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Posts posted by Dodger

  1. Point and click adventure... such excellence:


    Simon The Sorcerer 2.... simply put, pwns. We had an impulse one fine week day and we bought the game again about a year ago. Hadn't played it in a long, long time. Such pwnage. A few beers and play the game with a friend or friends. Many, many hilarious moments.


    Beneath a Steel Sky (though it would seem it's not forgotten anymore. At least not by the people of AC. :(:thumbsup: ) The first game where i ever heard excellent voice acting.

    "Do you like my robot ? I made it myself (from a coffee maker and a pile of junk)" ..... "It's crap, son."

    "Ooh, nice shades... i could fix them with some sticky tape."


    Then there's Stupid Invaders.... i propably could say a never heard game. Made in 2000 iirc. Again, an impulse buy by me and a friend of mine. Bought a lot of beer and started playing. What excellent, excellent fun. Such hilarity. If you like cartoons such as Wily E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and the likes you'll be right at home. Takes 2GB of memory. 4 CDs :shock::shock: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    + many more, which i'm sure others will mention (like Full Throttle, Day Of The Tentacle, etc.)

  2. My buddy just bought this game after I told him about it, and we just got through playing like 5 hours of it. This game is pretty fun. I've always been a rather big fan of Mortal Kombat, and I can say that this is the best one of them all so far. There is some downs to the game, however, but they are nothing big. You can't impale enemies with your sword like you could in MK: Deadly Alliance. From what I heard about this game about a year ago, you could be EVERY character ever in a MK game. I was wrong. All are in it, just not all are playable. You'll see some of the long forgotten characters during Konquest mode, like the purple ninja, Rain. Or the cop from MK3, Stryker. But as far as playable characters go, they did revive some of the oldies but goodies. Ermac (red ninja, and one of my favorites) is back in full force with a new look, as well as Mileena. Nightwolf has been reinvented, and they even brought back Noob Saibot and the cyborg Smoke, but with a twist. Noob and Smoke aren't separate characters, they're a duo! This is a first for Mortal Kombat! You play as both characters at once...sorta. You switch back and forth as if you were switching fighting styles. Baraka is also back since his flop in MK:Gold. He now has a larger part. We haven't unlocked all of the characters yet, but I'll post as I go along. Now there is also not just fatalities (Babalities, Animalities, Friendship don't exist anymore), there are Hara-kiris now too! These are cool, while the winner is attempting his fatality on you, you attempt your own, and if you finish your combo first, you end your own life. They've added Puzzle Kombat, which is just like puzzle fighter if you've played it. Also added is Chess Kombat. This is neat. You chose your team and play a game of chess with them. When 2 opposing pieces come to the same square, they duke it out to see who wins that square. Great game, I'm definately buying this one.

  3. The greatest of the epic sagas in space:


    Star Control II* - Tale of interstellar conflict that combines adventure, rpg, strategy and action elements. One of the best games ever done.


    Its prequel Star Control I was a strategy game of resource and star control (:() which reminds another classic forgotten game Supremacy with the exception of solid arcade battles deciding the victor.


    Its sequel (SC III) while not being outright bad didn't exactly live up to its predecessors fame.


    *if the site doesn't start working then go here

  4. Hi. There are many ways that you can eat healthy.

    I meen no chemicals, ecological food.

    Here in Romania all food, or 90% of all food are natural one. I hope that will rest the same. On this part we are on top in Europe.

    Many fruits and many vegetables, keeps your helath fit. With lots of work outs.

    What are your ideeas about this ?


    You lucky to be born in Romania. Here in US, Bush administration proposed to dump nuclear wastes into the consumer products. Whats the world coming to. Do those corporate conglomerats care about anything but money? I'm not trying to derail this topic, just thought we have the right to know what they put into the food that we eat, and have a healthy alternative.

  5. Betrayal at Krondor - A story that starts as a 'simple' escort mission expands to a kingdom threatening tale of mystery, intrigue and courage.


    A blast from the distant past:

    Dungeon Master - The game that started the dungeon romps. Still holds features that are rarely seen in modern games (in a positive way :))


    Chaos Strikes Back - The spiritual successor and official sequel of the great game, never seen on PC platform.


    DM's sequel, DM II - The Legend of Skullkeep, is similar but with updated graphics and a different platform.

  6. Know some forgotten games that need to be remembered?

    Post them here, they dont have to be solely RPGs.

    I'll start:

    Champions of Krynn (and rest of the Krynn - saga) - Bloody well insane game. Them Solamnic Knights were tough and Fireballs deadly. OTOH the opponents were more than plentiful and their fairness questionable. Dragonlances, wizards, warriors, clerics, you name it.

    Dark Sun: Shattered Lands and Wake of the Ravager - Buggy as hell, but the races, classes, graphics and musics partly made up for them. Thri-Kreens, Half Giants, Muls, Psionists, etc... Then again, Obsidian Longsword worth 20K and Long Sword +1 worth negative GPs? LOL

  7. NOTE: No women are allowed to read beyond this point. If any of the points are discovered by a female, it will henceforth be known that they enjoy beer and contact sports far more than they let on. -----1. If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever! Unless you actually marry her. 2. When questioned by a friend's girlfriend, you need not and should not provide any information as to his whereabouts. You are even permitted to deny his very existence. 3. Unless he murdered someone in your immediate family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 24 hours. 4. A best man's toast may not include any of the following phrases, "down in Tijuana", "one time when we were all piss drunk", or "and this girl had the biggest rack you ever saw". 5. You may exaggerate any anecdote told to your friends by 50% without recrimination, beyond that anyone within earshot is allowed to yell out "*BLEEP*!". (exception: when trying to pick up a girl, the allowable exaggeration is 400%) 6. Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella. 7. The minimum amount of time you have to wait for another man is 5 minutes. The maximum is 6 minutes. For a girl, you are required to wait 10 minutes for every point of hotness she scores on the classic 1-10 scale. 8. *BLEEP*ing about the brand of free beverages in your buddy's refrigerator is forbidden. But gripe at will if the temperature is not suitable. 9. A friend must be permitted to borrow anything you own - grill, car, firstborn child - within 12 hr notice. Women or anything considered "lucky" are not applicable in this case. 10. Falling on a grenade for a buddy (agreeing to distract the skanky friend of the hot babe he's trying to score) is your legal duty. But should you get carried away with your good deed and end up getting on the beast, your pal is forbidden to ever speak of it. 11. Do not torpedo single friends. 12. On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest. 13. Before dating a buddy's ex you are required to ask his permission. If he grants it, he is however allowed to say, "man, your gonna love the way she licks your balls" 14. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to pick a Buffalo wing clean. 15. If a mans zipper is down, that?s his problem, you didn?t see anything! 16. No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. (in fact, even remembering your best friends birthday is optional) 17. You must offer heartfelt condolences over the death of a girlfriends cat, even if it was you who secretly set it on fire and threw it into a ceiling fan. 18. While your girlfriend must bond with your buddies girlfriends with in 30 minutes of meeting them, you are not required to make nice with her gal pal's boyfriends- low level sports bonding is all the law requires. 19. Unless you have a lucrative endorsement contract, do not appear in public wearing more than one Nike swoosh. 20. When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may always ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing. 21. If your girlfriend asks to set your friend up with her ugly, whiny, loser friend of hers, you must grant permission, but only if you have ample time to warn your friend to prepare his excuse about joining the priesthood. 22. Only in a situation of mortal danger or *bottom* peril are you permitted to kick another member of the male species in the testicles. 23. Unless you're in prison, never fight naked. This includes men who aren't wearing shirts. If your buddy is outnumbered outmanned, or too drunk to defend himself, you must jump into the fight. Exception: if during the past 24 hours your friends actions have caused you to think "what this guy needs is a good *bottom* wuppin", in which case you may refrain from getting involved and stand back and enjoy. 24. Friends don?t let friends wear speedos. Ever. Case closed. 25. Fives must be called at all times when getting out of your seat. If not, your seat is up for grabs. However, "house rules" may come into effect, in which case it is left up to the owner of the seat. 26. Shotgun can be called on anything where a shotgun applies., as long as you are in eyesight of the object, or it is at a reasonable time. 27. When picking players for sports teams it is permissible to skip over your buddy in favor of better athletes- as long as you don?t let him be the last sorry son of a *BLEEP* standing on the sideline. 28. If you ever compliment a guy's six pack, you better be talking about his choice of beverage. 29. Never join your girlfriend in ragging on a buddy of yours, unless she is withholding sex, pending your response. 30. Phrases that may never be uttered to another man while lifting weights: "Yeah, baby, push it!" "Come on, give me one more, harder!" "Another set and we can hit the showers" "Nice *bottom*! Are you a Sagittarius?" 31. Never hesitate to reach for the last beverage or pizza, but not both. That?s just mean. 32. Never talk to another man in the bathroom unless you are on equal footing: both urinating, both waiting in line for all other situations an "I recognize you" nod will do just fine. 33. Never allow a telephone conversation with a woman to go on longer than you are able to have sex with her. Keep a stopwatch nearby, hang up if necessary. 34. You can not rat out a friend who show's up to work or class with a massive hangover, however you may: hide the aspirin, smear his chair with limburger cheese, turn the brightness on his computer way up so he thinks its broken, or have him paged every seven minutes. 35. If you catch your girl messing around with your best friend, let your states crime of passion laws be your guide. 36. If your buddy is trying to hook up with a girl, you may sabotage him only in a manor that gives you no chances of getting any either. 37. Before allowing a drunken friend to cheat on his girl, you must attempt one intervention. If he can get up on his feet, look you in the eye, and deliver a "*BLEEP* off" then you are absolved from all responsibility. Later on it is ok that you have no idea what his girlfriend is talking about. 38. The morning after you and a babe, who was formerly "just a friend", go at it, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason not to jump on her again before there is a discussion about what a big mistake it was. 39. If a buddy has lint, an eyelash, or any other foreign object on his hair or face, under no circumstances are you permitted to remove it. However an appropriate hand gesture may be made to make him aware of it. 40. An anniversary is recognized on a yearly basis, under no circumstances will anything be celebrated in an interval other than a year 41. When using a urinal in a public restroom, a buffer zone of at least one urinal will exist at all times. If the only empty urinal is directly next to an occupied on, then you are still required to wait. (Exception: at a sporting event where a line has formed to use the pisser) 42. When coming to a room which you know is occupied by your friend and possibly another girl, you must knock and wait for an adequate response. If no response occurs, and the door is locked, a 10 minute period is required before knocking again. 43. The only time dicking over a buddy for a girl is legal, is when the girl ranks a 8 or above on the 1-10 scale. (exception: a girl may rank from 5-7, as long as there is oral sex involved). 44. A mans gotta scratch what a mans gotta scratch. This applies to picking as well. Let the man be. 45. No man shall ever watch any of the following programs on TV: Figure skating Men's gymnastics Any sport involving women (unless viewed for sexual purposes) 46. If you accidentally touch or brush against any part of another man below the waist, it is an understood accident, and NO apologies or any reference to the occurrence is necessary. 47. No man shall spend more than 2 minutes in front of a mirror. If more time is required, a three minute waiting period must be allowed before returning to the mirror. 48. Any dispute lasting any longer than 3 minutes will and must be settled by rock, paper, scissors. There is no argument too important for this determining method. 49. No man will ever willingly watch a movie in which the main theme is dancing, and if a man shall happen to view such a movie it is only acceptable if its with a girlfriend. 50. Only acceptable time when a man is allowed to cry: when a heroic dog dies to save his master. after being struck in the testicles with anything moving fast than 7 mph. When your date is using her teeth. The day Anna Kornikova chooses a husband. 51. If a bet is made, and the challenge is completed, then the bettor may recoup his money by immediately completing a more daring challenge. If he refuses the challenge or chooses not to propose one, then and only then, must the money be paid. 52. Masturbate often. (exception: if your roommate is due back within the hour) 53. If a hot girl shall happen to pass by while you are in an arms reach of your buddy, you must, and will, tap him on the shoulder to make him aware of the babe. 54. A man's shoes may not intentionally match any other article of clothing on his body. 55. No comment shall ever be made to a man about how much he is sweating. In fact, there is no need bring notice to any body part which he may be sweating from. 56. No man shall ever allow anyone to speak ill of The Simpsons or any Rocky movie. (Exception: Rocky V) 57. You have not made any mistake if you find that there are extra pieces after reassembling or assembling an object. In fact, you have just found a way to make that object more efficient. 58. There are is never an occasion in which any shirt without buttons may be tucked in. (Exception: when you are participating in a organized sporting event) 59. Unless you are under the age of 11 or wearing a bathing suit,, DON?T wear whitey tighty's. It still escapes all reasoning as to why they even make them in adult sizes. 60. Any object thrown with reasonable speed and accuracy, MUST be caught. 61. No man shall ever keep track of, or count, the amount of beers he has had in a night. 62. Under no circumstances may two non-related men share a bed or anything which can be perceived as a mattress. 63. In an empty room, car, ect., a man can not ask another man if he is mad because he isn?t talking. 64. If you jiggle more than twice, your playing with it. 65. A man shall never help another man apply sun tan oil. 66. The guy who wants something the most is responsible for getting it. 67. If your friend says "Lick my nuts" as a way to put you down, don't try to be funny by saying "OK" and moving your head towards his crotch, two homosexual references in a row are just plain scary... 68. If you say ouch, you are a *****! 69. It is the God given duty of every man to assist any other man that may be in need of assistance in obtaining every guys dream (threesome with two girls) * With every set of laws, there are appropriate punishments. If any man shall happen to break any one of these codes, he will be found guilty, and will, for 24 hours from the time of the violation, be considered NOT A MAN. During this time he will not be referred to in any masculine way, and he shall bear the name Princess.

  8. I like this one: A lawyer is seated next to a blonde on the airplane. He asks her if she'd like to play a fun game, but the blonde, who just wants to get some sleep, politely declines and rolls the other way. Not to be deterred, the lawyer wakes her. "It's really fun! We ask each other questions and if one of us doesn't know the answer, they have to pay the other!" The blonde declines again. The lawyer, who figures he'll make a small fortune if he can just get the blonde to play, wakes her again. "Hey, I'll make it easy for you. If you don't know the answer, you pay me $5. But if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you $500!" This gets the blonde's attention, plus she figures she'll never get to sleep until she agrees. So she does. "O.K.," says the lawyer. "What's the distance between the earth and the moon?" Instead of saying anything, the blonde reaches into her purse and hands him $5. "Your turn," the lawyer says. "What goes up a hill on three legs, and comes down on four?" says the blonde. The lawyer thinks for a long time, then gets out his laptop. He searches the internet for a while. Finally he breaks out his cell phone and calls a few of his friends. No one knows the answer. The lawyer does this for about an hour before finally giving up. He shakes the blonde awake again and reluctantly pays her $500. The blonde takes the money and goes back to sleep. But now the lawyer can't stand not knowing the answer. He tries and tries to take his mind off it, but finally he reaches over and shakes the blonde again. "Hey," he says. "So what DOES go up a hill on three legs and comes down again on four?" Instead of answering, the blonde reaches into her purse and hands him $5.

  9. Found a site that has some interesting stuff...
    I've always wanted a software store to be like a music store. Stuff laid out where you can browse and sample before you buy it. These guys have a lot of software that I had no idea of how to locate it. Everything I've seen so far has free downloads of the software that expires after a set time, number of applications or is simply restricted in what features if will let you use until you buy the full version.
    And guys, it even has some software that allows you to hide and lock those folders you've been hiding your porn in so the wife or kids don't find out what a kinky person you really are. :)
    Give the site a look and post what you think of the software.

  10. Dr. Atkins nutritional approach suggests eating products with high ratios of protein and fat and very low amounts of carbohydrate. The brain needs at least 130 grams of carbohydrate to function properly, yet Dr. Atkins propose only 20 grams daily. The phases in the Atkins roadmap to sustained success are: Phase 1: Induction Restrict carbohydrate consumption to 20 grams each day, obtaining carbohydrate primarily from salad and other non-starchy vegetables. Phase 2: Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) Add carbohydrate, in the form of nutrient-dense and fiber-rich foods, by increasing to 25 grams daily the first week, 30 grams daily the next week and so on until weight loss stops. Then subtract 5 grams of carbohydrate from your daily intake so that you continue sustained, moderate weight loss. Phase 3: Pre-Maintenance Make the transition from weight loss to weight maintenance by increasing the daily carbohydrate intake in 10-gram increments each week so long as very gradual weight loss is maintained. Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance Select from a wide variety of foods while controlling carbohydrate intake to ensure weight maintenance and a sense of well-being. This lifestyle is the foundation for a lifetime of better health.

  11. Did anyone see Derren Brown's show where he did that seance? He took this bunch of students to an old university building where he told them that in the 70s another bunch of students had all died in a suicide pact. He set up the seance and some very spooky looking stuff happened - one of the girls even acted as a medium during the seance and one of these dead students spoke through her. He basically scared the crap out of them (trust me, they were not actors & totally believed that what they were experiencing was genuine). At the end of the show when they were all white & shaking he introduced them to the dead student they'd contacted - she was an actress who'd been sitting in a transit van outside the whole time.

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