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Posts posted by illdevilinc

  1. Can you give us a reference of where you got the authority for this, it may well mean that other P2P applications like Limewire, eDonkey, eXeem, etc may not hold up with Vista.

    Im not quite sure what you mean by authority, but anything that pulls a high download rate or supports multipul high speed downloads will eather lock up vista, give you a BSOD, or just plain kill the operating system. And as an extra warning to future vista users the touchpad will stop working on a crash and will not start working until you reinstall the operating system.

  2. ok,for everyone that runs Azureus and is planning to install vista please read up on some of the following.1.) Azureus WILL slow your perfromance and lock up often with vista2.) Right clicking in the program will lock the program up3.) To save anywhere without getting an error you must change the save area to shared and uncheck read only.4.) Do NOT start many downloads as this may lock up your computer AND may set off Vista Security and Vista will clos the program automaticly.

  3. The reason you cannot get the glass effects is because you do not have enough ram. You need atleast 1 gig of ram to run them which is why it wont work for you. If you are desparate of getting it working, you can try to increae the size of the virtual memory and see if that helps.

    No, the reason i can not get the effects is because of my graphic card rating. Windows Vista now operates its controls based on your system rating. If you do not qualify for the rating then it will disable all hopes of glass effects. The RAM does have an impact on performance but not how Windoes Vista chooses you graphic options.

    About windows vista... I cant wait! Its going to increase the performance of my computer because I am a gamer. Suposidly its going to do many things from enhancing graphics to smoothing performace when playing games. I for one cant wait until it comes out because with it's launch comes directx 10! This is also going to increase gaming performance and also going to help computers in general.

    Windows Vista will not be a very good gaming system as i can see it. It will make your computer slow and graphics and games take a long time to load. Also with the build of Vista i have every time something happens (say you save something) it asks for confermation up to 3 times before it will let you do it. And after this time your game will most likly crash as that is what is happening to my applications. But, this compleatly depends on your hardware, if you have good hardware and lots of RAM then your applications and games could work perfectly. There is no way to tell the performance of your computer with Vista until you install it.

  4. Hi everyone,I am currently running Windows vista on my Toshiba Satalite Notebook. My Notebook is about 2 years old now (late 2004 model) and the glass effects on Microsoft Windows Vista will not work. My laptop specs are:Mobile Intel Pentium CPU 2.80 GHz (Which is actualy a very good processor)640MB System Usable RAM (With Actualy 756MB installed)40GB Hard Drive with a 100GB USB Hard DriveATI Mobility Radeon 7000 IGP (with 128MB of on board Memory)My specs are actualy not that bad and the computer is still very good with graphics, very fast, and very responsive. But it is not good enough for Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 (public release). In the performance rating system that comes with vista it gives my Graphic's card a rating of 2, and the Glass effects need a rating of 3 for the options to become available. What i am wondering is if anyone else has come to a solution to this problem by finding away to give there Graphics card a better rating, disabling the raiting system, or a hack that tricks the computer into thinking the graphic card is a raiting of 3. If you know of anyways please tell me or refer me to someone or a sorce.Thank you,illdevilincP.S. The build number is 5384

  5. Hi everyone,
    I would like to let everyone knowabout http://www.myleague.com/ it is a league website that pays you to run your own league. You will find people to play in your league by going to game rooms and other ways, and the users actualy get prizes (at no cost to you) for winning points by winning the tournaments that you set up. Now you can get your friends to register as Tournament Directors and/or users. You also get your own home page and when you get to a number of members you get to reserve your own room. I think it is cool and i actualy just created a league now, but i have been a member before. If you want to make your own league go to http://www.myleague.com/.
    And if you want to join a league or just want to test them out, please try my league (its a Pogo Pool League) and if your good at pool you may win something, the URL to my league is:

  6. Yes its a way for promoting :i like the idea about promoting a site through forums, but not just listing a site to go to. it should be on topic and you should add some information that is usefull for the forum and on topic. you can then tell them that if they are interested, they can find out more information by going to your site. don't ever create an automatic link exchange program. you need to create a link exchange with RELATIVE sites. if your site is about music, you don't want to exchange links with a site about pets. you're not linking to quality content related to your site and you will not do well in the search engine ranking in the long run. one way links that link to your site is good, google site maps is good as long as you did it right. the exchanges aren't going to help you much in attracting visitors unless you can catch the visitors eye really fast to stay on your site or even bookmark it.
    start offering something free. an ebook related to your site. write one yourself. a newsletter that nobody else offers. make them join your mailing list to obtain it. mailing lsits are gold to bring back visitors to your site if you can offer something of value to them. build a list, bud and be creative in how you go about doing it. alot of people don't want to be spammed now and are afraid if they give their name and email address it would be the worse mistake in the world. build credibility and trust with your visitors.

    The link automatic link exchange is on a seperate sub domain. It will not effect the other sites i have listed and if you actualy look at the auto exchange it is catagorized. All the catagories i make and if other users make it they have to be approved by me.

  7. Awesome suggestion. Genius? Ummmm,...I don't know. No just kidding, no really nice suggestion. I will have to try it out sometime. I wonder though, is it legal? I actually think it is. I will have to read myspace's TOS and Rules. The last thing you would want is to get in trouble, but I suppose it could work, and actuallyu, with all the junk there anyway, it probably doesn't matter, although I will be checking it out just the same. But thanks, taht is an awesome suggestion.

    Myspace really wont care. By you creating an account and getting lots of friends your promoting myspace in a new way. Some one sees your profile they may just create an account because they liek the profile. And if myspace dosent like it then the most they will do is ban your account or warn you. But i really don tthink they will care.

  8. Actually one wayis to use Myspace. No not YOUR myspace, but start a myspace account like uhh Mickey Mouse for example. Then after you get 1000s of friends then every now and then post a bulletin like hey yous guys check out this cool site. Or mine has videos so i say in a bulletin"haha watch this video on [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm not going to say what "character" i am on myspace but i have over 2,500 friends and couting and when i do that i get at least 100 views within minuets. Just try it. It takes awhile to get friends though. Just a suggestion, but it works! This is because you have 2000+ people on your friends list which = 2000+ people reading your bulletin = HIGH chance of them clicking on the link.


    I like that idea. Even though i am compleatly against myspace, i do know that it is popular. Thanks for the suggestion.

  9. Hi everyone,
    I am wondering how to promote some of my site's that i have to get a higher ammount of visitors to them. First im going to list all the sites i need help in promoting and then i will tell you what i have already tried or what im currently trying.
    okay the sites are,
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ IDI Metal Music
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ill Devil Inc
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ill Devil Inc Get Paid
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ill Devil Inc Forum
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ill Devil Inc Link Exchange
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ill Devil Inc auction center
    Okay and now what ive tried is,
    Link Exchanges, Banner Exchanges, GPT Traffic exchanges, Surf exchanges, Promoting threw forums, trying to get back links, submitting content to google search engine threw Google Sitemaps, and ive tried some other things but they do not work very well.

    The easiest promoting site will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ because it is an automatic link exchange program . So if you would like to help me out please submit your link in that program, but it requires a backlink. And for the rest of the site's if you have any suggestions or if you would like to exchange links please post here or email me at illdevilinc@gmail.com.
    thanks in advance,

  10. hi everyone,
    I am in need of some people to help me manage my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I need help with design, coding, switching out the home page weekly, adding lyrics, adding videos, promotion, new feature designs, and more. If anyone is interested in helping with some of those things please respond back to this post with your email, or email me at illdevilinc@gmail.com. I am i need of a lot of help as i am currently managing about 6 different sites at the moment. I will provide you with everything you need. And i can also provide you with software if you need it.
    Thanks in advance,

  11. Hi everyone,
    Ive been creating a site for the past couple of weeks called IDI Get Paid. Now i want to get some feed back on the site. The URL of the ste is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. If you like the site then please contribute to it by submitting some GPT sites that have used before.

    The IDI Get Paid site is a site that is used as a directory but not only that it will help you get paid succesfuly. Each site that is put into the system will be tested by me. Then I will write a review on it. The review will include if they paid or not, details on the site, screen shots of the payment (if they paid), and more. The site also includes a couple of forms that you can fill our. One form is the submission form. The second from is a "not Paying" form, which is used to report that a site as recently stoped paying. The third form is a "paying" form, which is used to report that the site has started paying. The forth form is a Payment screen shot form. There are also some other features that im not listing here. So if you would like to review the site and tell me what you like about it or what it is missing, then reply with your thoughts.
    Again, the URL of the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
    Thanks everyone,
    Ill Devil inc

  12. Microsoft and Google are in different zones of buisness. Microsoft sells Operating Systems which is on about 95% of peoples computers. Now imagine if google does get bigger. Microsoft would still have an advantage. They provide the operating system. They could easily put a blow to google's applictations by changing the operating system a little bit and making there applications malfunction. And even then Apple would not be able to help very much as google's main programming is in microsoft's windows language. I actually see microsoft and google partnering in a way. If that happened Microsoft would get bigger and more powerful, but google would make a killing. If they partnered Microsoft could include some dumbed down applications from google in there OS and people would use and upgrade to a costly but better version. And Microsoft would benifit by putting there products on the worlds biggest internet solution. But, this is just my opinion and if you dont agree. Then you dont agree. Feel free to comment and say my idea is stupid or a positive comment.

  13. hi everyone,I just downloaded Microsoft Office 2007 Beta 2. My opinion is the new beta is GREAT!!The beta is fully functional, with some bugs but not bad at all! I downloaded the Beta with all programs except one note and all the server things. The beta is very flashy, a lot of eye candy that are just there to look good. But what supprozed me about the beta is the eye candy in this version actually has a purpose. Most of the flashy pop ups or right menus actually have all of the information ready for you. This is mostly in Miscrosoft Office 2007 Outlook. And for the people that use frontpage (like me) Microsoft didnt get rid of it, it is renamed to Microsfot office 2007 Sharepoint Designer. I am very impressed in the improvements in Sharepoint Designer (designed off of frontpage 2003). Frontpage is now very deta accepting, it provides support for PHP, ASP, Sharepoint services, and alot more codes. The forms interact with the coding, and now frontpage helps with it. I am even more impressed by the options menu and the layout. The options menu must have 100's of new options and features. and the Layout is just great! I have had few problems with sharepoint designer. The only thing that can get in the way is the bugs. Like the one that really pisses me off is now you can not put any text on the side of any form. Other then that the Sharepoint designer is great. For Frontpage users, if you upgrade to sharepoint designer you will be impressed. Now with word, im in love with the emailing system they have on there. If you send an email threw word or outlook the features that you have in there almost give you the opertunity to write a book in an email. The layout is just great in all programs they have there. There has been massive changes from 2003 to 2007. The changes will blow your mind. And the layout looks good to (thanks to all the eye-candy). And one more thing about the eye candy, it all looks like alot. But, in reality it does not eat as much resources as you think. It seems to me microsoft has created a beter core in 2007 as well as all the new additions. For all of the other programs i recomend you go to microsofts home page (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and download or read up on the programs. By the way the install speed sucks very badly so make sure you are not using the computer as it will lock up on install for quite a while. To the beta users, good luck with what ever you are using them for,and to the reader's, thank you for reading!illdevilinc

  14. Hey everyone,
    Has anyone heard anything about star clicker? In other forums i have read some people say it pays others say it dosent.
    Does anyone know of this site?
    Does it pay?
    the URL is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I am currently a member and have not been paid (only requested payment on 5/28/06, so not to worried right now) but i do know this site is a good advertisment tool. But if you would like to help me out by going under my refferal, you can put my forum name (illdevilinc) in the refferal box at starclicker or PM me for the refferal link.
    Thanks everyone,
    If you know anything about this site please post it here in a reply,
    Thanks again,
    Ill Devil Inc

  15. hi everyone,

    I am starting some new programs to help you succesfuly make money online. All of the programs are free! The New programs are all on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    -----Okay the first program i have just started is called IDI Get Paid,

    This program is currently online,

    This program is so we can get a good list of paying sites and bad sites. Another good quality of this site is there is a request form and a submission form, these are explained below:

    Request Form,

    The request form is so people can request that we (the Ill Devil Inc people) join the site and test if it pays us. Once we get the result we will email the person with the results and add it to the sites good, bad tables.

    Submission Form

    This submission form is so we can be notified of succesful paying sites, or sites that do not pay. We will still tes the site and make sure they are telling the truth, And the results will be placed in the catagories that they belong in.

    What i need help with on this site:

    I need help with what sites to suggest and so i can make the catagories bigger, also i need more people to help test the sites.

    -----The Second program is a refreal part of a forum

    This program is currently online,

    This is just a simple downline builder. But i am looking to expand the whole forum.

    Extra Note, The downline builder is part of a bigger Ill Devil Inc Forum,

    What i need help with on this site:

    I need Modoraters and i also need suggestions on how to expand the forum, and get more users and traffic to the forum.

    -----The third program is a Automatic Downline builder

    This program is currently Offline,

    This program will be an automatic program for the user to signup under a referal URL that is automaticly given to them by the server, and after signed up they give there URL to the system and it gives there URL to the next user. This will be in a organized list of supported PTC and PTR programs.

    Reason for being offline,

    The scripts are not ready.

    What i need help with on this site:

    I need someone to help program the scripts and i need future complaint managers.

    ------The forth program is a Get Paid To site

    This program is currently Offline,

    This would be a site that would pay you to click, read, and other things. It would also have a click exchnage to bring traffic to the site.

    Reason for Being Offline,

    I do not have the scripts.

    What i need help with on this site:

    I need help with the designing of the home page, the scripts, or a person to find the scripts for me.

    The URL's For all of the sites:

    IDI Get Paid,


    IDI Forum,

    The full forum URL is, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The Downline part of the forum URL is, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/view_forum.php?id=20

    Automatic Downline Builder,


    The Future URL will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    IDI GPT (get paid to site)


    The Future URL will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    If you would like to help with the sites please drop a post here or email me at illdevilinc@gmail.com. If you want to suggest a script drop the script in a post here. If you want to design some scripts i will reward you with money or some other form of payment. If you do infact want to design those scripts please email me at illdevilinc@gmail.com or IM me, my IM ID is illdevilinc.

    Thanks for reading!!!!,

    Ill Devil inc

  16. That site doesn't seem to work...
    And backlinks are sites that link to you, and the higher pagerank they are, the higher your pagerank will be (Pagerank is given by Google).

    I beleve the correct URL is instead of , and if that is the correct site i see that you are using Googles Adsence program. If you have used this program on the site, and are planning to only test with backlinks, your plan has already failed. Google Adsence, when put on ANY page will be indexed in there sandbox and probably get out of it alot faster then you think. The reason is that google's ad is content based. If you would like to not have google know about your site for any other reason besides the backlinks i would suggest not using Google Adsence.
    Good Luck with your experiment!!!,

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    **editted** out the incorrect urls.

  17. Hi everyone,
    Does anyone know of any cheap or free GPT (get paid to) scripts? If you do not know what a GPT Script is i will fill you in:
    The GPT Scripts are scripts that automate things like Click exchange, Get paid to read, Get paid to Click, Get paid to surf, and things like that. The scripts also automate payment and emailing of users. You should get what the script is but in case you dont check out http://promo2.c-rewards.com/rea/spl/en/lxc/4/ or a different GPT site and look at all the automation and what the script does. And you can also check out https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=auroragpt&e=com which provides a demo of the admin and user settings on there site. Aurora GPT cost $70 and i cant afford that at the moment.
    But, if anyone know of any GPT scripts that are fuctional please let me know.
    Thank you,
    Ill Devil Inc

  18. You have good contents to envy but the way you have arranged or placed the contents are not the best, there is room to improve. I wouldn't mind you retain the color combination since it suits well with the name of the site. It is a wonderful idea that you choose those two colors and mix it. It is a plus point I should say.
    After we scroll down the tables and are done with those the content below look very messy. I think you can still put them inside some table or box to give a better look. And instead of keeping the width to 100% it may be better to keep in 800x600 pixels so that for those with high monitor resolution they won't have to look east and west. :)

    i am not a very good designer. And if anyone is willing to design a home page for me or find a sutible template for my site, that wont make me get rid of all the contents.
    thanks for your help and comments,

  19. A small suggestion for the music on your first site.
    The music quality is HORRIBLE. It's skips and it choppy on all the songs(I'm 100% sure it's not me). Try fixing the music quality a bit.

    Also, your site lacks much of any navigation. All the links are on the top of the page, maybe put them in an acuall nav table(the music site).

    On my computer on 700 and something DSL it works fine. If your refering to the video on the Home page at the time of this post (5/24/06) the video is ment to scratch and skip. It is not the quality it is just how the video is. The navigation system is my next thing to change on that site.

    Just a few quick suggestions:
    -Try varying up the fonts. https://www.acidfonts.com/ is a great website to get some fresh fonts.
    Remember though, fonts that you have might not be fonts that we have. Try putting them into an image file and substituting that image file where your text would normally go. Cool fonts definitely add kick to any website.

    -Symmetry always looks nice. Perhaps line up the links in the top using the <center> or <align> tag.

    -I like the black and red. I like the black and yellow. I like the black and white. But somehow the black + red + yellow + white seems a little distracting. An idea would be to stick to a colour theme... Pick your fav three colours: a background, a contrast and an intermediate. Work with those and add variety by selecting different shades of those colours, e.g. firetruck red, scarlet, dark pink etc.

    -I find the flash/title banner with the scrolling & expanding text to take away from the site's overall appeal. It looks a little too flashy. That's just my opinion.

    -Grey mouseovers... consider revising to suit your colour theme

    -Pictures say a thousand words. More images would surely kick up your site's flair. How about a picture of an electric guitar, something with spikes (I'm not too familiar with the metal genre but I think you catch my drift).

    -Try compressing your website. I didn't check the source code but if you've built the website with tables, try tweaking the table's width to say... "900" and center it. It depends what you're going for. I personally like to leave some space on both sides.

    I hope that helps! Those are of course just my suggestions. Great start and keep up the good work!

    okay im going to do this in the format you did so i dont have to quote idvidual items.

    -I like keeping the fonts unversal and not use new fonts. All the fonts i use come standered with Microsoft Windows XP computers.

    -I am going to change the whole navidation images so this will be taken care of already soon.

    -I will work on a color theme after i change the navigation system and if you have any color suggestions please tell me.

    -Im not sure about the flash part but what would you place there instead?

    -i am working on some pictures.

    -My tables are automatic so they will automaticly adjust to fit your screen

    thank you for your suggestions,
    Ill Devil Inc

  20. Hey everyone,
    I am doing a repair job on my videos right now but i am wondring what my site is missing. I feel like it is missing a lot but i am not sure what is missing. I am getting a decent ammount of visitors to my site right now but they are going only to the videos. Please comment on Everything you see that needs improvement on the site or what you think it is missing. The site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. But if you would like ot please comment on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as that is my parent company site. And if anyone is interested i need some people to help me with the site in getting it back up. Basicly at this moment all i need is people that are good in HTML and PHP. But i also have other positions available. If you want to know some of the positions just email me at illdevilinc@gmail.com. For the people that help me i am unable to pay you in money but we can compromize what you get in return for helping me.
    Thanks everyone,
    and again the two sites are:
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (IDI Metal Music, Xisto Hosted)
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (The IDI Parent site, hosts The Videos, IDI Auctions, and IDI Link Exchange)

    If you can give me ideas of what i can put on the Ill Devil inc Parent Site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) because i dont know what else to put on it.

  21. Hi,Storm of cash is down 5/19/06 so dont try to access the site yet. The reason it is down is becasue it has been hacked my someone. They are currently working on getting the site back. Right now it is redirecting you to a different page. Unless it says storm of cash on the top of the site, the site is still down.Later, everyone

  22. ya know, maybe it's just me, but I can't really see the "Storm of Cash", when I see people getting paid $0.19 and $2.15 into their paypal accounts. Granted, it is free money, but I mean really come on.

    True, but also it is just a name. But it pays, maybe it does not pay alot but it does add up. Plus having referals also increase your money.

  23. Is this picture real? I mean, in the notes where it says:


    "Check your paypal account?? Good news you in the money!!Stormofcash has paid you"


    Why does that part go over the picture where it says "Protect your account Info"


    Unless, ofcourse, its been edited?


    The image is like that because that email was receaved using Microsoft Outlook 2003. The email is valid and i can not post a image of what the broser wmail service( ATT Yahoo! Email Service (thats what email it was sent using)) because outlook erases that inbox.

    Here is the image of the full screen of the email using outlook-----


    Posted Image

    This image is real and is in no way edited

  24. Hi,


    I am interested but before i join i would like to see your screenshot from your paypal payementbecause I tried many programs like this and often they did not pay me. How much can you earn by this program?




    okay i will post the image here. Please note that do to the security of my account i have blocked some of the personal information from the screen shot.

    I have blocked out,

    The transaction ID,

    and my leagal name.

    Here is the Screen Shot of the email PAYPAL sent me,

    Posted Image

    Also know that i have had other payouts its just outlook sent them somewhere and i dont know where they are.

    And, payout ammounts very by how much you have actualy clicked and how long you saved up. the ammount in that email was about a half day of clicking and with referals you will earn even more. ( i have 0 referals and still made that ammount).

    And please put illdevilinc in the referal box if you do join.

    thank you,


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