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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. god. this place really DOES suck now. i never wanted to believe it

    1. Hurt4love


      It feels completely dead doesn't it? No longer the same and it is taking the admins forever to do what they say they are going to do to make this place better and to bring it back to life :(

    2. canada


      uh yeah ive just signed up

  2. welp- the single most deadliest tornado to hit the u.s. in almost 60 years just swept through part of missouri here yesterday

    1. anwiii


      welp- they are saying it was an ef5 and the 8th most deadliest tornado on record

    2. Indego_Media


      Take Care Anwiii, try and stay out of harms way will you :) this place wouldnt be the same with out you :)

  3. hahahahahahahahaha! after a week of downtime, all my sites are back up and running. guess when.....ONE HOUR after i bought new hosting and changed name servers. that has to take the cake to this whole ordeal. after all i went through, they couldn't even tell me what the problem was.....

  4. host gator rocks! when i had a problem the first day when i opened an account there, i called them voice and they fixed the problem in 5 minutes. go host gator....down with xisto! also, host gator is cheaper! haha i got unlimited shared hosting for $6 a month. yeaaaaaaaaa! xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less



      "xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less" When we asked Windstream about updating our internet service, They told us that it would cost $10 more. We updated, got a new modem with built-in wireless router. Got our first bill, it was $10 cheaper. We asked why, they said that due to where we live and our plan, it actually costs $10 less. Like you, we payed more for worst service/less for better.

    2. anwiii


      i never changed my tune. xisto support always sucked. but i don't like dwelling on it day after day. this time they went too far however. they have a debt to pay and i will seek it in blood soon. they will see how it feels like to lose money....

  5. well you all know where to find me..... i know i was lied to

    1. dfrost


      who lied to you?

    2. Hurt4love


      What goes around comes around anwiii...Karma will take care of it...Believe me!

  6. is getting used to the new version and theme

    1. OpaQue


      With Great Powers, Come Greater Responsibility. LOL.

  7. when people open themselves up to see, sometimes they see things they don't want to...

    1. web_designer


      we all don't like everything we see inside us...but we should deal with them in somehow...

  8. "kknowledge" - at first it didn't make sense. now it makes perfect sense. i finally figured it out! haha

  9. really? ok.............................................

  10. who's playing with the ks code? :)

    1. web_designer


      yeah...i want to know too...:angry:

  11. beta server down but they wont admit it!

    1. web_designer


      yeah and therefor i couldn't login the whole last week...the page is hardly loads...thanks god i could now...

  12. i am thinking of running a contest. it will be called "spam a spammer". i am not sure what it will involved yet though. i am thinking it may involve stalking people....

  13. “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”



      I like that quote.

  14. "when i saw the old bum pushing his grocery cart down the street, at first i felt sorry for him. but then when i saw what was in his cart, i thought....well no wonder why you're a bum, look at all the dumb things you bought"

    1. Xamire


      They're usually a bum because they have a mental illness.. hence the bad decision making. =)

  15. "it's easy to sit there and say you'd like to have more money. and i guess that's what i like about it. it's easy. just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money..."

    1. Baniboy


      gimme gimme! gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme!

  16. xisto has done it again. instead of fantastico, they are installing a software installer called installatron. with fantastico, they made it easy to uninstall your sotware. with installatron now on the xisto servers, you will have to do everything manually including deleting the database manually. way to go xisto! i knew you could come up with other ways to screw over your members

    1. anwiii


      spreading the truth about xisto.... following their motto "honesty rocks, truth rules"

  17. xisto lies to their customers to try and save face once again. you can read more about it here... http://www.knowledgesutra.com/forums/topic/76446-xisto-lies-just-to-save-face/



      Good thing I don't have a site that needs hosting. And if I ever do, I know now who not to go with.

  18. just wrote opaque to talk to me one on one. i hope he does this so we can work out the problems that i feel are being left unsaid and unheard.

    1. web_designer


      i hope you talk and settle things anwiii..i know you can do it friend...take one of your courage steps and make the move...

  19. how do i read the newest posts?!?

  20. who wants trouble? i'm bored! :D

  21. pakcers win! good job boys!

  22. the last two weeks seemed like two days!

  23. i hope certain people undersrtand how important this community was and still is

  24. good job boys! made it in 6, but still proud of ya! how about lakers and celtics again?

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