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Everything posted by LegallyHigh

  1. I have Firefox 3, and haven't noticed any vulnerablilies or frequently encountered errors so far in the program. When using Firefox 2 I sometimes had extension related probmes, such as when I installed the Paypal Extension I would visit many websites and Firefox (2) would freeze, I'm not sure why this happed but it only happened prior to the Extension install. However, since the upgrade this problem no longer persists, so I sould say, if anything the upgrade was successful. Honestly, though, my preferred browser is still Opera at this point, I love the Speed Dial feature, and it loads up a bit faster than Firefox for me, though that may just be becasuse it is present in the Cache.
  2. Contrary to most of you, I actually enjoyed playing Battlefield 2 along with the Extensions for it long before Battlefield 2142 was released. I liked the idea of a futuristic warzone environment in 2142. However, the first time I played BAttlefield 2142, the demo, it kept crashing, so I never got to fully enjoy the game for what it was. I finally bought the full version of 2142, and I no longer recieve the error. However, since I have an Xbox 360, I'm not to into computer gaming at this point because my computer can't handle the newer games (I was looking forward to playing Unreal Tournament 3, my computer is not able to play it optimally).
  3. I don't particularly believe in miracles. I think the reason someone would or would not believe in the idea of a miracle is based how you define the word (miracle). When I hear miracle I think of an outside force creating, and making a situation possible, and that situation to actually happen. However, since I do not believe there are any outside forces (such as God, Gods, or other Spirits), I don't believe in miracles. I believe everything happens for a reason. Looking into a similar subject, I also do not believe in coincidences. As I have said I believe you can look at any situation, no matter how ironic it is, and find scientific reasoning for its happening.
  4. That is a very in depth review, well done. I have yet to see the movie, I hope I find it a bit more enjoyable than you did.
  5. I live in America, so I didn't hear much about this anniversary. In Canada do they have Fireworks and other festive celebrations like that on the 4th of July in Amercia (if you've heard of the 4th of July, that is)?
  6. I've never been inclined to use Windows Live Search, or the search engine MSN provides. Since Google is my homepage I simply use it for all my searching needs. However, since you guys seem pleased with the new features found in the newest version of Windows Live I might look into giving that search engine a try. I used to use Mamma Search Engine untill I realized the search results were much too broad, that's when I started using Google. However, on occasion, ussually when I'm researching something I will use Yahoo, I'm not sure why, the results just seem to be a bit more informative.
  7. I'm not sure where I have seen the fastest computer at. Probably at Best Buy or Comp USA (one of the really expensive computers on display). But the computer I'm using is fast enough for me right now.
  8. Are you just disappointed because no one clicked the your referral link? Anyways, I never trust programs like that, I used to try survey programs (when I was younger and more nieve) and they never worked for me either. I'd say the best way to make money on the net right now would be setting up a very strong, and heavily trafficked site and using affiliate marketing with it.
  9. I think hovering cars like those shown in the Jetsons are very possible, and could actually probably be created with the modern technology we possess. However, I do not think there is enough money (that the government would provide) to put the idea into production. Also, you would have to think about all the traffic signs, among other things, that would need to be installed, and each traffic sign would require floating devices or a very long vertical pole to hang from (if your talking about a 10 vertical lane street). It would actually be a very cool idea though, because with 10 lanes traffic would be much less dense, and Rush Hour wouldn't be a problem as the cars could just expand upwards. However, on the contrary, switching lanes would be a pain because you would have to check up down as well as left and right. Also, if air riding was allowed without roads or certain paths you would have to follow than driving would be a much more enjoyable and individual experience.
  10. I do not believe god exists. I was raised as a Presbyterian (Christian), however, as I became a teenager, and learned more about Science, I started believing ideas related closer to Darwinism and believing less about God. Also, since many other things in the Bible hads been proven wrong I had no reason to believe any of it. However, when people relate to God as a form of energy, I could find somewhat of an understanding in that.
  11. Hmmm, I'm a 360 fan also, I may look into trying out this game. Is there a demo available for it via Xbox Live?
  12. I love Google Earth, but it is scary to know that people could be looking at my house, or my neighborhood from the otherside of the world via Google Earth.
  13. I also noticed this as Firefox 2 became available, and it is a very useful feature, especially for sites like this (Xisto Forums) where I type a lot, and of course make a lot of mistakes. In response to Quatrux I actually like the automated spell check, instead of asking the program to check my spelling for me. I can ignore words I spelled incorrectly for reasons such as slang, or what not, however I hate forgetting to run a spell check and then looking stupid because I have many mispelled words.
  14. Alright, I'm not sure if anyone owns an Xbox 360, or uses one at this forum. However, the other day, while playing video games on my 360, I came across some valuable information. If you have ever been looking to go wireless with an Xbox 360 this may help you out. You may have realized the very high cost of wirelss 360 use. The adaptor for wireless is $80+ and of course you will need a wireles router (about $30), aswell. However, while I was playing Gears of War, a popular game on the 360, I was told if you already had a laptop (with a wireless adaptor), you would not need to purchase an Official Xbox 360 Wireless Adaptor. Instead, he claimed, he used his Laptop to output, or rather, split, the wireless signal to the Xbox 360. To do this you must have a laptop recieving wireless internet, and an ethernet cable. Plug the ethernet cable from the laptops port to the Xbox 360's so they are connected, sharing a connection. Now all you have to do is go to (on your laptop, if it is wondows, I'm not sure about Macs) Control Panel -> Network and Internet Connections -> Network Connections find your wireless connection, right click it, and click "Bridge Connections". I was surprised this was so easy, I ran wires all the way from the second floor of my house to the basement so I could get onto Xbox Live, but I would never have if I knew I could use this much easier method instead. However, I'm guessing my wired connection is probably more clear than a wireless connection would have been since my wireless router has a weak signal. I hope this tutorial helps some people out, Good Day.
  15. That stuff is really interesting, its hard to believe there were sites registered in the 80's. Haha, that first site, Symbolics looks like it hasn't been updated since 1985.
  16. Thank you for the tutorial. I may use this tutorial when creating a new Logo for my site.
  17. I like Desktops better. I'm not sure why, I think it just may because I have bad experiences with laptops. I do own a laptop, however it is old, and not quite as quick as I would like. Also, the other laptops I have experiences (the ones at school and of my friends) have also performed, in my opinion under par. However, if I had expereince with a newer, quicker (Core 2 Duo, or Quad Core) more capable laptop, I would probably prefer it over my deesktop. Its just that as of now I rather sit in my comfortable, leather, cushioned computer chair and do work quick on the desktop than sit with a bulky old laptop running quite slow on my lap.
  18. In my opinion the Best way to Learn HTML is by using a Web Page Designing Program such as Dreamweaver, and using both the HTML only mode along with the visual creation mode. So when you input an object in the Visual Mode you can see the HTML behind it. You can learn simple HTML along with advanced coding by doing it that way. Also, since newer Web Design Programs also set up pages with CSS, you can learn a bit of Cascade Styling as well. I don't know if anyone else learned HTML in this method, but its how I learned what I have and none of my Pages look to bad. Also, when I used to like Nav Bars and other Java Acript Apps, I would copy the codes from Tutorial sites and then try to configure the Navigation Bars to look good on my site and as I did this through the script, it helped me to pcik up a bit of coding also.
  19. I wonder how large the Google Database is by this point? I'm guessing its deffinately in Terabytes by now, since it stores Caches of pages, along with images, videos , and every other form of Content. And also, what kind of Languages are various search engines programmed in.
  20. Thank you, sir. Is this a full version prgram, or only I trial. I have run into many Convertors that will only let you convert to some extent (such as 3 minutes of conversion) unless you purchase the full version. Anyways, if it is truly freeware, I would like toigive it a try. And by the way, I wouldn;t exactly say this is a How-to or a Tutorial, its more, in a way a Software Review, or just an advertisement of Software.
  21. I do agree Nasa and Space Exploration are important. People are very curious as you guys have said, and its nice to know the poepl involved with NASA are helping to find more and more about what goes on outside of our planet, Earth. However, I wish NASA was a bit more precautious, it seems there have been small to large errors with most of there recent flights. Its weird, they could fly a Space Shuttle with full success to the moon in the 60's and now there are troubles with every small experiment or flight they try to pull off.
  22. I don't regularly listen to Anime music. However, sometimes before or after Anime Cartoons I do find the music tends to be a bit catchy.
  23. Hmmm. I have no idea on exactly how fast I type. I'm a bit quick I think, but I do make errors, probably more than l should.
  24. I would switch your host, obviously the one you have currently isn't secure enough. Your lucky though, the hackers didn't corrupt your site or do anything except alter the Index page, it was sort of like they gave you a heads up.
  25. Yeah. I still have any annoying Virus on my computer, too. It tells me to purchase the full version of some product called Obsidium, and I can;t figure out how to disable it yet. I just can't figure out who hads the time to create the viruses and what do they get out of it?
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