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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. Well, I don't want to divert this thread from the topic any further than it is, and frankly I don't feel like quoting each one of your passages to give a smart remark, but it's obvious you know what you're talking about, although as an "Athiest" of sorts, I don't really believe in religion, now matter how old, fancy, or kind it and the people in it may be.

  2. They're just debating how large an orbiting body of Sol must be to be considered a planet, since there are dozens of "rocks" much further than Pluto that are about the same size as it, and yet they are not considered planets, but Pluto is (they may have discovered a 10th planet, though).

  3. I used some code taken from a few basic tutorials on the Internet and thrown together to create a rough script that will, hopefully, request one to click a link to enter a website, but once the link has been clicked once, a cookie will be created so that page will forward one directly to the next page.

    The following is the code I have in my head tag:

    <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">cookie_name = "dataCookie";function putCookie() {if(document.cookie != document.cookie){index = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name);}else{ index = -1;}</SCRIPT><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">cookie_name = "dataCookie";function getName() {if(document.cookie){index = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name);if (index == -1){javascript:go ('home.htm');}}</SCRIPT> 

    And then I have an Onload attribute that points to getName() in my body tag and a onClick attribute for each of my links that points to putCookie()

    Can anyone tell me what is wrong and/or fix/remake the script so it will work?

    Oh, and would a page the forwards in this manner break the "no forwarded pages" rule that exists for many directories?

  4. I don't think that there is really anything groundbreaking to be learned by going to Pluto. Chances are we won't find anything we don't already have or learn anything that we don't already know, aside from what Pluto's surface looks like, exaclty. It's not like seeing a huge, barren hunk of cratered rock is going to make our lives any more meaningful or worthwhile. Pluto will look a lot like the moon - barren, cold, and dead.

  5. I think there is too much controversy and not enough facts when it comes to "scientific" answers to questions such as "where did we come from" and "how did this all begin." It's my opinion that schools shouldn't teach ANYTHING concerning how life or the universe originated. It's not truely proven well enough to be considered scientific fact, and it's opposed too much to be just accepted as a theory, and since religion must be kept from schools, it seems to me that the only way to make peace on this subject is to avoid it altogether.

  6. I agree with Moody; I would much rather wait a couple months longer and get a game that is virtually bug-free, instead of get excited, buy it, have it crash, and then have to wait a month or two for a patch to fix the fatal flaw. Furthermore, I like the concept of the developer team adding more to the game - it never hurts to make a good thing better.Out of curiosity, has anyone seen any images that show what kinds of effects will be put on enchanted weapons? The enchanted weapon effects in Morrowind were so pathetic that I almost cried. I think/hope they can do better than a little blur effects on a weapon to let one know it's enchanted (I would like to see effects similar to those on enchanted weapons in Neverwinter Nights, except with more variety/detail, of course).

  7. The only part of my computer that ever gives me trouble due to wires are my headphones - they tend to get caught under my chair when I lay in bed with them on.I'm not sure I really see the point of a wireless keyboard/mouse, unless you plan to surf the internet from your bed or something. In my opinion, having to plug them both in to recharge every night would be a pain (assuming that they can be recharged and that they don't take expensive alkali batteries.

  8. You're probably right about how Microsoft aquired their power cords, but they apparently used the cheapest possible materials instead of thinking about the dangers to the consumers and spending a bit more in the name of safety (it's not like Microsoft can't afford it).And I recall pleanty of problems with the old Nintendo gaming systems - having the remove the cartridge and blow in it ten times before it would actually play correctly.

  9. I'm just surprised that Mac hasn't decided to release a two-button mouse before now, especially since, with the market mostly dominated by PCs, most people are used to using left-click to select and right-click to bring up extra options or features. I'm not sure if this is the first time that Mac will have a scrollwheel on their mouse, but if it is, then they are seriously lagging behind as far as that is concerned (they were the first to come out with the joystick and mouse in the first place, after all).

  10. The problem with Macs is that they hold the only market for Mac-type technology. There are dozens of big and small competitors that sell PC products, constantly driving the price down, but when it comes to Mac, they hold the entire market and thus can chose whichever price they want (they don't hold a monopoly in the industry, but they hold a monopoly in their market).What we need is another company that creates/sells Mac or Mac-like products, in order to drive the prices down. Economics is a harsh mistress.

  11. Google hasn't done anything that can really be considered competition to Microsoft, except offer a few (excellent) free services and winning over Microsoft employees. The only way that Google gains money is by stocks, advertisment programs, and certain programs (such as Google Earth Pro). They are hardly rooted deep enough in the economical soil to withstand a corporative gale like Microsoft sweeping over them.

  12. Be careful. According to this article, Microsoft has recalled over 14 million power cords because it has been shown that they pose a fire hazard. Thirty people have already had property damage and/or personal injury due to fires started by faulty Xbox 360 power cords.

    It's kind of sad that Microsoft can't even produce good power cords in the first try.

  13. I think you should make a compendium of conversations such as that one, JasperIK. They sound like an amusing read.What really pisses me off is that these sexually confused people around going around having all this sex... and reproducing, carrying on their stupidity to the next generation, while the smart people of this world are left sitting in front of their computers, waxing their rods to pornography. What would someone see in someone who dresses like a ganster (meaning they look like they are the sole survivor of a journey through a burning desert, being chased by flesh-eating zombies that happened to fall into a barrel of "bling" and come out with a bit of it attached).To be more on-topic, however, I agree that the main problem is that kids get wrapped up in sexuality at too young of an age. Then, they don't properly understand what it is or how it should be taken care of when the time comes, and they are left ignorant to the way that things should be.

  14. Although I agree that swearing should be kept from professional places, it can be very useful for "colorful" or highly descriptive language (if not vulgar, than obscene), and, depending on the usage/time it is used, it can be funny (some jokes just wouldn't be funny without bad words), but just cussing left and right for no good reason can be annoying, disturbing, and insulting.

  15. Chances are none of us will be around to witness any major leaps in space exploration, unless space tourism really becomes a "hit" (so to speak). NASA and other government agencies are just too slow-working. NASA hasn't really made any really big advances in space exploration, aside from launching a few probes and staring at the sky since the Apollo missions to the moon.Space is just too big for one to explore the way they do in Star Trek. The only way humans would ever manage to explore the galaxy would be if space folds and similar theories are actually true (space folds are the idea that, at certain spots, one can travel across great expances of space by travelling a short distance, like how one could stick a needle through a fold of cloth instead of going all the way around that fold).

  16. Chez, that is why PC games have quality settings (where you can crank down the resolution, effects, anti-aliasing, etc.) for those who can't run the games on "HARDCORE UBER 1337" mode.Besides, most games with quality (meaning a well-planned story, gameplay, etc.) are the kind of games that use optimized graphics engines, instead of jamming the fanciest stuff out there into the game so it looks pretty, but uses four times as much resources as it would have to if a little time was taken on it.

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