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Posts posted by finaldesign

  1. Using the mouse a lot is not good and this software makes it worse. So I suggest keyboard shortcuts. That's better for your health. Believe me. If you are happy with it then no problem. Go ahead and use it. It's nice someone makes software like that. :D


    I absolutely agree with you that's true. Really, I am graphic designer and I work every day for 8 hours straight on computer (mac & PC) and anyway I work very much with mouse, specially when I airbrush in photoshop, etc... It's pretty hard to work that every day, my hands already hurt me... So I suggest also like caunte24 said, to use keyboard shortcuts more...


    Anyway related to that "using the mouse a lot is not good" there may be a risk of serious physical injuries from working at your computer workstation... There is some studies that have suggested that long periods of typing, using mouse, and specially improper workstation setup, incorrect work habbits, may be linked to injuries and these injuries could include carpal tunner syndrome, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, and other muscuoloskeletal disorders... Symptoms of injuries may be felt during typing or using your mouse, or at other times when no work with the hands is being performed, including during the night when there symptoms might awaken you - like strong pain in your neck, and back...


    So, some general rules to make your computer-freak-life easier:


    1.st - Don't rest your palms on a work surface below keyboard while typing (you must have straight, neutral wrist position while typing - go get a nice good chair)


    2.nd - Give your eyes frequent breaks. Periodically look away from monitor and focuas at a distant point. (don't drag your eyes from monitor to TV :D )


    3.rd - Properly position your monitor and adjust its angle


    4.th - Position your mouse device immediately to the right or left of your keyboard. Mouse and keyboard should be at the same levels of height.


    5.th - Don't cradle your phone between your ear and shoulder! - Now this is my favorite I do it all the times, anyway it's wrong.


    6.th - Keep your wrist in a straight, neutral position when using your pointing device. Don't angle your wrist when using your pointing device.



    So that's for now all main and primary rules of comfort while working with computer at home or in office...



  2. Anyone knows about the future development of FreeHand MX and when the next version is coming out? FreeHand seems got ouf Macrmedia's radar for the past few years and bog down with bugs.


    I wish the next version will be a good as it is a good program and was going in the right direction.


    for the same reason I still use freehand 8.0 - it's the best version of freehand. It work's for me fine... but still - I would recommend Illustrator, it has evolved very much to excellent vector draw aplication... ;)

  3. There is hardly any songs to listen to and none to download. And by the way all the songs I can see are by the same artist, I don't know who the heck that artist so therefore I do not like that artist.


    thats odd. there is 18 songs - composed and performed by me. so, you can download them if you "rightclick and save target as..." or listen them if you just click on song. Now you've never heard of "that artist" ofcourse because Im new on the scene... You have a lack of trust, maybe if you try to listen, then you can say if you like it or NOT. :D

  4. Can anyone help me with this error?


    Warning: fopen(guests\guest.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/leiaah/public_html/images/goguest.php on line 28


    Hello there.. Now this is easy. The problem is in file permission system. When you run it on your computer (with server installed) it works because you are administrator of computer, and you have all access rights... On the other hand when you upload code and file guest.txt to web hosting server you must give pleople public access to that files, now *.php files are by default accessible, but you must give an access to that GUEST.TXT file where you write via php page...


    Now, how you can do that? If you know how to use unix/linux it's pretty easy, but if you login to you Xisto cpanel you must change it via filemanager, or alternatively you can use some of FTP clients to do that directly on server...


    Example: connect to your webhost server on Xisto via some FTP program (like CuteFTP) and rightclick on file guest.txt and choose CHMOD... (in some other FTP program thing's may be different, but this is generaly same....) then change chmod into number 777 - that way anyone will gain access to that file... I assume it's your guestbook... :D feel free to contact me if you do not understand what I've tryeed to explain here... :D

  5. Ok, so let's analyse a bit.

    First open this link and search for term "Bill Gates Edition".

    Now if that's true it's just a regular winxp with integrated sp1 and sp2. And that is nothing new, it's stupid, you can done it yourself, I will put a tutorial here on forums when I catch some time - so you can integrate sp1 & sp2 yourself to winxp.

    Anyway, lets go little further...

    If you follow this link, you will find that there is a hash for e-donkey download, so people are really spreading that "bill gates edition" around the net...

    That just gives us an evidence on real existance of "bill gates edition - winxp" so, let's just dig a little while...

    Search on https://www.microsoft.com/de-de for "Bill Gates Edition" and you will came up with nothing.

    So basicly - do not ask stupid questions, because that phrase "Bill Gates Editon" really is just a scam from some stupid users who name it that way because it had integrated an sp1 & sp2.

    p.s. Search. Learn. And find out what's scam and what is just a phrase. :D

  6. i've checked your site, it look's OK. but at the same time it looks very "generic" - it's not ugly - it's preety nice, just I cant stop feel that I've seen that layout & colors before somewhere... other than that nice job. p.s. if you want to check mine website and review it, you can click on banner in my signature... (i would be very gratefull)

  7. Yea, but they're illegal.


    well, probably yes, but actualy many of that kind programs are freeware, as made by crazy hackers, so they are not stolen or something to be illegal to use, it's just if you use it on public lan networks may be illegal, on the other side, if you OWN an lan network at your home, or you make one with your friends, there is nothing to stop you for using programs like that. :D

    correct me if im wrong

  8. Now why would my site be working yesterday just fine but now i have a critical error.



    Line : generic, class2.php


    Error reported as: 6


    If you use mysql server - than that's your problem... it was down in that time, Im not sure if it's up and ready now, check that in your cpanel... :D That's why I don't use mysql jet - and I do not need it right now... :D

  9. I have installed Borgchat freeware software available on internet. It works remarkably very well. By using this I can chat across LAN, send messages on Board, and even send & receive files. It also shows the status of user when they becomes available or away, joined or left the network.


    I have also tried NetMsg LAN chatting freeware software but in my experience it is not better than Borgchat.


    Does anyone know any better LAN chatting freeware software.


    In all the above mentioned Software, one has to install the software on each of the computer. Does any software exists through which I can send message to each of the user without installing it on other computer?


    there is some hack tools that can do that, but if you try to use them on windows xp with sp2 installed and firewall enabled that will probably don't work. for older win98 & 98se probably works too.. I will dig out some of that kind programs and put them on download somewhere if you like... But most of that programs are illegal to use on public lan networks like schools or colledge networks... :D so be careful..

  10. i need some advertisement so im looking for some people to do a banner exchange with. thanx. please reply


    there is many companies that do good banner exchange for free, it's a ratio about 2:1 for exchange which means that you display their banner 2 times and they display your banner 1 time...

    i signed with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://www.1800banners.com/

  11. why don't you install a cracked version of photoshop?


    it's not nice to use cracked programs, if you can't buy it, do not use it. That's the policy around here. People are working really hard to make that software, and when other people like you and me use cracked versions, it get's us nowhere - then it seems that all people are working for free basicly. Use trial version, if you like that software when the trial period ends - buy it. Alternativley you can use many free and opensource programs, like alternative to photoshop is GIMP, (type it on google and you will find it) it's very good, it have the same interface like photoshop, and finally its FREE. :D

    ...now delete that cracked version and be good. :D

  12. Here's my website... done in flash... o well... its not updated so far... but ill soon do some updates..


    its a bit slower to load on a dial up connection.some say... and well its just a personal site! =)




    It's pretty damn good. It's is probably one of the better personal sites I have seen. Do u done it yourself or someone help you? :D Anyway it's good personal website there, just probably too childish for my taste if you know what I mean... :D
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