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Everything posted by zenia

  1. Things about the Youtube Introduction There is a discussion going on in this forum about the Youtube. This debate happens in a topic called: Top 6 Earning Websites On The Internet The owner of the Youtube is Google. Since it is not sure that Google makes profits with the Youtube the discussion is a bit out of topic. And besides that, there is a lot to tell and discuss about the Youtube. So it seems reasonable to start a separate topic especial dedicated to the Youtube. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97599-topic/?findpost=1064407987
  2. In the video that is in the link it is possible to have a look from the floor at the bottom up to the roof. In the other post that is ment with a halve circle vertically. That means 180 degrees up and down. It looks almost like this: ( Or the halve of an O. It is not possible to move further on the top. And it is not possible to move further over the bottom going up at the back again. If that would be possible it would probably mean that the view would get upside down. Horizontally it is possible to make full circles. It is possible to keep turning around and make circles till the viewer gets dizzy.
  3. yellowBird allows the viewer to watch the video in a complete bulb. The viewer can move the direction of the view upside, downside, to the right and to the left in half circles. yellowBird
  4. Yes. That is a website about yellowBird. The news is that yellowBird made a deal with Youtube.
  5. The new thing on the internet seems to be Yellowbird.Yellowbird is a technique that records a video in an angle of 360 grades.This enables the viewer to look around the position of the video camera.The viewer can decide which part of the scene the viewer wants to see.This looks like streetview.With streetview the viewer decides which part of the street the viewer sees.Streetview works with a picture or a lot of pictures.Yellowbird does the same with video.
  6. This might be the case about Youtube.The costs of Youtube are very high. There is a lot of space on servers needed to store all the videos. And the stream of all the videos costs a lot of bandwidth.Youtube is bought for a very big sum of money. So it takes some time before this is earned back.Four years ago Google paid $ 1,650,000,000,-- for the Youtube. The revenues of advertising were not very high. One of the reasons is that a lot of videos can be seen like illegal. They contain content which belongs to other people. Examples are videos in which people dance on music of an artist. Also tv shows are shown on Youtube by people who don't own the copyrights of the tv show. The effect of this is that advertisers fear that their advertisement will show up next to an illegal video.These are some of the reasons why Google didn't make much money with the Youtube.If google earns money lately with the Youtube isn't known. It seams that the construction in which Youtube shows advertisements attached to videos and shares the revenues by the owners of the copy rights might contribute to the profits of Google. This is not sure yet.
  7. It will not be surprising that when the IP address of the internet connection of a computer is published somebody can try to hack the computer.
  8. Building a computer, part 6. Different sizes of memory units. Modern computer boards have a slot for DDR3 memory units. Computer boards for laptops have special slots for memory units designed for laptops. Before DDR3 memory units were used DDR2 memory units were needed. A DDR3 memory unit doesn't fit into a slot for a DDR2 memory unit. So it needs attention to buy the right type of memory unit that fits into the computer board. An amount of 2 and 4 memory units can be faster than 1 or 3 memory units. So it can be profitable for the speed of the computer to put two or four memory units in the computer. A picture of a memory unit for a laptop. http://www.hyperxgaming.com/us
  9. Building a computer, part 4. Choosing the memory unit The website of the factory of the computer board has a list of memory units that are tested and that work with the computer board. Some brands of memory units work with almost all computer boards like Kingston. Nevertheless it is recommended to use a memory unit that is listed on the list of tested memory units. Memory units are mainly available in the size of 1 gigabyte and 2 gigabytes. A computer board can contain more memory units. http://www.kingston.com/us Building a computer, part 5. The processor. The website of the factory gives information about the processors that work with the computer board. It is recommended to use a processor that is mentioned on the website of the factory of the computer board. The speed of the processor and the amount of cores influence the price of the processor. So the speed and the amount of cores of the processor depend of the budget. It is recommended to buy a processor that has at least a speed of over 2 gigaherz. This makes it easier to play videos and to run heavy programs like a video editor. The website of AMD contains a list with modern processors. http://www.amd.com/en-gb Things that can be considered during the choise of the processor are the speed of the processor, the amount of cores, the amount of electrical power the processor needs and the heath the processor produces and the future use of the processor. Not all computers need the most expensive and the most modern and the fastest processor.
  10. Building a computer, part 2. The builder of a new computer needs several parts. The list of components for the new computer contains: case computer board processor processor fan internal memory unit solid state disk or hard disk optical device, like a dvd writer power unit internal wires like a sata cable to connect the solid state disk or the hard disk with the computer board optional: a graphic card software like the operating program monitor keyboard mouse loudspeakers If the computer user wants to use the internet the computer user needs an internet connection. The computer user needs also a modem. And the computer user needs wires to connect the computer with the modem. Another option is to obtain a printer in order to print files on paper. The computer user needs a wire to connect the printer with the computer. Modern printers have an USB connection. So this sort of printer needs an USB wire. Building a computer, part 3. The computer board comes in mainly form factors. The differences are the size and the inbuild video unit or the need to use a grapic card. Some computer boards are ATX and other computer boards are mATX. The difference is that an ATX computer board needs a graphical card. The mATX computer board contains a sound unit. So the choise is between a mATX computer board without a graphic care and an ATX computer board with a graphic card. The use of a mATX computer board is a bit cheaper. The main reason is that the mATX computer board doesn't need a graphic card. A computer with graphic card is mainly fit for playing games. So if the future user of the computer wants to play games it is recommended to use an ATX computer board and a grapic card.
  11. What can be considered to be a big disadvantage of gmail is that the system of gmail can move the emails. When an answer to an email message is recieved and when a second email is sent to the same email address the first email gets attached to the second email. This means that it is sometimes hard to find an email because those emails are not stored according to the date the email is received.
  12. That looks like a cool, interesting and educational website about the basics of html.Thanks for posting the link.
  13. Thoughts about building a computerThere are basically two brands of processors. There are processors made by Intel. And the second brand are the processors built by AMD. So the first choise will be to choose between Intel and AMD. The choise between the processor built by Intel and AMD is of influence of the choise of the computer board too. Because a processor of Intel doesn't fit into a computer board that is ment for AMD. And the other way around too. A processor made by AMD doesn't fit into a computer board designed for the processors of Intel. The other components of the computer are not influenced by the choise between Intel and AMD.As a disadvantage of a processor made by Intel can be seen that the processor is relatively expensive. The processors of AMD are considered to be a little bit cheaper.After making the choise of the processor the next choise is choosing the computer board. There are several brands of computer boards. Some well known and famous names are Gigabyte, Asus and MSI. AsRock is seen as a bit less expensive and a budget computer board. Intel is seen as expensive.The choises of which kind of processor and which kind of computer board depends upon a few points. Those points are among other points to take into consideration the available budget and the future tasks that the computer user wants to perform on the computer.The price of the processor and of the computer board and the budget influence the choise of the processor and the computer board.It is handy to look for a balance between performance and price.The newest computer boards offer USB 3.0 connections and SATA 3 connections. Those connections offer fast speeds for the tranmission of data.
  14. There is a topic with some basic information about building a website with html. The second post provides a template. It is possible to copy the template. The template can be pasted into a simple text editor like WordPad. It is recommended not to use an usual text editor like Word or OpenOffice. The reason is that a big text editor usual adds different kinds of inforamtion to the file. This information prevents the server and the browser from reading the website. The template can be changed by pasting the template into WordPad. WordPad can be used to change several parts with information about the website. The content of the website can be typed into the template using WordPad. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97855-topic/?findpost=1064410380
  15. Template <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="description" content="1. description of the webpage" /> <meta name="keywords" content="2. headwords, divided, by, a, comma" /> <title>3. Title of the website</title></head><body><h3>4. Title of the webpage</h3>5. Content of the webpage</body></html> Explanation: It seems possible to post a template of a website in html on the forum. The above text is a template for a website. The number 1 till and included 5 are the parts that the webmaster can change. 1 Is the description of the website. This can be like for instance: Interesting information about horses. 2. Is the place to write down some words that describe the webpage in a few words. The words have to be divided by comma's. An example can be like: horses, manege, riding-school 3. The title of the website shows up on top of the browser. For instance: Horses. For Xisto the title of this part of the website is like: Open Discussion & Free Web Hosting -> Editing Post How To Use Html. 4. In this part can the title of the webpage that will be shown on the webpage itself be written. For instance: A website about horsed. The tags <h3> and </h3> make the letters of the title bigger. 5. This is the place to type the content of the website. A start can be like: Horses are cool. The template can be copied and pasted into WordPad. The webpage needs to be saved in plain txt mode. The name of the website needs to be: index.html. This webpage can be uploaded into the website using the controp panel of the webhost or an FTP download program.
  16. Part 3: Hard disk Diagnostic program The builders of hard disks provide test programs for the hard disks on the website of the builders. Some diagnostic programs are here available: Hitachi: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Samsung http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seagate http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Western Digital http://support.wdc.com/product/download.as1=6〈=en Trouble shooting guide Some builders of hard disk drives provide trouble shooting guides too. Hitachi provides a trouble shooting guide. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seagate http://www.seagate.com/ RMA When the problem occurs in the warranty time there might be a possibility to return the hard disk to the builder. This can be done through the shop where the hard disk is bought. This can be done directly with the hard disk factory too. Most hard drive factory websites have programs to see if the warranty is still working.
  17. How to repair a computer. Part 2: The start. One of the problems that will be faced is that a lot of problems are not visible from the outside of the components of the computer. So there are only a few problems that can be found when looked at the outside of the computerparts. This happens a lot when dealing with electronic components. The speciality of the approach of repairing a broken computer is that the research is not in the first place aimed at finding the component that is broken. The reason for the approach of aiming on finding the computer components that work fine is that there are almost no means to find the component that is broken. And it is very often too costly and often not necessary to replace a lot of components. To be as sure as possible to know what component of the computer needs to be replaced the approach described in this topic is to eleminate the components that don't cause the problem. This is done by testing to see if the component works the way it is supposed to do. The components of the computer that can cause a problem are in most computers: 1. case 2. computer board. 3. bios of the compuer board. 4. processor. 5. power unit. 6. internal memory unit. 7. hard disk. 8. processor fan. 9. software. 10. optical drive, like a dvd burner. 11. internal connections. 12. external connections. 13. internal wires. 14. external wires. 15. buttons. The structured approach means that the mentioned components of the computer are tested 1 by 1 to see if the component works the way it should work. If a component works fine this component can be excluded from being the reason for the computer to be out of order. There are several disadvantages of an approach in which a few components are testde and changde at the same time. The biggest disadvantage is that it is not very sure which component works fine and can be excluded from the list of components that can cause the problem of the computer. The second bad point is that when the computer works after several changes at the same time it is not sure what change repaired the computer and what component caused the problem. Th 1 after the other approach gives the biggest ensurance that a component can be excluded from the list of components that might be broken and might cause the problem and might prevent the computer from working. The internal memory unit Almost the only way to check the memory unit is to test it using a software program. The second way to test to see if the memory unit works fine is to replace it by another unit and to test the memory unit in a working computer. The program that is used the most to test the memory unit is memtest86+. It can be found on the website of memters.org. In november 2010 the latest version is version 4.10. The way to use this program is to download it from the website http://www.memtest.org/.. This is an iso file. This file can be used to write a program to a cd. Two programs that can be used to write the iso-file to a cd are ImgBurn and ISO Recorder. The program can run under Windows. It is not recommended to run Memtest under Windows. The reason is that Windows uses a part of the memory unit. And the part that Windows uses can't be tested by Memtest. This means that using Memtest while Windows runs on the computer doesn't give a trustable result of the test. The cd with the program that is burnt with the iso file is a bootable cd. The cd can be put in the cd-player. The computer can be started while the cd is in the cd player. When the start menu in the bios is set right the computer starts from the program on the cd. This means that Memtest will start. It is the best to run Memtest like about during 6 to 8 hours. Sometimes mistakes are only reported by Memtest after several runs. When Memtest reports a mistake there is a very big possibilitythat the memory unit is broken. It is recommended to test the memory units 1 by 1. It is recommended also to test the memory unit in memory unit slot A1.
  18. When considering the possibilities that are concerned around the back up of files it is possible to make a difference between the professional ICT worker and the user of the computer for the use of the computer at home.It is possible to think that the professional uses other standards and has other needs compared to the home user.The worth and the value of the files and the data of a company can be completely different compared to the home user.Also the budget and the means that can be used to save the data and the back up files can be very much higher than the budget of the home user.Nevertheless the ICT worker has to decide as well between the value of the files, the costs, means, devices and the possibilities of several back up methods, the budget and the time and effort that can be used for making back ups.The use of materialistic and non-digital and analogical conservation and storage of information in for instance printed means and in a material template and printed on paper can be an important part of the back up solution.
  19. How to repair a broken computer. Use a structured approach. The fastest and best way to repair a broken computer is to use a structured approach. With a structured approach is ment an approach in which each component of the computer is delt with each after the other. Ways to make sure a component is not the part that causes the trouble are: 1. Use software to test the component of the computer. 2. Use a new component in stead of the studied component. 3. Use another component out of a working computer. 4. Place the studied component of the computer in another working computer. ad 1. There is software to test computer components. The test software for memory units is well known. Most builders of hard discs have test programs available on their website to test the health of the hard disc. Most of the time the results of these tests are needed before an order for a return of the hard disc can be made and an RMA-number can be asked for.
  20. Why don't you try some post to pay websites and post the results and the experiences on this forum?For instance: A website pays $ 0,01 for a post. That can be considered to be a bit like a small amount of money for typing the content of 1 post. For comparing reasons: It seems Xisto rewards an average of Xisto$ 0,10 for 1 post. Xisto doesn't pay the asta$ in cash though. it seems referral links are a bit more profitable. But since people can earn money by a referral link it seems most forums forbid to post a referral link. And with referral link is ment a link to a website that pays the person who posts the link when somebody clicks on the link and afterwards performs some kind of action, like register to a website or to a forum, post in a forum or buy something in a webshop. The forum would probably very fast be full of posts with referral links when referral links would be allowed.
  21. What are the links to these websites that supposingly pay for actions?
  22. Maybe the description of the internet can be changed to this line.The internet runs on a lot of computer connected to each other by electric wires and other means.And maybe the world wide web can be described like a lot of files on a lot of computers that together form the internet that can be reached from other computers.It is possible that these descriptions make it more easy for somebody to understand what the internet is.
  23. What is the use of these secret actions?On first sight most of them don't seem to be very usefull.No offense.This topic with these secrest seems interesting watching the topic title.Reading the secret codes and watching what they do give the impression that these secret codes and their functions and actions are not very usefull.
  24. The bad thing about a pass word is the obligation to remember the pass word. So the habit to use the keys on the keyboard that are easily touched looks very attractive to a lot of users of computers.The solution to write down the pass word is a bit dangerous. And with dangerous is ment that a written pass word has the risk to be read by somebody who is not supposed to use the pass word by the person who wrote down the password.The second bad thing about a pass word is the obligation that the pass word needs to be remembered. So people urge to use a pass word that can be remembered easily.Favorite pass words are the name of the girl friend and the wife.Names of children are favorite too.And names of pets are used a lot too.The use of other characters beside letters is more difficult than the use of letters. Because the most characters can only be typed when two keys on the key board are pushed down at the same time. This needs two different actions of the fingers. And it needs cooperated actions of t he fingers.So these characters make it more difficult for password finders to find the password.But they are more difficult for people to use.These characters are with others the ones like:: " < > ? ~!@#$%^&*()_+The advantage of these characters is that these characters make the password harder to guess and harder to find with a password finder.Another deep fall seems to be the use of the user name like a pass word too.Is there a link to this information?It looks very much like there is a website with this information.Another site of this phenomenon is that life gets harder for the modern human being. The use of a computer, surfing on the internet and the use of a bank account and a lot of other applications ask for the use of a pass word. And beside the option of writing down the pass word there is the option to remember all the used pass words.Before the invention of the computer and the discovery of the internet people needed to remember almost no pass words. So the pass words make the life of the nowadays modern human being a lot more difficult, considering it is hard to remember a pass word.
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