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Posts posted by finaldesign

  1. Try to get Talisman desktop, or maybe Aston shell. They will replace your explorer shell, and make your windows look very cool. They also use less memory and cpu than classic windows explorer shell. They both also had many thems for download & plugins, and had many capabilities, like top,left or right docks, cool desktop clock, they integrate themes with popular Rainlendar application, and also have plugins for virtual desktops...:)

    talisman desktop:

    aston shell:

  2. Isn't Pentium V coming out soon? ... P4 btw..


    I think it's coming out yes...but dunno when? They sad that chip will sample internally at Intel in January 2004 and will take between four to six months to get to market.


    So now has 11 moths past and it's still not on market.

    But they sad also that the "pentium 6" will follow a very similar schedule.


    Sit back, and relax... if you wait they will come... :)

  3. What do you think the best cpu is? According to what i have tried and heard AMD is way more powerful than pentium. I heard that AMD gives you its full power for maximum efficiency while pentium gives you about 80%-89% full power. This is why for all of you that have AMDs you better have a huge fan for it or it will over heat.
    Has any one else found something odd about any cpu chips?

    some time ago I'we found homemovie on net, about amd & pentium processors. they take down amd's fan while playing Unreal, and take down pentium's fan while playing Unreal too. So, what do you think what came up? AMD's screen just scrambled, and blue screen show up few secs after fan was removed from processor, and white smoke rised from it.. And pentium processor? he just continue it's work with Unreal, with just few framerates less....
    So, when you choose your processor, think twice.

    Before 3-4 years, i had an old pentium 200MMX. I left it one night to rune some test's all night long.. in the morning all was little slowed down, and when i open tower chasis, found that cpu cooler/fan is dead - and cpu still working - more than 7-8 hours without pauses at maximum overload.
    So, agan, when you choose your cpu, think twice.

    And if you choose amd, make damn shure you can cool it right and safe. But if you get pentium, prepare for paying for it ofcourse...

  4. I prefer Media Player Classic, used to use Bs, but the interface of MPC is much cleaner and works great. I would have recommended the k-lite codec pack which is basically all the media players and codec you'll ever need, but they went commercial I think so I'm lucky to have downloaded it before :)

    you're right on that about k-lite codec pack. I have it and it works fine, decodes everything. you're pretty lucky that you downloaded it yes, but it can still be found on google i think...

  5. I am actually looking forward to trying 3dsmax 7 and i'm really hopping that they included new features with it.  They say on their site that that movie producers use 3ds max but i can't see how considering that the graphics aren't really that high quality.
    Has any one heard of any movies.....How is it possible to make the designs looking real?

    Ok, so animations in movies look so real, how? It's because they are using high-quality textures in 3dsmax, carefuly designed and animated object's and so on... There is another secret, they mix 3drendered scenes with actual models recorded by camera. A very good software for that is adobe premiere, or final cut pro.
    And at the end, there is team of 30-40 or probably more people who are doing all that, and not only 1 or 2 persons.

  6. Hi, if I'm correct you need design programs for webdesign. So, there is macromedia studio mx, which contains:- freehand (vector based program)- flash (vector animation based program)- dreamweaver (webdesign based program)- fireworks (bitmap based design program)All of this programs in macromedia suitcase is compatible one with another.For alternative there is Adobe Suitcase which contains:- photoshop (one of the best programs for webdesign - bitmap based)- illustrator (vector based)- indesign (vector & bitmap based program)so make your choice, and go on...

  7. Hello! All of us are using some media player program... Everone here have some kind of favorite media player. So take a poll and tell the world which is your favorite media player, or if you have something better that is not listed here tell us, so we all can use the best media player...Posted Image


    p.s. sorry for my bad english


    Definition of a media player:Software that "plays" audio, video or animation files in the computer. In the Windows world, Windows Media Player is the default player from Microsoft, but iTunes, RealPlayer and other software is also widely used. The media player in early Windows (3.x) versions was called simply "Media Player." iTunes and QuickTime Player are the default products for the Mac. Source:encyclopedia2.freedictionary.com

  8. FIREFOX is best browser by my opinion: Mozilla.org, an open-source effort created by some of the original pre-AOL Netscape designers, has been working on Firefox, its Internet Explorer alternative, for several years now. On Tuesday, the group released the much-anticipated preview of Firefox 1.0. The so-called Mozilla Firefox 1.0 Prerelease (PR) is very stable--unlike most betas--and offers many advanced features that should put Microsoft on notice.

  9. Did you know that you can put Linux on iPod device? A release version of the 2.4.24 kernel is now available for download on http://www.ipodlinux.org/ This version includes full support for first, second and third generation iPods (no iPod mini support) including audio, firewire and remote control.
    I think that this is great idea, so it will soon be many more popular OS versions for iPods...

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