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Everything posted by filipc

  1. There are to much reasons...I can't sleep to much.Around 7 hours... everybody tell me that I need to sleep more...but i can't!bye...
  2. I am from Serbia and i want to tell something.I am on Serbia's south , Vranje.Vranje is OK , but one mountain near the Vranje is toxic (Uranium from war)As you know Serbia have a great nature , and very nice place to live.Our sea is perfect , very nice.But contry is poor(not rich)
  3. <_<There is news forum , last on list.I like big forums , but for that u need to muc pople...
  4. First to say I don't know can I give link to my forums. If I mustn't , moderators , please delete topic and don't be angry on me. Link to my forum is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I will need members and moderators. If somebody want we can make big community. Again sorry , if i mustn't give link here! Thanx!
  5. I don't know is that brand good or bad...But I don't like LCD monitors because they can get death pixels.If you ever buy LCD , buy the new monitor , NOT used , because you can use it little time...
  6. I am testing my code on localhost.it is best because:-You don't need to be connected on net.-It is very fast.
  7. Images aren't bad.I don't know...but best program for pictures (professional) is Photoshop 7.0 or newer...Good start...continue with working
  8. Next thing will be Google OS )))Google browser , i think , will be very popular , very fast .When GMail was realesed , lot of people told "WOW 1GB!! , I can't beleive"I wasn't trust in that I will get GMail acount , but now I have lot of invites
  9. There are several my sites...i am not good designer. I know PHP , and now I am learning Flash.With Flash you can design very good sites as Xisto's home page on header
  10. Hi ,I am not sure , but I think I can help you.Click on Start>Run , enter "msconfig" , then go to "startup tab" and uncheck all items you don't want to start with windows.That was help me several times , and make computer faster.
  11. I was read at some newpaper , there is some programs witch helps you to play PS2 and other console's games on PC.Before 2-3 years , I had some program for playing PS1 games on PC.it was cool , but just on win 98
  12. Hi,There is to much songs I like...My favourite band is Linkin Park.Favourite song is Numb - Linkin Park
  13. Hmm...I am reading just computer books.Now I am reading PHP and Flash MX.There are to much books , but for me , computer's are best
  14. Milo?e , I will send you GMail invite. <_<If somebody need's just send me Pm , with your Real Name and Surname , and mail adress...Private : Milo?e odakle si?Ja sam iz Srbije
  15. You are wright ,my bad. I don't know...I use just webmail , it's best aren't? Office's outlook is bad ( just my think ) , but outlook express , which comes with windows , is much better...
  16. ASP i only working on win systems.Because , on win you have internet information server.There is some software to install ASP on unix , i think , but i don't know how is it...
  17. There are to much good games.Hidden & Dangerous 2 , is best war game.Second world war....H & D 2 is best.Call of duty is good , but not better.Hitman 3 , is cool.
  18. I am using flash MX.It is very good , to much options.Notepad can se used for web editor , but it's poor, doesn't have options as ex. dreamweaver...best editor is dreamweaver.
  19. This codee will help...it work. [br]<?php [/br]//You must INCLUDE file config.php , in config.php user and pass[br]@include('config.php');[/br]//Administration Panel[br]session_start(); [br][/br]//Username and pass[/br]$_Username = "$adminusername"; [br]$_Password = "$adminpass"; [br][/br]// If the form was submitted [/br]if ($_POST['Submitted'] == "True") { [br][/br] // If the username and password match up, then continue... [br] if ($_POST['Username'] == $_Username && $_POST['Password'] == $_Password) { [br][/br] // Username and password matched, set them as logged in and set the [/br] // Username to a session variable. [br] $_SESSION['Logged_In'] = "True"; [/br] $_SESSION['Username'] = $_Username; [br] } [/br]} [br][/br]// If they are NOT logged in then show the form to login... [br]if ($_SESSION['Logged_In'] != "True") { [br][/br] echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\"> [/br] Username: <input type=\"textbox\" name=\"Username\"><br /> [br] Password: <input type=\"textbox\" name=\"Password\"><br /> [/br] <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Submitted\" value=\"True\"> [br] <br>[/br] <input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Go to admin\"> [br] </form>"; [/br]} [br]else [/br]{ [br] echo "You are logged in as: <b>" . $_SESSION['Username'] . "</b> [/br] <br /><a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?mode=logout\">Logout</a><br>"; [br] echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>";[/br] //here code of page!![br] echo "<br>";[/br] echo "<br>";[br] echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\"> [br][/br][/br] [br] <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Submitted\" value=\"True\"> [br] <br>[/br] <input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Save\"> [br] </form>"; [/br]} [br][/br]// If they want to logout then [/br]if ($_GET['mode'] == "logout") { [br] // Start the session [/br] session_start(); [br][/br] // Put all the session variables into an array [br] $_SESSION = array(); [br][/br] // and finally remove all the session variables [/br] session_destroy(); [br][/br] // Redirect to show results.. [br] echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"1; URL=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">"; [br]} [/br]?> [/br]
  20. I hate ASP because:-It is only on win.-Very slow !!! CGI is faster , CGI is better
  21. I think it is very hard to learn from net.Buy the book , and you will learn the PHP EASY!I know that because I now learn from the book.Very easy + you may get the CD with app.
  22. My first script was: [br]<?php[/br]echo "HELLO";[br]?>[/br] And now I am learning PHP , but I know MUCH MORE then my first script
  23. I have GF4 MX440.It is NOT good grafic, because I can't play better games as doom 3.I think good card is Ati Radeon 9600...
  24. I think , for gaming is better AMD.Sure , Intel is much better , for programming , video compresion and much more.better , buy Intel , and you can use comp. for anything
  25. Panda Titanium 2004.Fast , best , any virus will be deleted.Any time when I connect to net , it automaticaly checking is there some upfate.If there is , automatic download. Good thing is Automatic Protection...
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