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Everything posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. wow, can you believe this is like the first time I'm hearing this? Anyways, good to hear that, I've allways dreamed being as good of a graphics designer as saint michel. no, I'm kinda half kidding half not. I had to have surdry for heart falure when I was a baby, so I have a huge scar down my chest. Ok, good to hear you're ok.
  2. OMG that's so funny, I love NoFX man. anyways, yeah, I think bush is A LOOSER!!! he's by far the president of records. Seccond prez to get elected without the country's vote, record gas highs, first one to take over Iraq, and he murdered *BLEEP* cheney and used his body as a human meat puppet on TV a month or two after he died!!! look at this: Google fight: kerry vs bush That should give you a long lasting laugh! laterz.
  3. yeah, dude, people were calling me pozer for a while cuz I got so cool so quick, it scared them. I went from dressing in whatever was in my drawr to dressing in only "in clothes" and now I like skating, my bass guitar, and a lot of cool things. don't worry bout it man, I know what you mean, there's a few pozers at my school. And remember: just cause you or I or anyone's good with computers doesen't mean that they are a NERD! (that I get pushed around with ALOT at my school.
  4. yeah, but if you flatten it before you export it, it takes up much less space. Anyways, yeah, spam sigs are bad, but I consider Saint michel's sig an average size sig. Mine is just about as long if I were to add a popout sig.
  5. hey, I don't blame you for what you did, but dude, you have to lighten up. All the popular teachers at my school are usually young, and they are loose with rules, but still are reasonable. They basically just "play along" with jokes and stuff. Lighten up, and I think you might find your job more rewarding. Plus, some parents can be itiots, like "oh where's bobby? What did you do to my kid?" you know. Anyways, the teachers that are you know, funny, or whatever are awsome, cuz when you can laugh while you learn, it's fun, and I remember things better. (look at my what is... topic about targeted advertizing, I remembered what my sfr teacher said exactly) so, that's what I say, give it a try, but still be reasonable, like have rules and all. One more example... My science teacher was obsessed with airplanes. He turned the classroom into an "airplane" and had a fasten seatbelts sign and everything. It was funny how he had that airplane theme and kept with it all along. He made boarding gate signs for every room, it was great. Now he's retired, but the signes still hang...anyways, good luck with your teaching degree!
  6. targeted advertizing is when a certain audience is targeted to view commersicals. For this example, I have to quote my sfr teacher: Google ads (and their "clones") work by targeting you, the viewer of an audience (let's say Xisto) with an ad for used 1985 home computer crap. You know what I mean? so now you know how google ads work. ...btw, my sfr teacher is awsome, I just had to quote him...
  7. I was thinking for my strategies for research project what I should do. I can do anything I want. I was thinking either a board game reserch project where I make "the perfect board game", or mabie I should just "see how adults vs kids react to rediculis things" kinda like prangster group ( I can't remember how they say it) for example, people posing like a statue for hours without moving. I'm kinda leaning twords the rediculus one, cuz that means I can pull off this random stuff in school without getting in trouble. What do you think?
  8. That's cool, but a little pricey, don't you think? I would get it if the budget allowed it, but that's about it.
  9. I'm done and it's uploaded to the galery!!! view the galery page here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acty&cmd=si&img=24 here's the image: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actdir=1126869265/ thanks everyone!
  10. yeah, I'm working on a version where you make your own character and all, and also a version with elements and such. Anotherwords, you can play with new addon rules and methods with this game. You can also make your own, just post 'em here! that's how great this game is, it's so simple anyone who is just starting out can play like a pro
  11. Battlex is a game I made on my own that is easy to play and learn, and is kinda like dungons and dragons, but watered down alot. You may want to read the rules first and then how to make it so you knida know what you want to do with certain things. Here's how we make everything: if you want to make an On-the-go set: We need a box for the game. Get a good sized altoids container, n64 game cartrage case, or something about the size of a deck of cards. It doesen't really need to be that specific size, just generally that size. Put it aside. Now we'll make the markers. Take 6 (six) tacks of different colors, and pull the point out with needle nozed pliers. If this does not work, take the wire cutting part of the pliers (or any wire cutters), and cut the point of as close to the plastic peice as possible. File down the rest of the point with a nail file untill the bottom of the tack is flat. Repeat for the remaining 5 of them. once you're done with that, place them in the container. now you need two dice: a 20 sided dice and an 8 sided dice. Put them in the container. Now we will make the board. It will look like a manopoly board, or a board that is square, if you know what I mean. Take a peice of posterboard or oak tag, and cut it to the size of your container (must be square peices), and make one more of them the same size, and two that are slightly shorter on one side. Now go into microsoft word, paint or something you can make a table with, and make a table with 15 rows and 15 columns. Now adjust it so it fits on all four of those poster board peices when you lay them down on a table to make a big square, but make sure that you have the shorter ones on one side, and the bigger ones on the other. also, make sure that there are space between those two sides. use the program's ruler, or something. now make the top and bottom two rows a light gray. Print it out, and paste it on all four of those posterboard squares. Cut down the two sides of the shorter posterboard squares and stop when you get to the middle of the board. Now fold it down the middle, where you made that little cut in the board. Now fold the two shorter sides in, and you have your board. Make A "maze" on the board by darkening gridlines. You can make multiple boards. Just shade in solid pillars and closed empty rooms and stuff. You are done with your set. If you want print the rules out and put them in with the game. To make a home board, just alter the board so that it is much bigger, use a cookie tin or something. Don't forget the board has to fit in the box. Use sorry peices or something like that for the markers. Now for how to play: Rules for "Battlex" for 2 to 6 players. for any even number of players: put an equal ammount of markers in the grey spaces. Those are your "teams". everyone rolls the 20 sided dice. Whoever gets the highest number goes first, seccond highest goes second, third highest goes third, etc. on your turn, you roll the eight sided dice. One person per square On your first turn roll the 20 sided dice. you move the number of squares you roll. You can move diagonally, vertically, or horrizontally, but not through walls. If someone on the opposite team is within 8 squares of you, not counting the one you are on, you can attack them, but not through walls. Roll the eight sided dice. If that person is within the number of squares you rolled, you may attack them. roll the 20 sided dice. When you start out, you get 100 life points. you simpally subtract what you rolled from their life points. when your life points have reached 0 or less, you are "dead" and your marker is removed from the board. When one team is all dead, the other team wins. When playing with odd numbers of people: one person must be a "gremlin" and must wander the board and attack other people from any team, as any normal player would, but watch out: gremlins have double range, and attack power! they can attack from up to 16 squares away, and can take away up to 40 health points! (you just double what you roll) Gremlins are imortal, and you cannot kill them, but you can stun them (basically attacking, but the gremlin is inactive for 2 turns) other then that you have normal play. I think you get that. If you see any errors, just let me know, and I'm planning on updating this, so either check the tutorials for a new rules set, or check back on this thread. Hope you like my game!
  12. yeah, it really doesen't matter, if you don't think I should have a guitar, you could exclude it, or like have it in the shadows somewhere. If you can't have the pink color use green.
  13. yeah, I could see my house, my garage, and also some landmarks like disney world and stuff, it's cool
  14. they have free shopping cart scripts online, so you just sign on and it will tell you what to make and who to sell it to. It's really pretty easy to set up, I'm working on a shop for my site.
  15. wow, that description gave me a gore-licious image in my head :Panyways, that's pretty weird, but IDK, mabie I'll go hunting with my compound bow and kill it, ok, I'm kidding. wow, that's pretty weird man.
  16. ok, so I'm a newb at sigs, and I really am starting out so I can't make anything I can say "wow, that looks good" so here's some of the pointers: I like a sig that describes me, so it should have a bass guitar somewhere, a skateboard(er shillouette) and some type of computer or robot or something. Be creative. Somewere it has to be green and black, or pink and black, or both if you can do that while it still looks good. (they are my favorite colors) it has to be manly, cuz I'm a guy, I don't really want a lady sig (no offense) Somehow punk style. You know what I mean, right? sharpie markings, scratches, you know. If you want I could send you a font or two to use. I think you can download them at neverwillbes.nextdesigns.net, they are called PenciledIn, and AcidBoy you could have some kind of scratched up frame type thing with a tech background or something like that, but use your imagination. thanks! B.J. aka PsychicCyberFreak
  17. yeah, looks awsome man, but like you said the text needs to be cooler. Awsome
  18. there's a free online flash site template. It's ok, but if you want you can use one of the tutorials at flash kit.the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think.
  19. I was thinking mabie there could be a music forum, seperated into subgroups so we could discover new groups and genres that we like. Pretty much everyone listens to music, so it will probably easy to start up, especially with more then 5000 members. Also, there's a few free and legal music download sites out there (ex: music.download.com) so you can also sample/download songs and such.
  20. it's ok I guess. It won't work on my computer though. never loads. looks good I guess.
  21. I like greenday's older stuff. I like their new stuff, just not as much.
  22. I was talking about web images, but that's ok, I got it to work kinda...Anyways, I finished my sig today, I just need to upload it and I'm done. (my site is out of hosting credits)so I will post it up hopefully over the weekend, when I refill my account with credits. It is good, can't wait til I post it up!B.J.
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