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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. Timisoara is like the othere side of the country for me I live in oposed directon. Constanta, were is the sea and the beach. It's so nice here in summer for all the beautiful girls that are caming from all over Romania, and other places. The Bucarest is nice, but it so corwdet thease days, they say that we have the moast crawded capital in Europe. But on the other way is compansate with the many things that you can visit here.
  2. Well i recently found out this ftp client that has a greate functions. Like it connects simultanious 2 times on the server, is fast, very because of it, has no bugs, it's spy free, and plus of that is free, and you cand use it for how long you whant it. I guess you now what the name program. Its FileZilla and you cand find it at https://filezilla-project.org/ Take care
  3. That pop up is annoing. I'm wandering if this isn't a spam or someting because of it. If this is coaused by your host you can ask for a free subdomain here at Xisto.com after you made the required post. It's very good host, like a paid host only it's free. The general picture of this is a posting japonese cartoon chat room or someting.I like the picture in the middle with the 2 cartoons.Looks good. I dont know how is this viewd in other browser in ie6 it good.
  4. I want to see this movie. But i dind't got the chance. I'v heard it is preaty good. I like this animated comedy, makes me laught for days I meen last movie like this that i'v seen was Shrek 2. And the donkey in the carige, when they all go to see her parents is fo funny that even now i can remember and laugh :DOn averege fro 1 to 5 what grade wold you give it ?
  5. Dreamer

    Website Copier

    Hi. I totaly agree with this cpying programs. Are usefull in many ways. Ofline browsing is good when your have dial-up and have internet based traffic. Shiet you only here about this in Romania does anyone have this kind of services ? I men buy the traffic that you make... blahh. i think is crap, but what shuold i do if this is the only service that i can get on my salary :DAnyho ... I'v come up with one site that has protective software that whon't let you copy their site with this kind of programs.. i think this is that they have many visitors and have a lot of trafic on them, because has interesting material on it.So, guys there is any way that we can cheat this with this kind of programs ?How? there are special ways to make this ?
  6. How many vizitors your site generates?Unique visitators, impresions per day. How much money do you spend for your host services based on your visitors.It's cheap, it's much ?
  7. odomike that sound good. How much did you eraned, i guess your using this sistems, and what kind of site did you have (vizitors/daily)I'm interested personaly.
  8. I'm Romanian and my first language is Romanian one.It's a latin language, like most of the european ones. It's apropiate to italian and spanish. Has some words the same. Some. The american people that i spoke to said that the romanian lagnguage is music for their ears :)Next i know italian, spanish a litle bit. Rusian, i understand. frenchI hope to learn german, i have an interactive cd that sais learn german
  9. Color is best to b&W clearly, because it's like real thing. You can experience real life on the click of a buton You cand diferenciete the tomato for the colour.Mabye in the future will be the tv with smels, or touch even But the best thing to next to color changing is adding of sound to the motion picuture. This is the real diference from black and white to colour.The classics will still be the best in all the future generation in my oppinion.Becaouse they caputrate some epocal comedy, ideeas, jokes, ideeas etc. and so on. Like Tom & Jerry or Chaplin. Disney.
  10. Hi. There are many ways that you can eat healthy.I meen no chemicals, ecological food.Here in Romania all food, or 90% of all food are natural one. I hope that will rest the same. On this part we are on top in Europe.Many fruits and many vegetables, keeps your helath fit. With lots of work outs. What are your ideeas about this ?
  11. My personal game is Starcraft and Need for speed. Now i'm playing Prorally ... it's preaty good, but doesent compare with NFS. I like stratagy games, but i'm upset that they didn't make them like they used to. Now are all about graphics and tactics less.Well i'm hopping that in the near future they will make them good.:)Peace
  12. Hi. My favorite sport ever si swiming, and bike riding. What can i say that in our country american football is caled, rugby ... and i think it is called like this in Europe. I didn;t played only when i was a child, you know you have to have some good body figure for taking the ruff takling And soccer is on my top best sprots. All sports are good if they can keep you healthy and slim Not like golf, there is more about tinking and less fizical work My opinion.
  13. Nice words. I think you made some kind of big mistake and that was so hard for you. Well you know we live we learn.How abou know your write us some love poem To put us in a good mood. I wold of writed myself but i don't have the inspiration, or i would of copyed for the net. So, i'm waiting forward.
  14. Does anyone sow Mindhunters ? Well i did, and it was very excusite. i give it a It's about some investigation cops that whant to became Profilers, and the last test for that got in some way screwed. So they get killed one by one. You don't know witch is the kieller till the end of the movey. Nice. I'll recomend to my comunitiy people to wathch it .
  15. freewebhost.com review. But when i joined i wasn't to entusiasmatic, because of the past hosted site. So, i started to post, and the next day i got the host, nedless to say that i'm found of it already. So long life to Xisto
  16. I'm using yahoo mail for 3 years, and this is the best mail service i found. It's quick, has spam filtres, and some greate upload time.Inconvenience banners. Now that they updated to 100 meg, i'm realy loving it.I don't know how gmail is, how do i get it ? were do i sing up... maybe this is better, but my vote si for yahoo mail.
  17. Im not using glass filters because my monitor has that anti-glare biuld into. I spend form 4 to 6 hours a day using the comp and my eyes are ok. But that doesent compare with crystal particule, or plasma dind't hurt al all your eyes, and are good for saving energy to (like 1 batery energy they use)The only impediment is the angle of view, 45 degree. I hope to buy me one in the near future.Take care.
  18. I have to sai Colgate. it has a sweet taste and is good for your teath. I have used and MAXAM, did anyone heard of this toothpaste ? Its not to goog, now that i compare it.The best one is the one that has the best results on your teath and has that minti flavour for the longest time.
  19. I don't like them. I avoid them. I used to put some pop up on my site but that drove the visitors avay. That is way i use opera the best browser ever. My personal view is that click thrugh is the best way to make money and adevertise, on key public. It's more rewarding.
  20. Ok, so I'm using the include() function on my website. Problem is I'm trying to include a search engine form into the layout which is stored in a variable, except the form has an if statement in it and I can't seem to get it working. Here's the code I'm trying to include...CODE <form method=POST action=search.php><p>Search:<br><input type=text name=search size=20 class=textbox size=15 value= <?if (isset($_POST['search'])){ echo $_POST['search']; } ?>><input type=submit value=Submit></form> Just wondering if it is possible for me to put this form with the if statement into a variable, or if there's another way that I could go about doing this. Thanks.
  21. What was your first car? Mine is (yes, im still working on it) a 91 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera...It's blue with a few bare spots on the top, but otherwise in good condition.What was yours?
  22. Who will win this cup. And who will be defeated before they reach germany?
  23. Hello, I just stumbled into this on the net and thought it might be useful to you guys. Apologies if this has already been posted. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. I meen. What are you bilding them for? Me i'm buiding a site with the hope of earnig some king of money. But this is a dream form me. Are you eraning money from you site ? How ? Maybe i'm new in building a site a don't know the techniques. Are you guys eraning money from your site ? Can you give exemples?Sorry about my english.
  25. The best film for me is Cruel Intention. Ever. I like comdey movies best.
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