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Running With Scissors1405241561

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors1405241561

  1. The game is a MMO but if you play it the way your saying it isn't because there isn't anyone besides you and computer players unless of course you did play by LAN. I think the reason MMO's are popular is because you can play people from around the world but this way you can't so it kinda takes the fun out of it. Plus as stated before its illegal.
  2. They both have there prons and cons but I have always liked windows because thats what my schools used and thats what my first computer was. Macs are good for stuff that I never need so Windows which are cheaper are what I bought. I also find Windows a lot more user friendly but then again this may be just because I grown up using windows. I do think Mac look cooler though.
  3. I like dreamweaver and think it is a great program but it has a big price tag. Also there are much better things for beginners. I once use a web site builder call Blue Voda and I loved it. It was really easy to throw a good site together in a couple off hours BUT then to the free website build Blue Voda was that you had to use there website hosting with was a huge disappointment because I didn't want to use there hosting. I have never used FrontPage but I heard it was a good program.
  4. I lean towards the side of Mac's call them notebooks and others call them laptops. Really they are the same thing but I always kind of thought laptops are bigger and notebooks are smaller and they are made for a college student that uses it mainly for school work and they carry it around with there books hence the name notebook.
  5. I prefer my lap top over my desk top. It may be because my lap top is newer but also because you can take it with you. If you do buy a lap top I would suggest buying a mouse pad that plugs in to the lap top. Another reason I like my lap top better is because you can take it with you to the couch and watch movies if you are in a place with out a tv.
  6. I would see if HP would take it back. Mostly because they know whats what better than you because its there job. Secondly because it would void your warrenty like previously stated. If the power converter is getting very hot like you said it could be a fire hazzard and you should get it taken care of right away.
  7. Sure it helps with your racing game skills. I mean it can't hurt them and it gives you a feel for realistic games. I could also see playing racing game to often negatively affecting your real life driving. I don't know maybe thats taking it too far but it could.
  8. I thought the game was a good time waster. It a much better game if you have a friend that plays that way you want to buy stuff to make your house better. Fishing is fun but not the best. I think making money is a pain in the butt until you have enough money to live off the stock market. I also hate that you have to play every day or your city is overgrown with weeds. Other than that its fun and overall a good game.
  9. lol I find it funny that someone takes the time to wright something like this and its not even real or is it?
  10. I love it. Its the most played DS game I have. I love the courses. If you have a DS its a must have game. The Wi-Fi is awesome and there is always someone to play.
  11. I don't own it but I still love it. I've played it at a friends house and at stores. I think its the best non-realistic racing game ever. If not the best second only to past verisons of it.
  12. Good advice Feelay I was just about to get the 10 credits package and I only have 10 credits. Thanks. And welcome to Xisto Shaded.
  13. Well welcome back. I don't know you because I just joined. So hi.
  14. Funny real life stories are better than jokes. Even if you have to stretch the truth a bit to make it funnier. It also makes the date know more about you.
  15. Sounds good. I always wondered how the drum worked in the game because I never played Rock Band because I loved Guitar Hero. I'm glad to know that Guitar Hero now has someone pushing them to be better unlike the madden series.
  16. I had the sega growing up. I remember going over to friends houses to play Mario thought. I should go buy a Snes to make up for that.
  17. I don't watch baseball often but when I do I rout for Baltimore and how every is playing New York.
  18. National Treasure 2. I'd rate it 9/10. I thought it was a good movie and better than the first. If you want to watch it but didn't see the first you'll be fine but I still would tell you to consider watching the first one first.
  19. I wasn't planing on watching it but I changed my mind after reading your post and Jack Black's in it so it can't be that bad. I thought it looked like more of a kid movie which is why I had not planned on seeing it but I'll probably rent it any ways.
  20. I my opinion it is soulja boy becasuse he can't sing, his dance was stolen and I just think he needs to quit singing forever. Or if you would say William Hung made it big then my vote is definatly him because he sucks so bad its funny to listen to him. If you don't know who it is its the guy who sang She Bang in American Idol and never made it to HollyWoodSo what do you think?
  21. I always thought Halo 3 was over hyped for what it was at face value but it still is a good game that I like to play my friends at.
  22. Track and Field or cross country mostly because I'm good at it.
  23. 1. Patriots- I don't want them to but they have my top spot.2. Steelers- There offence it doing great and they picked up some great players this offseason but they did lose Alan Fanica sp?3. Jags- I thought they were doing great at the end of last season4. Colts- I think there days of a super power are coming to a end.5. Cowboys- Well round team who I hate but there good.So what are your thoughts?
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