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Everything posted by Goofy

  1. ^ I suppose I agree with that o.o. Who knows? I heard on the news that Pluto might not even be a planet at all, but who knows where they get their sources? . It might just be some fake news to get the public hyped up .
  2. I don't think we'll learn much about earth on pluto . I agree that it would be a big achievement for NASA. I'd give 'em a pat on the back or something .
  3. Goofy

    My Mom

    Oh boy do you have it bad. I feel really sorry for you, my dad is sorta mean but he's a very loving father ^^;. Seriously..wow..your mom is like EBIL! Why haven't you told anyone with authority like a cop or something how she's treating you? I mean my mom can be strict sometimes but only because she cares about me and she's never smoked while she had kids and not even at an age close to when she was having kids. What's DSS btw? From what I've read here about you you honestly (no one does) don't deserve to be treated like this. I wish you all the best in the future..
  4. You're right about the gvt. and NASA working too slow . But imagine if the Universe had an end o.O. What would it look like? Just blank white space..another universe?...dare I say it..heaven?! XD. What do you think would be at the end if any?As for space tourism..I can just imagine all the deaths that would happen. Criminals taking the air out of people's space suits >.>;.
  5. One other thing: I'd like to see the sites these people judged. -.-; The sites must have been blank or something..
  6. Are you kidding?! You just had to get me started right? Kingdom Hearts II will go down in Action/RPG history! It'll be all the hype in the first few weeks of it's NA release. Thousands will line up in front of Gamestop's. Few will be lucky to get their hands on it and then spam KH2 msg boards using multiple unneccesary exclamtion marks. I'll be praying in my bed every night for me to get it. I'll be begging my mom to her wits end. Back on topic though: I think it'll be a lot better than the original because of so many additions such as the new drive mode,Roxas,dozens of new Disney characters (Chicken Little, Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan etc.). Mickey's castle is even accessible this time around! *fantisizes holding 2 keyblades with Sora and slicing and brutally ending the lives of 1000's of Nobodies and heartless*. Yeeeaahh, it'll be the best game ever made...EVER!
  7. I'm currently playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the GBA. I love the graphics for scenes. IMO it's above all the best game on the GBA. The battle system is card based so it adds a lot more fun into the game itself. Fighting off heartless for that one 0 value map card can take long though x.X;.
  8. Judging from what the other negative replies say I don't I'll be getting it any time soon. One question though, is TC:NY really an RPG?
  9. I don't get it either. The above post doesn't help either o__O. Anyone wish to elaborate what the hell "sket skeet" means? =D
  10. Ahhh, well that helps. Thanks, Tyssen! .Now it's time for me to make some ridiculous theory...Hmm..maybe they tried to clone people or something when the internet was first created...or maybe programming very old machines? It's wonderful to think of all the possibilities on what they might've tried to use the internet for, maybe chocolate! XD
  11. Wow! I love that template . The colors are awesome (I'm sort of a fan of dark-ish colors) and the font and content boxes are really cool. I hope more is added to it when you start coding though ^^;. Can't wait to see it in action!
  12. Well, I know one thing: None of us are going to be around if there's even a little of the galaxy's BIG BIG mysteries scratched off >>;. If anyone IS still around *doubt it* then being something up to heaven for me . I wonder if anything is gonna go wrong while the probe thing is going onto Pluto..*imagines the probe blowing up*...ouch >.O. That'd be so many mi/billions down the drain..it'd teach em' that Pluto is anti-social though! XD.
  13. Whoever they tested must've faked it . I don't think it's even humanly possible to judge a website so fast o_O;;. If it is and you have proof then tell me who can do that because..really 1/20 of a second.Who'd they ask to judge the site(s)?! MONKEYS?!
  14. The oldest website.. o_o..Well when was the internet first created? ^^;. Meh it would probably have been shut down wouldn't it? o_o. I wonder how outdated it would look! XD. I wouldn't be surprised if it had at least one of those cheap CHEAP animations that are horribly cut out that people thought were cool back then XD.
  15. I agree with you fully.I've been through soooo many hosts! (freewebs,hostultra,bravenet,geocities and alot more!) None of these hosts have ever provided such good hosting! (There was the time I got paid hosting with HostUltra but that's another story) In my honest opinion none of the hosts that I've gone through have had any decent control panel. Freewebs was just plain crappy,hostultra had those insane popups,bravenet as far as I knew didn't have any way to actually have a decent layout except the crappy defualt ones,and geocities was just too...ugh. Xisto pwns all these hosting by 1000's >>;. I just love every tiny little feature! .
  16. My favorite RPG would have to be:Kingdom Hearts.Why? I honestly just LOVE Kingdom Hearts for all the pureness of the gameplay. Yeah there are some dark parts but the Disney characters make up for that . The Final Fantasy cameos make the game a dream come true and the amount of things to do, along with the side bosses (Sephiroth is the hardest xD), the game is perfect! I love the GBA game Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories where battling is card based, I love how you can customize decks and all!So..yeah the Kingdom Hearts series is my favorite .Can't wait for the sequel Kingdom Hearts II, also.
  17. I really don't know how fast a Pentium 4 can compute numbers and all but..I guess you're right about the other stuffs. It'd be freaky if there was another species out way far in space that could only taste bitterness. At least we wouldn't be on the menu if they found us .
  18. I don't know much about poetry but.. that's a pretty cool porm you got there . I envy birds for their ability to fly..oh how I wish I could fly .*cries*
  19. Hm..you're really not one to talk are you?You've made so many GRAMMAR (not grammer) and spelling mistakes in that one post I think you should join the crowd of "lazy Americans". *Grammar and spelling mistakes are in red*
  20. Well if you're gonna get Christian .I'm not gonna argue..God roolz all . I also agree with more peace and love. I can't stand seeing "X amount of Xs died today" it's horrific that these soldiers work so hard to even get in a war just to lose their life in a gory death. Damn you George Bush - -;.
  21. Ah..freewebs..I remember it well.I used to think Freewebs was the best hosting out there...but then again I didn't know crap about web making so..anything would've been considered the best @.@.It was all good and all until I ran out of space xD.The overall designs you can have on your site is just c-r-a-p-p-y,kthx.*remembers trying to upload dozens of KH2 avatars*
  22. LOL!!!!!!oneoneeleven1!11! I can hardly breath right now! Seriously,I started rolling around on the floor laughing for a few seconds. Everyone started looking at me like I was crazy! Anyway,*wipes tear from eye* I'll try some different combinations on that XD.Must...see..FUNNY!
  23. From seeing all the positive comments about notepad...I'm kind of embarresed to say I never really.."clicked" with notepad.I mean I tried to edit a page in it once but..ugh I failed horribly so I just stuck to editing in browser .
  24. ORLY?Well just you wait Mr/Ms....liauce!I hate people who think that humans are the only ub3r 1337 race that can have a decent amount of knowledge! Sure we invented chocolate but that's a whole 'nother story. So for now THIS goof is sticking to his comp wiz thing.
  25. Crazy..and scary!Imagine this:Somewhere in the Plzformesoplx galaxy..there is some other lifeform computer wiz sitting at his computer wondering if there's some other lifeform outside of the Plzformesoplx galaxy (the other lifeforms being us).This other form of computer wiz then orders pizza..wait for it...ONLINE! and it comes 4 miliseconds after he clicks 'Deliver',thanks to his 0406864r80640650685765 1337 internet connections.
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