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Posts posted by illdevilinc

  1. R u realiy paid by them and how much?

    yes i have really been paid by them and if you need i can give you a screenshot of the payment from paypal. And some advice on who is spamming and who is not, take a look at the post count, user rating, and hosting status, most hosted people will not spam in fear of losing there hosting account, and also the post count will tell you that the user has not been banned and (usually) can be trusted, though i do relize that people can be tricked into things, but if you do not like the way the site looks or sounds dont use the site, but dont leave a comment like you did as that could give a very wrong impression. Just remember to look at all of the above listed and also look at the warning level.
    Judging by your post count you are new to these forums, so im going to say now im sorry for this conflict and welcome to Xisto forums.

  2. I think that error means that the script unexpectedly ended (for example, forgetting a } for an if, else, etc. I think it could even be caused by forgetting the close ?> on the script, but I'm not sure). Maybe you should check the code there. However, if it was working a few days ago, that may not be the problem.


    One last thing: You mentioned it was affecting a lot of your scripts. Are there any scripts you can run that don't have an if, else/elseif, while, or anything else that uses { and }? Sorry, but that's as much as I can help with.


    The code is extremaily big. but i dont know how all of a sudden this error could of happened as the code was never modified by anyone. but the code is this

    <?php		if ( !$_POST['Install'] )	{				require_once( '../SkaLinks_include/English_lang.php' );				require_once( 'template.php' );					}	else	{	$package_version = 15;	foreach( $_POST as $key => $value )	{		if( !strlen( $value ) && ( $key != 'mysql_userpwd' ) )		{			die( "<font color=red>The value of $key parameter is empty!</font>" );			}		}	$f = fopen( '../headers.php', 'w' );	$content = 	'<?php		//Section for script configuraion - START	//For info, refer to the Manual.	$_url_main_site		= \''.$_POST['url_main_site'].'\'; //mysite.com/dir/	$_url_root		= \''.$_POST['url_root'].'\'; //mysite.com/	$_dir_root		= \''.$_POST['dir_root'].'\'; // /my/home/directory/ If you are unsure about the correct path to the home directory of your site in the server file system, please contact your web-hosting support for assistance.		$_site_title		= \''.$_POST['page_title'].'\';	$_site_full_name	= \''.$_POST['site_full'].'\';	$_site_brand		= \''.$_POST['site_brand'].'\';	$_site_description	= \''.$_POST['site_description'].'\';		$_mysql_username		= \''.$_POST['mysql_username'].'\';	$_mysql_userpwd		= \''.$_POST['mysql_userpwd'].'\';	$_mysql_host		= \''.$_POST['mysql_host'].'\';	$_mysql_dbname		= \''.$_POST['mysql_dbname'].'\';	//Section for script configuraion - END			$_skalinks_url[\'root\']	= $_url_root;	$_skalinks_url[\'dir\']		= $_skalinks_url[\'root\'];	$_skalinks_url[\'templates\']	= $_skalinks_url[\'root\'].\'templates/\';	$_skalinks_url[\'admin\']	= $_skalinks_url[\'root\'].\'admin/\';	$_skalinks_url[\'main_site\']	= $_url_main_site;	$_skalinks_url[\'rm_news\']	= \'skalinks.com;;	$_skalinks_dir[\'root\']	 = $_dir_root;	$_skalinks_dir[\'dir\']		 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\']; 	$_skalinks_dir[\'admin\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'admin/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'db_backup\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'admin\'].\'db_backup/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'smarty\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'smarty/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'template_dir\'] = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'templates/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'compile_dir\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'compile/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'config_dir\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'config/\';	$_skalinks_dir[\'cache_dir\']	 = $_skalinks_dir[\'root\'].\'cache/\';	$_skalinks_mysql[\'username\']	= $_mysql_username;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'userpwd\']	= $_mysql_userpwd;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'host\']	= $_mysql_host;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'dbname\']	= $_mysql_dbname;	$_skalinks_mysql[\'tbl_prefix\'] = \'dir_\';	$_skalinks_page = array	(		\'title\' => $_site_title,		\'title_add_cat\' => \'Add Category\',		\'title_add_url\' => \'Add Link\',		\'title_search\'  => \'Find your Link\',		\'title_search_result\'  => \'Search Result\',			\'title_edit_cat\' => \'Edit Category\',		\'title_edit_url\' => \'Edit Link\',		\'title_admin\' => \'Admin index page\',		\'title_link_list\' => \'Links list\',		\'title_cat_list\' => \'Categories list\',		\'title_dirtree\' => \'Tree of categories\',		);	$_skalinks_site = array	(		\'site_description\'	=> $_site_description,		\'site_full\'		=> $_site_full_name,		\'brand\'		=> $_site_brand,		\'mail_theme\'		=> \'Message\',		);	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/English_lang.php\' );	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/component.php\' );	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/SkaLinks.class.php\' );	require_once( $_skalinks_dir[\'smarty\'].\'Smarty.class.php\' ); 	require_once( \'SkaLinks_include/design.php\' );	$SkaLinks = new SkaLinks( $_skalinks_mysql );	$SkaLinks->SetRootURL( $_skalinks_url[\'root\'] );	$SkaLinks->SetPrefix( $_skalinks_mysql[\'tbl_prefix\'] );	$color_theme = $SkaLinks->GetParam( \'color_theme\' );	$_skalinks_url[\'color_theme\'] = $_skalinks_url[\'templates\'].$color_theme.\'/\';			// Get some settings	$_output[\'register_users\']	= $SkaLinks->GetParam( \'register_users\' );	?>';	fwrite( $f, $content );	fclose;			// Mysql dump installation	// Connect to MySql server	$link = mysql_connect ( $_POST['mysql_host'], $_POST['mysql_username'], $_POST['mysql_userpwd']  );		mysql_select_db( $_POST['mysql_dbname'], $link );		$query = mysql_query( "SELECT `Package_ver` FROM `dir_settings` LIMIT 0,1", $link );	$package = ( $query ) ? mysql_fetch_assoc( $query ): "";		if ( !$package['Package_ver'] )	{			$sql_file = "skalinks_mysql_dump.sql";			if ( !mysql_select_db ($_POST['mysql_dbname'], $link ) )			{				die ("<font color=red>Could not select database ".$_POST['mysql_dbname'].": " . mysql_error()."</font>");				}		// Begin installation of dump file 	if ( file_exists( $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file ) )	{		$dump_file = $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file;	}	else	{		die( "<font color=red>The path to directory is wrong. Couldn't find dump file : $sql </font>" );		}		 if ( !($f = fopen ( $dump_file, "r" )) )	 {		 die( "<font color=red>Could not open file with sql instructions: $dump_file </font>" );	 }	 while ( $s = fgets ( $f, 10240) )	{		$s = trim ($s);		if ( $s[0] == '#' ) continue;		if ( $s[0] == '-' ) continue;		if ( $s[strlen($s)-1] == ';' )		{			$s_sql .= $s;		}		else		{			$s_sql .= $s;			continue;		}		$res = mysql_query ( $s_sql, $link );		if ( !$res )		{			$ret .= "<i><font color=red><b>Error</b> while executing:</i> $s_sql <br>".mysql_error()."</font><hr>";		}		$s_sql = "";	}	fclose($f);	}	else	{		while( $package['Package_ver'] < $package_version )		{		$sql_file = "upgrade_base_".$package['Package_ver'].".sql";		// Begin installation of dump file 		if ( file_exists( $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file ) )		{			$dump_file = $_POST['dir_root']."install/".$sql_file;		}		else		{			die( "<font color=red>The path to directory is wrong. Couldn't find dump file </font>" );		}			 if ( !($f = fopen ( $dump_file, "r" )) )		 {			 die( "<font color=red>Could not open file with sql instructions: $dump_file </font>" );	 	}			while ( $s = fgets ( $f, 10240) )				{				$s = trim ($s);				if ( $s[0] == '#' ) continue;				if ( $s[0] == '-' ) continue;				if ( $s[strlen($s)-1] == ';' )				{					$s_sql .= $s;				}				else				{						$s_sql .= $s;				  continue;				}				$res = mysql_query ( $s_sql, $link );				if ( !$res )				{					$ret .= "<i><font color=red><b>Error</b> while executing:</i> $s_sql <br>".mysql_error()."</font><hr>";				}				$s_sql = "";			}			fclose($f);			$new_ver = mysql_query( "SELECT `Package_ver` FROM `dir_settings`", $link );			$number_new_version = ( $new_ver ) ? mysql_fetch_assoc( $new_ver ): "";			$package['Package_ver'] = ( $number_new_version ) ? $number_new_version['Package_ver']: $package['Package_ver']+=1;	}		}	setcookie( "adminname", "admin", time()+36000000, "/" );	setcookie( "pwd", md5( "test" ), time()+36000000,"/" );	header( "Location: ".$_POST['url_root']."admin/index.php?Build_cat=yes" );	}	?>

  3. What do the errors say? Post the error message here and then we will know what it is. Might be something that you can do something about (or maybe not). But we need to see the message first.


    The error is saying

    parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/idimm/public_html/skalinks_1_5/install/index.php on line 106

    But the thing is that this code was working a couple of days ago and nothing had been changed and when i tried to reinstall this PHP application it gave me this error. This code is on 755 cmos so it was impossible for the code to edit its self and i even replaced the code with a fresh code from the designers after it gave me this message.

  4. it is spam.don't join

    Umm, no it is not spam. They do not have any viral links, they modorate the sites, forums and everything on the site, i have been paid by them, and they do not send you ANY E-mails until you opt in for them. For everyone else please ignore that comment i think that looking at his post count he was trying to get extra credits from that post, i have been using this site for very long and know it is not spam and also pays. And please TRY the site before you say some CRAP about the site. Dont just look at a site and say its crap, think of the saying dont judge a book by tis cover.

  5. As another member pointed out, Microsoft was sued for copyright infringement, so embedded video content now must be actived by clicking on it before it starts. You can get around this by using javascript to write out the embedding code. Other than that, your site works fine for me in Internet Explorer.Also, speaking of copyrighted material, I'm fairly sure that those music videos violate the band's/music company's copyright, as well as the Xisto terms of service. Unless I'm wrong, and you've somehow obtained consent from them.

    Do you know the JavaScript code that i could use to turn these videos back on for IE? If you do please reply the code to me.
    Thank you

  6. Both the sites look very undeveloped and have no maintainance at the moment. Like garbage said it will be helpful for us to know your requirements. Many of us do have our own works and are not available freely. But if we know the nature of your works we could still try our best to help you in our free time.
    Let us know more about your requirements and possibly your offers.

    Well, What i really need is a HTML and CSS Web page designer, i am a script coder and do not do well in the templates. I also need people to get people to the site, by providing me with new artists and lyrics. But im not sure if anyone would be willing to help me with that.

  7. Yes, if the site make us alot of money i think it would be fair to alow referral links, BUT (theres always a but), most of this kind of make money online is a completly scam and using the referral links will be good to them!!! <_<
    So i think the most wise thing to do is not allow Xisto.com contribute to the sucess of those scamers, its just my opinion and i think it's why Xisto don't allow referral links.

    But with the Make Money Online forum people could look there for the trustworthy sites and then post the refferal links. And it would also clean up these forums too.
    thank you

  8. hi everyone,
    I need help managing my web site really, really bad. The site is getting way to big for me to control on my own. I have positions all set out that really need filling. If anyone is willing to help i will provide all information and software that you need. And what you get in return can be nagotiated at a later time. If you are intrested in helping me manage the site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Xisto hosted) and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (not Xisto hosted) then please email me at illdevilinc@gmail.com .
    than you,

  9. I am in seach of a "Pay per click" service which pays out through Paypal.

    It's a bonus if there is a low minimum payout <_<


    It's really important that they pay me trough PayPal =/

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Correct spelling in the title is important. Editted.


    You could check out http://promo2.c-rewards.com/rea/spl/en/lxc/4/ it pays out threw paypal and has a 15 cent min payout. I have been paid so i know it pays. if you do sign up for this service please put my screen name illdevilinc in the refferer section. But it is a very easy service and its trustworthy.

  10. illdevilinc! it seems to me that your site is really good as it has got a pageranking! secondly as amhso said that the site needs a little bit of improvement in design section. As far as getting a nice design template is concerned you can try http://www.oswd.org/ and they've got some beautiful templates and i am sure you'll find one for your site type too.
    The only way to get the clicks is that you place the ads in the right places and it must match with the sites look and feel...make sure that it adsense unit must look like an ordinary link only or place it in sidebars and name it as important links or similar

    I hope this helps you <_<

    Thans for the site and the information, i have bookmarked the site because that is a very good site, since i am tring out a new design already, and i am working on the re placements of my advertisment spots.
    Thanks again for the site!!!!,

  11. hi,Im not sure if any other people have suggested this to Xisto but, you seem to get alot of people that post there referal link in this forum. My suggestion is to make a topic or a sub topic that has a downline builder. You could be eliminating some of the referal link problems you have in forums like this and put if you set the referal builder to no post count people wont be geting un-earned hostin credits. This may even draw some more people to these forums.Thank you for reading this,its your company and you chose what you think you should do,but thank you for listening anyways!

  12. hey everyone,
    i dont now if this site has been posted already but i searched it and it gave me an error so dont yell at me.
    This site is a PTC, Paid To Signup, and a click exchange. But, this site is one of the biggest PTC sites you can find online. Im only posting this site because i have just been paid by them and thought to bring the site up to everyone looking to make money on it. They can pay you threw PayPal, StormPay, and Money Bookers. Well the link is http://promo2.c-rewards.com/rea/spl/en/lxc/4/ and if you can in the box that asks you who your refferer was put illdevilinc (if i cant say that on these forums then please yell at me, i dont want to disobay the rules) i really need referals. Or you can email me (illdevilinc@gmail.com) or PM me (illdevilinc) for the refferal URL which will fill in that box for you.
    Thanks everyone
    and another thanks to all those who go under my downline!!!!!!

  13. Embedding flash, media player, java applets, or any other objects are coded differently for different browsers.

    <object width="550" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf"> <embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400"></embed></object>
    This is the minimum code to embed a flash application. To further customise your flash workability, you will need to add on additional parameters with the <param> tags.

    You can see that in the set of codes above, there's <object> and <embed> tags. You need both of them. Here's why..
    <object> tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape recognizes the <embed> tag and ignores the <object> tag.

    You've probably did not include that <object> tag, and hence your flash application, or any object, is not viewable on Internet Explorer. Firefox follows Netscape's standard of coding, hence you can see them in Firefox.

    The code is fine, it is imbedded in a object code. The site usually has no problems in IE because it is designed with Microsoft Frontpage. And since it is designed with frontpage, it usually looks good in IE and looks like compleate crap in other browsers. But i made it easy on myself and shutdown IE support and transfered it all to FireFox.
    Thanks for the help everyone, but the reason has already been indetified and The Flash that i have made has not been designed to be activated automaticly so im just leaving a error page and a link to get firefox.

  14. hello,I am wondering where to get a banner or button of Xisto for my site. I want the button or banner because i am making a tutorial on how to build a web site and want to mention Xisto. If you wouldn't also mind could i get banners/buttons for other Xisto hosting sites?Thank you in advance.

  15. As another member pointed out, Microsoft was sued for copyright infringement, so embedded video content now must be actived by clicking on it before it starts. You can get around this by using javascript to write out the embedding code. Other than that, your site works fine for me in Internet Explorer.Also, speaking of copyrighted material, I'm fairly sure that those music videos violate the band's/music company's copyright, as well as the Xisto terms of service. Unless I'm wrong, and you've somehow obtained consent from them.

    Well that explanes why my IE stuff isnt working. I have created my own wor around by cutting off IE support from my site. Most people use firefox now and if they dont then i have provided them with a download link. Thanks for helping me come to the conclution why the browser isnt woring though.
    And about the copyright thing you said about my site, the videos are not hosted on the Xisto server and the videos are legal.
    But thanks for the clarification!

  16. Hi everyone,
    There is a problem on my site and it has me compleatly like "WTF!!". I seriously dought it is Xisto servers that are doing this and am sure it is something in my coding that did this. For some reason none of my FLASH videos will play correctly on IE but when using Firefox it will work. I have no reason why that would be. I am looking to have my site optimized for both FireFox and IE browsers. If anyone knows anything abou this problem please tell me. Also, this problem is not only in my home page it also happens in all other video areas as well
    Thank you,

    NOTICE: For some reason IE does not like me videos not the embed code, if you have both IE 6 (with update) and FireFox you can see what changes in the browsers (the link is below). I am compleatly puzzled. For additional information, the flash was designed in Flash 8 form Macromedia. If anyone nows anything please post a reply


  17. Ok the site looks terrible, but anyways you should change or alter the following:
    - You should get a template or something and alter the links from there.
    - You need to clear the background and the stuff you are presenting to the user
    - You must make sure that the stuff blends well, b/c in FF it looked kinda wacky
    - Your information is too clumped together and stuff, the black takes away from potential

    Sorry if that was a little to negative but I personally don't like the site, anyways good luck. And add some music or a feed to the background.

    The templates that i have searched for have not worked correctly. And what do you mean clear the back ground? and if you can point out some suggestions of what templates to use, or what to do with my current template to make it looks more oganized.

  18. I think the goodies within the site are great, but i think you should just go to freewebtemplates.com and get one. They have great templates and a lot of the time the people don't even have that big of links back to the designers site.

    I have already looked there and none have been sutable o fit in my home page. If someone could find one that you know would fit into my design, then please send it to me or reply to this post with the link. Or better, if you design one that fits everything that i have set up i will give the person a 1 month term i video advertisement space. (see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ under VIDEO ADS for more information, or contact me threw illdevilinc[at]gmail[dot]com.) The only thing is that i will remove any credits to the author and all copyright information and replace it with my own. But i will not take credit for the design i will just put the copyright as the sites information. (If you want i will place your credit in an alternitave location).

    Also, i would prefer a custom made design if your willing to do it because then i will save your SN and ask for help again. Or you could send a application to me threw (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and select HTML HANDLER under "What are you applying for?" and you will become the sites official HTML designer. If you do apply we can work out the terms of what you get.
    thanks again

  19. well getting more visitors=more page views=more chance of people clicking on your ads. My spudgun site usually gets around 120-150 page views a day, so i get 1-3 clicks a day. figure around there. of course, if you do actual work on the ads, blending them in, and other stuff, you can get a larger percentage of your viewers clicking on your ads.. there's a lot more to advertising than just slapping your ad on. read the google tos.
    and no offense, a cleaner and more professional looking design will help get more visitors and ad-clicks.

    *EDIT* Put your ad in a more relevant place along with being integrated with your site, (colors, theme, and placement into the template)

    i have tried looking for a template that would support my home page, but i have not found anything that will. My site may not look good but i have all the information on it. If anyone is willing to design a home page that will work with my home page and fit all the information that is on it, we can make a compromize about what you get back. Or if you could point out a home page that will work with my theme, fit all the information, and will look better then my current home page, please reply with the URL of the template.

  20. Hi everyone,
    i am using flash 8 as my flash editor. I would like to put my Google Ads in the Flash movies i have set up. The only probelm is that i do not know how to put html in the flash program, i dont even know if it possible. The reason i want to do this is that the Flash i have on my site has music videos and the code to put the movie on other people's site imbedded in the flash movie. (if you need an example go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). If you are a flash programer and am willing to help me please reply to this.
    Thank you,
    Ill Devil Inc

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