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Posts posted by kelvinmaki

  1. Yes it would work, you'd just need a dual core system.

    Yah.. or maybe a dual core 2 system. One thing I've give up on norton is their resource intensity on system. For AVG, used it for a few months and felt that it doesn't take up as much resources as for those commercials norton anti-virus. Pretty good on detecting Trojans and virus. Just that after using it, got recommended on some other anti-virus that do much more. But on an overall, its a good anti-virus consider its free to use. :blink: Worth a try if anyone asked.


  2. Anyway just some addons from what I've mentioned earlier on. Agreeded that self code of HTML is better and cleaner. But just a point to make. I personally feel that by using a WYSIWYG editor can be useful only for designing web pages. I've experience before self coding and design at the same time. It turns up to be quite UGLY as being creative and logical at the same time. :D So if I'm into the designing mode, I would just use those WYSIWYG editor for doing purely designing. After that, self code that design using text editor. That is my way. Anyone got better method of doing, let me know. :blink:

  3. Well. personally I would want to have something like a teleportation device, due to it takes a lot of time if you ever count how much you travel from destination A to B, with a car it can get very slow on traffic jams, a bus, trolleybus and trams sometimes is even much faster, but it isn't as comfortable, rather use a bike :D Anyway, I would really want to have a teleportation device, you need to go to the shop, just teleport yourself, to the university, just push the button and everywhere you want, to job, to see your friends,

    I would personally feel this would be the best device ever made if its possible. But teleport further then just around the neighborhood. Imagine overseas? From country to country. state to state. That will be awesome. :blink:

    Anyway I've read some articles regarding teleportation somewhere in the internet and they actually did a trial on it. Moving molecules of a rat from one vacuum to another. But somehow it didn't suceed. Can't really remember where I read that from. Anyone read that articles?

  4. I think this tool is like Dreamweaver or Frontpage. Those kind of WYSIWYG web site editor. Those editors are easy to use with drag and drop function and for those of us that don't want to deal with HTML codes. But personally I don't really like those kind of editor. They generate too much unwanted codes for you and sometimes they are not fully customized . So still prefer to stick to text editor for editing. :blink:

  5. Actually looking at your Form, its quite weird. Having Firstname as username and Lastname as password. But anyway, just take assume that you want it to be like this. So the question is you want to allow the user to login after registration?? Below will be an example of a login script.

    Here is a minor modification to your registration form. This will be something like login.php for the user to enter their data.

    <html><body><form action="access.php" method="post">Username: <input type="text" name="username" />Password: <input type="text" name="password" /><input type="submit" /></form></body></html>

    So after Submit button is click, it will be send to access.php. The codes below will be used to verify the user.

    <?phpsession_start();$con = mysql_connect("localhost","autobot","abc123");if (!$con){die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());}mysql_select_db("my_db", $con);$sql="SELECT * FROM person where username = '$_POST[username]' and password = '$_POST[password]'";$result = mysql_query($sql);if ($result == 0){die('Error: ' . mysql_error());}echo "Login Success";$_SESSION[âuserâ] = $result;mysql_close($con)?>

    The above is just an example of login. You can use that session on every page by calling $_SESSION[âuserâ]. There's a lot better ones out there and of course you can use those for free. If you want more security, you can use hashing or security id for accessing pages. Hope this help a bit. Cheers :blink:

  6. Most of the replies seem to favor Google. But I Personally prefer Yahoo with all those movies reviews and news along the way. Sometimes if I don't really have stuff to search, I still can find some entertainment from yahoo site itself.


    But technically, Google search is better in speed and return relevant results. Currently think google have this iGoogle thing. Able to add news and weather stuff on ur main search page. So who knows, I might change my preferences to iGoogle in the future. :blink:

  7. Looks like a good solution if someone wants to get rid of those insects. But does this really works? Hmm.. :blink: Anyway the spider in the clip looks fake when they use the tool to capture it. First letting it crawl around, the next moment, they used that tool to catch a stationary spider. Nah.. should be real.. :D But honestly, there's a lot of such innovation stuff around.

  8. I have a torch that you shake, instead of using batteries!Shake it for 30 seconds and you get 5 minutes of light, lol.
    It's actually pretty bright!

    That's not too bad actually. I've a torch that need to shake 60 seconds for 5 mins for light initially. But now even if I shake it for 5 mins, it can't even give me 60 seconds of light. :blink: Not good.. I think solar-rechargable batteries are more useful. :D

  9. Firstly, maybe you could point out what is the error you are getting. From these codes below,

    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="fileupload.php?op=up&user=<?php echo($user); ?>&fid=<?php echo($fid); ?>" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000000" />Choose a file to upload:<input name="uploaded" type="file" id="uploaded" /><input type="submit" value="Upload File" /></form>

    It seems to be alright. Of course I assume that the variable $user and $fid is declared somewhere.

    Secondly, as for the codes that really does the uploading,

    if ($op == "up"){$target = "uploads/";$target = $target . basename($_FILES['uploaded']['name']);echo($target);if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)){echo("The file ") . basename ($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). "has been uploaded!";$filesize = $uploaded_size;$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_files SET filesize='$filesize' WHERE fileid='$fid'");}else {echo ("Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.");}}

    If you are going to upload to folder uploads/, then you need to allow permission to write to that folder. Do a chmod for that folder. Did an upload once and found out that its due to permission, it prevent any files from writing to that directory. And of course before all this, you need to mkdir that directory.

    There's once I encounter blank page after uploading the files. It didn't show any errors and just blank. This can be caused by trying to upload a huge filesize. If you are running this on localhost, then it should be fine. But if you want to upload a huge file to the server (eg. web hosting), you will need to set the memory limit in the php setup configuration to a higher value. That you can contact the administrator of the web hosting. However, there's another alternative to this approach. You can set the .htaccess file as well

    <FilesMatch "\.(php|html?)$">	php_value memory_limit 32M</FilesMatch>

    Put the above line to your .htaccess at the root. This method solve for me.

    By the way, these are all the problem I encounter for uploading a file. If you encounter the same problem, this might help abit. If not, tell us your error in details. What did you do that got the error and what is the error message. :blink:


  10. before this, i was used suse with KDE, then im try out fedora core 6 with gnome.. the desktop quite same..but Gnome more user friendly even there must be very slow than KDE.. For me, i prefer KDE better than Gnome coz speed is more important.. my laptop only using ram 256.. so that, if i use gnome, my laptop will be too slow and will be hang so many time..:D

    :blink: KDE is faster? Current KDE is faster? I used KDE and Gnome previosly, think it was a year back and Gnome is faster, that's how I feel. KDE has more graphics compare to Gnome. Of course if you are using widgets, then KDE is a lot better. So which distro you using for KDE?

  11. Some years ago, I were using Linux in the harder way: Text-based IRC/MSN/(the other) clients, emacs for console, jpg to ascii art (to see photos) . That is really hard to walk only with your knees, specially if you have healthy feet. The same for computers. We have to use the good stuff, make our lives easier(any GUI simplify your life), and enjoy your Monster Computer....

    Agreeded on the power of GUI. Really simplified by dragging and dropping to whichever folder. And what's more current FTP application are able connect a few host at one goal. Comparing with those in years back, every command need to be memorized and setting the mode of transfer.

    By the way, FTP client will be the way to go comparing with File Manager. Massive uploads, drag and drop, structuring of folders at one goal. If that's the task you want to achieve, then use a FTP client. FileZilla is pretty good and what's more, its open source (constant upgrading)

    File Managing is something like an extra features to use. If you are always out, then File Manager might be the chose for you. Accessing it anyway without the need of installation is definitely a pro for this. However there's no massive upload and ... etc.

    So its rather what kind of task suit what kind of application. Just some thoughts. Cheers

  12. I would really love to have one of this baby to store all my movies and songs in there. However, looking at the price, not at the moment. Have a 120 GB 2.5' external HDD and always carry it around. Its so portable and able to store so much. So I criteria, the price must be reasonable and must be portable. Not those 3.5' HDD. Would get one if these 2 criteria are met. :blink:

  13. why leaving it on ? It's annoying and it's slow. Securing your pc starts by being a smartass and knowing what you're doing. UAC is only for people who don't know much aboute security and still use IE.

    LOL.. totally agreeded with you x 2. Initially it was quite cool function when I first started using Vista. But it prompt you too often. So often that I totally got irritated. :blink:

    XP is still my choice for now if talking about Windows. :D

  14. I think in my opinion, those website that promote Surf for Cash, How to make $xx,xxx in 3 days.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ are the most pathetic web sites on the internet. Why? Someone sent an email with those links and I tried clicking on it. Never did I realize that more popups windows and prompt for installation of those ActiveX. Even when I tried to close those popups, more just kept coming up till i got a 'blue screen'. Think they have some script that does, If 'close windows' then 'open 10 more windows'. :P

  15. Tested both for awhile. Used AVG Free edition just after converting from Norton and quite like it. (Not only its free) :P It's quite lightweight and has a powerful scanning engine where after converting from Norton, it found other trojan that Norton didn't detect. Daily auto updates of virus database. However after used Avast, Found out that its even better. Has 7 different specific types of protection where I could tune. Normally would want to set the highest protection for email and I could specifically set for that. Cheers

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