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Everything posted by joe.k

  1. Wow... this is really an excellent tutueriali never thought that xml would be that strong .. very impressivei think iam gona start learning this1 soon :)Keep the good work
  2. i cant say which one is better than the other ... each of film and digital has his own advantage and disadvantage and for regular people they dont really care about how good the RES is ,they only need a good photo,,as for profasional photographers digital is easier than film because when they use film they cant see what the have shot ,, what the shot look like (density,color .etc) and further more it use more chemicals to devlope it and print it and as for the Quality of the film which depened on the chimical ,age and the health(scratches).The Digital photos has some good thing which is they kept as data in side a memory and the qualiti depende on how much pixels in the photo , light ,focus ..etc all thing that reflect and effect the quality of photo which can be controled(most of the times) and you always can delete digital photos rather than films.i have been using analog and digitals cameras from Fuji S2 and S3 (digital) to canaon old series (analog).and for a fiar compare bettween films and digital ... i always find Digital is easy to creat , change and always hard and takes alots of time for preparing photos (retouching .... tec )
  3. i have checked filefront and it's great rather i perfer it more than the other sites i have been on :)Putfile.com seems to be small comparing to filefront.com
  4. hi all, iam having a problem in photoshop which in somehow i cant solve because i really cant defind what exactly the problem. and i havent tried anything yet because i dont know frm where to start .and here it goes the problem is in font .... i cant write in arabic i have arabic listed in the font list but it write wrong like this ث ت ب أ but it suppose to be like this: أبتث and thanks in advance.
  5. WOW!! that is soooo nice and look pro too...what did you use to make it .. photoshop CS2 or what ...?? :)10/10
  6. Please DONT IGNORE ME .... I NEEED HELP I have recently saw a splash on Xisto and tried to make 1 like it but didnt make it .. it's here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83928-topic/?findpost=1064303630 PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! -Joe
  7. i didnt know where to put this topic so you can relocat it ... :)Does any one here knows how to deal with Avid luquid pro ....i use XP windows since ever and havent tried any other yet ...and iam asking coz some of my friends advise me to run it on mac and Adobe too.what is special about mac to make Designing and movies on mac..??***re-edit my Q:-joe
  8. Nice website but it's kinda big .. you know... the design images look kinda big iam talkin' like really big i used 1280*1024 screen res. and there is some background that you shold work on the background around the header nav. (the flash header nav)anyway the site look nice ...keep it up .. -Joe
  9. Nice i have upgraded it ... i have downloaded it and it's just simple to use ... if you want a theme for it i have found a lovely and nice one on this site and it's for free too url : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ have a Nice bloging day guys -Joe
  10. hmmmmmmm .... my best cohice every was Xisto ...why ?? let me tell ya..***first some site give you some ad banner and pop-up windows which cover 40% of your front page .. and the result ... your site is ruined***2the space : lots of site gave you alot of services like php,sql ..bla ,bla ,bla you get excited but the only thing that shock you that they give you between 15-50 mb space as maximum or mabye 1 SQL database ...***3Cpanel:some sites have a space , php and SQL but the Cpanel they provide dirve you nut ...it's very slow and complex and un readable..***4Honesty:most of the sites have a "thing" in thier "host"..... yes there's always a thing in it ... and with time you'll uncover the true of your host and discover that you have made another mistake by chosing that host ...***5support and help:most of the sites provide a small and non-helpful support and bad help center ... and either if you have a problem you gona look for the siloution for ever because you're just walking around in the same thing you read....and For Xisto ... it's everything but that ....
  11. i agree with both of you that Xfire is good i have been using it for 1.5 year now ... and the only thing i ever use it for is to detect americas army servers ...is kinda fast since 2.7 had some serious problem detecting servers in aa browser using 128Kb DSL .... and to be honest i havent use it that much since i downloaded it .... rank 8.5/10
  12. well i have downloaded own recently: Zen CART from : http://www.zen-cart.com/ it's very good and espcailly thry have made some scritp to ensure the top level of you shop after installing it... (you know that you have to delet the intalation file and close the access to the config file) i hope that was helpful...
  13. i havent tried so much blog software i only tried "wordpress" and kina cool ...easy to use,install,manage ....MY Vote is For "wordPress" unless i see better ...
  14. well i have tried what you said but eralier i have uploded files in to this directory /home/ogvista/ but now i have a problem why there is difference between http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ yes there is.... but why i have uploaded the files using my own FTP clien and i couldnt see the files i could see in the /home/ogvista/ directory when i use the fies manager... and for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i have problem with pics ... i have put them in /home/ogvista/ directory within indivitual file "icons" and in the php pages i linked to it like this ex."/icons/hd.jgp" what i have done wrong...????
  15. sound great ... and i think it really help to make people to advance with their knowlege with programing if they help each other to learn ..... i am interested but iam a bit newbie in programing but learing too is there a room for me if the idea is going to be setablished....????
  16. Nice tut and very well explained ... i liked it..i agree that Comunity is hard to expaned and hard to manage too.. and the only thing it need to grow up and keep it clean is a good admin no matter what is the community is about and there is always a good admin and moderating team the comunity will always grow up.and so far i have some experience in comunity management and i have tried some of the free forums .and i think i'll have a forum set up soon on my site :)....
  17. lovely one ... i liked it so much even though it's kinda BOBOLW and i cant too think of any thing bad or see anything that is not in place .... the pic looks simple and nice ... and i encourage you to do something like this more often to inspire the audence :) ..and should\would Xisto make a Designing competetion in the future to give the chance to every1 to bring up thier skills ...anyway it's just an idea
  18. WOW!! the Cpanel is BIGGGGGGGG and iam totally lost.. i cant even pick a thing to start with. and mostly i cant find the "home page" and what are thoes files in my "files manager" what is this ...???? should i delet them or what?? (i havent done yet)..??? WWW directory ..... Root directory ....??? can any 1 help me?? i can even change the index page(home page) ....... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. thanks alot for you help....... well i am will to request an account ... and after all i just filled out the application-request .well i am just gona wait .... cant stand waiting till i test it .... that's gona be abig releaf for me .... iam just waytooooo excited
  20. i use Adobe Golive CS2 to work on my site and when i used it to upload to 1 of my pervious hosting account it connect easily but i only can preview the files. the files type shows me the: rw--r- ,whcih is protected and i only can upload using thier ftp client i saw the Cpanel and it looks great. thanks...
  21. i am new to this ASTA service and did try it yet and considering requesting an Account but i am not sure about something.first the FTP:many sites have cheated on me with FTP account , does it work with "my" FTP account meaning that i can connect to the FTP account using my own FTP client without having problem uploading and downloading files??and secoundly , the Cpanel.how does it look like (friendly user interface) and is it easy to use non-like other hosting services which provide a complex use Cpanel and even worst no help-Guide so you can start using it...adn finally the themes:what are they ?? and am i have to chose a theme of ASAT or am i free to Design my web???
  22. i was just kidding... iam a PHP and SQL newbie @ ok1 there's no open tags and for the insertmail.php i have post the code line : (i dont have to post you the full page ,do i?? anyway ...) *** the insertmail.php file code: (register) <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#333333" height="81"> <tr height="5"> <td bgcolor="#333333" height="5"></td> </tr> <tr height="20"> <td rowspan="4" bgcolor="#999999" height="80"><!-- #BeginEditable "1" --> <p><?php$con = mysql_connect("localhost","Guest","");if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO User (User, Password)VALUES('$_POST[user]','$_POST[Pass]'))";if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); }echo "thank you!!,You Registeration Request has been end to the admin";mysql_close($con)?></p> <!-- #EndEditable --></td> </tr> <tr height="20"> </tr> <tr height="20"> </tr> <tr height="20"> </tr> <tr height="50"> <td bgcolor="#999999" height="50"><a href="#_top" id="ttt">Top</a></td> </tr> </table> and i tried to complete the coding and add login code and login cookies and sessions but ended up with a complete disaster.. "phrases errors ,aql and mail() function errors)" and it seem i dont completely understood the login and registration method and how dose it exactly work, please advise me with you wisdom in php and SQL coding :) PS: have a super new year eve
  23. lol i have been into site worst than this .... i have been looking for a free-hosting for 9 months ago and i have tried alot f sites ... that i enev lost counting lol....like some of the site do this:*in the first weak you dont see any ads but after that .... big and anoyying ads on the top of the page *you have ulmited DB and ftp accuont but you cant use and too complex to use*bad errors and even worst the design of the template that you cant change enev the colors..so at least i have seen what ASTA Host can prvide ...not all of it ....i onlt previewed a couple of hosted member pages.
  24. hi all ,well i "Gmail" ROCKS!!and Yahoo! mail is nice too thoughi didnt know that Gmail provide free POP... Very niceandway any1 who want A invitation fora Gmail PM me!! .....
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