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Posts posted by illdevilinc

  1. Ok,I changed some of the content based on your suggestions.Im also working on the others.But what i changed now are:1. The colors of the site. (They are now white and black instead of Red and black)2. Some content has been removed. (Content like the second server and navigation list has been removed, the TOS has been moved to its own page, the link discription has been removed, the instructions on how to use the site has been removed, and the main navigation system has been improved.What i am working on is putting the site in frames to improve the layout and adding content.But if you have any other suggestions on anything on the page let me know through this or the website. Thanks

  2. Hey i got the cable to connect the computers. There connected now but now i need to find out how to share files from windows XP proffessional with Home edition. The connection shows as shared but when i try to click the home computer(proffessional) it says that i dont have permission to access it. I am an administrater of both computers and need to figure out how to connect them both together. And also i would like to know how to share the wireless connection from my laptop with my home computer. If someone could give me a link or instructions on how to do it i would appreciate it. And thanks to all that helped with the crosscable situation. P.S. sorry about asking so many questions. Im a moron and dont know anything about networking.Thanks

  3. Thanks, I am sure that some of the members will find these useful. I already have all of these except the freeram program; I have a gig of ram so I don't really need to free up any space as I have lots of it. Oh, and by the way, it's Norton, not Nortan.


    The freeram program unfragments the ram. It compresses it so it can be accessed faster and so the computer knows where the programs are in the ram with just one access. And actually more ram can make the computer slower if the programs are rapidly closed and opened as it can leave traces of ram being blocked until the next reboot. So even if you have a lot of ram it is still good to have this program. It is even fully customizable to free, compress and defragment your RAM when it reaches a low level or automaticly free the ram at a time.

  4. I have tryed learning this on my own and looked for tuturals on google but i cant find the answers that i need.I need to (or want to its not required) make a registration and log in form database from Frontpage. I know this is possible and its very confusing stuff. (at least to me) If anyone knows how to use Micros0oft office 2003 Frontpage and knows how to do this can you please help me.And after i learn how to do this if anyone knows how do you make pages only viewable when loged in. (not all the pages only some).Thank you to all that helps.

  5. The Download section of it is to list leagal sites to download from. The videos are linked to with permission by Yashi (https://yashi.com/) witch is a free video hoster if anyone will use it. The second menu is in the home page witch is supposed to be an informative to how to naviagate around the site. I will probbably be removing that later on. But if you have any other suggestions about the site then please say so i am willing to modifiy the site. And this site is kind of built wierd because it was built on microsoft office 2003 Frontpage and im new at the software. Also i still need to learn how to make a log on and registration database and form if anyone knows how please tell me.Thanks

  6. I have a site compleatly dedicated to Metal Music and some of its features arent working right now. I need some suggestions of what to do next on it and also suggestions on how i can get the features working.
    the site ishttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Also if anyone knows how please help me on getting a log in forum,a server where i can put my files without vialating the TOS for that site and this one , sites for videos, lyrics, and download sites. And im not sure if i should put advertisment on it or leave it advertisment free. Also if anybody has any other suggestions i would be happy to hear them

  7. I havent been accepted on this server yet but i would like to know if anyone knows about any HTML or JAVA SCRIPT radio's that i can put on my site. I need them because my site has a radio section that i have listed as not working yet because i cant find any radios that will allow me to put it on my site. Also if anyone has any suggestions of videos/lyrics/sites that i could put on my site.
    This is the link to My site on Tripod
    And this is my future site on Xisto
    The tripod is working right now.
    The Xisto may be working at this point but when this post was sent it was still waiting for aproval.
    Thank you!

  8. Ive just heard about a new kind of keybord that has two side podiums and a pressure board. The podiums progect a keybord with the standered key placement. When ever it sences that a spot has been pressed down the signal is sent to your computer with that letter. The cool thing about this keyboard is that when software that supports this kind of keyboard comes out the lasers will progect what ever the program tells it to and the sensors will adapt to the programs settings creating compleate control of the computer. Also included in the keyboard is a mouse pad like an inlarged version of a touchpad found on notebook computers but on the pad is a replica of whats on your computer moniter and you move the mouse the the location it is needed. I didnt find out what companie was making it. Or the prise. I would immagin that it is exspensive though.

  9. No Microsoft Will NOT clear all the spyware off your system you must use additional software like spybot or ad-aware. It may look like its clean but all the microsoft spyware controls get about 45% of all the spyware on your system. They have improved this with SP2 but it still only gets a small perportion of the spyware on your system. REMEMBER: Microsoft says that you still should have spyware and virus cleaners on your system. Microsoft tools do not act as a subsitute. They may in the future but they dont right now.

  10. I have a windows XP home edition laptop and the software came preinstalled with my computer. When i try to do some tasks like windows restore it says that it has been disabled by my domain administer and to contact the admin to get this changed. 1) this computer is not in a domain2) I own the computer and am a full administrater3) I am loged in as the administrater.4) Both of my admistrater accounts have been locked out.I am still able to log in fine but i cant do any of the tasks that have to do with windows restore. My laptop is a TOSHIBA Satellite A65 with preinstalled windows XP Home edition. I have the recovery disk but i really dont feal like doing that again as that would be the second time this month. If anyone knows how to help please tell me.Thank you.

  11. My laptop is on all the time and its usually doing something like downloading or scanning for viruses. Its never had any hardware problems and it is a year old and in a good working condition. If you leave your computer on all the time just be sure to clean the vents and fans often and your computer will owrk fine. Also if you own a notebook computer most notebooks have a heat detection on there prosessor which will turn off the computer automaticly before the heat does any damage to your computer. Just be sure to save all your data before leaving it alone or you may lose it when it turnes off. Also you can just put an automatic shutdown timer on the computer and it will shut off without u even knowing it. And even better you can put a auto turn on setting and when you wake up your computer is still on. You wont even know that is was off and it will keep your computer running optimaly. So if your having hardware problems you should just put on the auto settings and let your computer take care of its self. But you still should keep the room its in ventalated or you may have some fire hazereds. But i dont think it creates any problems to leave your computer running on for long periods of times. but 24/7 may be pushing it. at least cut it down to 14/7 or at maximum 20/7. But its your choice and these were just suggestions to keep your computer working full quallity and not burn your prossesor off your computer.

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