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Posts posted by hansley

  1. I say that The Sims 2 has an improvement in gameplay and graphics from the first one...typical...but nothing much has changed....it is worth buying if you have not played the first one but not worth buying if you have played the first one nad you get bored pretty easily.

  2. Ok here is the thing, you can say that playing video games is a waste of time, but how come so many people are still doing it? The reasons are different for every person. Some people even play games to pass time as they got nothing to do or they did not care....Other may just play games for fun. My point is that wasting time is not the matter, but how they use it for. If it is just for a refreshment, it is okay, if it is a lifestyle it still okay, but if it is your love and life, that is ackward...

  3. The fact is that objects for the sims 2 are much harder to make than sims 1, the images for objects in the sims 1 where 2D images, the sims 2 is tataly 3D and the objects are much harder to make...

    Seems that you like Sims a lot...(from your sites...)...Is it possible for you create an object for Sims 2?
    May I suggest a Regeneration Box where you can fill up all your mood, bladder, energy, etc gauges in an instant?
    Thank you.

  4. I was wondering if anyone know a site where we can download new objects for the Sims 2...and I'm not refering to the official site, but underground site or anything...I've seen what the official site has to offer, and the choices are too limited.Btw, what I mean with objects are not skins, objects = furnitures and stuffs...And specifically, I am looking for a Regeneration Booth (like those in Sims 1) where you can fill up all your energy, bladder, etc gauges.Also can we use objects in sims 1 for sims 2?

  5. LOL...RTS is a Real Time Strategy....It will be a new sensation if Counter Strike were to be made into an RTS game, though I would much doubt that it gonna happen.Why? If CS does gonna be an RTS game, there won't be much different with Army type Shooting RTS game out there right?Besides, what you heard perhaps CS:Source....

  6. There is no risks in using Mozilla or Firefox, infact it is suggested to be used.Mozilla is voted as one of the best browsers in the 2002, i think...That is why I am using Mozilla instead of Firefox in my windows...lolIt is different from Internet Explorer, it is using "tab" instead of window.So you can open multiple pages just in one window. There is no virus risk or spam risk and it is totaly free.You should try it out. :)

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