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Everything posted by nancmu

  1. That's nice, i will set it to my wallpaper if you don't mind.
  2. Good site, guy .the features is very interesting... But i can't sign up for this hosting because of ... P.S. I saw all most sites giving more space but their hosting is slow or always fail.So i think i will choose for the free sites which gives me about 20 - 100mb .
  3. Sorry, guy . i was bured on that time . There are too many cause such as playing internet about 6-8 hours a days or sleepping less or posting more than 2 webboard.Anyways about edit your poll i think you can't do it because the datas(poll title and poll count) was stored in database if you try to update all vote count will be zero .
  4. I never make a question as poll but i think... Poll ChoicesPlease put one answer per line. Maximum 10 answers. this guild can tells me.... So you should do like this.. for Example Title : what do you like best? On the poll textarea... noodle // press enter for new poll choice . pizza hamberger eggs i hope it will corrects !!
  5. Yes, that great one. I spent time more 52 hours to play FF4, I wish to see the game's ending. But ... the ending is normally . Maybe.. cause from I saw the ending from other new versions. Although the ending will never be good for me but i impressed on my attempt(more 52 hours ).
  6. I sure!! You are Final Fantasy's fan . You are play all of FF version (except FF3 ). Someone think FF3 is FF6(he is myself) but i used to play the real FF3(Eng. version) and finish it. I can't remember that i got it from somewhere. But if i get, i will tell you .
  7. The Final Fantasy? I used to play for 2 consoles - PS and GBA.On Play Station console, i like FF9 and FF8 because of graphic, sound, game's story, character, and all of Final Fantasy .On Gameboy Advance, surely ! Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is the best for meThe game is amazing , Final Fantasy Tactics on the GBA, and it's good !The game play is where this game is perfect(and hard for me ). It is like any other Final Fantasy game, a great story line that will take you in and not let you go till you beat the game! You play a kid that got sent to a land that resembles a land in a video game he plays. You get sent here because of a 'magic' book your friend bought. Your ultimate goal is to get back home, how you do that is for you to find out! While trying to get home you will meet up with many characters that will join your clan(more 200 clans ). You will also do various missions in the game to progress thru the land. Another thing you can do is battle other clans, which can be a good way to gain extra experience. Another things I like are the easy controls and menus, everything is straight forward, and it is an easy game over all to learn. As if that isn't enough there is even a short walk thru of everything at the beginning . About the graphics are amazing for the GBA and all Final Fantasy. The character models are awesome, it reminds me somewhat of Zelda games. The buildings during battle look pretty cool as well. The icons for the buildings out of battle aren't bad either. The scenery, trees, plants, etc. Look real too , and go along good with the game. For the sound on the game is awesome as well , the music isn't bad , and neither are the sounds made during battle. None of the people talk in that game, it would have been cool if they did. So there are text boxes instead. But hey, it's a very good GBA game none-the-less . Emm... overall this is a great Final Fantasy game. I love this game .
  8. Do you go to https://support.xisto.com/ and click on Upgrade Your Hosting Account ? if you went there and submitted, i think you must tell to OpaQue, he can helps you . Hope will help you .
  9. Thank, that code is very useful . I learned from your code .
  10. I use yahoo and hotmail.. if give me vote for both i will vote for yahoo because i can store mail and my download more than hotmail. But i never use Gmail, i think Gmail is good(i saw on voting result) and someone can get space from Gmail more than 500 mb!! how can he got that? I will learn for Gmail and own it .
  11. Why you didn't make your file to .zip, .tar, .tgz, or .gz and try to extract it at ftp.philonthe.net. The site will help file uploading to be easily.
  12. detecting did you mean that code?OK, guy. i will tell you.. if you use "$ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;" code then go to internet cafe and open your website from 2 computers in there, your web will show only 1 number of user online . But if you use my code the number are 2 online users .
  13. Try this site... http://ftp.philonthe.net/ the site make files uploading to be easy . You are only compress your files and the site will extracts them to server. FTP server : ftp.username.trap17.com port : 21 Username : (ftp username at Xisto) Password : (ftp password at Xisto) Initial directory : /public_html FTP mode : [] Binary [/] Automatic Normal file upload and archives file type : zip, tar, tgz, gz. i hope it will be useful for anyone.
  14. I think i used to see the script at hotscripts.com but that's so good when you brought it here.Anyways on the code "$ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;" wasn't included for share internet but if you want to check for share ip...Try this...if ($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) { $ip $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];} elseif (ereg("[0-9]",$_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] )) { $ip $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];} else { $ip $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];}
  15. People have a lof of credits but i'm poor on myself.My credits never reach to 10 and i have 5.xx at this time.
  16. the warning means : file including path "./ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php" on file "installer.php" failed to open. You just look for "./ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php" on line 14 and change it to correct directory. P.S. learning from some mistake will make you to learn more ...
  17. Your include file "class_db_mysql.php" wasn't connectedplease check on you main file that your connectting file "class_db_mysql.php" is corrected path or directory.Hope will help you.
  18. I agree that the PC can play games too many console include to ps2
  19. My goal are finishing my graduation and doing my job...
  20. Hey, this photo was banned for girls Warn : again for girl. CENSOR!!! for this painting, Emm.. i like that
  21. What is the picture? i feel so good and relax when i saw your picture... Erkkk!!! thank my head is clear because of yours.. ^_____________,^
  22. this topic may was posted by all of member at this site .I cheer you.
  23. That was a good news . I like playing Game Boy and the other console.I can't wait here.... buy it now.
  24. Woooww!! everyone owned the high technology graphics card.My card is lower - G-Force MX400 64MB, i bought it from my kind friend (5$ only). I will buy better my old gard about next year. it must be better the lastest version of ATI Radeon or GeForce.
  25. I hate smoking. i ever heard from someone, people around smoker will receive worse effect than the smoker. So i won't near people who are smoking. -"-
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