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Running With Scissors1405241561

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors1405241561

  1. Please don't double post.Sounds like the files are being uploaded to the wrong place or something went wrong during the downloading process. The first step would be to delete the files on your website and try to reupload them. If it still doesn't work it maybe your connection. Try just uploading them using c-panels file manager.I was having problems just lke this a few weeks ago when trying to upload a smf forum. The problem for me was the ftp connection was bad because it kept breaking. So I just used the c-panel file manager and it worked fine.Hope this helps.
  2. Well I completely skipped FileZilla because I think that was the main problem for me. So instead I did what vujsa said to do which was upload it zipped using the cpanel ftp and it uploaded fine but for some odd reason it wouldn't unzipped the file instead I got a error. So I tried reuploading it a few times and it wouldn't work. I then used something other then zip I think it was tar.gz or something like that. I uploaded it and then extracted it and it worked fine and now I have a 2.0 beta 4 smf forum Thanks everyone for helping. Doing it the long way helped me learn more about cpanel, ftp, and all that good stuff.
  3. Running With Scissor’s Five Steps to a Spam Free Forum.1. If you forum allows you to enable admin approval of accounts enable it. That way you can stop the spam bots before they even get in. You can typically tell by the email address and things that it is not human.2. Don’t use phpBB. Most of the people I here talking about spam bot problems on there forums all have one thing in common they are using phpBB or an out of date forum software. Upgrade to the latest version of a reliable forum company. I like SMF because it’s good when it comes to security and it’s free.3. Make sure you have to be registered to post on the forums.4. Ban the spammers using this * as it works as a wild card. Example: 219.7* will ban 219.734.3434 and 219.7342.343 as well as any other ips starting with 219.7. This feature allows you to ban an entire area and computers that have ips that always change.5. Some forums have the option of only allowing active members or members with a certain amount of posts to post links and or send private messages. This will cut down on a lot of the spam and should be turned on.Try these things and see if they work. I have had trouble in the past with spaming on phpBB but then I did some of these things and its not bad any more. I am now using SMF which is so far a really great forum. Hope my five steps help.
  4. Are you sure it does that automatically? Because I have to do it by hand every time a file fails which gets quite annoying. Is there any way to set it to do that?
  5. I think its just a bad connection because its been really windy here the last few days because of all the hurricanes that have come through. Well they're not hurricanes by the time they get to where I live (PA) but its still windy enough to cause internet connects to be disabled every now and then.Before it was something else but your post helped me fix it so now its just my crappy connection messing up the files I ftp-ed.Thanks guys for helping.
  6. Thanks that helped a lot but now I found another problem, almost all the files are empty because they failed to transfer during the ftp process. So it makes the file names but they are empty. How come filezilla doesn't work but the one on cpanel does? I could upload everything using c-panel but that would take to long. Any suggestions?I asked this question on smfs site to because I figured they would know what to do but if you know what to do I would love to know. If you don't we can just let this topic die and I'll just ask the people from smf.
  7. I made sure I set the certain files to 777 and still nothing. Everyone says its so easy to upload forums but I can seem to figure it out on my own so thanks in advance.
  8. I must be a complete newbie when it comes to ftp and such. I have been trying to upload the latest simple machines forum (smf) to my Xisto site since I have been hosted and have followed all the steps located on simplemachines.org but still no luck and no forum. Yes I could use fantastico but fantastico only has 1.1.4 and I want to test out the latest beta called 2.0 beta 4.Well first things first I download the full install. Done. Now what do I do to prepare for the upload using FileZilla FTP Client? (which I already have installed)Like I said I have tried the online tutorials and stuff that I found but I don’t understand them.Thanks in advance and sorry for the noob question.
  9. Yes I do think there are aliens out there. The chance of there not being any other life out there is pretty slim. The universe is never ending so to say that out of all the planets and stars out there that there isn't life is a dumb statement. Now comes the part about intelligent life. Thats a difficult question. The way I see it is that yes there could be but the chances of that happening are slim. If it did happen they could live so far away we would never see them or contact them. As for aliens already visting earth I say eirther the government is doing a great job covering everything up or they have never been here.
  10. It seems much more probable that God created everything than it does that everything just fell the way it is and life just appeared one day and turned into humans. God lives outside of science because he created it, he created time and everything else. Jesus was killed in front of tons of people and then tons of people saw him alive three days later, explain that.
  11. I am a such a newbie Thank you so much. I thought I deleted the home page for good.Edit: If the admins or mods want to move or lock this thread go ahead my problem is solved.
  12. I deleted the file that allows you to edit the index page. If you go to runnerstrail.astahost.com which is my site it says there isn't a site. Is there any other way I can edit the index with out having the file that you can use the html/code editor on, or is it gone for good?I still have runnerstrail.astahost.com/forum and everything works fine but the forums do me little go if there is no homepage to get to the forums.Yes I know deleting that file was very stupid. Thanks in advance.
  13. Let me first start by saying yes I believe God is real and created everyone and everything.Now I comes down to this, what seems more probable? That the entire universe was once a hot ball of matter and then one day desided to blow up aka the big bang theory and then every thing was tossed across the universe and turned into planets and suns and the planets developed a atmosphere where gasess could be contained. So far it sounds pretty unlikely to happen but wait it gets more unlikely. Then after all the planets were in place life appeared some how as single cells and then magically turned into fish over millions of years. Then those fish grew legs and started breathing air. Now we'll skip ahead a bit because I don't want to ramble on and on. A big ball of fire hits the earth and kills a lot of the animals allowing the mamals to take over the world and turn from apes to humans.OrThat there is a God that alway is and aways will be that created the entire universe the way it is. This way sound a lot less complicated doesn't it?Eirther way there is something that has been around for ever. Which was it the universe or God. Most people don't understand the God is out side of time because he created time. Science doesn't aply to Him. He made science He made everything. The universe just doesn't make itself. So now your probably saying if God is real why can't I hear/see/feel Him. First off people did see Him when he came down to earth to teach people the word and then died for your sins. Well he could have been a normal person. Does a normal person come back from the dead three days after everyone saw Him die? Back to the why can't I hear/see/feel Him, you can you just aren't tring hard enough or the devil has your ears covered from God's word. That can be fixed by comiting your life to Jesus. Only then, after you hear His voice, can you answer the question is God real.God is real.
  14. Here is a story story of William Hung. He thought he was a great singer and dancer and desided to go to American Idol. Simon Cowell laughed at his face because he couldn't sing or dance worth crap. Of course he didn't make it to hollywood but little did he know that soon Koch Entertainment would offer him 25 grand to sing badly. He made 3 cds all of them sucking so much you laugh.If this guy doesn't take the cake I don't know how does. I also looked at Wing, Lance, and she has 14 cds out lol.
  15. Touch screen is a great feature to have and this is the stuff that puts Macs above PCs in style but not it sales. If I was Mac I would be trying to make a line of cheaper Macs to rival Pcs. Then reason no one buys Macs is because they cosh too much and this would be the start of cheaper Macs but no they continue to make better yet bigger price tagged pc/notebooks which makes them look good but most of the people that will by a home computer is middle class and will settle for a pc. Sorry for the rant but Mac is going in the wrong direction if they want more people to buy there products.
  16. To the topic starter: Which would you rather have a half rate site that you can make for free or a professional site where all you have to do is be active on there forums? I think the better choice is here at Xisto but its up to you. This place is the only place I know that has Cpanel as one of there free features and if you have never had a site with Cpanel before it is awesome and I would never make another site without it.
  17. I have tryed about 15 different hosts and although I'm awaiting my account I think this one is going to be the best by far because it has tons of features yet its still free all you have to do is post on these forums. Another added bonus is no ads at all.
  18. I really want to see this movie but since I waited so long I'll skip the moives and buy it when it come out on dvd. Its cheaper any way and you get to watch it over and over again. Any way everyone told me this movie was really good so unless all those people are wrong it must be a good moive. Good review merovingian.
  19. Yeah I was sad to hear that because he was pretty young. I heard he had sarcoidosis which is some kind of lung disease but it was pneumonia that killed him.I really didn't watch too many of his movies but I did see Pride and a few others. So I would have to say Pride even though thats not even in my top five favorite sports movies. Still I was sad to hear he past away.
  20. I wasn't here before the change but I am glad to see that you are still updating the site constenly to make it better. These are the little things that made me so glad I found Xisto. Before then I was searching for about a half a year trying to find the perfect place for my site and I have found it. Thanks Xisto guys/girls.
  21. I looked around the site a little bit and I liked what I saw. I think give members a choice between one ad or posting is a great idea and it will hopfully bring in more people. More people on these forums is always a plus.One question though it says it comes with Cpanel does that mean that it also has Fantastico?
  22. I wasn't here to see the forum when it had adds but I am glad it doesn't now. Ads to me are very annoying and pop-ups are the worst. Having no ads makes the board seem cleaner and more userfriendly. Also having ads tends to slow down the site which is always a bad thing. Some times I'll leave a site just for loading slow. The only things that are a positive in my mind to have ads is that the forum/website makes money off of them making what ever it is that website does cheaper for the members.So what I'm trying to say is Xisto is doing a great job at whats its doing. Keep up the great work.
  23. I bought the game really cheap a few months ago and I played it for a week and then stoped for no reason and haven't touched since. I liked it and you could basically do what you want. All I remember was landing at random places and attacking random ships lol. I'll probably start playing it again when I get bored of the games I'm playing now. It really a shame that this game didn't get notice much by the gaming community. It was just passed by. Good game though and would recommend any one thats in to open ended games to get this.
  24. No I don't play pokemon and never have. I thought about buying a pokemon game for my ds lite but didn't. I use to watch it on tv back when it first came on and I was in 3-4 grade but I just grow away from it. Before I watched it on tv I bought the cards (1-3 grade) and I still have them some where and will keep them for a long time and then sell them once there value starts to rise.
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