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Everything posted by joe.k

  1. joe.k

    My Site...

    i know i hate it tooo :) ... i didnt have much time when i made it ... i was almost "dying with bored" and out-of ideas ... will at least iam gona be busy till Jan ...(Final examination)... :)hmmmmmmmmm ...... i think i lost my inspiration since iam having examination sice the begin of the year and it like since ever and it's just killing me ........
  2. i have made up my site template with some Pc icons .. ... new idea and that what it ended up like..tell me what you think???dislike or like?? _-=OGVista=-_
  3. hey!!, My Mcafee Internet Security has detected the site For Phishing while i was trying to Register .... ????
  4. i guess you didnt catch up what iam exactly talking about here... i use Golive for my project and it's seem i had a little mixed up with something in the command or forgot to put " or ; .. anyway i tried to make a Insert command for the SQL where you put a user and a password i tried to hash the password using MD5 puy got and erorr and dono where to put it. i made 2 files: 1.mailing list.php 2.insertmail.php *************** mailing list.php has this code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html> <!-- InstanceBegin template="template3.action" --> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="Wasieh school, grade11, Jo,Wasieh,Grade11, Class11,JO, Jordan , Wasieh-Grade11"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="author" content="Joesph Kaleel ,Jo 00962-03"> <meta name="copyright" content="Š2005-2007"> <meta name="language" content="English /US"> <meta name="organization" content="Wasieh.grade11 "> <meta name="generator" content="Golive,Photoshop By Joesph.k"> <title>Grade11</title> <csscriptdict import> <script type="text/javascript" src="GeneratedItems/CSScriptLib.js"></script> </csscriptdict> <!-- #BeginHeadLocked "" --> <meta name="organization" content="Wasieh.grade11 "> <meta name="language" content="English /US"> <meta name="copyright" content="Š2005-2007"> <meta name="author" content="Joesph Kaleel ,Jo 00962-03"> <meta name="keywords" content="Wasieh school, grade11, Jo,Wasieh,Grade11, Class11,JO, Jordan , Wasieh-Grade11"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="icons/favicon.ico"> <style type="text/css" media="screen"><!--#navico { margin: 2px 25px }#navico2 { margin: 2px 25px }#navico3 { margin: 2px 25px }#navico4 { margin: 2px 25px }#navico5 { margin: 2px 25px }#navico6 { margin: 2px 25px }#navico7 { margin: 2px 25px }#navico8 { margin: 2px 25px }#Clock { color: #033; 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  5. iam new to PHP and SQL and i have recently been learning them on my IIS using easyphp and till now i only got the basics ...not all of them coz most of the sites i have been theough was either: 1.not making any sence at all (i always get erorrs) especial in the last line i always seem to get something wrong in the php code which i cant find any explaination in any tut i have read till now. most bugging serror was in this line </html> so please if you know any site that explain in a simple way and provide some example (usefull example and mostly used). the most of tut. i see which take about php and SQl (what are they) which i know but then they start jumping from varibles to $GET without making some clear idea how to make the best advantage use out of them and some of them have a link to other tut. on other sites which the links to them is broken or the pages was deleted.
  6. well MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!and in arabicميري كرسمس للكل و ينعاد عليكم Have a NICE HOLIDAY !! to all
  7. WOW!....CoooL! it's really look nice and it's look like sims in pixle game ..... and even it seem confused how you do pixle art and even i have some experence in art myself and if you'd ask for my rate would be 8.9/10 .
  8. well it look nice somehow but it need abit more inprovment i see you havent complete the back side.and there's the front lights ... it looks bad ... the hood should be longer and abit wider and for the frontside of the hood it should be abit lower.the side should be longer with a mixed paint on itanyway keep the good working
  9. Nice Game ....really Cool1 but the only thing when u went up with level it's only i got more dizzy.it's like moving the ground while waliking lol "monitor while playing" :P although it's kinda nice.
  10. ooooooh... nice i havent tried it yet but i preffer no to.it more easier to hide them from properties page :Pguess what the hell i am gona use this option for anyway :Pand i am kinda a newbie in CMD command
  11. HOOAH!!!!! thanks alot .... it's working perfectly on My IIS server. and now i can freely test my website on it not like the application i had before which's like looking at 3 monitors in the same time .
  12. well that was expected and atleast it not gona stop at this point.and rather for hacker who are always looking for something new to hack and i guess there'll be more to come as for more worms and posibly trojans. and if so the company of Skype did not notice or do something about this issue i expect nothing but a total miss ... :P
  13. thanks for the information,and it kinda fun and easy to firefox rather than IE which i find more boring with the same style in the older versions and for the updating i see no particularly some huge difference but who knows what they have changed in it between and ...
  14. if you to build a website with more control in you Design and code i recommended to use Adobe Golive i use it and it very flexable and easy to use and with powerful tools.
  15. well that's sounds great ,i have tried alot to test my site on IIS and learn some PHP and SQL on my own too but nothing and i have already tried up to 114 free php hosting site and each one of them was complex and hard to use no mention the FTP manager which are slow .and if so you recommend it ,what is the website so i can download it?? :P
  16. WOW!! i like them ,this is my opinion:for "AddLiveLinks"it's nice to get links into one place so you dont have to look around for so long . i like the simple way of the site-Design and the first suggestion "ADD deviantart" to ART section :Pand For "HostFight" i think it's alittle missed up and need some wraping .put some nice cold dark-color in the back would bring the text up like what you did with "AddLiveLinks".and one more thing you should put a suggestion section on "HostFight" and i there's ,where is it?? coz as i said it's alittle missed up . :P
  17. i have face this problem my self and still till now trying to find some toturials on how to set them both on my machine IIS5.1 and every time i try to run it ... Crash.. i have aleady tried php site manual and didnt figure anything out and if you or any1 have and idea or know how please post it here .. :P
  18. If you want to make your website spread around try to make it more simple and you should make it more helpfull not like most of the sites which drag u from page into another or the templates of the pages is bad and try to make it more creative which attracte visitors.try to contain ur sites with tages which make it easy to find it on the searches engines.and if your website contain any kind of toturials ,programs or tips forums try to make it simple and easy to reasd and understand . :P
  19. WOW!! that is really nice one .. it gave me some inspire to make something new .... and how did u manage to draw it with such a nice way .
  20. Hi all my name is Joe this is the first time i post here and iam totally new here , and i feel somehow impressed by this.. which have such an inspire for art including deviantART so here is it my first background tries . i hope you u like it ..... and tell me what you think ... :P
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