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Everything posted by antwill

  1. I use Yahoo for my friends to email me, and gmail for signing up with websites and i just started to use windows live mail beta, im not sure if there is a beta in the name or not, but i highly recommend people give it a try. But to use it you need a hotmail account and goto Ideas.Live
  2. Wow i was also wondering, its funny as the way i immagined it to be was so complicated. I thought that you needed to create a special sort of link to a website hosting the file and then add some code and stuff to it. So thanks for suppling me with an answer.
  3. Hi, I was walking home once after doing some homework on the computers after school and went past the oval, which is pretty small as there is a primary school sharing it, anyway i saw like 12 teachers smoking in a big group circle, i may be over exagerating but i didnt want to stare. thats pretty much all i know the teachers do at my school. Although there is this one teacher who is this Asian guy and everyone assumes he is in the mafia, well he teaches students karate during and after school and he sit out infrount of my friends house smoking. I wish the teachers did something abit more interesting like what you guys have said.
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