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Posts posted by illdevilinc

  1. Has anyone else purchased this what could be perfect music player? I know somebody who purchased one the day they came out and a few weeks later the screen was bad so he couldn't see what he was doing. He still could use it but couldn't see what it was saying on the screen. The person did take very very good care of it and rarely took it out of its protective case. So has anyone else purchased one of these? If so have you had good luck with them or do the screens go bad for you?

    I had the same problem but any pressure in the screen will make the ipods screen turn black and other colors. If you have the nano OR the video (the video is less easy to break) you can not put any pressure on the screens as the both are LCD screens and older iPods are ticker screens (black and white screens). But when it happened to mine i was pissed because i only had it for a week. The iPod is not reparable unless you send it in to apple. But its probably better just to invest in a video as it has more uses and the screen is alot harder to break. (I went from a 2GB nano to a 60GB Video and the video is still working after2 months and the nano stoped at 2 weeks)

  2. Microsoft is ditching Frontpage, but I can't remember what it's being replaced with. With regards to your point, there is no need for anyone to upgrade to this new version, as the one which is currently available will do everything. There is a special Student and Teacher copy, at a reduced price, albeit with less programs.
    The interface looks really different, and the first time I saw it, I thought to myself, I'm gonna get confused, but I'm sure when it's delievered, within an hour we'll all get the hang of it. pretty Classy UI as well, I suppose Microsoft is trying to lessen the differences in terms of looks, between Office on Windows and Office on a Macintosh

    Ive never heard of microsoft ditching frontpage. Frontpage is the most used microsoft unit on my computer. Why would microsoft stop this product? Also, the frontpage product has made microsoft the most money (besides operating systems) on single sold applications. My bet is that they will make a new Frontpage with Office 2007.

    And about office 2007 it looks to me like it will be a reliable program, but compared to Office 2003 it will probably be almost the same. If you have heard of what all the beta testers (for Microsoft Windows Vista) the oporating system is just eye-candy. This program will probably take do alot of that. It will also probably take more RAM and space for the program.
    All these opinons are coming from some one that dosent see much diference from Office 2002 and 2003. Because, all i see in comparing these programs is shadow and dimentions for the tool bas are added. But i do think that Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 is a better performing software then 2002.

  3. Hi everyone,I have a website about metal music. [http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/]. It gets around 20 page views a day. I am wondering if you know a way to get people to <- snipped -> ads i have around my site. If you do not know the rules of google i can not have any text asking people to click the advertisment the only text i can have is Advertisment and Sponsers. Just have a look around my site and see what i could do to it to make it more profitable and have more traffic to the site. If you can think of anything for me to do to the site please reply in this forum. thank you,illdevilinc

    Notice from mayank:
    Moved to google adsense section. Edited topic title.

  4. Hey everyone,The IBM Thinkpad 600e is a very old system but i am fixing it for a friend and need some advice. When the system boots up and gives an error code (8611) which i have found out to be the trackpoint. I need to figure out how to disable the trackpoint in eather BIOS CMOS Or WINDOWS XP. And for the users that have the same problem there is a boot bypass that i found. To do the boot bypass do the folowing1) Turn On Computer2) Let error message come up3) Press restart from the error message screen (the first one that pops up) 4) Hold down F1NOTE: Keep holding down F1 Until The error message goes away and keep holding even if it beeps. When Windows starts up you know that the Bypass Worked correctly.So if your having that problem do that and if you have a solution to my problem post it here for me.Thanks!

  5. Hey everyone,I need 2 Different kind of refferal system scripts. One is a non registering one and the other one is a registering one. Okay well ill explain what i need for each script. For the non registering one i need: It to log what SITES sent users to my site. It also needs to automaticly list the sites that have sent a curtain number of people to the site, and the number of people needs to be custamizable by eather a control panel or a scipt option. And for the registering one i need the script to automaticly provide my users with a Referral URL. It also needs to have a web based log and a control panel that i can set options for. Also if anyone would be willing to help integrate this into my login system that would be great and if you could just tell me if you would in eather A PM, email, or a post. If anyone knows of eather or both of these scripts that will do those, please list them and i will try to integrate them into my site. Thank you,Ill Devil Inc

  6. I agree with the members above , 1. Blue Links are Dumb ,
    2. Try using a Banner , above , ...
    3. A change with the Font & Size is recommended ....
    4. The "site news" will look better with a site bar ....
    5. And i think u have made the site for 1024x768 , it slides down for 800x600

    I will change the blue links to red links. I am not going to use a banner above because it will throw some other things off in FireFox and NetScape browsers. I see no problem with the font and size, and what do you think i should change it to? What do you mean the site news will look better with a side bar? And yes, the site is designed for 1024x768 as that is the top most used resolution on my site (information found out by Google Analatics) and for 800x600 users they will just not be able to see the home page as the rest of the site can work with other resolutions. I am actualy not that concerned with the layout anymore as google says the most entry into the site is directly to the videos. And the Videos are well designed (in some pages, still working on getting the design to all pages). Also, the content should keep the visiters to my site, if they leave because of my home page without looking at the rest of the pages then i dont want those vistors on my site anyways. The homepage content is good just the layout is wierd but if you look at the web there is a lot more wierder sites. And yes i am more of a coder then a designer. And also this whole site was built with Microsoft Frontpage. And layout control is a little hard to use in microsoft frontpage. And the page now works with microsoft and Firefox browsers.
    Thanks for contributing.
    I would also like to open up this topic to all of my site and tell me what you think of the rest of the site not just the home page.

  7. Hey eveyone (again),I run the website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The current web site has a connection to a high speed 10 GB server running off a seperate Windows web server. With that information i'm going to get to the point. I need help running the web site. I need help designing the web site, I need help getting content for the web site, I need help getting vistors to the site, and i need help with a lot more. When i first started this website it had around 9 pages, it was really easy to manage. Now the website has around 100. Also now all my movies are being designed in flash with my own player. I'm not sure if there is anyone willing to help me manage the site but if there is please email me (illdevilinc[at]gmail[dot]com or post in the forums. If anyone is willing to help here is the catagores i need help in:1.) Content providers -- Provides lyrics, pictures, artist information and more. (easy)2.) Media suppliers -- Provides names to videos not on the site, and takes care of some other media. (easy)3.) Page Designers -- Will provide new page templates that will be eather aproved or rejected by me. (Medium Difficulty)4.) Traffic managers -- Will find ways to get traffic to the site. Ic internal you will email me the ways if external you can do it by yourself or have me do it. (Medium Difficulty)5.) Script Designer/ provider -- You will provide to me scripts that can be used with or without database or any other thing. Scripts for database must be PHP or JavaScript. (difficult)6.) FLASH designer -- I will need a couple of these people because my video section highly uses the flash video fromat. (Extreamily Difficult)If any one is willing to help please again emal me illdevilinc[at]gmail[dot]com or post in the forums. I cant pay you at the moment but we can work out what you get from doing this or you can be a nice person and just voulenteer for this. But onw thing that i will give everyone that voulenteers is There name on a webpage on the site with a link going to there site and an advertisment on the same page.FOR MODORATERS, This is not ment to be spam or any other form of advertisment this is just a help request from other members, but If this post is breaking one of the rules for the forums feel free to just deleate the whole thing because i do not want to break any rules. Also if it is not breaking any rules could you add that in a reply so i could know?Thank you,Ill Devil Inc

  8. Hey everyone,Ive just put in a new Home page and i think it is missing things but i dont know what it is missing. I need some help figuring things out!!! Please make suggestions on the Home page or any other part of my site (except the Videos (they are not working at the moment)). I am willing to design almost every thing in my page now. But i have to say this is a lot better then what my page use to look likeThanks,illdevilinc--UPDATE--For all of those who have replied with the suggestions, know that i have changed the sites home page to something that looks more professional. Please review this one. And also take a look at the Flash grafic i have placed on top of the sites home page, and review it.Thanks

  9. Well, by unorganized i mean, there is a relatively small amount distributed among a huge space. You could probably fit everything into a somewhat smaller space so one gets a better overview without having to do scrolling. Also with the resolution I use (1680x1250) your page gets pulled apart completelty, i.e the tables spread horizontaly over the whole page which adds to the impression that your space is not well used, you might try organising it in a fixed width table.

    I see what you mean,
    The space is not used very well but i dont know what i could put there, im not sure if i should put ads or not but i dont know of anymore content i can put there. Do you have any suggestions of what should go there? Also about the table fixed table width ill work on it since frontpage is a little difficult to work with pages sometimes.
    Thanks for your imput.

  10. Hmmm... looks a bit unorganized to me, too much on one page. Also the design is a bit too simple, there is nothing holding the page together, work on that.
    I have a question though: Are you making any money off that page?

    Could you be a little more detailed then that? Ive listed many pages and dont know which one you are talking about. And could you list some sugestions on how to organize it or what to organize? And to your question, i cant answer page specific but i am making money off this site threw ads from google.
    Please respond back with a little more detail.
    thank you

  11. Hey everyone,
    latly ive been kicking it into gear with my site. I have noticed on my site stats that it pulls a good 30 people a day (and thats not bad for a site that only has been on for about 2 months). Right now im testing out a flash project for all of my videos (as people on Xisto said i should do) and i would like to hear opinons about the flash videos project that i have been working on. Please make suggestions on the videos project and/or the website all together.
    Also i wanted to ask some of the users how they think keepng 2 sites open.
    I now have this Xisto service and a 10GB web hosting service also.
    But anyways here is the Direct URL to the Flash project (on each site)
    For the Xisto serivce it is this URL (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)
    And for the Pay Web Serivce it is this URL (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)
    The main URLS are
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the IDI Metal Music Location 1)
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the IDI Metal Music Location 2)
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the main Ill Devil Inc web site.
    P.S. For everyone that dosent know my company name is Ill Devil Inc

  12. For you to properly run and manage a shared hosting server, you should probably invest in a cPanel license (http://cpanel.com/) for your sever. It's just not very possible for someone to run a web host without a product like this. Also, you need a cPanel signup script, which you can find on Hotscripts (try this script: http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/scripts-programs/web-hosting-tools/) to allow your users to set up a hosting account on your server. Sorry that it's a ton of money to spend, but that's my best solution.


    Thanks for the advise the only problem with that solution is that i am running windows and Cpanel does not support that currently. Sorry about not mentioning the operating system. And to all of the next replies i am NOT willing to change the operating system.

  13. Hey everyone,Im wondering if any of you know of a Web Hosting Script. The primary use of this script will be to give the users of my site we space. I already have my server set up. My server currently uses a 100 GB space system With apatche running on the servering computer and it is all on High Speed DSL. If you could, link the script from where it came from. And Also please make sure it is an ACTUAL Web hosting script not just a register script.thanks

  14. Why on earth would you use javascript for the rollover menu at the top?? What you're taking could easily be converted into CSS. Take a second to learn a bit of CSS, especially its rollovers: https://www.google.com/search?q=css%20rollovers


    I recommend the first two sites.


    Using CSS instead of extraneous markups will improve your rank in google because your page will be easier to read by the google spider. Also, convert your site from tables to CSS. To see sites that use CSS to achieve aesthetics, go here: http://www.cssmania.com/galleries/


    Just look at the source code in any of those sites. You will see that they don't have one table tag in there. That's because tables should be used to display ONLY tabular data.


    How long has your site been online? It usually takes a couple of months for sites to be indexed AND have a pagerank in google. It's called the Google sandbox, and it's there to prevent spam sites from dominating google's searches. What's the best thing to do then? Be patient.


    I use JavaScript because its less of a hassle to use then using CSS. Also that whole navigation structure was automaticly Generated By Microsoft Frontpage 2003. And about the google indexing i have over 50 pages in google so i dont have any problem with the indexing my site is not in the sandbox.

  15. I didn't know about google not reading the code tages <...> I suppose it does make sense as google is only really interested in the text. BUt I'm positive google does read the alt tags for images which are inside the < ... > ???

    Thanks for bringing that up google does read alt tags because it is an image. They will read EVERYTHING in the tag if it starts with img because they do need to know the information about the image for the image search. But the truth of the madder is the spider bot and the pagerank bot do not see the page like you or me they only see text versions of it. So they would not see the image but they would see what the alt makes the image say. And as for links they are counted as text they load whats in the "" but they do not read them. If anyone can obtain a Spider browser and see what i mean!

  16. Sorry mate, I woun't be able to give you reference to specific source now, but I definately read that when I made my research partly on my disertation, partly on my work as Web Project Manager. Of course, it was couple of years ago and once again, as far as I know - noeone for sure knows how google works and rates websites as it is the commertial secret.
    Oh, and by the way, the text (not background) colour has to be/is recomended to be black to get higher rating, not to be included in index.

    Okay everyone all of these black text to get a higher rating things are false. Google's search does NOT look at the "ffffff" What is does look at is the content. If you read the google rating manual available at GOOGLE. They do mention that they do not look at codes included in the quotation marks. So the code in my page that is built in on my page is <bla bla bla font="ffffff"> in conclution it rads the <bla bla bla but does NOT read the "ffffff"> In there explanation why thay dont read that part of the code is security reasons. Dont ask why cause i have know idea how that messes with security but i think it has something to do with JavaScript and there spiders. But anyways if anyone has anything to say about this quote it because i know there is at least a couple of people that are going to try to prove me wrong.
    And for the people saying stuff about how to get indexed on google. I dont need that i have over 50 pages catched and indexed in google. But thanks everyone for helping!!

  17. Hey everyone!
    Does anyone know of any examples or websites on how to do flash animation in flash Professional 8? Or does anyone have any advice on what i could build for my website (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and if you can how to build it.
    I recently got this software from macromedia (or Adobe now) and ive succesfully built my first crappy application!!! To see how crappy my application is view it here (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if the Link dosent work). It works fully (i think) but to me it looks like crap and not worthy of being a intro. But anyways if you know how to work the application or just want to tell me how to use it or even build me a sample and are willing to please do it.
    Thank you and for all those that help please consider becoming a voulenteer for my site because it is becoming harder and harder to manage it on my own. If you are intrested just go to this page (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if the link dosent work)
    Thanks again!!
    And sorry if some of that was off topic and if anyone has a problem with it please PM me and i will edit it.

  18. Hey everyone!
    Im looking for some FREE SEO tools that i can use to bring my sites page rank up!
    The funny thing about how google is handleing this is:
    1.) Google has over 40 pages indexed and cache pages on my site
    2.) Google has placed some of my pages as in the top ten pages, yet the page rank for that page is still zero???
    3.) My site has a PHP Link Exchange program on every page.
    4.) My content (according to users on the Xisto forums) is good
    5.) I am not over optimizing my site
    But anyways if anyone knows any SEO Tools and/or software that i can use to potimize my site that is FREE please tell me.
    If any one has any intrist to look at my site and give me suggestions on how to improve my site then you could also tell me them!!
    For the second choice my site is
    IDI Metal Music (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if the link dosent work)
    thanks everyone

  19. I'm on dialup so I can't test your videos, but If you could make all your videos the same, or ask viewers what screen resolution they ould like to see the video at, say 320x240 or 640x480, that way people who just want to see smaller videos can without worrying about using their bandwidth or your internet/server as much. I also hear great things about Apple's H.264 video compression scheme.
    Edit: I see you are using Windows media streams (I think), you might want to consider going to Flash player streams like google video uses.

    If you know any is there any converters to go from mpeg to what ever the flash format is or is the flash format something that can use an mpeg file?

  20. Okay i have a couple questions.
    On your home page Xisto.com there is this listed there:

    :: FREE WEB Hosting Features ::
    Sub-Domain or Domain Hosting
    Cpanel (latest release updated automatically)
    Fantastico 2
    50 - 250 mb space [ 50 mb provided initially ]
    500 - 20,000 mb Bandwidth
    Ip Address [ Shared ]
    Unlimited Sub-Domains
    Unlimited Parked-Domains
    Unlimited Addon-Domains
    Unlimited MySQL Databases
    Unlimited Email Accounts
    Unlimited Email Forwarders
    Unlimited Mailing Lists
    Unlimited Email filters
    Unlimited Ftp Accounts
    PERL version 5.8.X
    PHP version 4.3.X [ Safe Mode OFF with FULL GD Support ]
    MySQL version 4.0.18-standard
    File Manager
    FTP Manager
    All this absolutely FREE and much much MORE

    Now this is what my Cpanel is saying that i have:

    Domain name metalmusic.trap17.com Hosting package Beta
    Subdomains 0 / 99
    Parked Domains 1 / 9
    Addon Domains 0 / 9
    Mysql databases 10 / 99
    PostgreSQL Databases 0 / 99
    Disk usage 33.29 / 150.00 MB
    SQL Disk usage 1.45 MB
    Disk space available 116.71 MB
    Bandwidth usage 235.09 / 5000 MB
    Email accounts: 9 / 99
    Email forwarders: 2 / unlimited
    Autoresponders: 1 / unlimited
    Email filters 0 / unlimited
    Mailing lists: 1 / 99
    FTP accounts 0 / 99

    Well my first question is:
    What does it mean Hosting package Beta? And why has the information provided in the cpanel changing all the time?

    My second question is why is some of the things that are supposed to be UNLIMITED have a limit of 99? or 9? I havent used the subdomain system yet but im going to start and im just wondering if i missed something in my hosting plan. I have the Default (150 MB) hosting plan.
    If someone could, please help me answer these questions.
    Thank you
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Lists placed inside quote tags. When the posting is mostly a list of stats, please use quote tags (or code tags for program listings). Otherwise you get credits for them and we all know that this is not 'original' material.

  21. Hi everyone,
    For my site i host a server that is used to broadcast videos to my users. But the server is on a heavy load. It will host over 400 videos and will be constantly accessed by many people at once. The server is also used to give each user 25 MB of space to be uploaded, downloaded, changed and what ever. I am currently on 1.5 MBPS DSL. I would rather not hqave to spend more money on DSL and am wondering if there is any programs that will speed the server up by at least 10%. Or if there is a way that i can compress the videos so that they are accessed with less of a download. If you know of any programs, compression options, or any other ways that i can speed up my server and the DSL please tell me! The server runs off a Toshiba laptop with 100 GB (server use only) of space, 724 MB of ram, Pentium 4 processer with 2.7 GHZ of speed, running on Microsoft Windows XP SP2 2003 edition And is used for a lot of different tasks on a daily bases. I really would appreciate any help that anyone can give me to improve this server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And if anyone is interested my site url is :http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    And if that URL dosent work then use this one: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    For a sample of the speed of the videos you can go here: Preview of In Flames videos (i am remodeling the pages to work better so this page may be down)
    Thanks again

  22. Hey all i am wondering if any of you will be interested in reviewing my site. You can find my site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . I am looking on how to improve my sites traffic and users. My site offers every user unlimited access to all lyrics, videos, tabs, and a new feature that i added 25 MB of my own personal server space. The site is already in google, yahoo!, and msn (im not sure about msn but my friend told me it was). And it is a part of the google site map BETA. You can also find the site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you want to also. Im also looking for new features and services that i can provide for my users if you have any suggestions im willing to do almost anything.
    Ok so here are the links to my site again.
    My Webpage (metalmusic.trap17.com)
    My Webpage (idimetalmusic.net)
    thanks everyone i have the email when replied program active so ill know of any replies

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