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Posts posted by Dodger

  1. Just when we begin to think that we finally made it, that we achieved the global peace and stability, the world will crush down on us, self-implode. The idea that we have achieved the peak of human civilization and got everything under control is an illusion. While it makes you feel safe it's actually more dangerous than the total wilderness, because you are no longer in control of your own life and you are being spoiled into the grave every step of the way. The system provides you with the products, not the tools, and it does all the processing for you, in every aspect of your life. Think about it, all the products that you see available for sale are meant to make your life easier, even when it comes to food. Take bread for instance, it's been baked and digested by yeast bacteria outside of your body for easy absorption. This puts your gut out of business and now you see all these obese people walking around shaking their big bellies. It's a natural body response - when organ is not performing it's function properly it starts to swell. Now down to other dependancies. If you take transportation for instance, most of the time it is a totally unnecesary dependancy. They modify the terrain, build expensive bridges, invent all kinds of insane obstacles, often with no real cause but just to hook you up on their service. And the long list continues. The time will come when all the decisions will have been made for you and your fate will be sealed. The only way to grow and evolve is through exercise, which is not possible when all the decisions have already been made for you, leaving you with no options but to go for a ride and enjoy all the spoilers. The key to survival is self-sufficiency and we choose the exact opposite.P.S. This really came from me - not ripped from anywhere LOL

  2. Apparently your kisses can be different depending on the sign. Aries Your kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone. Taurus Your kisses linger; they are deliberate, heartfelt and they can go on and on and on? Gemini Your kisses are interrupted by spasms of giggles, smiles and funny observations. Cancer Your kisses are warm and tender, and you never want to let them go. Leo Your kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing; you expect applause for your performance. Virgo Your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished. Libra You're too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses. Scorpio You skip the kiss and get to straight to ? whatever comes next for you. Sagittarius Your kisses are surprising, spontaneous affairs that leave the kissed wanting more. Capricorn Your kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day. Aquarius Your kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open. Pisces Your kisses are starry-eyed, amorous and long-lasting

  3. Check out MSN.com. Microsoft, hot on the heels of Google by only a half a decade or so, has developed a search engine of some note! But even better is the letter from Bill Gates. I've included it here and added in the parts that were apparently accidentally left off the letter on msn.com

    Originally Posted by Bill "Bill" GatesFebruary 1, 2005


    I would like to introduce you to the new MSN Search service and MSN.com home page.

    Based on your feedback, and all the e-mail tracking programs I've personally developed over the years, we have designed the new MSN.com home page to be faster, simpler, and more organized. We've also made MSN Search more precise and powerful, so you can quickly find the information youre looking for. I'll be sending out the $5 checks to all those fine people who were kind enough to forward ALL of those things that came from me but looked suspiciously like SPAM!

    Our mission at Microsoft is to use the power of software to "solve" our customers' toughest problems. Searching the Internet today is a challenge, and it is estimated that nearly half of customers' complex questions go unanswered. That's why we at Microsoft are here to continue that trend! That's why we're proud of our new MSN Search service, a "simple" (well, as simple as anything Microsoft makes can be) and "powerful" (well, as powerful as anything Microsoft makes can be) tool (we are all about that word, "tool") that helps you find the answers you want from sources as diverse as Web pages, images, news headlines, music downloads, porn sites and even files on your own PC (you had to know we can search your computer at our whim, didn't you? I mean, think about it...I'm Bill *BLEEP*in' Gates...I can do whatever I want...hey, is that a naked lady picture in that directory of yours? What if I told your wife about that? Hmmm? Maybe you might want to download some more Microsoft software. It's not that expensive...).

    Input from millions of our customers - including me (as if I use Microsoft stuff! Gimme a break!) - was crucial to our efforts to make MSN Search the best it can be (and we really mean, "the best it can be"...I mean we ARE Microsoft so that puts the bar pretty damn low). If you have not already tried it, I encourage you to visit http://www.msn.com/de-de?rd=1&ucc=DE&dcc=DE&opt=0 and type in your question. We'd love to hear what you think, and I promise that we will continue to improve MSN based on your feedback. Once we link your harddrive to the internet and ease the movement of viruses across the internet directly into your computer, you can thank us as we roll out various "security patches"! The future's so bright I am required to wear hundred dollar bills pasted over my glasses!)


    Bill Gates

    Learn about the new MSN Search
    Learn about the new MSN.com home page
    Send us feedback (But only good stuff! We're tired of the bad feedback!)

  4. What the title says. What's the stupidest and most asinine statement you've ever heard from a Christian?The pastor at the church my mother drags me too has said some truly dumb things in the past, to the point where I was both pissed off and saddened about the religion. Here are a few (paraphrased).A. "People say that the pastor brainwashes people. They're right. My job as a pastor is to wash your brain."B. "Ever since you were born, you sinned."

  5. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls told The Associated Press that the decision to hospitalize the 84-year-old pontiff was "mainly a precaution."

    He pointed out that the pope was not in intensive care but in the same 10th floor suite of rooms where he has been during several previous stays at Rome's Gemelli Polyclinic, about 2 1/2 miles from the Vatican.

    The pope has the flu and acute laryngeal tracheitis, Navarro-Valls said, acknowledging the pontiff had a "certain difficulty in breathing." The spokesman, who has a medical degree, denied Italian news reports that the pope had a CAT scan at the hospital.

    Navarro-Valls said more tests will be done and the Vatican would issue a medical report sometime after 9 a.m. (3 a.m. EST) Wednesday. The hospital said the first statement would be from the Vatican. Journalists were being kept out of the facility.


  6. Human spinal motor nerves have been grown in a laboratory for the first time in a breakthrough which scientists believe will have far-reaching implications for the treatment of devastating injuries and diseases. Motor nerves branch out from the spinal cord and brain to transmit messages which dictate almost every movement in the body.

    The success announced by US scientists could help the victims of spinal cord injuries or lead to new treatments for crippling disorders such as motor neurone disease. Researchers also hope the results will be used to treat incurable conditions such as Parkinson's and insulin-dependent diabetes. They also predict that it could have potential in repairing injury to hearts and nerves. In the shorter term, it will allow scientists to create motor neurone modelling systems for screening new drugs.


  7. My wife got on my case this morning about my leaving the toilet seat lid up during the night when I got up to take a whiz. Apparently she almost took the plunge when she went in there in the dark and took a seat. My response to her was that she never lifts the lid for me after she's done, so why do I need to put the lid down when I'm finished. Why can't everyone just look out for themselves when it comes to peeing? Is this too much too ask? Do women not want equal rights in the toilet area?

  8. here's the deal. you are transported back in time to the defense of the alamo. you are allowed to take with you, one modern weapon, under the following conditions: 1. it is usable by one person - basically, something handheld 2. anything you need to prop it up must be present at the fort already 3. if electrical, it must have a self-contained power source (i.e., a high-powered laser would not work because there is nowhere to plug it in, and batteries can only last so long) 4. physical constraints such as the weapon overheating, reloading, jamming, and ou sucking are issues that you will have to deal with 5. this weapon has to be able to fit in your time machine, which is made out of a yugo. that means no tanks, rail guns, or *BLEEP* like that 6. you have enough ammo to last the entire time you are there. say, 2 backpacks full of loaded magazines, or something along those lines my two questions for you: 1. what weapon do you bring and why? 2. is the addition of you and this one piece of modern firepower enough to change the outcome of the battle? note: if you are killed early, you have taught everyone else at the fort how to use the weapon, so someone else can pick it up and keep going where you leave off. thus, your life ending due to some chance event is inconsequential to the overall outcome. assume that the mexican army has no knowledge of how to use the weapon, and no time to learn in the heat of battle. so the enemy picking it up and using it against the defenders is also not a concern my choice: ak-47. from what ive heard, it is just about the best assault rifle. not particularly heavy, 7.62mm round has plenty of power, and can be used at long distances. against an invading army of people expecting to be attacked by *BLEEP* muskets, picking them off while they attempt to fortify their positions around the fort could be a key element. as could forcing them to set up their positions outside of their functional canon range (i have no idea what this actually is, but im sure 1836 canons were *BLEEP*) outcome: although i would kick huge amounts of *bottom*, once they started their full scale attack, it would be hard not to be overrun, as they would be coming from all directions. i think the alamo still falls, but the mexican army is then so *BLEEP*ed that it has to retreat and go home. they probably don't come back, and san antonio is renamed "elbowville" for my heroics

  9. Inbreeding, when two people are closely related to each other, causes genetic deficiencies and weaknesses to become stronger. During the Japanese-American internment of WW2, Japanese who had never before met blended together. Their children were a few inches taller on average than other Japanese children given similar health conditions and parents of the same size. It thus stands to reason that the opposite of inbreeding has the opposite effect -- that it leads to stronger, healthier human beings. The further two people are genetically, the stronger the child. I have known several mixed-race people. They were stronger, smarter, healthier and even better-looking than the stock they came from.

  10. If a plot of land changes sovreignty by force, when does the old sovreign power have a "legitimate" complaint. There are thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of cases where land has changed hands. Texas has been under six flags and there were owners before that. Places in Europe have changed hands dozens of times. What are YOUR rules for determining the fair owner? Now I guess if a nation sells land like the French did Louisiana, and the sale was not under duress we'd eliminate the seller from any claim. But how many of these sales were not under duress? Was the sale of Manhattan a fair sale? Do you have any statute of limitations? If you got your land taken away in a battle in 1066 do you have a legitimate claim? I read about how the rules indicate some group or another has a claim to a plot of land but I've never read the rules. My personal opinion is that the rules vary by the "court". And there is no wourld court. The rules of the US court are made by the US Government. So, if you're trying to decide who is the fair owner of Texas, it depends on where you take your case. If you think Texas belongs to Mexico you need to find a "court" which says that. And of course the verdict will be worthless. Using this thinking, I fail to see the relevance of debating who is the rightful owner of Israel without understanding what "court" is hearing the case. And if you tell me what court is hearing the case I know how they'll rule before you argue the case. So what's the point? Who cares what ethnic group was doing what in 1910? Or 1947?

  11. It appears Titus is gone, according to this article in Gamekult. Which would also mean the end for Interplay, here's a rough Translation:

    It is the end of the adventure for Titus Interactive . The commercial court of Meaux pronounced Monday the bankruptcy of the French editor and his subsidiary companies, Sofra Jeux (edition) and Avalon France (in the past Virgin Interactive, distribution). Interplay , the held American subsidiary company with 62,25%, is also liquidated. Placed in legal rectification on June 7, these companies had profited from a grace period until February 7, 2005. But the court decided to put an end to this deferment before the expiry: the total liability of the Titus group exceeded the 100 million euros for a sales turnover fallen to less than 20 million euros, and losses evaluated to 103 million euros in 2003. Founded in 1985, Titus knew its hours of glory at the end of the Eighties, beginning of the Nineties, with the plays of the series Crazy Cars and Prehistorik Man

    Could this finally, finally, FINALLY be the end of the company we all love to hate??


    Update: The guys at Raging Bull forums posted another annoucement:

    Titus Interactive: liquidation judiciaire prononcée.


    (Cercle Finance) - Dans un communiqué publié mercredi, l'éditeur de jeux vidéos Titus Interactive annonce que ' suite à une audience intermédiaire durant la période d'observation, le Tribunal de Commerce de Meaux a décidé de prononcer la liquidation judiciaire pour toutes les entités du Groupe placées le 7 juin dernier en redressement judiciaire '.


    Les sociétés concernées par cette décision sont d'une part Titus Interactive SA (holding du groupe), et d'autre part Sofra Jeux SARL (éditeur de jeux), GIE Titus Interactive (administratif) et Avalon France (distribution).


    Titus Interactive ainsi que ses trois filiales avaient été placées début juin en redressement judiciaire par le Tribunal de Commerce de Meaux.

    Basicly it says they have filed for chapter 11.

  12. Sorry this is a cut and paste but it isn?t on a public website and isn?t that long, but if it is true it is unbelievable and very very sad that people can act in this way. Reports of rape, kidnap, and looting today deepened the horror of the Asian tsunami disaster that has claimed 150,000 lives. Grim details of unimaginably evil responses to a catastrophe that threatens to become the worst natural disaster of the modern era included: -- Heartless thieves stealing church collection boxes for the tsunami victims -- Sex attacks on women at refugee camps in Sri Lanka -- A 12-year-old boy snatched by a paedophile as he lay in his hospital bed The incidents have horrified aid workers and the public alike, whose response to the disaster has been heroic. A women?s group in Sri Lanka told aid workers of "incidents of rape, gang rape, molestation and physical abuse of women and girls in the course of unsupervised rescue operations". In the Thai resort of Khao Lak, thieves dressed as police officers escaped with suitcases belonging to some of the 3,000 dead. And in the same area, police fear 12-year-old Swedish boy Kristian Walker was abducted by a paedophile after he disappeared from his hospital bed.

  13. I thought this was interesting. I know each death is a tragedy and the figure is frighteningly high, I get the impression that the Old Bill is doing pretty well. I wish I had the equivalent figures for Houston or any other major US city as a comparison and I'm sure they would be much worse.


    "Police custody death figures down"


    The number of people who died in police custody last year fell slightly from the previous record high, new figures reveal.

    Exactly 100 people died during or after contact with police officers in 2003-2004, down from 104 in the previous 12 months, Home Office statistics for England and Wales showed.

    The number from ethnic minority groups who died fell sharply from 22 to 10.

    Of the total, 38 were as a result of road accidents involving the police, one was a fatal police shooting and 38 took place either in or after police custody, including people who killed themselves.

    The youngest fatality was a 12-year-old boy who was a passenger in a car which collided with a passing police vehicle when his 18-year-old brother lost control on a bend in July 2003.

    The remainder of cases were during or after other types of contact with the police, such as a 31-year-old man who stole a bottle of spirits from a late night store in North Wales, but as he fled from police his trousers fell down, tripping him over. The bottle smashed into his chest and he died from his injuries in June last year.

    Home Office minister Hazel Blears said: "Every death that follows contact with the police is a tragedy and is treated with the utmost seriousness by both the government and the police service......"



    Press Association

    Tuesday October 12, 2004 5:48 PM

  14. I don't know if this is normal or not and you guys already know I'm a wierdo so I'll ask you. I 'feel' people moods and my mood changes accordingly. When someone laughs I feel this great urge to laugh and smile even if I didn't think the joke was funny. When someone cries I get an awful feeling in the pit of my stoumach even if I shouldn't be sad. Whats going on?

  15. Do you believe in karma? Have you ever experienced the effects? For those who don't know what Karma is I'll use the Gbell definition. That which you do unto the world will come back to thee threefold. This means anything good/bad you do will come back and bite you in the *bottom*/make you feel good. In finnishing. My karma ran over your dogma.

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