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Everything posted by keifer

  1. I looked at the site and it looks very informative. I havent had time to actully look at all it offers yet though. It seems to have very much content and well organized. I have been looking for the codelifter thingy for a while and now i finally found it again. Whoo Hoo!
  2. it looks very professional. Waht is your site going to be about?
  3. this could go 1 of 2 ways but i think both are kinda the same. If you beleive that we were created by a higher being or if you beleive in evoloution it dosent matter. If you beleive in evoloution the microscopic thing had to be made somewhere by something. So, having said that i think that the meaning of life is basicly to live and keep the balance of all living things in order for them to work properly solely for the pleasue of whatever created the whole plan. If you think about it all things are made from nature. even "man-made" stuff because they all start from something that can be found in nature. So the meaning of life is to just be and have fun. But this is just my opioion.
  4. WOW! Congrats dude! She is hot. As for the valentine scam thing. No holiday was originaly made for profit. Its just business figured ou tthe best way to use the holidays. But why knock it. Everybody has to make a living so why not use what is already available to make it easier to do.
  5. I have been looking for a complete tutorial on how to do flash. I have found a few but they only teach you how to do 1 or 2 certain things. I need one that shows excatly step by step how do do everything. If anyone out there knows where to find one like that please let me know. Im not looking to learn it overnite i am looking for a long term tutorial that i can work at my own pace. Tahnks in advance!
  6. I have spent most of my life worrying about what other people think about how i act, how i look, what i do and stuff liek that but all it has brought me is more pain worry and stress. I used to try to live up to what other people said i should be like and missed learning who I really am as a person. So finally i said forget what others say and just be myself. If someone dosent like it they dont have to talk or associate with me. In Doing this i have made more true friends than i have ever had and people respect me for being real. I have always hated fake people but all the while i was lying to myself and i was being just as or maybe more fake than everyone else. SO now i am starting my life over again with a clean slate and life WILL be greater because of it
  7. Well i love the blue! But the over all design is kinda boring. The jagged edge BG is kinda cheesy to me but thats just my opionion.Overall is good for a start. Keep up the good work!
  8. Well i just finshed building it last month and only started promoting last week so there hasnt been many people there but i have had about 300 hits to it since i finished. I am still learning about SEO and marketing so im not too good at that part. But i have seen other site kinda liek this and they seem to do pretty well. So i hope it will do good eventually.
  9. I have a couple affiliate sites that the linking code they give me dosent work in internet explorer. In fact its not just thier linking code it is thier login pages also. One of them dosent work period. They work fine when i use them in the AOL browser bit in internet explorer it just gives me "page cannot be displayed" thing. The one that dosent work at all is http://www.clickexchange.com/. None of the links they give me work either. The other ones that dont work are http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (which dosent work when i try to login) and https://www.1800flowers.com/no_cookies.html?flws_rd=4( which dosent work with the linking code they give me). I dont know if it a security setting on my system or what. i have looked at all the settings i know of and cant figure out what the problem is. Please help me out here.
  10. Well DUH on me! I didnt delete the redirect i made in c-panel. Thats why it wasnt working. I deleted that and it works fine now. Thanx for the help.
  11. Here is the code of the whole page. <html>[br][/br]<head>[br]<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> [/br]<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">[br]<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">[/br]<meta http-equiv="Refresh" Content="30;URL=http:///www.yahoo.com/ you work</title>[/br]</head>[br][/br]<body>[br][/br]<p align="center"><font size="7"><b>Do you work?</b></font></p>[br][/br]</body>[br][/br]</html>
  12. That didnt work. It redirected it ok but there was no delay. I set it for 30 to make sure and still didnt work.
  13. Im not sure if this is the correct palce to post this but anyway. I was wondering if there was a way to control the time your original page is displayed before it redirects to the site. eg. Like say i want site1.html to redirect to site2.html but i want site1.html to display 5 seconds instead of going directly to site2.htmlIf C-Panel cant do that does anyone know how i can do this? I know javascript can do it but i dont know how to write javascipt.Thanx in advancekeifer
  14. I finally finished my site! Now i can post more. I just got to get some traffic to my site and forums. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is my site URL. I would appreciate and comments on design or content. It is a very basic design but i dont like flashy stuff. You could also register at my forums so i can get rid of all those pesky zeros Thanx, Keifer
  15. How can you say your too young? I was 13 when i lost my virginity. Maybe im just a big freak but oh well.
  16. i used to looove the song that is sampled in this but i cant rememebr the original artist. Does anyone know? Lemme know please.
  17. I cant beleive that google would do that to anyone. Because they are too big of a company to do something like that. They risk being sued and getting a bad reputation that could ultimatley kill thier business. I have personally never been paid but im not even clost to the payout amount.
  18. I have taken many test like this and average about 35 or 40 wpm. I also type improperly. I use my 2 index fingers and right thumb and pinky only. But i still look at the keys too much. Once i got an 80 wpm but i knew the story i was typing already hehehe
  19. I Also use this phone. Most people like flip phones but i hate taking the time to open it. (im a lazy bum hehe) I like to just push a button and talk. Also i think the flashlite is ingenius! It comes in handy when getting laid in a car and you cant find the zipper
  20. I agree that the colors are a bit dull but its still a cool site. I also like how after you click on a link it has the strikethrough. How do you do that?
  21. I use a excellent program called WebCEO. It has a free version and a paid version. The difference in the 2 is the paid version has a few more features. I use the free one and it has helped me tremendously. It also has a ftp program included. It has optimization, site submission, monitoring, keyword help and tons of other features. The site you can get it is https://www.webceo.com/ The paid version is a little pricey but i think it is worth it. As soon as i can afford it i amd going to upgrade.
  22. I think google adsense is the best PPC out there. They pay for every click and very well i might add. I cant say how much i get per click because of thier terms but i will say it is much more than other PPC companies ive used. They also have many choices for thier ads. You can customize them to blend in with your site and people will never know they are ads.
  23. The colors are ok but the goth looking font is hard to read and it kinda give the wrong imoerssion about the site. But hey that banner is better than i can do. This was just my opionion (sp?)
  24. I usually have 1 actual real friend but i have a couple other friends that i trust very well. Also there a some i have lost touch with. i just meet someone this weekend that could become a very good friend. Im tired of guy friends tho. I ready for a GIRLfriend! I been single too long.
  25. I voted for areosmith but my fav band in this genre is nickelback. I liek all kinds of music tho. From rap to rock and coutry to classical. Even some gospel and comtempory christian music.
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