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Posts posted by hansley

  1. Duh...what a silly question, of course I prefer Mozilla Firefox over Internet Explorer. For one thing, Internet Explorer does not support Tab System, which is really matter for people who like to access multiple web at the same time. Internet Explorer is also slower than Mozilla Firefox. Firefox also has a better password storage management. However, there are two things that I prefer Internet Explorer than Mozilla Firefox. Using Internet Explorer, I can find resource file after accessing a web or playing a streaming video using the Internet Options. And also, my download accelerator/manager only works on Internet Explorer. Oh yeah and one more thing, Internet Explorer is faster at start up than Mozilla Firefox. Thus, accessing a stored web (offline) will be better using Internet Explorer. Oh and almost forget, Internet Explorer supports the best HTML format for web.Otherwise, Mozilla Firefox is my first choice.

  2. A Happy Life is a life where you will not worry about what are you going to do tomorrow.A Happy Life is a life where you have all you need (not want...because sometimes what you want, may not be what you need).A Happy Life is a life where you spent your day by day without the feeling of disappoinment and regret.A Happy Life is a life where you have obtained your goals in life and can die in peace.A Happy Life is the eternal life given by God.

  3. LoL...There is no question about it, Gmail is the best...With 2GB storage and a very fast loading interface making it is the biggest and fastest email provider. It also supports POP3 free, unlike Yahoo! which has been comercial oriented. Recently, Gmail has added several new features named Rich Text Format. With this, the users will be able to alter the colour and font types of the text just like in Microsoft Word. If Google is the best search engine out there, then undoubtedly Gmail is the best email provider out there.Only one downside of Gmail, it has no virus filter feature.There are several flaws I found in Hotmail and Yahoo.Hotmail: It gives away your email address making your email vulnerable to spams. It doesn't support POP3. It has the least mail storage of all three. It is fairly slow to open.Yahoo: It has way too much advertisements in the interface. POP3 is supported if you got the money. Well, I guess those are several flaws that have been easily noticed by me, I'll post again if I managed to find more...

  4. To psychiccyberfreak: Is it ok if I discussed about my favourite mobile phone?Thanks.Well...I have always been fascinated with Nokia, and have been using it since my first handphone...The one thing that makes me comfrotable using Nokia is because it has a well organized menus. It also has a good signal receiver, although it is quite expensive compared to the other phone maker. I felt quite disappointed to know that Nokia is still on step behing from Sony Ericsson in technology. I mean everytime Nokia launches a new phone, Ericsson launches a new one with better technology. My dreamphone at this moment is Nokia 6630, it has a 1.3 Megapixel digital camera, 10MB built in memory, and it is equipped with a word document reader.

  5. To sandymc: dude, the topic is about what other country that fascinates you, not the one you are living in!well, I came from the same country with sandy, Indonesia. Although I live in Indonesia, I often get bored, because Indonesia is fairly slow in technology. Other countries that fascinate me are America, China, and Japan. For the first and third country that I mentioned, I fascinate them because of their advances in technology. Japan is one of the most leading country in gaming and electronic development. While America, as you guys may know, is the leading country in computer development. I fascinate China because its variety of cultures and although it may be fairly slow in technology in Indonesia, but it manages to create a peaceful environment...and not to mention the beautiful girl they have....LoL

  6. Well according to a gaming magazine in my country, just like everybody else said, PS3 will be officially released in the mid of 2006 if nothing wrong happens. About the title of your topic, maybe you got pranked or the person who told you that may mistakenly identify another gaming devices as PS3. So don't believe anything that people are saying, try reading a gaming magazine if you want a trusted update on gaming issues. Btw, I believe PS3 will come out a little bit earlier than XBOX2...I think....and I was hoping that PS3 will be able to play any PS1 and PS2 games....Can it? Can anyone clarify that for me? Thank you.

  7. Well I dont want to point out the obvious, but I believe you mispelled Cheat...lol.Btw, I believe I must agree with all these people here. Cheating is a not a fun way of playing especially when you are playing AGAINST other people. Cheating is okay if you play it by yourself, maybe you want to finish the game faster, maybe you want to be invicible, but NOT when you are playing AGAINST or WITH other people. That is called BEING A LOSER. You know why? Because only a loser can think of cheating other players. A winner will not think that way, because why would he need cheats when he can win from others just as easy. Oh and one more thing for all: it really struck me that despite the number of people saying that they hate cheating, they still know a good cheat site. Who in here doesnt know gameFAQs, obviously it is one of the biggest cheat site for games. So why dont we open our mask and say outloud: YES, ALTHOUGH I DESPITE CHEATING, I ALSO IN IRONI CHEATS....well only if I am playing by myself (mostly for adventure games and RPGs).Personally, I am one of the good CS player. I can climb my self up to no. 1 within minutes...well more like hours.... :D . But still I can kill any cheater as easy....unless it is a GOD MODE cheat....that I cannot... :D Hope this is good enough reason to not cheat....well when you are playing against other people...

  8. Well everybody has a fear that we have wasted our life for nothing. Me for example, I am very into gaming, every day I've wasted my time watching tv and play games. Sometimes I wonder if I know where I am going and wonder if I have obtain anything, any knowledge whatsoever that may help me in the future. I was terified with that kind of thoughts. So I set my goal to learn more about multimedia. That way I can keep that thought away because I have a goal. If you have a goal in your life, you will NOT need to look back (or even fear about it...) because what you need to achieve is infront of you. If you look back when you are stepping forward, you will get stumbled sooner or later...definitely. So take this advice and start thinking about your goal in life. And forget about the past because the present and the future is ahead.

  9. You know what a friend is someone who comforts you and is willing to help you up when you are down. But a best friend is someone who tells you the truth (even if the truth hurts) but also knows when to cheer you up. A best friend will help his best friend without thinking of himself yet he is aware enough not to cause more problem to the one he's helping. We may find many friends but if you really sort it out not many of them can be qualified as a best friend, although what my definition of a friend above is refering to a true friend. We may have encountered some people that can be considered as a fake friend because they only PRETEND to be a true friend for a cause. So if we know the definition of a friend, I can say that friendship is a bond between two or more people that are tied with loyalty, truth, sincere hearts, and the willingness to help one another. About the question of how many friends we have? Do we really count that? I mean I don't like to judge who is my friend and who is not, it has the same meaning as judging who is my enemy. Just because we dislike a person we cannot contradict him as not a friend. Although there is what we called a friend that we often going out with. But still a friend is a friend if he still thinks us as a friend. Hope this will enlighten your vision of a friend and friendship. :D

  10. To Spiderink: thank you for the link, haven't looked at it yet (due to the never ending wave of assigments from campus) but I will put an effort to sort out my time so that I can look at it.To maddog39: thank you for your advice, I will keep in mind that when I create another forum site, and as you can read from my previous posts, I have chosen to use PHPBB. So sorry I cannot use your idea for this point of time.To thablkpanda: thank you for your concern, I will try to learn more about PHP (thinking of taking a course in it---after taking a course in multimedia...) But for now, I really need all of you guys to help me. :D To all: Does anyone know a good game script for PHPBB that is compatible with CashMods? For example: RPG Mod Power Pack v. 0.0.4. And how to install it to the site?Thank you for all of you who have helped me and replied to my post so far. Thank you again...Regards,Hansley

  11. My first website was a project from my high school. I was a freshman that year and I just knew about Internet, because I never used computers before. So you guys might think that I went trough hell doing it and added the fact that the only tools are allowed to use in the HTML coding is a notepad. Well, for some people it may be frustating, but not for me strangely. I kind'a enjoy doing it. I put a lot of effort to it, although when I looked at it again, it is kind'a childish. It is more like a Comic/Anime fan web mixed with personal information. A lot of pictures and MIDIs and GIFs were put in the web. So I guess it was an experiment for me to see how far I could go back then. As you guys may have figured it out by now that the theme of my web is Personal Hompage. As for the hosting, I chose the only site that I knew Yahoo! Hosting, or as many people know as Geocities. So the space is "kind'a" limited and the upload speed is also "kind'a" slow. Well, I guess that is my experience of creating my first website. Thank you for asking. :D:D:D

  12. If you want to be safe, you can always try using the publicly well known anti virus software such as McAfee or Norton, just make sure that when you are installing your anti virus, you update it. Because any anti virus will not be effective if you don't update it. P.S: I have been using McAfee and Norton for years now, and I have not received any problem or virus....

  13. I recently installed a PHPBB on my site and not long after its launch, these messages appeared:Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 48Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 330Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 331phpBB : Critical ErrorCould not connect to the databaseDoes anyone have any idea why and how this happens?How to fix it?If it is from the Xisto, how long will it be fixed?Thank you

  14. I recently installed a PHPBB on my site and not long after its launch, these messages appeared:Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 48Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 330Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 331phpBB : Critical ErrorCould not connect to the databaseDoes anyone have any idea why and how this happens?How to fix it?If it is from the Xisto, how long will it be fixed?Thank you

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