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Posts posted by kelvinmaki

  1. This site has more than 400 IT EBooks....Free IT Books

    This site is indeed useful for those IT professional. However some of the E-books are over freely distributed. Was browsing through those site and found this particular book - 'The Art Of Computer Virus'. Information are getting widely spread with the Internet and don't you think its pretty dangerous with such information around? ;)

  2. Yes, it sounds to me like it's a problem with Prepeng's browser. it's either outdated or has JavaScript disabled.

    You've just reminded me of an incident that happen to me once. Was trying to implement lightbox to my gallery with all those flashing and poping of images. However in Firefox, it work perfectly. But for IE, it just doesn't seems to popup those images. Definitely not coding problem as those are demos from the offically Lightbox site. ;) Later found that its due to Trojan in my computer that totally disabled my Javascript. Even tried to enable it but still can't work. ;)

    Anyway do a scan and clean, it might solve the problem without changing any coding. Cheers

  3. i have xampp on my jump drive, its like perl, cgi, openssl, apache, mysql, php, filezilla and mercury mail and a few other things in one.

    Get it.. XAMMP. All in one if you are into doing some dynamic website. It allows you to FTP and test it like a normal web hosting site. Get the lite version. Its easy to setup and more than enough to do what you want.

    Anyway just some info, if you really are creating a website that are more towards enterprise, you would definitely need some kind of framework. Some PHP framework. Some that I would recommend are: CakePHP (currently using this for my site), symfony, Zend framework and Seagull. I guess you can google them and see what suit you best. All the security and session issue are handled by them. CHeers.

  4. Hi Everyone, i just need to know that this javascript code is formatted correctly: (A piece of code that it's written BESIDE an HTML code.)

    <body onLoad="alert('My Text Here');">My body contents</body>


    |||Always keeps telling me that this was incorrect.

    It should work for the above code, however for my experience, when I'm using javascript, some browser like IE6 couldn't load it. So when dealing with Javascript, I would always put a 'java script:' in front.


    <body onLoad="java script:alert('My Text Here');">My body contents</body>

    You encounter that problem might be due to this. Might be. Just some info since FF2 is working. ;)

  5. Wow.. That's definitely something new to this forum. Though I've seen a few familiar nicks, its a good idea to allow guest on posting. Been to a few forums previously and those only allow viewing by guest, and not posting. And of course I'm just a guest there in search of answers. Personally support that, however there's always the cons on everything. So as what velma said, every post will be moderate. ;) Am looking forward to more new topics too. Cheers

  6. Im on the computer almost all day and night but I do occasionally take breaks to keep my blood going. My reason for being on the computer all day and night is because I am a computer programmer and well I use a computer and it requires me to sit near one for me to get my job done. But when I get home I continue to improve my skills by doing research which further requires me to use a computer even out of work. I just make sure that I take breaks when necessary and get some excercise in because sitting on your butt all day and night doesnt actually help your heath. So if I ever feel a strain or ache from sitting too long with a computer I would generally get up and move around to stretch my legs and get that blood flowing. Certain occupations just keeps you glued to the computer certain occupations require nothing to do with a computer but that is just how the world turns and unfortunately people like me will be glued to the computer twenty four seven...

    That's definitely an example of sitting in front of the computer all day. And its perfectly great to continuously improve your skill and that's what normal programmer do.
    Was once like you but its too much load for doing that. I've given up quite a bit of stuff that I should do for keeping myself up-to-date in the latest technology and news. But not now. Work is just work. :D Free time will be doing something that don't deal with computers. :blink:

  7. Those websites do help to keep your identity anonymous. However that's from the website and after filtering, it is somehow slow in the speed. There's another way of hiding your identity by using software as what dserban mentioned.


    There are many pieces of software for automating the switch from proxy server to proxy server, including an add-on for FireFox - that's not where the shortage is.

    The problem I have always had was to come up with a list of good, freshly tested, high-performance, highly anonymous, public proxy servers.

    That's because those lists you find at freeproxy dot whatever are already obsolete by the time you get to them.

    Found some links to a list of those proxy server. Tried some and they are in working condition.






    A software to recommend would be proxyway.



  8. Here's a hotlink to a PDF document you might find interesting:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Hey dude, thanks for the document. However, I've seen this document before and its pretty informative and long. I'm just wondering did you come across a cheatsheet for PL/SQL, eg. all the syntax, operators that fit into 1 or 2 pages. Cheers

    P.S. I know I'm a bit demanding here. Sorry..

  9. I think I can invite people on Joost, but to be honest I REALLY dont know why anyone would bother to use it!!Its great in concept, presented well but severly lacking in any good content.
    If you want to watch all the crappy channels that come free on most cable of sat deals, the chans they cant charge for because the content is worthless then feel free to goto Joost!.
    IT would be good if something like this took off and became popular but if the content is crap then it wont last long!

    Agreeded with the crappy channels and also the program. Never trusted an online TV program that need to be installed. Installed Joost and my computer lag x 10. Not sure why this happen.

    Anyway personally think that YouTube.com or http://www.crunchyroll.com/ are much better with quite a bit of quality content in there and of course you don't have to install any stuff. Worth a try if you are someone who loves Anime. :blink:

  10. I tend to use the built in RSS reader that is built into Opera, It seems to do everything and its very easy to use.

    That's the way to go for me as well. I'm currently using FireFox and been using Sage for my RSS reader. Built in with no external program involved. Light-weight and ease of use. Since most of the time I'll be surfing and reading in the web. That's the best. :blink:

  11. Actually, I have most of the I Love Jack Daniels cheat sheets. They are well organized and have plenty of examples and tips. The best part is that they are done in PDF format and can be easily printed out without the need to format it or place it into another document.

    This is really great. Didn't know about all these kinda cheatsheets do exist. Normally would just google for the particular kind of help I need. Thanks vujsa.

    Anyway anyone get to know any cheatsheet regarding PL/SQL? Have been trying to create some function in mysql. I mean, is there any one-stop site which contain all of those help? Thanks in advance.


  12. Oh the problem isn't picking the password, many people who "claim they have been hacked" have been known to just write it down somewhere in sight or give it to the first moron that claims he's from the company where said person has an account.

    That's true though. Many people create very difficult password with all kinds of combination for hackers to crack it, and similarly, for themselves to remember it. So they have to write it somewhere or store it online. DON'T WRITE IT ANYWHERE. REMEMBER THEM. :blink:

  13. While it's still a teaser at the moment, John Nack (Senior Product Manager for Photoshop) has confirmed the development of Photoshop Express. It's a free online photo editor that's not meant to replace Adobe's current offerings, but "make Adobe imaging technology immediately accessible to large numbers of people".http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2007/09/photoshop_express_ria_sneak_peeked_today.html

    Its a good news that Adobe is coming up with this free version of photo editor. But honestly, you can't do alot of things with it since its meant for touching up photos. Not like the Adobe Photoshop that you can use to design graphics. Will still stick to picasa if its just for touching up photos with instant uploading of them. :blink: But its still something worth a try from Adobe.

  14. That's the basic of submitting your side to google. But of course apart from doing that, there's a whole lot of other follow up. What do you like to have after submitting your site, of course having people searching for it in Google itself.

    There's a whole lot of trick in letting people find your site easier and faster. Found 1 useful checklist in this. You might want to read it if you are seriously submitting a site to Google. Cheers


  15. I'd say games :blink: , prolly ones that you can earn extra points or if you win against a member in a challenge you get awarded say 10 credits ? Say how about changing the forum theme ( i am an eyecandy lover, so its just me ) but its worth a thought.

    It's a good idea on implementing games to earn extra points and challenging members, but I personally feel that as a forum, it should stay as a forum. Maybe extend the categories to not so computer & science related. Something like places or something, since everyone from different part of the world. :D

    What do you guys think?

  16. Not a bad concept. Looks like those classic RPG game. Might try.

    If you want a fun MMO that will last long enough so you don't feel like you've wasted your time on it, play final fantasy 11

    Anyway for final fantasy 11, you have to pay and most of the players are from Japan. So you would expect those Japanese language to be all around the game. Maybe they have English server now. Not too sure on that. But there's also other games which I personally like. Silkroad Online.

    Improved quite a bit on the graphics and game play. They even have expansion for characters. You won't have such a expansion for something that's free. Of course you can't compare this with Final Fantasy 11 but still worth the time playing.

    Anyway, good things comes with a price. :blink:


  17. Anyways, Firefox is far better! Also, when designing my Web sites, I always have trouble getting things to work in IE7, let ALONE IE6/5, where as in Firefox it just...WORKS!

    For this, its because of W3C standards that FireFox follows. And for IE, when creating CSS, I will always need another set of css for IE7 and IE6. That's pretty tiring.

    So of course my votes will go the FireFox. One thing I really love about it is the fact that they allow addons which is way more powerful than IE7. eg. FireBug addon. If someday while surfing the net, you've found this particular site that you love. And wondering how to do such a design, FIREBUG is for you. See though all the source code in systematic order.

    Anyway if IE is not gonna to come out with something similar to FireFox addon, think will still stick to FireFox for awhile. Just a thought. Cheers

  18. My only one problem with it is there aren't enough surveys. they should have more, more often.

    Yeah. Currently in another survey panel and these sites really pick their customers. And even if you update your profile regularly, on average, they only gives you 1 survey every 1 - 2 weeks. And if you are talking about 1 survey for 150cents, then 1 month you will be earning 300 - 400 cents. :D

    If anyone interested in another panel, https://www.globaltestmarket.com/ I'm a member in it for a year plus and only got 1 payment. But at least the payment is in hundred. :blink:

    Looks legit from the site. Might try it. Cheers

  19. I think people who actually uses that kind of clothes are those who are working in manufacturing industries, and probably those people who works under the heat of the sun.

    Actually I think that those clothes are wore on the streets of Japan as well. Been there 3 times and once I saw that kinda cloth was on the Street.. :D Its funny but at least it serve the purpose during summer. Honestly Japan has lots of funny and interesting stuff. And 1 thing I really like is the costume wear. If anyone been to Japan before, you would know what I meant. :blink: Cheers

  20. Recently found a new File Manager with FTP in it. Servant Salamder offers quite a good set of functionality. Its a file manager in main, so of course you are able to copy, move, organize ... etc with this software. But the good things about this is it can be use to upload your files to any FTP server. That's a plus point since normally after dealing all the files in the file manager, you will tend to use a FTP client to upload those files. I personally feel that its really convenience to be able to organize and upload the files at the same time.


    Go google it and there are quite a few good reviews on it. Cheers

  21. I think today, this type of coding is a kind of given! everyone knows it and its old (in some respects :blink:) Today, I would be looking to learn some of the more 'recent' languages instead of html

    Maybe you are right. How about ruby on rails. I did a search on this forum and can't find a full related tutorial to this topics Anyone found it somewhere in this forum or have other links? I will predict that this will be the next web base language in the web apart from php (correct my if i'm wrong). Just a thoughts. :D

    P.S. would be appreciated if someone enlighten me on this..

    EDITED: Found Ruby misc tutorial. But not full
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