The last time I took a typing test was a couple of years ago, but I pretty much type the same. I type around 80-90 WPM with little or no errors, but I can type around 100-120 WPM with less than 10-12 errors. I also seem to type faster touch typing too. (not looking at keyboard)
Thanks for the tip! They blocked the CMD prompt at my school, and I wanted to try out some CMD messaging tricks, I'll try this one out and see if it works.
Personally I don't really like the idea of hands free cellphones unless it is used in a car, because you would kind of look weird if you were talking to somebody on the phone, and you were out in public, it would look like you were talking to your self. I had a friend of mine who had a bluetooth ear phone headset that was connect to his phone and his mp3 player, and he got a call on the bus, and everybody thought he was talking to nobody.. lol
I used to host my old website when they had no ads, I had no trouble at all, and it was a decent host, but the day after they introduced the ads, my whole website was messed up, and they added a lot more limitations, so I deleted my account. I agree I don't like the bravehost, even if you're just setting up a simple website.
We leave ours on every day because we have voIP, and it's connected to our router, so if we turn it off, our phone doesn't work. I haven't really thought about it turning it off, I guess the only down side, is your energy bill is slightly higher, and it could ware down the router faster than turning it off. The last time I shut off my router was about a year ago
I think that's awesome, because I have a little less than 8 gigs, for my whole entire music collection, and instead of brining my huge ipod video, and my phone, I can just bring my phone around with me. I can't wait until they have even bigger capacity memory cards. They even have 16 gig compact flash cards now, which is huge for it's size.