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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. eza is is a cookie short of a cookie jar with one more cookie left inside it. i got warned a couple weeks ago because i told the truth about why she pastes copywrited pictures in her profile. i thought we were allowed to share knowledge here? :)

  2. host gator rocks! when i had a problem the first day when i opened an account there, i called them voice and they fixed the problem in 5 minutes. go host gator....down with xisto! also, host gator is cheaper! haha i got unlimited shared hosting for $6 a month. yeaaaaaaaaa! xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less



      "xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less" When we asked Windstream about updating our internet service, They told us that it would cost $10 more. We updated, got a new modem with built-in wireless router. Got our first bill, it was $10 cheaper. We asked why, they said that due to where we live and our plan, it actually costs $10 less. Like you, we payed more for worst service/less for better.

    2. anwiii


      i never changed my tune. xisto support always sucked. but i don't like dwelling on it day after day. this time they went too far however. they have a debt to pay and i will seek it in blood soon. they will see how it feels like to lose money....

  3. xisto lies to their customers to try and save face once again. you can read more about it here... http://www.knowledgesutra.com/forums/topic/76446-xisto-lies-just-to-save-face/



      Good thing I don't have a site that needs hosting. And if I ever do, I know now who not to go with.

  4. xisto has done it again. instead of fantastico, they are installing a software installer called installatron. with fantastico, they made it easy to uninstall your sotware. with installatron now on the xisto servers, you will have to do everything manually including deleting the database manually. way to go xisto! i knew you could come up with other ways to screw over your members

    1. anwiii


      spreading the truth about xisto.... following their motto "honesty rocks, truth rules"

  5. hahahahahahahahaha! after a week of downtime, all my sites are back up and running. guess when.....ONE HOUR after i bought new hosting and changed name servers. that has to take the cake to this whole ordeal. after all i went through, they couldn't even tell me what the problem was.....

  6. no more wishfull thinking. purchasing 3 years of host gator service in 5 minutes. i lost a ton of time and money due to xistos neglegence. knowledge sutra goes down? up the next day. all my sites go down? it's been a week already. i will never be referring anyone here for hosting again. in fact, i will be doing the opposite

    1. anwiii


      they are in effect forcing me to stay with their hosting right now when my hosting doesn't even work. i think i will have to transfer my domains soon too. this is too funny! their who system is crap

    2. velma


      You can't change your nameservers or you can't transfer the domain?


      If you want to transfer, let me know and I will have the domains unlocked.

    3. velma


      Update the ticket saying that you want the domain unlocked and give them the namesevers, I will have it changed asap

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  7. i just wanted to say that with all the crewups over there at xisto, velma isn't one of them. she has been the ONLY person who has responded to me about my issues and gave me an update which i highly appreciate

  8. hey- happy birthday buddy!

  9. xisto told me there was no problem. next thing you know, ALL my sites aren't working!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anwiii


      no aw stats in my cp and no fantastico anymore in my cp

    3. velma


      fixed your main site, working on fixing the rest. Awstats has been installed on the server for all the clients. Checking why you can't see it

    4. velma


      And fantastico was replaced with Installatron which is way better than fantastico.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  10. you buy your cats birthday presents? :)

  11. happy birthday to you....happy birthday TO you....happy BIRTHday to knowledge sutra(trap).....HAPPY BIRTHDay TO YOuuuuuu.....and many more....(if opaque can get his projects done)

  12. EZA has now put a disclaimer on the comments section of his/her profile. that is too funny. only someone ugly would put fake pictures up and put a disclaimer

    1. anwiii


      why because opaque makes a few extra bucks in adsense from spammers at the expense of legit users?

    2. velma


      If only it was that simple, if earnings were possible through spammers.. This forum would have nothing but a giant EZA and baby ezalings floating around.

    3. anwiii


      then there is no excuse.....is there :)thanks for proving my point.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. EZA the spammer is back from the dead. beware of spam!

    1. Baniboy


      She's lurking in the chatroom every time I'm there too. I always say "we know you're there, eza the stalker" or something along the lines and she leaves immediately. Now that's a silly one, thinks he can go stealth in my home without me noticing.

    2. anwiii


      hahaha bani... "my home"....you're funny bro....

    1. web_designer


      check my reply please...

    2. Guest


      poor dog i feel so sorry for you

    3. Guest


      did you see that new girl alexis

  14. "it's easy to sit there and say you'd like to have more money. and i guess that's what i like about it. it's easy. just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money..."

    1. Baniboy


      gimme gimme! gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme!

  15. it seems that it's your birthday today. you want me to jump out of a cake for you? i will do it! :) happy birthday!

    1. anwiii


      what do you mean? it's the actual musical perspective and how it was produce that made(at least the first song) so great. maybe that's why it's the only song ever to hit multi platinum status

    2. Baniboy


      success in the mass market is not a measure of the actual song. Anyway, they are way too repetitive, use all the clichés and way too predictable.

    3. anwiii


      hmmm, well we disagree. i thought the recording of the song and the performance of the video was excellent to see all the big names in the industry come together for one project. it was truely amazing and one of a kind back then. you weren't even alive back then bani. i get it now though because you weren't even alive back then to appreciate the true nature of the song. you can't possibly get it....

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. fake account alert! :)

  17. "when i saw the old bum pushing his grocery cart down the street, at first i felt sorry for him. but then when i saw what was in his cart, i thought....well no wonder why you're a bum, look at all the dumb things you bought"

    1. Xamire


      They're usually a bum because they have a mental illness.. hence the bad decision making. =)

  18. firs sign of fireflies this year. they were out just after dark :)

  19. welp- the single most deadliest tornado to hit the u.s. in almost 60 years just swept through part of missouri here yesterday

    1. anwiii


      welp- they are saying it was an ef5 and the 8th most deadliest tornado on record

    2. Indego_Media


      Take Care Anwiii, try and stay out of harms way will you :) this place wouldnt be the same with out you :)

  20. “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”



      I like that quote.

  21. not that you log on anymore, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) hope all is well!

  22. yoooooo hoooooooo! :)

  23. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out



      Hear that anwii? You's not wise.

    2. anwiii


      You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one :)

    3. web_designer


      hey don't make things complicated those words are great...i liked them....and yeah NOOOO anwiii always will be Dr. phil of the forums...:)

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