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Everything posted by pbrugge

  1. My old site had some problems in IE and therefore I did a complete redesign of the page, I am still working on it but I think that is allot better allready Sure I need to put up some extra images and some eyecandy but the basic is there and like I hope this one also works well in IE.. So tell me what you think of it and give me any suggestions if you have them.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If your there please fill in the guestbook aswell I like the feedback thx
  2. A few ported games (as in run nativly in linux) return to castle wolfenstein (and mods) quake 1, 2, 3 (and mods) starcraft UT (all verions) Tribes 2 Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Railroad Tycoon II Heroes of Might and Magic SoF 1 &2 Heavy Gear Medal of Honor All have been ported to linux, there are more see http://www.tuxgames.com/ So its not only UT2003 as you can see now...
  3. I am a big *nix fan and even knowing the fact there are realy cool games for the *nix platform the fact is that windows still beats us when it comes to gaming. But thats more the fault of the devolopers as the platform, Look at ID-software for instance they provide the linux corner also with installers for there games so doom3 and many more wil run nativly on a *nix platform. I sure wished more game-devolopers would do this.. True you can try things like wine, cedega and so on but it would be nicer if it runned native on the platform..
  4. Yep explain onme??I know lots of operating systems also used allot to but onme??Ow I use ipfilters btw for firewall, I like to setup my own rules and not hang to a program... Oke thats easier yes true but I have seen programs that open ports which aren' t needed, so I ratter do it myself
  5. mhh oke an "amd athlon pentium4" where can I get those?? My pc:> - Amd XP1600 @1665Mhz (compeats with amd XP2000) - 768MB Ram - 240GB hdd (2x120gb raid0) - plextore cdrw - Lite on dvd - 17" crt screen nameless - Creative Live 5.1 - Nvidia 5900XT 128mb - Inspire 5700 digital 5.1 speakerset * Freebsd 5.3 * Linux Gentoo * WindowsXP (stripped) and some software and games
  6. erm... Bash...... Firefox has a popup blocker buildin
  7. firefox here I just love " about:config" (dont use unless you know what you are doing) The thing with IE is that it lacks good png support and is ' insecure', the reason of the insecurity is not that IE is most used or whatever people come up with but mostly because of activeX. If you turn activeX down in your settings IE is much more secure.
  8. Any firewall where I can open and close/stealth my own ports is fine to me, I dont wanna rely on the judgement of the software only. In windows I used sygate personal firewall a long time which I thought was pretty oke
  9. Yes i agree with you Overal there are some nice games for linux and unix to (without the use of wine(X) ) and I mean real cool things like the well known vegastrike. There are shooters, cardgames, rpgs, sim games and so on. If you like games there is allot to do on linux You could try to run win only games with wine(X) if you really want to play them. But there is allot tho choose from @ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I mean why do people allways say (or think) that linux is ' oldschool' and has no fun stuff on it only a consolle and that you have to type every command? (Oke I myself use the consolle allot but thats my choise). I have more fun usinf *nix than I had in the erm... 2 - 3 years I used windows. .
  10. what are you talking about..... I can do 99% of my stuff on both linux and unix. The 1% is making flash (there are some alpha projects but they dont work well yet)
  11. You should fix your Caps Lock seems it is broken
  12. The differences between Linux and other Unix (based) operating systems is barely noticable to the average user. I myself use freebsd which is a unix platform and gentoo which is is a linux distro. The commands might be located in slightly different places or may have different sets of arguments but the functionallity is thesame. With the GNU tools available for most platforms nowdays even these differences vanish. Most of the differences are located in the kernel design and the systems administration tools but overall they perform the same and both are very stable Both are into my favorite list I like Freebsd and Gentoo the most of all Beside those I also used, debian, slackware, mandrake, suse, arch, knoppix and openbsd befor I found the one i liked best
  13. nice thinking but dont you think that if he was running an x-server already that linux would have come up with an error himself? Try to do a startx in vt-2 when you run X and you see what I mean btw not all distros run X in vt-7 (F7) for instance gentoo runs it in vt-8 (F8) and (oke its not linux) freebsd runs it in vt-9 (F9) for default. greetz...
  14. Like in my post he could be meaning the trail version (doubt it but lets be openminded about that ) which can be downloaded for free (legal) and works for a small period of time. Just enought to see if you like it or not, like it buy it else look on opensource and freeware sites for an alternative
  15. Bullseye are you sure that it was longhorn as in the OS itself cause there also is a layover (skin and some settings) that make XP look and feel like Longhorn but it sure is not the real thing. some info about how to set xp to longhorn look including some themes can be found here or here (german) or you could use google.
  16. I cant commit to this poll since the one I am using are not in it lol oke I use mplayer and mplayer-plugin to play wmv,wma, realplayer,avi , xvid etc. For music (mp3-4 and ogg) I am using xmms a linux/unix musicplayer which has allmost the same interface as winamp 2.x So I vote winamp classic mplayer design7/news.html mplayer-plugin http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ xmms http://www.xmms.org/
  17. Longhorn sure looks nice and who needs room at the desktop? I guess noone since there is a new sidebar (big one) and the taskbar is a little bigger to. But overall the kernel is good and stable as hell (I hoop) Longhorn has features (that os X allready have but oke) which makes the desktop look cooler much more eyecandy and sure thats a cool thing if you like that but it comes with a price especialy if you would like to run Aero max¨ which is fully 3d accelerated. That price is a complete new system which can be cool: source But overall I must admit that is onghorn really looks cool (and now back to freebsd )
  18. Oke I understand the main thing is that your satisfied with the program you use and that it fits your needs
  19. mhhh could you give the whole error, looks like a paging (unloading and reloading of .exe's and .dlls) problem but without the full error thats hard to say.
  20. More information what prelink is and does can be found right here.
  21. Where do you read that I disregard IE as browser? The thing is that i dont have IE (linux / freebsd user) so I try to make my css as clean as I can in the hope it works in IE to. I allready asked some people that have viewed the site in IE how to fix the problems that come up in that browser but every tip I try doesn't seem to work. If you would have looked into source you would have seen for yourself that I want to make it run in IE to I even have a special IE css file for it. I agree that the colour setings and images are not perfect yet but its a site in progress as showed. The first ting I want is that it works and looks the same in all browsers which also includes IE, because in my opinion a site should work oké in all browsers and not only in IE or Gecko. W3C is something that you can have a discusion about but I wont go there since thats not the issue here. greetz
  22. dont you know google No outpost pro is not free a single user licence = $39.95 But its true zonealarm is nice to use but overall its not such a good firewall ie, it blocks things een if granted access. But if you want a good (and free) firewall for your system there are a few you could try the one I liked best is: sygate which is free for personal use There is a free version of outpost to but it has less features as the pro version. If you like to try outpost-free aswell just *click* good luck
  23. If you would like to try it you can download a free trail version from the macromedia-website (you need to register which is also free).
  24. Welcom to linux world :)I used Knoppix ones as desktop OS and I liked it allot mostly since it has the same construction Debian has, both in package-locations as in the package manager (apt-get). Nowdays I use Gentoo and Freebsd on mydesktop, but I still have a livecd of Knoppix that fuctions as a rescue disk <_<You say things run slow sometimes perhaps if you tell us what it is we are able to let things go faster for instance with the help of prelink packages but this only counts when you run it from harddisk and i hope you do, since using a livecd is allot slower and that cannot be tweaked for asfar I know.
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