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Everything posted by realthor

  1. what a pitty! Is there any way of asking WineHQ creators to make this possible? From my point of view even if not open-source, just free, it is actually FREE and doesn't compare with any 3d free or open-source CAD on linux. So even if just some tricky thing it could get a CAD app in linux world of no-cost apps...
  2. The new gentoo instaler will be totally GUI and seems to make everything easy. You will still need to make some choices because that's Gentoo about: tweaking and getting the most highly performance out of your PC. But it will be just like selecting things and checkboxes."Asteria Solutions Group, Inc. has taken the latest gentoo installer for a test drive. It's not finished yet, but promises to bring the powerful distribution to a larger base of users.". See http://www.osnews.com/story/12995. Cheers!
  3. Reding OS news I stumbled over this article that ran my bloodpressure up because it's on the Microsoft monopoly issue. I begun with hating microsofts because their unfair politics on customers and on the free market but my anger was not constructive at all. Now I don't hate it any more, it has no point, but learn every day about alternatives that are free (open-source) and that can do for many people or even businesses and advocate those in front of my friends and acquaintances (hope wrote that right :-) ). On the other hand i now appreciate people inside Microsoft as they are very good programmers indeed and i don't blame everyone there for microsoft windows's errors and bluescreens. They are good at business and marketing inspite of linux beeing most of the cases better and they know it. They just know to promote their product and they give people what people want not what is good for them. It's just like in a Fast Food: french fries are tasty but very unhealthy as well as many other products ( see Coca Cola and co. ) that sell because people actually prefer what is tasty (and easy to use in the case of Win). Ok, now i'll point you to the article i was talking about. It's like 3 days old and hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did and spread it ;-) http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/50001/index.html
  4. thanks, clear enough. Another question: is there a way to e-mail new posts, without entering the wordpress admin page? And if it is then how can i set the category from within the mail directly?
  5. I have a blog on blogger and it's getting annoying that it never makes another page and thus it becomes a huge page with as many images or articles as you post.I want to migrate to Wordpress but i wonder if is it possible let's say after 10-15 posts to get another page just as forums do or google , so that the visitor doesn't have to wait until the whole bunch is loaded.Another question I have is: what's the difference between pages and categories in a blog, because i'm not familiar with them. In a normal web site there would be some navigation menu with submenus and that seems more logical to me than having categories. And if categories are just what i've described above than what's the point of having pages. Does categories mean that whatever my entry would speack of one could keep track of the subject and display just those interesting him?ok,and the final one this post: how can i categorize one entry i make?hope not too stupid the post so waiting for an answer.
  6. As i check Distrowatch.com every day in the last 3 months since i've set up my mind on linux i've learned and seen a lot and one thing is sure: there's a linux distribution for everyone and in many cases linux desktops look better than windows and can be way better customized. As about user-friendlyness just lately there's a real fuss on making linux very user-friendly. The only 2 big problems i see at linux this days is bad hardware support from manufacturers and the lack of will from people who don't give it a chance. When windows came up we did't have other nice alternative and we stuck with it gettinG nervous and hitting our heads into walls and thus we learned it and now we're happy. If the same would be done with linux many of us would use linux as it's free and there is a lot of open-source software for about everything. Personally i lack CAD software in linux and am not happy with the commercial ones and gamers lack 3d accelerated support (which lately is solved on many distros)and lack of games written for linux.As mentioned already Suse is very user friendly, same is Mepis,Ubuntu,PClinuxOS,Xandros-not free-,and so on. Almost every distro fights to get as user-friendly as possible and make most of tasks automated so that the user won't bother with network configuration and so on.My advice would be to get a live cd of some distros and check them out.There are many, i would suggest Mepis or Ubuntu (kubuntu if you want a more Windows-like desktop).ah, and check up http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .Cheers!
  7. very good, thank you. At least I will know if it deservs this hurry i'm in to set to linux at once. I'm downloading right now Kubuntu and will install it i hope in one or two weeks depending on my time to write on cds some data because my hdd is full and have no space for a linux partition. Later I plan to download Mepis and desktopBSD and try which one suits me best.I must say that i'm very courious about BSD.Anyway good luck and i'll wait for your results.
  8. even if i'm an efervescent supporter of linux and co i would choose bsd for some reasons like better stability, code created and mantained better than in linux(read some articles if you need explanations, i'm too lazy to write them here), it's way of getting software through ports is fascinating and it has the ability to run linux software natively -linux can't run bsd apps-.I would also mention DesktopBSD wich is supposed to bring this freBSD based distro to descktop PCs.The only alternatives i would consider are freeBSD and DesktopBSD as PC-BSD is quite unfamiliar to me.My *nix distro order would be: DesktopBSD, Kubuntu/Ubuntu, Mepis, FreeBSD, OpenSuse, PcLinuxOS .But i would definitively try the first one:D
  9. what has sidenet wine config in addition ti winehq?i mean what is it some file to copy in my wineHQ or a standalone clone or hack of wine?Second, i believe that alibre express is the best free cad i could use, commercial is out of sight becaus of price and i don't intend to make money with it to make such an acquisition fesable.Blender doesn't have solid modeling nor parametric dimensioning,so running this through wine would give linux cad-ers some free of cost solution they don't have actually.If you want to give it a try and share with us your results as i suppose you know better linux than i do, many would really appreciate it.
  10. I have a question and can't answer myself as i haven't yet installed any Linux distro on my box and don't have any relevant experience concerning wine HQ. Do any of you have installed this free CAD software on your Linux through wine ar is any of you able to give it a try? It would be nice to have a linux at least free cad software if not open-source and it is pretty good as i've hured.Thank you .
  11. realthor

    Which Linux?

    One nice article about Linux that explains things on Mepis Linux - a Debian based Linux distro- is set up on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I would say it compares very well with Ubuntu/Kubuntu both debian based so a breeze to install anything and upgrade software and distro without reinstalling the whole package. There are even XP themes as you'll read in this article that make you feel better if you're very used with WindowsXP, for example.Read on, it's very comprehensive article and explains many things. Cheers!
  12. Seemingly FireFox is almost the only open-source project that confirmed to be better than any commercial application for internet browsing. Even if i like better Opera i am still fascinated by it and the extensions system. There is a nice article on this issue at the following adress and thought of sharing it with you: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I am also very courious on your preferences as regarding web browsers and what are the reason you like it for.Cheers!
  13. First i didn't get it if those HDD will be motor based just like usual HDDs but if they've got another technology of reading/writting data that doesn't rely on mechanics than it could be a great energy saver; anyway the speed of reading is amazing compared with today HDDs.I giess that in 2010 they will hit the market in a read/write format and be a hit. I wish this was like that and that i had one.
  14. yes they are german and looking for staff to hire, must know both Maya and 3DS and kave dozens of skills. If any of you are from Ger you could at least apply. Indeed i've read every bit of info on their site and seen the second movie too, it looks very, very,v realistic even without textures and illumination. Oh, i wish i had such a piece of software. They also wrote on their site that this year at Siggraph they competed succesfully with similar american technologies. Why they didn't tell anything in any article i've read about this...
  15. I really can't believe this.Perhaps you guys are more familiar with this kind of stuff but i am stunned.This, in-house i believe, fluid simulation software looks incredibly real to me i don't know what to believe but on the movie clip it writes that 100% cg generated or similar. Take a look at their clips...incredible.I would,t think for a second that those are cg... index.html
  16. Ok,i e-mailed Opaque as said in a topic for my account to get recreated,i didn't get any mail and i don't know nothing what to do,nobody seems to care that I am active on forums-i would be anyway but as i need this account it seems unfair to me- and still nothing.Please give me an answer or direct me to smb that knows and can do anything.I must mention that i just had my account created when this happened so i didn't get into my account noy even once.Please who is responsible with this help me get it at once.Thank you.
  17. My God, as one who just lost a 3 years old relationship i can feel these words like a knife in my back and make me realize how much i've been doing wrong and not knowing it:( .Heh,maybe next time...Even women could never be perfectly understood I think most of this article is perfectly and painfully right and it's like a success recepy.
  18. Hello,I'm pretty amased by this technology . It promises great capacities and access times less than 200 miliseconds.The prototype has already been shown in April and now i've been reading some news abot it.Take a look yourself if interested: This is the link i've found about this technology: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/74970-update-inphase-to-demo-holographic-storage These are the news on the company's website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Right!I don't think though that this is going to be a 2050 year technology.It's going to be much earlyer because science evolves exponentially these days and it will develop every year faster.Remmember that we already have the Map of genes in human body,we have steam cells that can be cloned to prevent taking them from dead-born children as it was done not many years back.As about infecting with bacteria i don't think this will be a problem as first these printers won't work in every man's home but in hospitals and big research facilities and it isn't more difficult to prevent infection than prevent it in an ususal organ replacement.And the organ will be easier accepted by one's body it that particular ink is prepared let's say with his own steam clonned cells.I can't wait for this to get a mature technology as it coult save milons of lives and practically make the man a better quality life,making him live longer and avoid degenerative deseases.What about the milons of people suffering from herniated lumbar discs...what if we could print a such a bone one day?... ps:excuse my bad english:)
  20. I've posted once a topic about electrical circuits printed with special inks in thousands of layers to get a 3d object created...Remmember? Now this is even sicker!!!Scientists plan to print organs with these special printers and special inks.I won't describ more as in the article it's very well explained and sketched. The link to the article is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Notice from jlhaslip: *edit* I found that the link above goes to a "cover" page containing a whole bunch of topics. After finding the article, I am including a more direct link here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. when there will be an open-source app that does smth similar that would be some news for me.This is really nice as ideea but to pay for that...
  22. By the way, as i don't know very well even css ,just some html and still learning css, would you mind telling what were the unnecesary tags;and the javascript i guess is server-side i don't have any power to change as it is dinamically put there.I've noticed some strange behaviour of iexplorer comparing with opera/firefox as it tackles very differnetly tags like divs or css properties as paddings and margins,pretty annoying.It's a pitty i don't have time to look deeper for the mistakes...
  23. ok,in the end i replaced the div inside the "sidebar" div with a table and with some tuning it looks ok in all 3 browsers.Hopefully i've done good,because i still don't understand what was wrong and that's what bothers me most.Anyway,cheers!
  24. I would enormously appreciate some hints or even fixes because there is smth i don't understand:if you took a look at the page in opera/firefox and iexplorer you must have noticed that in iexplorer the red div is enlarged downwards and there is a "period" sign on the left side which isn't contained in the text on the right .I don't know what might cause that...and i even don't understand why the red div isn't only containing the text on the right but it extends even where there is no text...Could you take a more detailed look?
  25. sorry,the link is http://flocasa.blogspot.de/ ,it's on blogger and i confused the terms.Please take a closer look couse i can't find the problem.
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