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Posts posted by hansley

  1. I keep getting these messages while opening my forum site on My Forum:

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 48

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 330

    Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hansley/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 331
    phpBB : Critical Error

    Could not connect to the database

    Anyone have any idea why?

  2. Yeah, I only played Sims and Sims2 just for the editing and buying and building. I like to wonder if I have all the cool stuff. I also play for the romance, I like to make my sims dating more than 4 girls and then one day call them altogether and see how they react when one of them kisses my character. It is a pure evil pleasure, hahahahahahaha.

  3. Ryu, definitely Ryu. I mean Ryu can do both Shuryuken and Hadouken, although Ryu is better at Hadouken. However, Ken only does Shuryuken which is a short range attack, useless when fighting a long range and short range fighter. So Ryu is definitley the winner. Why else would so many people choose Ryu?

  4. i dont think this is the default it may look like it but i think the buttons and some parts of the forum has been modifed, well invision is good but i think phpbb look classy. Plus you get a auto install feature on Xisto for phpbb so it will be easy and you get a invision one as well its just an old version i think it is v1.2.


    Yeah, I was thinking of going with PHPBB, btw, what do you mean with auto install feature on Xisto?


    Can you guide me on installing the PHPBB, I am using Xisto's host with my own domain?


    Do you know any styles that might be similar to this Xisto's? Xisto's style is simple yet attractive.


    Can we use invision's style on PHPBB?


    Thank you.

  5. Well who isn't, I mean highschool is where all your teen experience are lived. For me, it was the funnest time of my life, actually it was the peak of my life hahahahaha. I got to play badminton with all my friends, share laughters, and all my friends really fun to play with. Now, most of my friends are to busy doing their projects from their colleges. Hhhh...I am wondering when will we be able to create a time machine. hahahaha....

  6. hhmm i thought there was a way to use the modem to connect directly to a local computer its like calling someone so you dont have to worry about the internet but i think this only works for 2 ppl max...


    Not neccessarily. That was what I'm trying to say. You can have more than 2 people playing as long as you own a connector or hub that allows more people to connect together. You can buy it in a store.

  7. Hehehehe nice speech there mister, however, do you think that all the game addicts will hear what you are going to say. I mean you cannot tell a dog to not bark right? Maybe they will just be warned, but will not be stopped. My idea is instead of refering this topic to the game addicts, you should concentrate on the people who have not become a game addict, as the old saying: preventing is better than curing. Right?

  8. Hehehehe...easy my goal in life is to raise a great family, having a loving wife with two bright children, and of course having a great job, hopefully I will be a highly-paid famous expert multimedia designer (always wanted to be...)...oh and having a reunion with all my school and college mates and see how they are doing...Pretty straight forward huh....

  9. I want to create a Public Forum in my site, but I do not know how.My friends told me to use either PHPBB or Invision, which of them better based on your opinion?And how to set up the database?What type of database does this site host?MySQL 3.x?MySQL 4.x?PostgreSQL 7.x?MS SQL Server 7/2000?MS Access [ODBC]?MS SQL Server [ODBC]?What is the database server hostname / DNS?There are a lot more things to ask, so please help me, especially those who have succeeded in creating an online forum.Thank you.

  10. No no...what I mean is that why does it have to be 3 extra frag point? Why won't it just be 1 or not at all. The CS 1.5 does not apply that rule and is doing fine. Because of this rule, some people will just prefer defusing than covering for their teamates....That is the only problem with CZ, otherwise it is a great game.

  11. Why does CS is boring for YOU?Below is several reason that I can come up with for you guys:Because...1. You suck at playing it.2. You are frequently the KILL TARGET.3. You are a total noob and don't know much about it.4. When you are a CT, you shoot at the guys in blue costumes or when you are T, you shoot at the guys in white costumes. And then you are confused on why you got kicked a lot.5. You thought that CS is a programming course in Computing College.Pick one... :D:D:DB)

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