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Everything posted by Editor

  1. Not Bad 8.5/10 The header could do some better. And the Navgations and boxes could be bigger, all the boxews are too big thats what i'm thinking of.
  2. I can't see it either, hope maybe some day we will get to see it soon.
  3. Me to, im not a gamestop fan. But the only thing i go to that site is the screenshots for upcoming gamse. Mostly some of the best games, they a low rating, like ign, its different. You can compare rating to a game that mostly gamestop will have the lower rate.
  4. Both of them are pretty good to me, but i have to say the blue one. One thing i rally kind of dont like is the font. I can barley see the Font. It's blends on the sig, cant see very well.
  5. i llike Wow and Final Fantasy X!. There's few other free mmorpg that played. Can't remember whats the name of it, its pretty old to. Classics mmorpgs
  6. I am using SmartFTP. What is the address for the ftp? I totally forgot ;)Edit: Nvm i got it
  7. I prefer dsl, which its easier for me to use and less expensive than Cable or comcast. Cable is just too expensive for me or comcast. I dont like comcast every much. But i totally hate 56 worst and slowest internet ever!!!
  8. Halo 2 is an awsome game. I have played halo 1 but that was easy. I think this one is going to be challenging ?
  9. Yea xbox is great but if you'll look on the online for the two console. Ps2 is better online than xbox. Ps2 is free and some arent. But xbox is paid and which you get better service and things that they got for online than ps2.
  10. Editor

    psp psp

    psp would be awsome to get when it get out. If its not expensive, if it is i'll just wait till the price will go down. And one of my favorite game is on the psp.
  11. The two consoles wont come out next couple of years. I would go with ps3. Just that im used to ps2 controllers rather than xbox.
  12. I would say take the ps2 if you like going online since most ps2 games are free but few arent. Xbox, you have to paid to go online. If you want to play realistic games get xbox. But if your in the sports or third person shooting i would take ps2.
  13. funny as hell but the pictures are to huge to been seen. A suggestions if your going to make a another video, make the images smaller. Then it'll be a nice video what ever ur making.
  14. Linkin Park - In The EndYing Yang Twins - Whats Happenin!Juvenile - Slow Motion
  15. Goggle is usually i go find hosting, but when i saw this i say holy *Beep* and i came to this site.
  16. Linkin Park is usually the only one i listen to. Best band ever, I usually listen to all three albums. In The End is my favorite Song.
  17. Editor


    Hello everyone,My name is tj and im 14 years old. about to turn 15 in 3 weeks. I have seen this website today and looking for a good hosting. I figure this one is the best so far. Usually i use phpBB Forum which is easier for me to use and mod things . I play sports, and outside.
  18. yea thats nice Maybe i'll play u sometimes when u'll get on lol. I'll try to get on this week and play you. I cant right now i got football practice. And homework usually i dont like to do.
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