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Everything posted by HannahI

  1. I think Windows 7 is pretty good but not as good as Macintosh.
  2. I like Fedora more but I don't like Fedora.
  3. I think yordan's right. Anyways right now I'm using Apache Web Sever.
  4. Maybe it will be epic, maybe not.
  5. I think they are searching your site for related content on your site.
  6. I think you should just make a blog with a program like Blogger. Then you'll frame it.
  7. HannahI

    Xml For Blogs

    Hi.By any chance do you know how to program the XML for blogs? :DCheers,- Hannah
  8. Hi Guys.I am a developer the does a lot of developing for the web in PHP, I need MySQL. I have Apache Web Server and phpMyAdmin installed on my laptop. I can get phpMyAdmin to work but I can't use it because I can't find a file that will let you set up an account.Cheers
  9. That looks really good. Is there a demo for Project Wonderful?
  10. There is a website called phpanywhere.com which let's you edit PHP code in the browser.
  11. HannahI

    Safari 4

    I like Safari 4 better than any other browser.
  12. Hi.With Google Adsense you get money when your ad is clicked. Right now my site doesn't get much traffic to it. Does anyone know of a program that you get paid just for having the ads on your website?
  13. Hi.I'm a developer. I'm interested in developing for the DS. I tried to get a license at WarioWorld.com but I wasn't approved. I tried DS Game Maker except it keeps crashing. Does anyone know of a program I can use to make a DS Game?
  14. I didn't look at it yet but it looks AWESOME!
  15. Hey. There is a good tutorial at http://www.w3schools.com/php/. This is a example. <?phpecho 'Hello World';?>
  16. Yo GuysI love scratch but I have a hard time doing it.
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