend (and girlfriends in the future) will really appreciate it.
I would definitely choose love. It is hard to explain, like Angel Kiss said. I guess, with money, yeah, you can buy what you want and everything but it can't buy you happiness. I think life would be better spent with someone who completes you, who keeps you happy, who is there for you, loves you for who you are, etc. It's a lot better than having all the money in the world but being miserable and lonely because you have no one special in your life.
Your Favorite Type Of Music whats your favorite?
Alissa replied to shamamster's topic in General Discussion
Love Rock. Love love love Rock. I didn't used to be so into it but when I started high school, I really got into it more. I'll admit I enjoy Country music too, and I like Smooth Jazz. Oh, and I love the Backstreet Boys, haha. But Rock is my all time favorite and I feel like I've really grown from it. Like mbacarra said, I'm not all into the screaming stuff though. I prefer the stuff you can understand, and it's cool when the lead singer has an impressive voice. -
Do You Think "aliens" Exist? aliens, alien autopsy, alien conspiracy
Alissa replied to iGuest's topic in General Discussion
It's weird if you think about it because the universe must go on and on forever. I mean I'm sure it doesn't just stop somewhere suddenly and there's a big wall, you know? So there's gotta be more life out there somewhere. If we can exist, then I'm sure there's another galaxy out there with a sun and a planet far enough away from it to not be torched, but close enough so that its sun provides it with enough heat and energy to support life. I can't imagine they're anywhere near us since we seem to have a pretty good idea about the closest galaxy...but who knows?What no9t9 said is really interesting, about speed vs. time. Does anyone know anything about the belief that if you travel fast enough, you'll eventually start going back in time? I'm assuming it ties in to what no9t9 said. It makes sense, right? That'd be interesting to find out. -
Maxim Magazine put a giant replica of one of their magazine covers in the desert in Nevada to celebrate their 100th issue. You can see it on Google Earth. It's very cool. Check out this website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It gives you a link to see it in Google Earth.
Haha, wow, that is really weird. I love Google Earth...and it's even cooler when there are things like this that happens...it always makes things more interesting.
I Hate Hay Fever! It has becoming my life into a sneezing hell
Alissa replied to Deneb Rhode's topic in The Vent
I have allergies and in the spring over here, I get hit by them really badly for a few weeks. It doesn't last too long but it is enough to drive me insane. It comes complete with the sneezing, the runny/stuffy nose, the itchy eyes, the coughing...etc. It's awful. So I know what you're going through (as do millions of other people). It's a nuisance but I'm sure it'll go away eventually. Try checking allergy reports around your area, or consult a doctor and see if they can prescribe you something that will fit what you're going through. My doctor helped wonders. Good luck, and feel better! -
I know some goth/punky people who are really cool. I have nothing against them. But like a few people up there said, when you choose what you are, you choose what a lot of other people think of you. It's not right that people stereotype others that they feel are different but sadly, it's the way it is, and everyone's got to get used to it, no matter what label they fall under. There's always someone who's going to look at someone else differently.
Full Grunge Signature Tutorial My 1st Full Signauture Tutorial
Alissa replied to itsmyard's topic in General Discussion
Huh, that's pretty cool. Thanks! -
I absolutely HATE MySpace. I think it's ridiculous and just a really stupid/pointless obsession or fad that everyone is into now...it's like a huge popularity contest to see how many friends you can get. I think that's one of the stupidest things, how people add all these people as friends that they don't even know, just to get their friends amount up. I had one, I'll admit, but I deleted it about 6 months ago because it was becoming ridiculous. It makes me sick that all my friends have one. Especially now that all these girls are getting attacked by people on the site...it's kind of scary.I could probably go on and on about MySpace but I'll just stop there.
Love At First Sight the phoniness of it all
Alissa replied to Professor Kirby's topic in Dating And Relationships
I agree with Professor Kirby, but I agree with Chuya also. I don't believe in love at first sight at all and I think it is stupid and kind of...obsessive, maybe? Kind of something like what Cool Freaker said. But then again, attraction at first sight is a completely different thing. It's totally possible and happens every day because we can't help but be attracted to people somehow. But you can't fall in love with someone just at the sight of them. -
I totally agree with you. Actually, I think there tends to be two sides to this.On the internet, there's no way of knowing what kind of person you're dealing with. You can pose as anything you want and change your personality completely and the person on the other end will never know. Heck, you could be a guy thinking you're talking to a girl but really it's another guy. I've had friends who have met people online and have "fallen in love" with them or whatever, and one of them even met one person in real lief that she met online through a game, one time, and he asked her to be his girlfriend that day...I thought that was just really bizarre because how can you know enough about the person to know that you want to be in an actual relationship with them (long distance relationship, in this case)? Personally I think it's kind of stupid.But then again, the other side to it is that you aren't distracted by their looks and such. The internet can be a much more shallow place because you really get to know the person's personality before you can judge them by their looks and decide they're not the person for you. So that's the good thing about it.But still, I'm not sure how anyone can actually fall in love with someone online. It just doesn't make sense to me really.
I'm a mouse at it, haha. I have one sitting right by me, as a matter of fact, and I have one side figured out but now I can't figure out how to get the other ones done. I've looked online for help with finishing it but I've just given up, haha. Rubix cubes were never my forte.
Hi. I just created an account and was able to log into the cPanel successfully. I even uploaded a new index page and images. However, it isn't letting me view them from the web. I can see them from the file manager but if I type in the page URL in the address bar of my browser, it just says that the page cannot be displayed. Is there something I'm supposed to do in order for my custom pages to start showing up? Please help. Thanks! EDIT: I figured out what I was doing wrong as far as the pages went, but now I can't seem to get my images to show up on the pages. I've checked and double checked the image source URLs and they still aren't showing up. Please help! EDIT 2: Please disregard the above concerns, I've figured everything out with a little bit of fiddling around.
The Akward "going Out" Whats up with this whole Going out thing.
Alissa replied to barnes's topic in Dating And Relationships
Haha, well in a way I understand where you're coming from. But part of the fun of going to high school is meeting people that you find an interest in, and how you put it, going out with them. Of course it's not for everyone, and there are others that find it stupid, like you do, but didn't you find it at least a little bit fun? :)Of course, there is no rush to grow up. It probably is better to just wait until you're older to start dating because you won't cause yourself heartbreak or unneeded drama in your life, and college seems to be the time in which you would maybe start looking for a candidate to marry. Nothing wrong with experimenting, but nothing wrong with taking your time, either. -
My Dearest Teacher how bad is when u fall in love with her.
Alissa replied to sanbeand's topic in Dating And Relationships
It's ok to have a crush on a teacher, but if you decide to act on it, you'd better be careful because she could lose her job if anything happened. (If you've by any chance seen the TV show "Degrassi: The Next Generation", you'd know. ) It could be okay though if you're going to be out of school soon. That way it's not like she's your teacher...just a friend. -
Lol, wow. It's funny how things work out sometimes, isn't it? Sounds like you ended up with a good guy.
High school can be a pain in the neck sometimes, and I've had my times where I just couldn't stand going. But I'm glad I did. Everyone's in a rush to grow up now-a-days. I'd rather just stay in high school and get what I can out of it. A lot of things that add to a person's life experiences come along with going to high school, and I'm glad to say I've experienced those things.That's really great that you were able to do what you did and become successful, though. Congratulations.
Which WEBbased Email You Use? poll about free high-quota mail servers
Alissa replied to finaldesign's topic in Search Engines
I have several e-mail addresses, all at various places around the web. I have a lot of them on yahoo!, some on MSN (that I haven't touched in years), and just recently I registered a second e-mail address on gmail. It's cool how gmail has a built in chat feature. My boyfriend and I were having fun with that the other day, haha. -
That's really cool. Can you imagine being the person who first found these perfect numbers? It's insane. I could never. O.O
I'd love to see a list of all of the google-bombs there are in existence, or at least ones that are really popular. That'd be amusing.