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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. I hate people who think that humans are the only ub3r 1337 race that can have a decent amount of knowledge!

    We don't even know if there are, or aren't, any other races out there. Even if there were, the chances of them being intelligent are small, and the chances of them being anything at all like us is even smaller. For all we know, they could only see X-rays, hear ultrasound, and taste bitter flavors. They may not think anything at all like a human, possibly making them devoid of all imagination, but able to compute numbers faster than a Pentium 4.

    Sure we invented chocolate but that's a whole 'nother story. So for now THIS goof is sticking to his comp wiz thing.

    Chocolate is as much of an "invention" as coffee or herbal tea. It's just a natural resource that is prepared in a certain way.

    There is no mention in the bible of God creating any other intelligent species.

    Well, gosh, if a four thousand year old book doesn't mention it, it can't possibly exist.

  2. Continued from last post...




    so , u may ask yourself now, "so what was 9/11 all about??and why all the attackers were muslims??"

    No, I asked that question and answered it long before this thread was a twinkle in your eye.


    we believe all as muslims that these people did the wrongest thing in the world and they killed innocent people ...

    Well, at least you agree with the other five billion people on the planet.


    they were just youngmen that firstly : felt so much pain and humiliation from seeing their muslim brothers everyday hurt in iraq "b4 the war during the siege",

    And how is that the fault of the civilians that were in the World Trade Center?


    palestine one way or another by the help of USA so , they just thought "may be it's correct to kill some american civilians as the israeli's and americans killed ours...

    Turn-about is fair play, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure that hijacking airplanes and flying them on suicide collision courses with two towers that held more people than many cities was a bit over the top.


    although this may sound logic, it's forbidden in islam to kill civilians...

    It's forbidden in Christianity too, but that has never stopped holy wars.


    and by the way many muslims were killed in the WTC attacks. so , what they did we consider it wrong and absolutly illegal.

    Good, because it was.

  3. WARNING: The following two posts contain a cynical and sardonic reply. If you are easily offended, please skip over it. Thank you.


    dear , i really don't know how you got the idea that islam hates you or anyone one who isn't muslim...

    I got it from the way Islam is shoved in my face everywhere I turn.


    first i've to say i'm muslim ,

    Ouch. I'm sorry. I will never know your pain.


    and i've to tell you a really little info about islam...

    I guess I can't stop you.


    first the word islam is an arabic word that means in english "peace" ...

    Funny, I thought "Islam", in English, meant "terrorist."


    in islam when we meet anyone wheather he is a friend , a forigner , an american  or whoever  we salut him with saying "peace be upon you" ....

    How noble of you. You are truely an enlightened people. Around here, we just say "yo" - I see how your method of greetings is far superior.


    in our holy book which is called "The Holy Quran" god tells us "who kills an innocent human is like killing the whole hummanity"

    I don't see how killing one innocent person is like killing every innocent person on the planet. More terrorist technical innuendo?


    and our god's messenger Mohammed who we love more than anything ,

    And who was wandering around in the desert under a hot sun when God (Allah) "came to him"


    teaches us " who hurts a christian or a a jewish is like hurting me personnaly"

    He really said that? Well, now that he is dead, I suppose it doesn't apply anymore.


    also in islam we believe that peace is the principle attitude toward any humman on earth as long as he doesn't attack or hurt you....

    Nice that you support self-defense. I was beginning to fear you were pacifists.


    at last i want you to know that i'm not cosidered a muslim unless i believe in jesus and believe he is god's messenger to people and to believe in all other prophets and messengers and that they all were sent by the only one God to guide the hummanity in this life

    Wait... Wouldn't believing in Jesus and the prophets/apostles make you a Christian, not a Muslim?


    Continued on next post...

  4. LocalSeer, if an eye formed where the nose should be, it would completely replace the nose, resulting in a functioning eye. Kind of like when a person is born with a sixth finger (that is properly formed).And Moody, animals rarely mourn the death of offspring when it is only one out of a litter. The mother probably barely even noticed that her little mutant child didn't show up for dinner.Maybe the father of the kitten killed it. I mean, it isn't exactly a face one could be proud of, and the father would have had to endure constant torment and comments such as "I think I see the resemblance" and "Gee, he looks just like you!" I think that's a good enough motive for catslaughter.

  5. He's just a 16-year-old kid who wanted to go to Iraq, and went without telling anyone. However, since he's of Iraq decent and travelled to a war-stricken third-world nation without saying anything, he gets the nationwide media coverage, while the couple that ran away from home to get married (speaking theoretically) and hopped the border aren't worthy of such a title.I think that it is stupid that this kid got so much fame. So he went to a dangerous nation without permission - so what? Tie him to a pole, whip him, and send him home and let's be done with it. The constant media support is only encouraging him and others to try stupid things such as that again, not to mention distracting people from more important events that are taking place.

  6. Milk is my favorite beverage. It has never caused me any harm (aside from a sour taste in my mouth after sleeping after a cup), and I have never broken a bone nor gotten a cavity (I haven't done much that could break any of my bones, but I am hardly a dental hygene fanatic).It has many necessary vitamines and chemicals, so I don't see how it would be bad.By the way, it has been proven that a warm cup of milk really doesn't put you to sleep. Furthermore, it tastes disgusting.

  7. I don't think it would be that cool, Richard. Assuming it was even possible to materialize in another time without there being a recieving device on the other end, how would one return to the present? And, of course, there's all that paradox stuff that think tanks come up with to give people headaches...I'd think that the discovery of time travel actually being possible should be the first step as far as the concept of time travel thereof is concerned, but that's just my own biassed opinion. I'm probably wrong.

  8. Being a USA citizen, I can say that the United States Constitution is an excellent law - in fact, it may be considered near perfect. However, it's how courts interpret those laws (since they are so generalized, in order to keep with the changing times) that causes injustices, loopholes, and other problems thereof. Since courts use previous cases to determine to outcome of future cases, one judge's mistake could be the bane of the country.

  9. Too much science fiction, people. True, it would be necessary for there to be a machine on the other end in order for a person to be transformed from energy back into matter, but, as I mentioned, there would be some signal degredation (deflection in the case of fiberoptics, crosstalk in the case of wires), which would result in a tiny bit of information being lost. Although it may seem unimportant, that little piece of information could be a part of DNA, which would result in the person being, or becoming, mutated, or just simply dying. The loss of just a few chemicals from a neuron could mean that a person wouldn't know or remember anything at all, and possibly couldn't learn. The loss of a few cells could mean an unrepairable internal hemmorage, resulting in death by blood loss.It's hardly all that Star Trek makes it out to be.

  10. That all depends on whether or not you believe in the soul, Kevlar. In theory, a human is no more than the sum of his parts, but it has been proven that something happens to a person when they die - they measurably lose weight. Assuming that humans have some kind of conscious link to another dimension or something, that link could be severed and never be able to be reconnected again.And concerning your comment, OpaQue, there is no way, currently, to transfer or convert energy with 100% efficiency, which would be necessary in order for this to work. Wires, fiber optics, etc. all have some signal loss. Computers can figure out to keep that loss from causing problems, but with something as complicated and precise as the entire code to a human being... I certainly wouldn't want to have it tested on me.

  11. If you're talking about quantum teleportation, it's not what you think it is. It won't be a Star Trek-like teleportation system. When it comes to quantum teleportation, the properties of atoms are sort of copy-pasted over the properties of another atom, thus making another atom that is identical to the first, but, in essence, it is not the first. In other words, if a person were teleported using quantum mechanics, a whole new them would be created - perhaps even conscious and with the same thoughts and memories, but that would still mean that the original person didn't actually go anywhere - just the "code" of their bodies, so to speak.

  12. I realize that virginity is more than losing one's hymen, but I was talking theoretically, for the cases in which that IS the case.One doesn't decide whether or not they will live or not, thus that is not what makes one special. I agree that simply knowing about him and asking for forgiveness may seem easy and fair in most cases, but what about, for example, third-world countries or isolated tribes? They would never get a chance to hear, and would then be sent to hell simply because they were born in a place where they never got that chance. That's really nice of God.

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