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Posts posted by kelvinmaki

  1. Another way to manipulating of data in the background without having the user to login to refresh the database table is by using crontab or cron. Basically Cron is a scheduler that set the time and date when you want to execute certain query.

    $date = date("d");$month = date("m");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `refresh` WHERE `date` = '$date' AND `month` = '$month'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);

    So in your codes, you don't have to state the time and date, instead put it in cron to do the job.

    $sql2 = 'UPDATE users SET `field` = `value`;';

    Then define which query to execute when the date/time met. eg. your update queries.
    In the case, your codes will be more readable and effective. Any thoughts from others? Cheers

  2. Background

    One thing to think about is adding some kind of background detail. Whether is be a simple background color, a simple background image. In fact i encourage you to keep it simple to reduce loading times, and to keep from drawing to much attention away from what the site is really intended to do. One thing that i beleive bothers everyone is when their are sites with neon colors everywhere. Please dont use neon colors background, unless you can balance it out and make it look good.

    Color scheme for the website is important as well. Not more than 4 main colors and they need to be contrast. If you choose those colors wisely, your site will look professional even its just static. And of course you can have different shades of those 4 colors.


    Banners and other images

    Keep the file sizes at a low, but make sure they have something in them. Its great to have images, but having empty images makes your site look empty. Even if its just a logo, or your name and the site URL, try and add something.

    Currently most of those images are in gif format. They are particular small in size. Try not to use animated gif, instead use flash. Those animated gif will only make your site looks 'puffy'.



    Page Layout and Access

    One thing you may want to keep in mind, is that when creating your site you want it to look appealing to the eye, but keep the people interested in what the site is really about. Try and make the site as easily accessible from other pages of the site as possible. For example, have a link to the home page on most, or all of the pages throughout the web page. Its always good to have a little uniqueness to the site, and having a way for people to give feedback. Some of the ways for this would to be add a geustbook, forum, or an email link.

    Page layout is very hard to determine as i'm not a designer myself. Try to look around at some open source web design and pick up some nice layout. But most of them will be using CSS. So you will need some knowledge of it to edit those. :P

  3. This is good discovery for our century and that will develop on more than like levitation of liquids... how about structures! or in other words solids!
    Think about it.. It will really save a lot of work and expenses, i think.

    It will definitely saves a lot of work and expenses but I think that will still be a long way to go. But I would really like to see those cars out there to be able to levitate of the ground. :P

  4. Windows XP is so far the most satisfied among all the OS. Used linux and Vista too but for the same reason as many others out here, Vista is still very new and need a lot of patching and service pack. For Linux, some distro are pretty good, however you really need to know what you really want in order to choose those package that suit you best. Application wise, Linux is lack of that compare to windows. :P Anyway Windows XP are pretty good with SP2. Most of the stuff are in and comparing performance, Windows XP SP2 will definitely win Vista for now. Tons of Application for windows to play with and of course if anyone are into worm or trojan, you can use Windows XP. :P But moreover most of the university around here are using Windows XP.. Cheers

  5. Google now has a new program called "Business Referral Representative". They will pay you $10 per store for walking in, taking pictures, determining store hours, payment methods, etc...


    More on this at:


    Don't you think that Google is taking over every possible application, business on the web? Look at this page. Their application are increasing. :P

    Hmm.. and Google Ads are crazily everywhere..

  6. I thought first of all, you need to boot to Safe Mode to remove the trojan? I don't see anyone does that. Anyway, I've infected by Trojan previously and don't have to completely reformat my PC. There's a few steps I did.


    1. First, download a McAfee Stinger from the website. Get the latest version so that they have all the latest trojan remover.


    2. Get the Latest Trend Virus Pattern Files from Trend Micro. This virus pattern file are updated pretty often. So it will contain all the latest reported worm and trojan. These two are good enough. If not,


    3. Get the free Ad-Aware SE. Nothing to lose. (You need to install it before going to the next step. And of course UPDATE IT)


    4. Disable you System Restore.


    5. Reboot your PC and enter safe mode. (If anyone doesn't know how, press F8 at startup and a black screen should appear, choose Boot to Safe Mode)


    6. When you are at windows, run the 3 programs that you've downloaded. Always perform Full Scan for all drives you have.


    7. After you've done your scan, run regedit.exe and see whether the file 'sys.exe' still in your registry. If there isn't, restart your windows to normal mode.


    8. When your windows is loaded, run the 3 programs again. Remember Full Scan.


    These are the steps I did to remove worms and trojans from my PC. It works for me. But of course other trojans and worms might not be effectively removed by these steps. There are some trojans that need specific procedures to remove.



  7. I've never wrote anything similar, but from what I know, you need to have a running timeline for your game. And everything will have an endtime, at which it should have been done, like in your case "get attacks to function at the right time, how fleets get to their destination. How buildings finish". Then you can have cron or configure crontab https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crontab to call a php script every minute. The smallest is minute for cron. You can look for other similar scheduler which can have smaller timestep, but that also means you can't use standard linux web server. So whenever you script run, it checks for the endtime, then take action on those which is expired then decide on what to do next.


    Just a suggestion. Maybe someone who had really wrote one could drop a bit of tips here also.

    Acutally what Lee said were quite right. I've done some cron that run in the background on certain time from the web server. The cron job are just scheduler that will execute those php codes to the time you specified. You can schedule a game engine to run at the background and update some specified data in the database. Eg. A soccer match engine can be program to run when the cron job starts and end 90mins later. every minute will run some kind of script that update the database. So even if there's anyone online, they can see the what happen without you (Administrator) clicking for it to execute.


    But I think that's not the only way to do it. Maybe you can google and try finding some better and effective solutions out there.



  8. Yah.. Love the concept of live CD. No long installation to test out the OS. Just boot it and there you go. But anyway you are right to say that windows and mac are operated by big companies, however I've used linux and they are very powerful if you know what you want for your OS and app. (they only things is that there's a lot of configuration) A lot of open source application are very powerful too. e.g I would choose Eclipse over Net Bean. :P Just my 1 cent worth. Cheers

  9. so you first boot into DOS and then you run slax from the USB-stick ? How do you do this ? Plus, you've forgotten to mention the most important thing about slax, it's full customisable using a windows app. You can add and remove software (these are provided in modules) before you create your own, personal live-cd :P

    Actually in BIOS, you need to setup to boot from CD -> USB -> HDD. So if there's a bootmgr in the CD, it will boot from CD first. eg. window CD or linux CD. If there's no CD, then it will boot from USB then HDD.

    Btw, you can create your own BootMgr to put it in CD and boot from a few Live CD since those are pretty small in size. But haven't tried that yet. :P

    Tell me if anyone tried those. Cheers

  10. Jimmy89:Bigger screen usually require bigger lighting element (florescent tube), thus more power consumption. You need to look at the native resolution of the screen also. Some 15" and 14" will have the same native resolution, say 1024 or 1280, then it serve no purpose to get the 15" other than for bigger font display, normally for shortsighted or for those who're not used to small font. If the 15" comes with higher resolution, then by all means, it's a better choice.

    "Its performance/watt is not really different than AMD's either." Direct calculation is not very accurate. As i've read some article mentioning about idle power consumption. If your CPU is operating at 100% full throttle all the time, then the performance/watt is applicable. But as normal computing is consuming the cpu at non consistent pattern, and most of the time it's idle, that calculation is not very representative in this sense. The performance/watt is measured at maximum power consumption. It's actually more of a marketing gimmick then an actually technical information.

    True.. Why not get a 13" screen which will use lesser power as it requires lesser lighting elements. Hmm. But of course you are fighting against the size of the fonts. :P


  11. If you have a windows XP cd, do the step what wutske recommended. If its the case that your windows xp comes with all the bundle drivers which you can only use it to restore your whole computer, run your Boot CD.


    First, make sure that your bios is set to boot from CD then HDD. (Some bios setting will bypass the CD reading at startup)

    When the CD loads, an option screen should appear. Choose something with CD driver support in DOS. (Normally what a BOOT CD should do). When you are in command prompt, put in your utility CD and list that directory. there should have something to do with 'CHKDISK' or 'check disk' or something related, use that option and follow the chkdsk /r steps that wutske has mention.


    Post back whatever you've seen on screen and whatever steps you've made. Try to narrow it down.



  12. Yeah, I would like to see the full code too, with html, the post data which is sent and how it is gathered and etc. I think it is just a logical mistake somewhere in the code or just it is one of those things which you can't see even if it is so visible ;] I remember I spend some time on such stupid errors, but after a week I just checked with my clear head and found it very fast, in fact, it happened much more times than one :P

    Agreeded. I've not been coding for long but sometimes do make such mistake that are so visible. And when I show my codes to someone else, they just find out the root cause within a few minutes. So if you want to share your codes, just paste it. Definitely someone will be able to spot something. :P

  13. These machines have become essential for any business. The more we need accuracy and speed in information, the more we are dependent on these machines. But of course living without the computer goes back to the stone age. :P
    It's not we can't survive without it, computers only adds enhancement on information storage and retrieval.

    P.S. I'm speaking in the point of Business drive. my answer is not apt for game freaks and animators.

    Totally Agreeded...

    I'm so used to have computers around me but of course won't die without one. But its making our life so much more convenience Especially Internet banking, online shopping, Email.

    10 years back, you never knew this kinda things will happen. Seriously :P I think that everyone of us have already accepted that computers are already part of our life. Definitely for me. That's why I voted for more than 8 hours. Sometime my parent really gets annoyed stick to the computer for the whole day. :P


  14. I'm a supporter of AMD too. But there's no doubt that Core 2 Duo is great performer when it comes to laptops. Further more the battery life is significantly longer than AMD's. The power management of built in GMA950 is definitely more efficient compare to external graphic chip. Being on the same die as the northbridge, means they can save energy from the interface glue logic and memory management logic. Being less powerful in terms of graphic capability also means lower power consumption. As i've mentioned before, if it's not for gaming, then being a lesser performer at 3D will not show any difference for normal 2D application. Unless of cause you're willing to give away some CPU resources for Vista and it's Aero effect.
    For desktop I'll definitely recommend AMD. I hope they can survive the recent attack from Intel.

    Honestly getting a laptop really depends on what you want. And of course try to get better performance specs if possible. For laptop, its not that easy to upgrade compare to desktop. So if you just need it for programming or something related, a good graphics card is not necessary. I mean just go for the minimal. An onboard graphics card from Intel are pretty good. But of course its not comparable to ATI or Nvidia.

    So the you can invest those $$ on higher performance processor. For now, Intel Core 2 Duo and AMD, I would go for Intel. Laptop are suppose to be portable, so go for 14.1' screen. so when it comes to battery life. It's my first priority. You will really get frustrated when you are out there doing something important and the battery is running out.


  15. @kelvinmaki: Its a text box, and final/action are hidden. The reason I didn't post the whole code is its around 50 lines long or so and if I was to have ALL the if statements around 200 lines. I know its relatively small but its a lil big for a forum post. Also its not an error in the html form, I know how to make an html form correctly and it ONLY happens on the FINAL if statement (although I never tried adding an extra one to see if its the 7th or the last). I'll post more of the code if I can get around to it, I'm pretty busy right now trying to finish this update and working around the house.


    Let me get it correctly, you are passing a textbox over by the $_POST, and only at the last IF statement, you are getting the value 1.
    So at the last IF statement, what you printed out is value 1 am I right.
    It could be an empty array in the $_POST. When its an empty array, using echo, print or print_r, it will gives you a 1.
    If that's no the problem, you can pm me with the html codes and the script of IF ELSE. I can test it in my system. That will be easy to debug rather than speculating all the possible reason.


  16. I would understand especially when you are a student. Not that I'm encouraging not buying software, but think about it. There's so much freeware around and of course open source application. Sourceforge is one of the website I usually visit. And here are the list of software in my computer.

    Microsoft XP OEM
    Open Office
    Active Virus Shield
    Google Talk
    Itune - all time favourite
    And somemore from sourceForge.. :P

    So you can see, most of my application are free. :P

  17. Hmm.. Anyway any of your guys really use the phone camera functions for taking pictures or any serious photos that you would develop or keep in backup? The only time I've used the phone camera function is to capture the bend on my car when I got into an accident, so that I could use that evidence to claim from his insurance company. :P jk

  18. Can you paste the whole code or rather the rest of the if statements? So you trying to get the $_POST data from a form? And for the 'command', what is it? eg. Radio, text input, drop down box. If you could put some codes from the form till the form action and then the if else statement. Might get some clues on why this happen.

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