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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. Rejected and Iwuvcookies, it has already been stated that the main article is, in fact, a hoax, as stated just four or five posts above your own.However, this strange deformity is real, just not as common as the article would lead one to believe.By the way, I'm curious why my original post was censored. The only thing wrong with the pictures is that they showed the tops of a few butts, which is necessary in order for one to see the tail. I guess the mods consider that to be a bit more adult-rated than I do.

  2. Personally, when I build my new computer, I think I'm going to purchase a small dorm room 'fridge and I will pump the water through a small bundle of tubes inside it. That should keep my computer nice and cool, as well as my food.I didn't read the tutorial very deeply, jlhaslip, but I don't know why they would use a heating component when attempting to cool a computer.Feel free to point me to the page where they mention something to that effect.

  3. Brainless, perhaps I should rephrase "didn't expect sandstorms" to "didn't prepare for sandstorms."Dr. Sultan, I never said that the war wasn't expensive or that there haven't been a lot of casualties. I was merely stating that, compaired to other wars fought by the USA, this has been a very mild one, as far as USA Army casualties are concerned.

    Notice from KuBi:
    Edit as per requested

  4. What is this? My approval of Bush has officially fallen a few dozen percent.That means that if I would, for example, flame someone (especially if they deserved it) under my alias "Cerebral Stasis", I could spend up to two years in jail! This has got to be one of the dumbest laws I've ever seen. I understand how one may not wish to be bashed and may feel bad, but it's all part of the first amendment - Freedom of Speech. I don't see how they can't consider this new law to be a violation of that. No one with much sense would openly flame a bunch of people over the internet without using come kind of alias - it's all a safety issue. This law is asking one to either give up their right to free speech, or give up their right to safety.It's not as if these annoyances are forcing people to read them. If someone considers a certain website or article to be annoying, they could just avoid it, instead of whining like a dog being castrated without being put under. Ditto radio and television. There are pleanty of things there that insult or annoy people, but most people don't throw a b**ch-fit over it. All I know is that, if I get arrested for hurting someone's feelings, I'm going to fight tooth and nail against it. There is no way that I'm going to do time or pay a fine just because I crushed someone's fragile ego.Thankfully, even the writer of that article realizes the stupidity of this whole ordeal. I hope that this law is nullified soon - very soon. I'd hate to have to move to a third-world country just because I enjoy letting others know how much they suck.

  5. Okay, according to CNN, Bush is avoiding breaking the invasion of privacy amendment by a technicality - one of the parties involved in the phone conversation must reside outside of the USA. They are attempting to catch a collaborator in the act, apparently. So they apparently can not, and do not, tap phones of people who aren't suspects and aren't talking on the phone internationally.By the way, if they would, for example, wiretap one's phone who was not a terrorist, but found evidence to accuse them of something else, they could not use it in a federal court, since the evidence would have been obtained illegally (breaking the right to privacy).

  6. You may be correct concerning that Weekly World News article (their articles have been known to be less-than-accurate), but these "tails", whether they are as common (12 million in the world) as WWN claims or not, they DO exist. The images posted earlier very well could be faked. However, the articles posted at the bottom of my original post are quite credible, and they all agree that this is a real phenomenon. Although it may not be as pronounced as suggested by the (possibly false) articles posted earlier, humans have been born with tails in the past, although it is pretty rare.

    I appologize for misleading people due to my being fooled by the article/images. It is certainly a very elaborate hoax.

    *edit inserted here*
    By the way, according to this article, there have been only 23 true "tails" reported since 1884. It certainly does sound like a more reasonable number than 12 million.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    edit to insert last paragraph

  7. Klay World: Off the Table is a movie created by "Knox", the popular claymation artist from Newgrounds. He has been making shorts for about three years or more, but October 13th, he finally released his full-lenth (94-minute-long) "klaymation" movie.

    Klay World is actually a table in Knox's room. One day, the Klaymen who live there get a message from another group of Klaymen that live on a different table, somewhere else. The only way to reach these people is to travel outdoors - into the "real world."

    I have not seen the movie yet myself, but I plan to purchase it soon. If it is half as good as most of Knox's claymations, I expect it will be good enough to compete with a lot of blockbuster films that have been released within the past couple years (although that, in itself, isn't saying much).

    For more information, check out the Klay World Homepage.

  8. Well, if the war WAS intended for "taking over" oil rigs, I'm pretty sure that, with Bush's current popularity polls in mind, the citizens of the U.S.A. would be screaming for his head on a silver platter if he would actually invade a Middle-Eastern country and start a war just to seize control of oil rigs.The Army went in pleanty well-equipped, but there were things that they did not expect that hindered the outcome they had hoped for. Blinding sandstorms, for example.

  9. You can't believe everything you hear and see, hellraiser, but I'll admit that the idea of the government hiding secret projects for the "ultimate weapon" are a bit disturbing, if not in fact, then due to all the science fiction movies that have been produced concerning these topics. In fact, that may even be one of the major reasons that they are so secret - the public, biassed by opinions expressed in movies and television, would not be open-minded enough to accept such things.

  10. According to this article, some 12 million people worldwide actually have tails. These tails (see images below) are long, hairless extensions of the spine that don't seem to serve any apparent purpose, as far as has yet been discovered. Whether it's a birth defect, a mutation by chance, a hidden gene, or some remnant of an evolutionary process is not yet known. Christians have claimed that this appendage is actually a sign of the Devil and shows that all people will this mark will be damned forever and have tainted souls. Most people with tails are embarassed by them, and many religious people think that the "tails" should be removed, else one continues to sport the mark of the beast.

    A couple images of the "human tail" :

    For more information, see the below articles:

    For more images, see the blow link:

    Notice from saint-michael:
    due to the graphical nature of the photos and the ages groups of this forum the image tags are removed if you would like to see them copy and paste the it in your browser caution is giving to view at your own risk.

  11. Did you even read the article, freesoul? The reason they haven't done it yet is because they haven't needed to and because it would be difficult and expensive. Food grown on Mars, assuming it was possible, would not taste any different than food from Earth. It would just be ten times more expensive. The only reason to grow plants on Mars would be to make food for humans living on Mars (anyone seen Mission to Mars?), but otherwise, it would be a pointless and expensive endeavour.

  12. I think that, if this is implemented for ALL U.S.A. citizens, it would be a definate invasion of privacy, and thus an opposition to the Constitution. However, if the phone/internet/etc. tapping is only being done on those who are suspected, with reasonable evidence, to be terrorists or terrorist supporters, I think that the President has every right to attempt to increase the nation's security.Once again, it's all about who is tapped and why.

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